

TEACHER’S NAME: Michelle Abady

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ |activities (aka learning centers)]|

| | | | |handwriting, Library) | |

|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| | |Last week we talked about insects |Remember last week we talked about| | |

| |Monday |and how they help plants and |Earth Day and recycling. |MATH- |*The Very Hungry Caterpillar by |

| |Date: 4/27 |flowers. |To make a caterpillar craft, you |Number of the week is 19. Find |Eric Carle |

| | |Today we will talk about what are |can use an empty egg carton. |any item in your home and count up| |

| | |caterpillars and how they help |-Cut an egg carton in half. Have |to 19. | |

| | |plants. |your child color and draw a face | |*Crawl like a caterpillar |

| | | |to make an egg carton caterpillar.|LITERACY- | |

| | |*Caterpillars are a kind of animal|Then write the word: Caterpillar |Alphabet Review (Phonics) | |

| | |called an insect. Remember, |[pic] |Letter I for insect. | |

| | |Insects have three body parts | |Color letter I with a crayon or |*Kids Yoga/ All about Bugs |

| | |(head, thorax and abdomen) | |marker. | |

| | |*Caterpillars can be lots of | | | |

| | |different colors. | |See page 53 & 54 by clicking | |

| | | | |below: | |

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| | | | |om/2020/03/literacy.pdf | |

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| | |Click on link below: | | | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |Caterpillars for Kids | |Write the letter I. | |

| | | | |See page 8 & 13 by clicking on | |

| | | | |link below: | |

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| | |Spring Songs for Children - Hungry| |om/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |

| | |Caterpillar with Lyrics - Kids | | | |

| | |Songs by The Learning Station | | | |




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| | | | |Click on link below: | |

| | | | |Read Aloud Book: | |

| | | | |Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! By Bob Barner | |

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| |Tuesday |Today, we will discuss butterflies|Have your child create a Butterfly|MATH- | |

| |Date: 4/28 |and how this insect helps plants |by tracing their hands on a paper,|Compare different types of seeds |* Have your child create their own|

| | |grow. |color, then draw the butterfly's |by shape and size. |insect by using playdough. |

| | |They like to drink up the nectar |body in the middle of their | | |

| | |from flowers. |handprints.[pic] | | |

| | | |- Materials: Pencil, paper, |LITERACY- |* Your child can create a |

| | |*Butterflies play an important |crayons |Find the Letter I. Write the |butterfly by using the following |

| | |role in pollinating the plants, |Have your child write the word: |letter I on small pieces of paper.|materials: paper, markers, |

| | |flowers and vegetables that we |Butterfly |Then tape it around the house and |scissor. |

| | |need on the earth. | |go on a Letter I hunt with your | |

| | |*There are so many types of |Butterfly” craft |child. |Click on the link below: |

| | |butterflies and many have unique |Materials needed: -toilet paper | |How to make a preschool butterfly |

| | |ways of surviving. |roll, crayon/markers, glue, paper.| | |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- Practice writing | |

| | |*Butterflies are insects and are |Have your child make a toilet |letter I on a piece of paper with | |

| | |born as a crawling ‘caterpillar’. |paper roll butterfly. They will |a pencil, crayon or marker. | |

| | |*There are four lifecycle parts to|color an empty roll, draw eyes and| | |

| | |a butterfly: egg, larva (known as |a mouth with a crayon/marker. |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20| |

| | |a caterpillar), pupa (known as a |Lastly glue paper wings (ovals) |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED| |

| | |chrysalis and adult (known as a |onto the back of the bug. |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE | |

| | |butterfly). | |The Very Hungry Caterpillar by |* Pretend to be a butterfly by |

| | |*Butterflies have the ability to | |Eric Carle |doing these movements: |

| | |see the colors green, red and | | |Have your child do the 4 stages of|

| | |yellow. This is useful for them | | |a butterfly . 1- They will curl |

| | |when finding flowers. | | |into a ball by bending body & |

| | |*A majority of butterflies | | |covering with their arms to |

| | |actually eat the nectar inside of | | |represent an egg. |

| | |flowers. | | |2-Then will move around by |

| | | | | |crawling like a caterpillar. |

| | | | | |3-Then they will crawl inside a |

| | | | | |bag or sleep bag to represent a |

| | | | | |cocoon. Inside bag will be two |

| | | | | |hanker-chiefs or hand towels to |

| | | | | |represent wings of a butterfly. |

| | | | | |4-They will come out of the bag |

| | | | | |holding hanker chiefs in hands & |

| | | | | |pretend to fly like a Butterfly. |

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| | | | | |The Butterfly Stages Dance: |

