MGT 248 Summer Syllabus

|DMACC |Syllabus |

|Des Moines Area Community College/ Ankeny Campus |Academic Standards Commission |

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|Instructor Information |

|Name |Kris Baumgart |E-mail address | |

|Phone number |515-965-7033 9211# |Office hours |By appt. |

|Fax number |515-965-7135 |Office location |Ankeny Bldg 8, 01 |

|My web page | |

|Course Information |

|Course title |Systems and Information Management (Summer 2011) |

|Course number |MGT248 |Credits |3.0 |

|Section number |“WW1” |CRN number |31314 |

|Days & Time |Online Course |Location |N/A |

|Course description | |

| |The use of information technology at all levels of the organization. Interaction of information systems with |

| |functional areas via applications. Overview of methodologies for design and development of systems including |

| |decision support systems, expert systems, databases, end-user computing, etc. Computer applications relate concepts |

| |to practice. |

|Prerequisites |Csc110 or Bca212, or instructor permission |

|Format |The online course will be offered via Blackboard, which will include online discussions, research, homework and |

| |exams. The textbook website may also be used. Please consider going to an Online Student Orientation meeting if |

| |you are new to Blackboard. Orientation will help you get started and answer all of the common questions beginners |

| |have. |

|Communication |I do not maintain regular office hours during the summer semester. If you need to see me, please schedule a time |

| |with me. The best method of contact would be via the course e-mail or my DMACC e-mail. Please do not use the |

| |“message” feature in Blackboard. It does not do a good job of letting me know I have incoming messages, so I do not|

| |use it. Although I will strive to answer all emails within 24 hours, I will not be checking or answering e-mail on |

| |the weekends. |

|Preparation |Online courses require increased student responsibility for class preparation and some computer proficiency. Please|

| |read all materials carefully, including the Online Student Resources section of the DMACC Website. |

| |You are expected to read all assigned materials and relevant chat or postings and be ready to discuss the topic and |

| |make relevant comments and applications of the concepts being studied. Your textbook is not the only source of |

| |information. Watch the news, read the paper, surf the web. Technology requires a little bit of planning and |

| |preparation times. Please start assignments, homework, discussions and exams with ample time to allow for problems.|

| |Due dates are set well in advance and the time frames for assignments and exams are generous. Please start early. |

| |Late work does not earn any credit. |

|Course competencies | |

| |Condensed version: |

| |1. Learn the basic theories and terminology of information systems. |

| |2. Learn the different types of computer systems and types of devices used for input, output and storage. |

| |3. Learn about computer software functions, benefits and limitations. |

| |4. Learn how data resources are managed in information systems (databases and data warehouses). |

| |5. Learn the important concepts of telecommunication. |

| |6. Learn about decision support systems, artificial intelligence, and their roles in business. |

| |7. Learn how managers and end users can plan, develop, implement, and control the use of information technology in a|

| |global information society. |

| |8. Learn the role of the Internet and the World Wide Web in business and management. |

| |9. Learn about electronic commerce (e-commerce) in business. |

|Important Dates |

|Exams |Each week ends with a test over the chapter for that week, check the last page of the syllabus and each chapter |

| |folder for the exact dates. |

|SAQ’s |Short Answer Questions are due for each chapter by the end of the week, check the last page of the syllabus and |

| |chapter folders for the dates |

|Case Studies |Assigned case studies are due at the end of each week for the assigned chapter, check the last page of the syllabus |

| |and chapter folders for the exact dates. |

|Discussions |There are discussions posted for each chapter during the semester, check the announcements regularly and the chapter|

| |folders. Discussions close at the end of each week. Check the last page of the syllabus and chapter folders for |

| |the dates. I may add other discussions so again, check the announcements. |

| | |

|Academic Calendar | (fall calendar) |

|Textbooks & Materials |

|Required textbooks | We are using the new 8th edition of "Management Information Systems for the Information Age" by Haag; ISBN |

| |978-0-07-337678-3. Link to the textbook website: haag . |

| | |

| |The book is available from the Ankeny campus bookstore. You can either go pick it up, or they will mail it to you. |

| |Go to this link to order your book online: |

| | |

| | |

| |If you purchase your book elsewhere, be sure you get the 8th edition; it is ok to buy a used book but it must be 8th|

| |edition! |

|Software applications |Microsoft Office 2007 is used on campus; you may use another version if you are working from another location. |

