
Definitions of Standards Used on Performance Evaluation Form

The following definitions of standards are to be used as a guideline and are not intended to be all-inclusive or all encompassing. Instead, these standards should be used as a basis for establishing and/or benchmarking employee performance.

|Performance Factor |Does Not Meet |Needs |Meets Expectations |Exceeds |

| |Expectations |Improvement | |Expectations |

|Adherence to Policies: |Failure to follow |Occasionally has problems|Generally follows |Exceeds standards and |

| |established practices has|following standard |established procedures, |assists supervisor in |

| |caused significant |operating procedures and |including written and oral |identifying where |

| |problems. |policies. |communication, standard |procedures need updating or|

| | | |operating procedures. |where there is potential |

| | | | |problem. Shows exceptional|

| | | | |initiative and judgment. |

|Attendance: |Often absent without |Occasionally lax in |Consistently punctual. |Consistently on time and |

| |valid excuse. Does not |attendance and/or in |Remains in assigned work |frequently early arrival. |

|(NOT to include or |remain in assigned area. |reporting on time. |area. Does not normally |Breaks are always |

|reflect any Family |Frequently abuses breaks.| |abuse breaks. Absences are|appropriate. Always |

|Medical Leave) | | |generally planned; shows |available when needed, |

| | | |consideration of needs of |including overtime when |

| | | |work unit. |necessary. Volunteers to |

| | | | |work overtime when needed. |

| | | | |Few, if any, absences. |

|Coaching: |Does not support other |Does not provide ongoing |Gives employees |Also seeks opportunities |

| |employees’ development. |feedback. |opportunities for training.|for employee growth. |

| | | |Assists and encourages |Encourages 2-way |

| | | |other employees to develop |communication. Consistently|

| | | |knowledge and skills. |looks for ways to help |

| | | |Generally offers sound |others. Offers sound |

| | | |advice. |advice and feedback. |

|Communication: |Often struggles with |Occasionally has not kept|Usually displays effective |Speaks, writes and presents|

| |verbal and/or written |appropriate coworkers |verbal and written |skillfully. Extremely |

| |communi-cations. Failure|informed. Verbal and/or |communications. Keeps |clear and concise in |

| |to keep others informed|oral communications are |appropriate persons |statements and |

| |has resulted in problems.|weak. Listening skills |informed as necessary. |instructions. Keeps others|

| | |need improvement. | |informed and seeks to |

| | | | |develop full understanding.|

|Customer Service: |Frequently displays anger|Occasionally lacks |Consistently responsive and|Demonstrates a commitment |

| |or frustration with |courtesy, tact and/or |helpful to customers |to meeting and exceeding |

| |customers and/or |timeliness when dealing |requiring service/ |customer needs. Looks for |

| |coworkers and has |with internal and |assistance; exhibits |ways to improve services to|

| |difficulty handling |external customers. Does|courtesy, tact and |customers; handles |

| |routine situations in a |not always consider the |timeliness. Attempts to |difficult situations |

| |tactful and timely |importance of being |assist customers before |calmly. Is familiar with |

| |manner. |helpful and responsive to|referring elsewhere. |related jobs and assists |

| |Supervisor has received |customer needs. |Appre-ciates the need to |customers when other |

| |legitimate complaints | |serve citizens. |employees are not |

| |regarding how employee | |Effectively and positively |available. |

| |relates to customers. | |communi-cates county, | |

| | | |organi-zational and unit | |

| | | |priorities, goals and | |

| | | |concerns to internal and | |

| | | |external customers. | |

|Initiative: |Slow to begin work |Generally must be |Consistently dependable and|Independently sets goals |

| |assignments. Frequently |prompted. |diligent. Does not wait |and meets them. Actively |

| |needs prompting and/or | |for or need direction, |seeks solutions to problems|

| |reminding. | |taking necessary or |before being asked. |

| | | |appropriate action without |Initiates learning to |

| | | |prompting or reminding. |broaden skills and |

| | | |Seeks clarification and |knowledge. |

| | | |additional information to | |

| | | |broaden knowledge. | |

|Job Knowledge, Skills and|Has not demonstrated |Generally exhibits below |Consistently demonstrates |Demonstrates knowledge of |

|Abilities: |ability to perform basic |average knowledge of |continued familiarity with |and fulfills all aspects of|

