Language Arts

6th Grade Science

Olympic View Middle School

Mr. Hazelbrook


Phone: 425-366-5200


Online Textbook : Login: ovscience PW: ovscience

Welcome to 6th grade science at Olympic View Middle School!

Class Materials: For this class, you will need the following items (please inventory and replenish as needed):

• 3 ring binder with section or tab for science

• 2 Composition notebooks or spirals to be used for science only (labs, vocabulary, etc.)

• 1 fluorescent highlighter (marker)

• writing utensils: pencils and pens (including one red correcting pen)

• 3 glue sticks, crayons, colored pencils

• supply of sticky notes (at least 3” x 3”)

• supply of loose-leaf notebook paper

• metric ruler


Our class will follow Next Generation Science Standards for Systems, Inquiry, Application, and content. We will be using It’s About Time’s Project-Based Inquiry as our in-class curricula and textbook (accessible online). In 6th grade there will be four main content areas, all explored through scientific inquiry:

• Earth Systems: composition of the Earth, processes that change the Earth, interconnectedness of Earth’s systems, rock cycle and classification.

• Earth History: changes in Earth over time as indicated by fossils and other evidence, role of natural catastrophes in shaping Earth.

• Forces and Motion: motion and speed of objects, friction, balanced and unbalanced forces.

• Structure and Function of Organisms: unicellular and multicellular organisms, specialized functions and interconnectedness of organs and organ systems

** Sixth grade science textbooks are used in the classroom only and not checked out to students. Our textbook can be accessed online:

Classroom Expectations

In order to promote a positive environment for safe and successful learning, we follow the Pirate Code, Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, by enforcing the following classroom expectations:

1. Be prepared! Come to class on time with necessary books, pencils, and class work. Sharpen pencils, use the restroom, and get drinks before class begins.

2. Listen to learn! Work cooperatively with classmates and adults. Ask important questions, listen to others, disagree respectfully, and be flexible in your thinking!

3. Participate! Be an active learner by enthusiastically sharing your ideas and doing your best work. Mistakes are welcome here!

Grading Scales

Report Card Grading

A 3.76-4.00 A- 3.75-3.51

B+ 3.5-3.26 B 3.25-3.2.95 B- 2.94-2.51

C+ 2.50-2.26 C 2.25-1.99 C- 1.98-1.51

D+ 1.5-1.01 D 1.-.80 NG or Incomplete 0-.79


4=A Exceeding expectations and grade-level standards for sixth grade Science

3=B Meeting expectations and grade-level standards for sixth grade Science

2=C Approaching expectations and grade-level standards for sixth grade Science

1=D Not meeting expectations and grade-level standards for sixth grade Science

Students will be graded on their achievement toward meeting sixth grade science standards in a variety of ways, including class work, homework, quizzes, labs, and assessments. Homework and class work are viewed as a means of practicing skills, as well as serve as an academic connection between school and home. To receive full credit, it is expected that homework and class work be turned in promptly and accurately. Quizzes, labs, projects, and assessments will be worth more points and will therefore be a much higher percentage of the student’s final grade.

Late Work/Work Completion and Retake Opportunities

It is a class expectation that class work and homework should be completed accurately and on time. Continual incomplete or late work will be dealt with as a problem with a variety of intervention strategies (Lunch Bunch, Pirate Success/Study Club, parental notification, incomplete marks, etc.)

Retake opportunities will be provided for some assignments. To qualify for retakes, students must have all unit work completed. Students must sign-up and receive a pass to retake an assessment – passes for retakes will be given when students show an adequate amount of practice and effort towards relearning unit material. The highest grade that can be earned on a retake is a 3 (B).

Excused Absences

The OV policy for makeup work allows students the number of days absent to make up missing work. When you return from an excused absence, you’re expected to find out what work you missed, and to turn this work in as soon as possible. All make-up work can be found in absent folders in the classroom. This is the student’s responsibility—not the parents’ and not the teacher’s. In the event of a prolonged absence, student and teacher will agree on an acceptable timeframe for completion of work.

Stay Connected

Qmlativ Family and Student Access: Parents and students can find updated information about what we’re doing in class (assignments), progress (grades), important dates, and deadlines! Qmlativ is new for Mukilteo School District this year – thank you for your patience as we all learn to navigate this new system.

OV Planner: Students write the Homework in their Planners each day.

Homework Calendar: See Mr. Hazelbrook’s Website link to

Sixth grade will be productive, positive, fun, and memorable.

Let’s have a great year TOGETHER!



Classroom donations

always accepted!

sticky notes & glue sticks

Online textbook:

Username: ovscience

Password: ovscience


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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