|Software notice |“All the software used in this class is copyrighted; therefore, it is not for distribution, copying, or personal |

| |use.  This software is the property of Des Moines Area Community College.” |

|Course Policies |

|Participation and study |The class schedule includes time for online discussions. There will be both general discussions and case study |

|expectations |discussions. Students are expected to |

| |Complete assigned readings; |

| |Post at least one relevant comment on all discussions; |

| |Complete homework(SAQ’s) assignments and turn them in on time, per the scheduled due-date; |

| |Take quizzes and exams by their due date. |

|Grading criteria |The final course grade is composed of: |

| |  |

| |On line discussions: the discussions, both general and case study will make up 10% of the grade. |

| |  |

| |HOMEWORK: individual homework will be due by their respective due dates. Homework will comprise 30% of the final |

| |grade. Late work is accepted but is penalized by 20% of the points earned. |

| |  |

| |EXAMS: there are 8 regular exams. Exams will comprise 60% of the final grade. See exam policy below. |

| |  |

| |The number of points earned by the student, out of the total points possible, will determine the letter grade. The |

| |following scale is used: |

| |A               90-100% |

| |B               80-89% |

| |C               70-79% |

| |D               60-69% |

| |F               Less than 60% |

| |The + (plus) or – (minus) will be assigned to the grade as appropriate. |

|Class conduct |If you feel uncomfortable about any aspect of our class environment, it is your responsibility to discuss it with |

| |me, the instructor. Also, refer to the DMACC Student Handbook: |

| | |

|Late Policy |Assignments, discussion and exams are provided for specific time frames announced in advance on the syllabus. |

| |Within this time frame, they are accessible online, around the clock. If your internet service is interrupted |

| |during this time, you should plan to complete the work within the allotted time frame through alternate internet |

| |access. Your local public or college libraries provide internet access. |

| |Assignments carry specific due dates. No late work will be accepted. Any work submitted after due dates will |

| |receive a zero. |

|Incompletes |Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without sound reason and documented evidence as |

| |described in the Student Handbook. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete, he or she must be passing |

| |and must have completed a significant portion of the course. |

|Weather policy |This is an online class, weather should not have an impact |

|Academic dishonesty |Refer to the DMACC Student Handbook: |

| |  |

| |Don't cheat. Don't claim the work of another as your own. These things are unacceptable to me, and to the college, |

| |and will be dealt with accordingly. There are tools available to instructors to assist us in identifying copied |

| |material and I do use them. Being party to cheating, counts as cheating. You still get a zero and you still go |

| |through the process for academic dishonesty. |

|DMACC Information Web Sites |

|DMACC home page | |

|Instructor home pages | |

|Admissions & registration | |

| | |

| | |

|Student handbook | |

|Add/drop dates | |

| |  |

| |Note: it is the student's responsibility to officially "drop" any course for which they plan to discontinue |

| |attendance, by the appropriate deadline. If you just quit attending, it is not automatic- it will still show up on |

| |your transcript as an F or W. You must OFFICIALLY drop the course yourself. |

|Refund policy | |

|Support Services |

|Accommodations |“It is the policy of DMACC to accommodate students with disabilities.  Any student with a documented disability who |

| |requires reasonable accommodation should contact the special needs coordinator at 515-964-6850 voice or 515-964-6810|

| |TTY.” |

|Services for students with | |

|disabilities |  |

| |Contact the special needs coordinator at 515-964-6850 voice, or 515-964-6810 TTY, or the counseling & advising |

| |office on any campus for an Application for Accommodation. |

|Academic & educational | |

|advising | |

|Career counseling | |

|Library | |

| |  |

| |Building 6, Room 3 |

| |Monday – Thursday 7:30 am to 9:00 pm |

| |Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |

| |     Saturday – 8:00 am to 1:00 pm |

|Academic Achievement Center  | |

|  |  |

| |Provides academic assistance for students on a drop-in basis.  Also serves as a make-up testing center. |

| |  |

| |Building 6, Room 20 |

| |Monday – Thursday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm |

| |Friday – 8:00 am to 2:30 pm |

| |515-964-6558 or 1-800-362-2127 ext. 6558 |

| |  |

| |The Ankeny campus testing center has moved to a new location as of spring semester 2009: |

