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Weekly Overview

Week Three


Health care workers must have effective interpersonal skills; many employers look for candidates with these skills. Interpersonal skills and relationships have a direct effect on every organization. Communication is one of the most crucial interpersonal skills practiced in the workplace. Lack of effective interpersonal communication can cause confusion and conflicts.

Even with effective interpersonal communication, conflict can happen. Conflict ensues when people have different opinions and find it difficult to adapt to each other. A successful conflict management strategy will address everyone’s concerns so coworkers are more effective and have greater job satisfaction. You must understand the different types of conflict and analyze the effectiveness of management styles in dealing with conflict. Having effective strategies for avoiding and dealing with conflict will help you communicate proficiently.

What you will cover

1. Interpersonal relationships and conflict management

a. Describe the importance and characteristics of interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

1) Importance

a) Relationships with family, coworkers, and friends

b) Receiving and sharing information better

c) Defining and understanding goals

d) Avoiding the negative effects of conflict and confusion

2) Characteristics of interpersonal communication

a) Supportive and defensive communication

b) Assertive style: key to developing a supportive style

1) Assertiveness: stating what you think, feel, want, or need in a way that is direct, honest, and respectful of others

2) Aggressiveness: stating what you think, feel, want, or need in a way that is direct and honest, but disrespectful of others

3) Non-assertiveness: respecting others while you state your thoughts, feelings, wants, or needs indirectly or not at all

c) Assertion message

1) Behavior message: a factual description of the behavior causing the problem

2) Feeling message: a statement of your feelings in response to a behavior

3) Consequence statement: an identification of the tangible consequences you are experiencing as a result of a behavior

4) Request statement: a statement of request as a possible solution to a problem

5) Self-assessments to analyze interpersonal communication and relationships

b. Describe different types of conflict.

1) Pseudo conflicts: perceived conflicts based on faulty assumptions and dilemmas

2) Fact conflicts: occur when individuals disagree about information that could be easily verified

3) Ego conflicts: occur when a dispute centers on power or status

4) Value conflicts: focus on personal beliefs

5) Need conflicts: occur when the needs of one individual are at odds with the needs of another

c. Identify strategies for conflict management.

1) Five styles of conflict management

a) Avoiders: avoid conflict for a variety of reasons

b) Accommodators: allow others to determine the outcome of a conflict

c) Forcers: expect to get their needs met regardless of the cost

d) Compromisers: think that those involved in the conflict must be prepared to give up something to reach a compromise

e) Collaborators: believe both parties can and will have their needs met

2) Resolving conflict

a) Listen to all parties before trying to determine solutions.

b) Bring everyone together to talk about the issue.

c) Avoid partiality to any side.

d) Work to resolve the conflict as soon as possible.

e) Encourage collaboration.

1) Establishing rapport with one another

2) Building trust to allow everyone to share information openly and honestly

3) Valuing team members

4) Experiencing interdependence with one another

f) Recognize those modeling the correct behavior.

g) Decide the best alternative to a negotiated agreement.

h) Manage communication conflicts.

1) Facts

2) Values

3) Egos

4) Needs


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