XII BUSINESS STUDIES 2019-2020 BLUE PRINT PART - AUNITNAME OF TOPIC1M3M4M5M6MNo. of QuestionMarksTotalMarks1.Nature and Significance of Management2135162.Principles of Management11263.Business Environment21354.anizing31486.Staffing1127207.Directing31488.Controlling2135Total2450PART- BUNITNAME OF TOPIC1M3M4M5M6MNo. of QuestionMarksTotalMarks9. Financial Management1113101510.Financial Market112511.Marketing Management1113101512.Consumer Protection1125Total1030Grand Total2053333480 There will be Internal Choice in questions of 3 marks (1 choice), 4 marks (1 choice),5 marks (2 choices) and 6 marks (2 choices). In all, total 6 internal choices QUESTION PAPER SAMPLE PAPER (2019-20) Class XII Business StudiesTime allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80General Instructions:(i)Question no. 1 to 20 are MCQs.(ii) Answers to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.(iii) Answers to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50 – 75 words.(iv) Answers to questions carrying 4 – 5 marks may be about 150 words.(v) Answers to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.(vi) Attempt all parts of a question together Marks are given at the end of each question S.NO. QUESTIONMARKS1.How does a manager want to achieve his objectives? (a) Efficiently (b) Effectively (c) Efficiently and effectively (d) None of the above12. Cooperation means ________ . (a) Desire to work jointly (b) Determining Activities (c) Both the above (d) None of the above13. Who is the Father of Administrative Management? (a) Taylor (b) Fayol (c) Both (d) None of these14.Which of the following deals with the process of simplification of Import- Export? (a) Liberalization (b) Privatization (c) Liberalization and Privatization (d) Globalization15.Which factor is not included in Micro Environment? (a) Customer (b) Public (c) Supplier (d) Production Capacity16.At what managerial level planning is needed? (a) Top level (b) Middle level (c) Lower level (d) All the levels17.Planning is ________ . (a) Flexible (b) Stable (c) Rigid (d) None of these18.“Every step that increases the importance of the subordinates is called decentralization and any step that decreases it is called centralization”. What is it about? (a) Formal organization (b) Informal organization (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these19. ‘More delegation of authority helps managerial development’ out of the following with which this statement is related to? (a) Delegation (b) Decentralization (c) Centralization (d) All the above110.What is the key to managerial post? (a) Responsibility (b) Authority (c) Accountability (d) None111. Under which training method factory like conditions are created? (a) Induction Training (b) Apprenticeship Training (c) Vestibule Training (d) Internship Training112. Job security means the ________ of Job. (a) Insecurity (Instability) (b) Stability (c) Demotion (d) Promotion113.What is the name of the need which makes an individual to take his ability to the highest level? (a) Esteem Need (b) Self Actualization Need (c) Security Need (d) All the above114. Which of the following leadership styles has the specialty of centralized authority? (a) Autocratic leadership style (b) Democratic leadership style (c) Free-rein leadership style (d) None of the above115.First step in the controlling process is ________ . (a) Taking corrective action (b) Analyzing the deviations (c) Determining standards (d) Measurement of actual progress116.Which of the following types a deviation can be? (a) Negative (b) Positive (c) None (Nil) (d) All the above117.Higher debt-equity ratio DEBT/EQUITY results in: (a) Lower financial risk (b) Higher degree of operating risk (c) Higher degree of financial risk (d) Higher EPS118.Which of the following falls in the Category of Zero Coupon Bond? (a) Treasury Bill (b) Commercial Paper (c) Certificate of Deposit (d) Commercial Bill119.________ is an advantage of advertisement. (a) Better Reach (b) Less Effective (c) Rigidity (d) Lack of Feedback120.________ is not a part of the three tier judicial machinery? (a) Tehsil Forum (b) District Forum (c) State Commission (d) National Commission121.Josh Enterprises decides to have a meeting of all the key employees of different departments in the organization. The main motive is to tell the employees to keep the target of 20% increase in sales as the main objective when they work throughout the year. The meeting is full of ideas regarding the employees and processes involved. Various plans are made to harness the potential of the employees and streamline the processes. However with the passage of a few days the external business environment checks the capability of the organization to adapt to the situations. The company successfully comes out at the end of the year with flying colures.What are the various characteristics of management you can find highlighted here? Also identify the lines in which these characteristics have been highlighted.3 orManagement has evolved like other disciplines. There are many numbers of books of management. One can see that the various theories of management are getting absorbed in the competitive work environment. We can see students of various courses like MBA, BBA, etc acquiring learning of the systematic knowledge in their syllabus. When these students come in the actual industry environment, not all of them are successful. Success in actual work environment depends upon the intelligent application and mastery of the basic principles of management. Today various companies are considering them as responsible components of society and have started including Corporate Social Responsibility in their main program. These companies have realized that they will be requiring support from Government and people if they want to achieve some important feats in this field.In the above paragraph one feature each of science, art and profession has been discussed. Identify each of them.22.Explain the dimensions of business environment. 