| |functions of the |necessary job functions. |goals, policies, |position and is able to |

| |position. Has not taken|Occasionally has |procedures, equipment and |lead, train or educate |

| |advantage of available |difficulty in completing |materials necessary to |others above and beyond the|

| |training. |assigned tasks. Further |fulfill essential functions|expectations of the |

| | |training is needed. |of the job. Demonstrates |position. |

| | | |the skills and ability to | |

| | | |fulfill the functions. Can | |

| | | |perform with only | |

| | | |occasional supervision. | |

|Judgment: |Does not see both or all |Generally makes |Generally exhibits evidence|Evidence of having also |

| |sides of a situation. |assumptions without |of having considered pros |considered, with clear |

| |Does not understand or |considering long- term |and cons and having weighed|understanding, long and |

| |consider consequences. |effects. |alternative actions, taking|short term impact. Exceeds |

| |Judgment is generally | |into account organizational|expected rate of positive |

| |poor. Decisions result | |needs before making a |outcome. Understands the |

| |in problems. | |decision. Judgments |consequences of work and |

| | | |generally result in |actions. |

| | | |positive outcomes. | |

|Leadership: |Does not seek |Usually does not build |Effectively communicates |Displays extraordinary |

| |information. Engages in |relationships within or |and actively builds |effort and ability to |

| |behaviors/actions that |outside work group. |relationships within and |communicate and to develop |

| |are damaging to trust and| |outside work group. |trust within and outside |

| |loyalty within or outside| |Demonstrates use of |work group, gaining others’|

| |work group. | |interpersonal styles, |understanding and |

| | | |skills and methods to guide|commitment to a project or |

| | | |individuals or group to |task. |

| | | |accomplish a task. | |

|Quality of Work: |Work contains |Work usually contains |Work is usually thorough |Work is dependable. Uses |

| |unacceptable number of |errors. Occasional |and accurate. Effective in|time wisely. Meets |

| |errors. Does not utilize|problems with time, |utilizing time and |deadlines or is early. |

| |time and/or materials |materials and completing |materials to complete tasks| |

| |effectively. Timeliness |tasks on schedule. |on schedule. | |

| |is frequently a problem. | | | |

|Productivity: |Does not meet |Does just enough to get |Volume of work produced is |Very industrious. |

| |productivity standards |by. Sometimes does not |satisfactory. Consistently|Consistently meets |

| |and/or expectations |meet productivity |meets productivity |productivity standards/ |

| |individually or for work|standards/ expectations. |standards/ expectations. |expectations and frequently|

| |unit. | | |does more than expected. |

|Safety: |Does not participate in |Has had at least one |Attends training. Uses |Identifies needs and safety|

| |safety programs. Does |incident of safety |equipment as assigned. |problems. Encourages |

| |not consistently use |violation, either in |Complies with agency and |others to participate. |

| |equipment or comply with |policy or equipment use. |department safety policies | |

| |policies. | |and practices. | |

|Working Relationships: |Does not sustain |Occasionally has problems|Works to sustain and |A consistent, positive |

| |interpersonal |with interpersonal |maintain effective and |factor in group morale. |

| |relationships with |relationships. Sometimes|cooperative relationships |Shows great flexibility and|

| |coworkers and clients. |has contributed |with coworkers (including |works well with all groups |

| |Competes with others. |negativity to the team. |supervisor) and clients. |and people. Frequently |

| |Sees as “win/lose” |Sometimes expresses |Active participation in |offers suggestions and |

| |situations. Demonstrates|disagreement without |team effectiveness. |encourages others. Listens|

| |behaviors that negatively|tact. Occasionally |Consistently courteous and |to and considers viewpoints|

| |influence group morale. |complains and is |considerate. Assists |of others. Offers friendly|

| |Frequently discourteous |negative. Cooperates |others without prompting. |and positive support of |

| |within and/or outside |only when prompted and/or|Works with others tactfully|department and county. |

| |department. Demonstrates|without enthusiasm. |and treats others with |Outstanding courtesy. |

| |little effort to assist |Occasionally discourteous|respect and understanding. |Suggests unique and/or |

| |others. |either within or outside |Exhibits tolerance of |creative means of |

| | |group. |differences. Complaints |interdepartmental or |

| | | |are appropriate and |interagency cooperation. |

| | | |communicated with | |

| | | |supervisor tactfully. | |


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