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P5 | APUSH | Wiley | Reconstruction: Note Guide, D___Name:right889000Defining Reconstruction, 1865-‘77Time of rebuilding; the process of _________________________ the defeated Confederate states to the Union and incorporating _________________________ into American society as freedmen_________________________ views of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress, along with racism and bitterness over the war, created complications…Historiography on ReconstructionPre 1960s view: Northerners were _________________________ in their punishments, _________________________ the South, established _________________________ governments; white “Democratic Redemption” by 1877 saved the “_________________________” Old SouthPost-1960s view: Blacks were denied rights and protections they should have received; Reconstruction was a _________________________ for America; institutions of government failed to provide opportunity and protection to freedmenReview: What is historiography? For what reasons does history-telling change?Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan1863 _________________________ called for leniency when the time for Reconstruction cameOnce ____% of those on the 1860 voting lists in each state took an oath of allegiance to the Union, they would be readmitted_________________________ said about rights for freed blacks South would be readmitted as quickly as possibleYet, in his last speech in 1865, at the end of the war, he gave his support for _________________________ black suffrageRadical Republican Reconstruction PlanDesired full citizenship for blacks—including the _________________________________________________________________Passed the _________________________ Bill (1864), increasing Lincoln’s proposed 10% loyalty plan to a majorityBill was _________________________ by Lincoln and died in the midst of the Civil WarPresident Johnson’s Reconstruction PlanJohnson, a Southern Democrat + former slave owner, supported a plan seen as _________________________; enacted it while Congress was on recessEx-Confederate states could be readmitted if their legislatures: 1) declared secession _________________________, 2) swore allegiance to the Union, 3) _________________________ the 13th Amdt., + 4) excluded ex-Confederates leaders, though they could _________________________, which Johnson almost always gave Any redistributed land was _________________________Issue of freedmen was _________________________New governments that were created under his plan consisted of the same leaders that had voted for secession; they quickly passed _________________________ that sought to maintain white supremacy When Congress reconvened, Johnson proclaimed that Reconstruction was overLook back at your packet on the Constitution from Period 3. Can you think of any way in which it could be argued, from a constitutional perspective, that the Black Code listed here was unconstitutional in 1865 (before the 14th Amendment was passed)? Explain.47288453365500Evaluate Johnson’s Reconstruction plan, along with his decision to “handle” Reconstruction on his own, while Congress was on recess.Congress & Johnson Congress _________________________ the “new” legislators from the former Confederacy Congress got to work passing legislation to bypass Johnson’s planCongress’s record for overturning a president’s veto still stands at ____Johnson’s actions alienated moderates, leading to a stronger presence of _________________________ Republicans in Congress Evaluate Congress’s decision to reject the “new” legislators from the South when Congress reconvened. right20829900Congressional Reconstruction: Freedmen’s Bureau, 1865-‘72Assisted former slaves by distributing _________________________Set up _________________________, teacher-training establishments, etc. Helped former slaves find family – a very difficult task Congress _________________________ Johnson’s veto to enlarge the program, which had been created in the final stages of the war, under the Lincoln administrationCongressional Reconstruction: 13th Amendment, 1865421068522542500Never would have taken place under Lincoln’s tenure had the South _________________________Congressional Reconstruction: Civil Rights Act of 1866In light of race riots, Northerners sought to protect former slaves with legislationGranted _________________________ and the _________________________ rights enjoyed by white persons to all male persons in the U.S. “without distinction of race or color”_________________________: Native AmericansCongress overrode Johnson’s veto and the _________________________ (1857) caseReview: Summarize the Dred Scott decision. Revisit Road to War document from Period 5. Congressional Reconstruction: 14th Amendment, passed by Congress in ’66 | ratified + added to the Constitution in ‘68Passed so as to add a _________________________ for the Civil Rights Act of ’66Key provisions: Birthright citizenship _________________________of the law__________________________________________________ black suffrageBarred most Confederate leaders from holding any federal/state office, helping to ensure Republican dominated state gov.’s until the ‘70sEmpowered the national gov. to protect the rights of citizens against violations by the states Southern states _________________________ to sign; only did so when _________________________ to by way of subsequent Reconstruction ActsRead sections 1-3 of the 14th Amendment. Annotate in the margins to ensure you understand this multifaceted amendment. right395351000Congressional Reconstruction: Reconstruction Acts, 1867Former Confederacy was divided into _________________________ subject to “martial law” (very few troops = lax enforcement)For re-admittance to the Union, new state constitutions had to __________________________________________________ and required ratification of the _____ Amendment Took until ______ for all to be readmitted Led to Republican-controlled governments and many black legislatorsSolid record of _________________________: schools, support for laborers, tax reform, internal improvements Evaluate the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. Was it a smart series of legislation? Explain.Battle for Impeachment, 1868Congress felt Johnson was not faithfully executing Reconstruction lawsCongress passed the _________________________ (1867) over Johnson’s veto: Law prevented president from _______________________________________________________________________________________ for removal Purpose was to protect Sec. of War Edwin Stanton, the Radicals’ allyWhen Johnson fired Stanton, the HOR impeached him for violating federal lawSenate narrowly _________________________ himDid the Senate make a mistake in acquitting Johnson? Why or why not?