323.Gagan is trying to apply a function of management in his department. First he lets his team perform according to their best potential. Then in a meeting he calls everybody and asks his team to check what they have performed. It was found that the total number of units produced were 20 less than the set target. Then finally it was decided that no worker will go home unless and until this gap of 20 units is overcome.a) Which function of management is being performed by Gagan and his team? (1M)b) What is '20' in the above case? (1M)c) At which stage of management do you think the target was set? (1M)324.Explain the following functions of marketing management :a) Gathering and analysing the market information.b) Standardisation and grading.325.What is the capital structure of company? Explain its factors. 326.Identify the types of plans:1.) Ramesh is a senior middle level manager. He is busy in allocating resources to his staff; he has also finalized the objectives and decided the course of action to be followed. He is expecting energy in his staff for the whole season but he will have to be cautious.2.) Suresh is giving a speech to the workers of his factory. He is the owner of a toy manufacturing factory and has 123 workers. He tells them that this year's target of production is 7.5 lakh toys.3.) On the wall of 'Health is Wealth- hospital a board is hanging. On this board is written we care for the health of senior citizens as our topmost priority. This hospital is known for treating people aged more than 60 years of age.4.) Rakesh calls his new subordinates for a meeting. He is a top level manager. He arranges for a power point presentation to train his subordinates who are all middle level managers. He tells them the way of doing task of treating suppliers through a new software system to be installed within next 30 days.4 orSukumar is an energetic middle level manager. He tries to make best plans. For this he involves foresight and intelligent imagination. Within three years many of his projects have been very successful. His high success rate is due to his good plans. He always makes alternative plans and selects the best out of them after considering relevant aspects. However he knows it is not necessary that his all plans will be successful. He knows that sometimes his concern for making very good plans eats a lot time and energy. His friend Jyoti suggests him to take suggestions from others when he makes his plans and also consider plans made by others. Even after so much painstaking Sukumar knows that his plans can yet fail in the uncertain business environment. He has recently decided to plan carefully in future.1. Which features of Planning have been highlighted in the above case? (2M)2. Which limitations of Planning have been highlighted in the above case? (2M)27.Explain the following rights of consumers:Right to be informedRight to safety428.Explain different methods which company may adopt for the new public issue of shares.429.Which need in the hierarchy theory of motivation refers to affection, acceptance and friendship?Identify this need.Explain the other needs of motivation. or 'Work is Worship' is a leading construction company. The organization has grown from strength to strength because of its innovative ideas and scientific approach of working. Ten years back the organization went through a revolution. All the operations and activities were properly noticed and the standard time taken to perform them was noted. This took a few months and now the company could find out the amount of workers required and the number of days to be involved in the various manufacturing processes. A year later they moved to another level by considering the stress involved in the lives of the workers. The amount and frequency of rest intervals in finishing a particular task were noted. This helped the company in optimizing the rest intervals for the workers so that their outputs could be increased. After six more months the company decided to reward the efficient workers. A different rate of wage payment was decided for those workers who performed above the standard. The standard was decided. This led to a revolutionary change in the perspective of the workers who now started giving their full efforts in order to increase their wages.Which concept of management has been discussed in the above case? Name the three types of this management concept highlighted above. Also identify the lines where these types have been indicated.5 orGive the difference between functional and divisional structure.30.'Rats & Fleas' is a pesticide producing company. The company identifies the various types of activities to be done. For this it divides the work into various departments. The company then gets involved in its business with a lot of zeal. After one year of successful run the company decides to transfer the decision making authority to the lower most level of the employees. For this a major policy decision is taken.Identify the function of management highlighted above and the concept also. Give the next two steps of this function. Also give one importance of another concept which you have identified.531.. Identify the elements of directing in the following cases:a)Arun who is the departmental head of his organization decides to improve the performance of his department. For this he decides to give some financial and non financial incentives to his subordinates. He knows these incentives would satisfy their needs and thus they will be stimulated to take actions from their side.b)Rajeev is an HR manager leading a team of 12 people. He knows that the duties and responsibilities of an HR employee are challenging. He knows in order to make his team work with a positive frame of mind he will have to set a personal example as a role model and influence their behavior and working style to increase the output of his team.c)Priya and Raghav are discussing about an element of directing. They say that without this element no group or people can achieve a common understanding. This element requires efforts from both sides and involves a manager 90% of his routine.d)Rajesh who works at the shop floor level is a lower level manager. He is heading a team of 25 employees. He oversees and guides their