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Colonial Period (root word: colony):

Approximately 1600-1776

Roanoke Island Settlement (North Carolina)

1587: First permanent settlement; was not successful.


Jamestown settlement (Virginia)

1607- much more successful.


Plymouth Rock Colony (Massachussets)


Pilgrims from England came over for religious freedom.

Mayflower Ship

First Thanksgiving (1621)

Wampanoag Indians helped the Pilgrims.


Spanish Settlements

-Out west (California, Texas)


-Spanish Missions


Boston Tea Party

December 16, 1773

Colonists were protesting British taxes by dumping tea in the Boston Harbor


Continental Congress


Leaders for America before George Washington became president.


Midnight Ride

April 18, 1775

Paul Revere, William Dawes, Samuel Prescott

Revere and Dawes warned Lexington. Prescott and Dawes warned Concord.


-Battle of Lexington

April 19, 1775

“Shot heard ‘round the world”

Revolutionary War began.


Declaration of Independence signed

July 4, 1776

Statement (declaration) of freedom (independence ) from Britain.


Revolutionary War ends


Peace treaty signed with Britain.


Continental Congress worked on the Constitution


Constitution finished

September 1787

The Constitution contains the rules for America.


George Washington becomes president

April 1789


Continental Congress ended: 1789


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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