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| | |Today we will learn about another |[pic] | MATH- | |

| | |insect that’s important to | |Have your child find things that | |

| |Wednesday |plants/flowers. |Have your child draw an ant by |are big and things that are small.|* Have your child play with soil |

| |Date: 4/29 |This insect is called an ant. They|looking at the picture above. They|They will then sort them according|(pretend digging up vegetables |

| | |are special and live in many |can use crayons/markers to draw |to size. |that grow under the ground). |

| | |plants. They help loosen the roots|their ant on a piece of paper. | | |

| | |of a plant so the roots can spread| |LITERACY- Review of Letter P | |

| | |and grow taller. | |-Find items at home that begin | |

| | | | |with “P” sound. Examples: Paper, | |

| | |Click on the link below: | |Pencil, Pepper, Popcorn, Plant, | |

| | |Ants facts: "10" amazing facts | |Pickle. |*Have your child build their own |

| | |about ants for kids need to know. | | |garden using shoe boxes. Draw |

| | | | |HANDWRITING- |fruits/vegetables, cut it out and |

| | | | |Have your child practice writing |place it in a shoebox/garden. |

| | | | |their name. If your child has | |

| | | | |mastered this try writing their | |

| | | | |last name. | |

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| | | | | |* Have your child make a paper |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|plate insect. They will draw their|

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|favorite bug using crayons/markers|

| | | | |INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |on a paper plate. [pic] |

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| | |We will review what are plants |A fun activity to do together with| | |

| |Thursday |(parts of a plant are: seed, stem,|your child: |Math- |*Draw a plant or flower by placing|

| |Date: 4/30 |leaf), what do they need to help | |Comparing Size |the actual plant/flower or a |

| | |them grow and where can we find |“Bean Bag Toss” |See pages 7-9 by clicking on link |picture in a magazine on a table. |

| | |them (they grow from seeds & need |Materials: bags of frozen |below |Take a piece of paper and try to |

| | |water, air nutrients, light). |vegetables in a bag, different | the plant/flower by using a |

| | | |items to toss the bags into. Try |om/2020/03/math-concept-size.pdf |crayon or marker. |

| | |Needs of a Plant - Early Learning |using a bucket or a box. | | |

| | || Preschool Song for Kids | |Literacy- Review | |

| | | | |Letter A |* Trace the word “plant” by using |

| | |Click on link below: | |have your child open a book or a |seeds from a pepper. |

| | | | |magazine and find the letter Aa. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |*Mix water and dirt (soil from a |

| | | | | |plant) |

| | |Parts of A Plant | The Dr. Binocs | |Handwriting- | |

| | |Show | Learn Videos For Kids | |Have your child practice writing | |

| | |Click on link below: | |the letter Aa. | |

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| | | | |Library/Media- | |

| | | | |READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A | |



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| |Friday | | | | |

| |Date: 5/1 | | | | |

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| | |We will review insects we have | | | |

| | |learned and their importance for |Have your child create their |MATH- Review the number 19 by |* Handprint Butterfly |

| | |plants/flowers. |favorite insect. They can use the |counting 19 items. Then write the |Click on link below to follow |

| | |(refer to previous activities) |following materials: paper, |numbers 1- 19. |instructions on how to make a |

| | | |crayons and/or markers, water | |handprint butterfly out of paper. |

| | |Click on link below: |paint. |LITERACY- Review Letter G | |

| | |Insects | Educational Videos for |Then they will write their insect |see page 7 | |

| | |Kids |name on the paper. | |

| | | | |om/2020/03/uppercase-letters-with-| |

| | | | |pictures.pdf | |

| | | | | |*Your child can use playdough to |

| | |*Why are they important for | |HANDWRITING- |create their favorite insect. |

| | |flowers? | |* Open a book and find the letter | |

| | |Click on link below: | |G and copy words that begin the | |

| | |Pollination for Kids | Flower | |letter G. | |

| | |Learning Video | | | |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20|*Kids Yoga/All about bugs. |

| | | | |MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED|Click on link below: |


| | | | |Dora the Explorer |nlvno |

| | | | |So many butterflies? | |

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Social/ Emotional- Week to Review

Week 2: Listening

* Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter. Look at pg 56

Common Core Domains

Domain 3: Social and emotional learning- Self-awareness and self-management skills

PK.SEL.1. Indicators: c) Demonstrates an ability to independently modify behavior in different situations.

Domain 4B: Communication, language and literacy-Speaking and listening

PK.ELA.19. Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and large groups and during play. b) participates in conversations through multiple exchanges.

Domain 5A: Cognition and knowledge of the world: Math

Measurement and data: PK. Math.10. Identifies measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describes them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, light)

Domain 5B Cognition and knowledge of the world: Science

PK.SCI.4 Observes familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive. a) Explores what a variety living organisms need to live and grow (e.g., water, nutrients, environment)

Any questions please email at mglik@


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