efforts on a regular basis and tries to maximize the output of his unit by timely giving them feedback. His team has group unity and works with dedication to complete their targets on time.e)Mrs. Kavita is a CEO. She has recently replaced Mr. Anuj who was an unsuccessful CEO. The profits of the company fell to a new low during his time. Now Kavita has a lot of challenges in front of her, major being the lack of enthusiasm in the organization. In order to set things right she is trying to set a personal example in front of the employees by working with dedication and putting 16 to 17 hours in work on a daily basis.532.Anjana Chemicals is looking for qualified and talented people to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation. With the passage of time the organisation has learned a lot with its experience. It knows when it goes for final selection of candidates it will have to design different tests. They want to test the employees on the basis of their learning and decision making ability. The company wants to ensure proper testing of the recruited candidates. After this a stage in the selection process will come when the candidates will be judged on the basis of in depth formal conversation. After the selection has been done and the candidates placed their training gets started. Employees have to be trained on the equipments they will be using but this training will take place away from the workplace. However the management has started discussing the effectiveness of another type of training. In this training the trainees will be transferred from one department to another. The HR department is very actively playing its role in the organization and is considered one of the best in the industry.a)Which type of recruitment should the company depend upon? (1M)b)Which type of test should be designed by the organization to suit their need? (1M)c)Which stage is highlighted after the written test? (1M)d)What type of training is given to the candidates? (1M)e)What type of training is being suggested by the management? (1M)f)Name one advantage of this training. (1M)6or To create a pool of prospective job candidates, management of ‘Maxwell limited” gives a situation vacant advertisement in all leading English newspapers. For this purpose, description and candidates profile is also given. Mr. Ghai, the personnel manager suggested that advertisement may also be displayed on factory/ office gate.Suggest which step Mr. Ghai is taking on creating a pool of prospective job candidates. Also describe any three benefits of the above step if it is sourced externally.33.Identify the factors involved in the following dividend decisions:a) A company is growing by leaps and bounds. Every year it is opening new branches in the major cities of the country. There are chances that in a few years to come it will be the market leader in its industry. Newspapers appreciate the steps taken by the management. However in the field of financial decisions the company takes a defensive stand. Every year it declares less than expected dividend for the shareholders.b) The new government in accordance with its new policy has decided to levy more taxes on dividends. A company which pays good dividend every year to its shareholders has decided to keep the retained earnings high this year. This step will definitely bring the dividend down in comparison to the expectations of the shareholders.c) ‘Mitra, my neighbour' is a real estate company. The company has always done well on the stock market indices. Recently the company has shown good profit but it is still short of cash. The company has decided to come with a lower dividend than expected.d) One of the leading companies of the services sector has decided to keep the dividend portion of the EPS stable. The decision has been taken keeping in view the fact that the earning potential of the company has not gone up since last three years. So, the company has decided not to change the dividend per share.e) A lending company 'A' has decided to put some constraints on the company 'B' to which it has extended loan. The constraints are related to the declaring of dividends by the company 'B'. They have signed a contract which puts restrictions on company 'B'. So unless and until it pays back the amount taken from company 'A' it can't enjoy freedom in this regard.f) A leading telecom giant always gives good dividend to its shareholders. The company is a great performer on the stock exchange. The shareholders are very confident of its good performance. It has the liberty to give high dividends as it has less dependency on retained earnings.6 orExplain the meaning of Working Capital. Briefly explain any three factors that determine the working capital of a company. 34.ITC started business with Jobaico industries later on its entered in hotel industry, consumers goods industry, stationary, etc. ITC assured quality to customers and kept company’s name as its identity. This helps the customers in product identification and hence ensured quality. It also built up their confidence and help in increasing their level of satisfaction.Name the element of marketing mix referred in above Para.Explain the other element of marketing mix.Name the concept which assure quality and help in identification of product.6 ANSWER KEYS.NO. ANSWERMARKS1.C12.A13.B14.A15.D16.D17.A18.D19.B110.B111.C112.B113.B114.A115.C116.D117.C118.A119.A120.A121.The various characteristics involved here are:1)Goal Oriented (The main motive is to tell the employees to keep the target of 20% increase in sales as the main objective when they work throughout the year).2)Multidimensional (Various plans are made to harness the potential of the employees and streamline the processes). Employees - People and Streamline the process - Operations.3)Dynamic (However with the passage of a few days the external business environment checks the capability of the organization to adapt to the situations).3 orManagement as Science - Systematized body of knowledge (We can see students of various courses like MBA, BBA, etc acquiring learning of the systematic knowledge in their syllabus) Management