| |  |

| |Building 6, Room 23 |

| |Monday – Thursday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm |

| |Friday – 8:00 am to 4:30 pm |

| |515-964-6595 or 1-800-362-2127 ext. 6595 |

|Computer labs | |

| |  |

| |Building 6 |

| |Monday – Thursday 7:30 am to 10:00 pm |

| |Friday – 7:30 am to 4:00 pm |

| |     Saturday – 7:30 am to 1:00 pm |

| |There is also a computer lab here in Building 8, open before class. |

|Disclaimer |

|“This syllabus is representative of materials that will be covered in this class; it is not a contract between the student and the institution.  |

|It is subject to change without notice.  Any potential exceptions to stated policies and requirements will be addressed on an individual basis, |

|and only for reasons that meet specific requirements.  If you have any problems related to this class, please feel free to discuss them with me.” |

Nondiscrimination Policy

 DMACC shall not engage in or allow discrimination covered by law. This includes harassment based on race, color, national origin, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability. Veteran status in educational programs, activities, employment practices, or admission procedures is also included to the extent covered by law. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against may file a complaint through the College Discrimination Complaint Procedures. Complaint forms may be obtained from the DMACC Web site, the Ombudsperson, Judicial Officer, Human Resources Department, the campus Provost’s Offices, and Academic Dean’s Offices.

Students who wish additional information or assistance may contact the Executive Dean, Student Services, Laurie Wolf, Building 1, 515-964-6436 or the EEO/AA Officer, Dr. Sandy Tyron, Human Resources, Bldg. 1, 515-964-6301 or refer to HR Procedures 3000, 3005, 3010, 3015, 3020 at:

For requests for accommodations, the Accomodation/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Sharon Bittner, can be contacted at 515-964-6857. Students with requests for accommodations should refer to the Student Services procedure 4610 located on the DMACC Intranet at: Go to Policies and Procedures and choose Student Services Procedures.


|MGT248 Course Schedule- Summer Semester 2011 |

|Week / Date |Assignment |Due Date |

|1: May 24 |Welcome & Introduction Discussion |May 30 |

| |Ch1-The Information Age in Which You Live ppt |May 30 |

| |Timeliness of Information Learning Module |May 30 |

| |Ch1 Opening Case Study Discussion |May 30 |

| |SAQ1 |May 30 |

| |Ch 1 Closing Case Study One-Discussion |May 30 |

| |Chapter 1 Exam |May 30 |

|2: May 31 |Ch2 Opening Case Study-Discussion |June 6 |

| |Ch2- Major Business Initiatives ppt |June 6 |

| |Buggy Whips & Body by Fisher Learning Module |June 6 |

| |SAQ2 |June 6 |

| |Ch 2 Closing Case Study Two-Discussion |June 6 |

| |Chapter 2 Exam |June 6 |

|3: June 7 |Ch3 Opening Case Study-Discussion |June 13 |

| |Ch3 Databases and Data Warehouses ppt |June 13 |

| |SAQ3 |June 13 |

| |Ch 3 Closing Case Study One-Discussion |June 13 |

| |XLM-C Designing Databases and E-R Diagramming |June 13 |

| |Chapter 3 Exam |June 13 |

|4: June 14 |Ch4 Opening Case Study-Discussion |June 20 |

| |Ch4-Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence ppt | |

| |SAQ4 |June 20 |

| |Ch4 Closing Case Study Two-Discussion |June 20 |

| |Chapter 4 Exam |June 20 |

| | |June 20 |

|5: June 21 |Ch5-Electronic Commerce | June 27 |

| |SAQ5 |June 27 |

| |Discussion-Currency |June 27 |

| |Case Study |June 27 |

| |Exam 5 |June 27 |

|6: June 28 |Ch6- Systems Development: phases, tools, and techniques | July 5 |

| |SAQ6 |July 5 |

| |Discussion-email |July 5 |

| |Case Study- |July 5 |

| |Exam 6 |July 5 |

| | |July 5 |

|7: July 5 |Ch7-Enterprise Infrastructure, Metrics, and Business Continuity Planning | July 11 |

| |SAQ7 |July 11 |

| |Case Study- |July 11 |

| |Exam 7 |July 11 |

| | |July 11 |

|8: July 12 |Ch8-Protecting People and Information | July 18 |

| |SAQ8 |July 18 |

| |Case Study- |July 18 |

| |Wiki Leaks Discussion |July 18 |

| |Exam 8 |July 18 |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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