

Grade 8 American Studies I Extension Menu

Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Directions: Choose a learning activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first. Circle the number of the learning activity you choose. Turn in this paper with your work.

|1. Write an original narrative poem (minimum 4 |2. Imagine that you are Paul Revere and have just| 3. Locate information on another American |

|stanzas) about an American Patriot or historical |successfully completed your Midnight Ride to |Revolution “rider”, such as Sybil Ludington, Jack|

|event from Paul Revere’s time period. Utilize |Lexington. Write a journal entry (minimum 3 |Jouett, William Dawes, or Tench Tilghman. Create|

|several poetic devices from Paul Revere’s Ride, |paragraphs) to record your experiences and |a graphic organizer to compare and contrast that |

|such as alliteration, personification, rhyme, |feelings of this historic night. Include accurate|rider with Paul Revere. Include at least 5 |

|inversion, simile, and metaphor. Include |information and interesting details. |pieces of factual information in each section of |

|accurate information and interesting details | |the organizer. |

|about your subject. | | |

|4. Create a timeline to sequence at least ten |5. Construct a historically accurate map to show |6. Locate and read several sources (primary |

|events from Paul Revere’s life and at least ten |the route of Paul Revere’s ride, depicting at |and/or secondary) that describe Paul Revere’s |

|important events in US history that occurred |least ten important landmarks. Use color to |ride. Design a chart or graphic organizer to show|

|during Revere’s life. Describe and illustrate the|enhance your map and include a title, compass |the similarities and differences (at least 5 of |

|events. |rose, scale, and a legend or key. |each) between Paul Revere’s historic ride and |

| | |Longfellow’s poem. |

|7. According to Adlai Stevenson, former US |8. Write your idea here. |9. Review the events of Paul Revere’s life and |

|ambassador to the United Nations, “Patriotism is |______________________ |his contribution to the American Revolution. |

|not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the| |Write an essay (minimum 5 paragraphs) justifying |

|tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.” |______________________ |how Paul Revere stood up to social and political |

|Research Paul Revere’s life. Write an essay | |pressure to do what he felt was right. |

|(minimum 5 paragraphs) to explain whether or not |______________________ | |

|Paul Revere demonstrated this type of patriotism.| | |

| |______________________ | |

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| |______________________ | |

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| |Teacher Initials for Approval: ____ | |

Teacher Resource Page

Grade 8 American Studies I Extension Menu

Unit: Road to Independence

Topic: Paul Revere’s Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Intended Purpose: Alternative activity for students who have mastered

curricular indicators

Standard(s) and Indicators Addressed:

SS.AS1.20.03 Analyze situations that illustrate conflicts between conscience and respect for authority

SS.AS1.20.03d Identify key terms: King George III, Proclamation of 1763, Quartering Act, revenue, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Patrick Henry, boycott, Sons of Liberty, Crispus Attucks, the Townshend Acts, writs of assistance, Samuel Adams, Boston Massacre, John Adams, committee of correspondence, Boston Tea Party, militia, Minutemen, Intolerable Acts, First Continental Congress, Paul Revere, Lexington and Concord, Loyalist, Patriot, mercenary

Organizational Tips:

• Encourage students to use available technology to create the timeline (Examples: TimeLiner software program, a timeline generator website, etc.)

• Provide student access to the school media center, the Internet, textbooks, and/or subscription databases (SIRS, Student Resource Center, etc.)

• Provide access to supplies such as rulers, colored pencils, markers, paper, etc. for construction of maps, graphic organizers, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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