Texas A&M University

Maximum yield is not a good proxy for maximum profit.


• When average physical product is at a maximum, it’s in the beginning of what stage?


• Name the four types of farm budgets.

Partial, whole farm, cash flow, and enterprise

• 640 acres is equal to ________ section(s).


• Marginal benefit minus marginal cost is equal to _________.

Marginal Net Benefit

• What are the three production decisions?

What to produce, how to produce, how much to produce

• What are the six steps of problem solving?

1)Identify the problem 2)Collect information 3)Analyze alternatives 4)Make a decision 5)Implement the decision 6)Evaluate the outcome

• The final statement that summarizes transactions over a period of time is what?

Income statement

• If I must produce less corn on my farm in order to produce more cotton, the two enterprises are said to be __________.


• What are three of the five decision characteristics used for prioritizing?

Importance, frequency, imminence, revocability, number of available alternatives

• What are the three main jobs a manager does?

Plan, implement, control

• What are three of the five motivating objectives for a farm manager?

Income, security, growth, health and safety, acceptance by others (recognition as an individual)

• What is a projected financial statement referred to as?


• Which ratio measures the firm’s ability to pay off current liabilities with current assets without liquidating its inventory?

Quick ratio

• Input cost is $2, fixed costs are $8, and the total cost of the next unit of production is $24. What is the additional cost incurred from another unit of input $ __________ and is referred to as the ___________.

$2, marginal cost

• Name 4 important concepts, principles, or terms that a student should know about Management before graduation

Marginalism, production function, input substitution, enterprise combination, opportunity cost, equal marginal principle

• List the 5 farm goals and objectives of farm management

Plan, organize, staff, direct, control

• Is the part of business management that determines that new methods are needed to turn out positive results when an investment decision was not as good as it should be


• Do successful business managers are easily classified by their willingness to take risk?

No, at times they seem to seek risk, at times they shy away.


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