“The Black Republican Party”Grant won the election of 1868 by an impressive marginVictory was ensured by ________________________ in the SouthImportance of the black vote was becoming increasingly apparent to Republicans, and used as a _________________________ tool for Democrats 320013753055300Republicans realized they needed to guarantee black suffrage, though many Northern states at the time did ______ allow itCongressional Reconstruction: 15th Amendment, passed by Congress in ’69 | ratified + added to the Constitution in ‘70________________________ may not be denied on account of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”Compelled many ________________________ states, not just Southern, to open up their electoral laws to blacksJustifications: Republicans faced with strong electoral threat + importance of ________________________ in the Union cause Former Confederate states were ________________________ in order to be readmitted to the UnionOnly a paper victory until well into the 20th centurySparked division in the ________________________ suffrage movementHad you been a member of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, how do you think you would have reacted to this amendment?Congressional Reconstruction: Civil Rights Act of 1875Guaranteed that everyone in the U.S. was “entitled to the full and equal enjoyment” of _______________________________________________, regardless of raceDeclared ________________________ in 1883 right3799100Post-War South: Environment & EconomicsLand and economy lay in waste________________________ adult white men had died in the warSeveral thousand planters ________________________ to avoid dishonor and devastation Republicans made deep economic and social change initiallySouthern cotton was no longer “________________________,” creating more difficulties for the economy Post-War South: PoliticsRepublican Party maintained ________________________ through much of Reconstruction due to Congressional Reconstruction Acts The party was disjointed:Former slaves________________________: “white trash” Southerners who hoped to gain office and economic advantage with the help of blacks________________________: Northerners who moved to the South after the war to help rebuild the South; were sometimes exploitativeRepublican Governments in the South________________________ was funded________________________ for voting and jury service were abolishedOrphanages and asylums foundedBlacks were very active politically, in both __________________________________________Some anti-segregation laws, but overall, not a priority of blacks at the time[Some] Former Slaves Improve Their LivesFormer slaves overcame obstacles to build ________________________Churches became the ________________________ of the African American community Former slaves showed a great ________________________ for learningFirst ________________________ opened up during this timeSome former slaves made their way to the cities of the South in hopes of a better life Many tried, often unsuccessfully, to locate familyObstacles to Black Land Ownership________________________ thought that giving land to former slaves was more important than the ________________________Some redistribution occurred in the final months of the war under General Sherman, but this was ________________________ by Johnson after the war Congress rejected land-reform proposals, emphasizing the _____ Amendment: No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.With regards to land redistribution, was Thaddeus Stevens right? Explain. How could one argue that relying on the 5th Amendment to defend an anti-land redistribution perspective is hypocritical?SharecroppingSince land redistribution failed, sharecropping became a reality for most former slaves________________________ forced blacks so sign contracts with plantersInstead of wages, freed blacks worked for ________________________ Trapped most in a ________________________________________________49199804609900Attitudes of White Southerners Resented their “conquered status”Whites sought to restrict the boundaries of emancipation in any way they could, using ________________________________________________ ________________________ ideology was born and thrivedKu Klux Klan Most leaders were “________________________” members of their communities; business leaders, farmers, ministersExisted in every Southern state by ‘____Goals: 1) maintain white supremacy, 2) deny blacks rights/privileges, 3) prevent Republican victories through intimidation/violence, 4) prevent former slaves from ________________________Democratic non-Klan members also used violence to keep blacks from the pollsKKK Excerpt from Thomas Dixon Jr., The Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1905. “In the darkest hour of the life of the South, when her wounded people lay helpless amid rags and ashes under the beak and talon of the Vulture, suddenly from the mists of the mountains appeared a white cloud the size of a man's hand. It grew until its mantle of mystery enfolded the stricken earth and sky. An "Invisible Empire" had risen from the field of Death and challenged the Visible to mortal combat. . . . How the young South, led by the reincarnated souls of the Clansmen of Old Scotland, went forth under this cover and against overwhelming odds, daring exile, imprisonment, and a felon's death, and saved the life of a people, from one of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the Aryan race.”Record your reactions to this widely-read, 1905 book: right000Congressional Reconstruction: Enforcement Acts, 1870-‘71 To curtail the terrorism occurring throughout the South, Congress passed these acts, which: provided the government with power to ________________________ in the South, and permitted the president to use ________________________ where the Klan was activeUnder ________________________, the Klan was effectively destroyed in many regions, only to be picked up again when Northern support for intervention ________________________Dismantling of Reconstruction, 1872-‘77Republicans became more ________________________ once war became more distant________________________ of ‘72 returned the right to vote and hold office to former Confederates; this paved the way for “Democratic Redemption” in the Southern states ________________________________________________________________________, distracted and diverted the nation’s attention away from the South A conservative ________________________ eroded the meaning of the 14th + 15th amendmentsBy the mid-’70s, voters were indifferent to the “negro question” 52139853372200Election of 1876: “Redemption” Fully Realized Contested election between Hayes and Tilden__________________________________________________________________________:removed federal troops from the South provided $ for internal improvements in the South would appoint conservatives to his cabinet would declare Reconstruction ________________________Once Hayes agreed and became president, Southern ________________________ was fully realized and Southerners made sweeping changes to their societies to restrict the lives of blacksleft298600Review: How did the Confederate states get readmitted to the Union? What did they need to do?Review: What caused the Democratic Redemption (dates in parenthesis)? Legacy of ReconstructionA comprehensive system of racial, political, and economic inequality had come into being across the SouthThe “horrors” of temporary black Republican rule in the South were invoked in other regions of the world to demonstrate the necessity __________________________________ peoples form politics Yet, the Reconstruction Amendments remained on the books as “________________________,” providing the basis for the Civil Rights Movement Legacy of ReconstructionFailuresSuccessesDecision to reject any proposals of ________________________ was devastating to blacks, affording very limited opportunities to them; blacks were denied the economic resources needed to break the cycle of poverty; without economic independence, ________________________________________________Sharecropping replaced slavery; was not as bad as slavery, but not a far cry from it eitherReconstruction ended without much real progress in the battle against discrimination – many Republicans started to believe they could not force moral/social changes needed for former slaves to make progress in the SouthNortherners ________________________; turned attention to other issues (scandals, economic recession, Indian wars, etc.) New governments and federal branches of government did not try or did not fight hard enough to secure rights guaranteed to former slaves by constitutional amendmentsRepublican Party didn’t stay together – ________________________________________________ eventually left and Democratic Redemption silenced blacks in the SouthWould take a second reconstruction, the ________________________ of the next century, to establish full black citizenship rights, once and for all (?)Blacks could now have children without fear of losing themThose blacks that could escape sharecropping now played at least some role in determining their future and fateBlacks started attending [makeshift] ________________________Blacks ________________________________________________, though this diminished dramatically by the end of Reconstruction with the resurgence of the KKK and Democratic Redemption Although the amendments were amounted to little more than paper victories, they remained in the Constitution and would come to be realized to a much larger extent later in history Despite land reform failures, newly autonomous black families created foundations for the modern African American community (________________________, schools, social institutions) right1206500Using the chart above as a guide, generate a thesis that responds to the following prompt: To what extent was Reconstruction the failure, or “missed opportunity,” it is often painted as today? Look back at the plan your pod crafted in the Reconstruction simulation. Could your plan have fared better than the Reconstruction of 1865-‘77? Why or why not?right1587500The KKK, TodayThe KKK is estimated to have about ________________ members in the U.S., though membership is difficult to approximate given the ________________________ nature of the KlanRead their official mission statement (2014) below:There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers. The Knights Party as the political PARTY of the future and the Last Hope for America. The Knights Party, realizing that to achieve true security for our people we must achieve political power in the United States, will:A. Become the leader of the White racialist movementThrough a strong organized show of leadershipThrough a concerted effort of all Klansmen and Klanswomen to carefully follow instructions, suggestions, and guidelines as set by headquarters and to continually strive to be THE BESTB. Strive to become the representative and driving force behind the White CommunityThrough an aggressive use of television, radio, and print advertisingTo legally break through the liberal wall that surrounds America’s colleges and universities – to reach and instruct students in the reclaiming of their schoolsC. Organize and direct white people to a level of activism necessary to bring about a political victoryThrough the organizing and maintenance of strong local unitsThrough bold public relations campaigns focusing on two main ideas:The White Christian people have been betrayed by our nation’s political, economic, educational, and religious leadersWe must take back control of OUR U.S. government. We intend to put Klansmen and Klanswomen in office all the way from the local school board to the White House!Thoughts/questions with regards to the KKK info above:Watch the Inside the New KKK video (2013). Take notes below:Should the government prohibit extremist groups like the KKK from expressing their hateful views in public (through demonstrations, protests) or in literature (leaflets, pamphlets, magazines)? Why or why not?Confederate Flag Debate: ContextThe recent racist massacre in a ___________________________________ has tipped the balance in a decades-old tug of war over the meaning of the Confederate flag (along with Confederate _______________________)Its champions argue it’s a symbol of Southern _________________________________________________________________Critics say it’s a racist symbol that represents a war to _______________________________________________________________________________________________________General Lee distanced himself from the flag: “I think it wiser moreover not to keep open the sores of war.”Once the war ended, the flag largely disappeared…until the middle of the 20th century, when the South unanimously opposed Civil Rights initiatives and supported segregationAs milestones like Brown v. Board of Education (1954) were passed, the Confederate flag popped up more and more CBS video: summarize and record reaction:Confederate Flag Debate video: summarize and record reaction:-14637435636700378022738151500 ................

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