as an Art - Based on practice and creativity (Success in actual work environment depends upon the intelligent application and mastery of the basic principles of management) Management as a Profession - Service Motive (companies are considering them as responsible components of society and have started including Corporate Social Responsibility in their main program).22,Legal, political, social, economic, technological323.a) In the above case the function performed by Gagan and his team is controlling.b) '20' in the above case is deviation (Gap between actual performance and set standards)c) The target was set at the planning stage of management324.1 and 1/2 Marks for each : (with correct explanation)a) Gathering and analysing the market informationb) Standardisation and grading325.Capital structure means proportion of debt and equity used for financing business operations.Explain any two factors326.1.) STRATEGY: Ramesh is a senior middle level manager. He is busy in allocating resources to his staff, he has also finalized the objectives and decided the course of action to be followed. He is expecting energy in his staff for the whole season but he will have to be cautious.2.) OBJECTIVE: Suresh is giving a speech to the workers of his factory. He is the owner of a toy manufacturing factory and has 123 workers. He tells them that this year's target of production is 7.5 lakh toys.3.) POLICY: On the wall of 'Health is Wealth' hospital a board is hanging. On this board is written 'we care for the health of senior citizens as our topmost priority'. This hospitalis known for treating people aged more than 60 years of age. (Remember 'Policy' is awritten statement which guide thinking and channelize energy towards a particulardirection).4.) METHOD: Rakesh calls his new subordinates for a meeting. He is a top level manager. He arranges for a power point presentation to train his subordinates who are all middle level managers. He tells them the way of doing task of treating suppliers through a new software system to be installed within next 30 days.4 orThe features of Planning which have been highlighted in the above case are:1.) Planning is a mental exercise For this he involves foresight and intelligent imagination).2.) Planning involves decision making (He always makes alternative plans and selects the best out of them after considering relevant aspects).The limitations of Planning which have been highlighted are:1.) Planning is a time consuming process (He knows that sometimes his concern for making very good plans eats a lot time and energy).2.) Planning does not guarantee success (Even after so much painstaking Sukumar knows that his plans can yet fail in the uncertain business environment).27.Rights of consumers: ( 2 Marks each)Right to be informedRight to safety428.Different methods which company may adopt for the new public issue of shares:Offer through prospectusOffer for salePrivate placement Right issueEIPOs429.Belonging needsOther needs are:Physiological needSafety needSocial Affiliation needSelf Actualization need orThe concept of management which is discussed above in the whole case is Techniques of Scientific Management.The various types of techniques used are:1.) Time Study: All the operations and activities were properly noticed and the standard time taken to perform them was noted2.) Fatigue Study: The amount and frequency of rest intervals in finishing a particular task were noted3.) Differential Piece Wage System: A different rate of wage payment was decided for those workers who performed above the standard.5 orAny five differences30.. The function of management highlighted in the above case is 'Organizing'. (This can be seen in the first paragraph).The other concept of management which is highlighted in the second paragraph is 'Decentralization'(After one year of successful run the company decides to transfer the decision making authority to the lower most level of the employees. For this a major policy decision is taken).The next two steps of this function- 'Organising' is1. ) Step 3: Assignment of duties.2.) Step 4: Establishing reporting relationships.One importance of 'Decentralisation' is:1.) Relief to top management.531.a)Motivationb)Leadershipc)Communicationd)Supervisione)Leadership532.a)The company should depend upon external recruitment to meet its need (Anjana Chemicals is looking for qualified and talented people to apply for vacant jobs in the organization).b)The type of test needed by the organization to suit their need is intelligence test (They want to test the employees on the basis of their learning and decision making ability).c)The stage which is highlighted after the written test is employee interview (After this a stage in the selection process will come when the candidates will be judged on the basis of in depth formal conversation).d)The type of training given to the candidates is vestibule training (Employees have to be trained on the equipments they will be using but this training will take place away from the workplace).e)The type of training suggest by the management is job rotation (In this training the trainees will be transferred from one department to another).f)The advantage of job rotation is that it gives the employees a broad view of the whole organization and helps him in understanding the overall functioning of the organization.6orMr.Ghai:- Staffing process; Step: Recruitment.Benefits external recruitment:Qualified personnelWider choiceFresh talentCompetitive spirit.33.a) Growth opportunities.b) Taxation policy.c) Cash flow position.d) Stability of dividends.e) Contractual constraints.f) Access to capital market.6 orWorking capital: Meaning ( 1 mark)Any three factors that determine the working capital of a company. (1*3) with explanations: (1/2 m for heading + ? m for explanation)I Length of Operating CycleII Nature of BusinessIII Scale of OperationIV Credit Allowed34. (i) Product mix (ii) Other element: price mix, place mix, promotion mix. (iii) Concept which help in identifying the product and assure quality is branding6 ................

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