Government Response to the Justice Select Committee’s ...

Government Response to the Justice Select Committee's Report `Crown Dependencies: developments since 2010'

March 2014

Government Response to the Justice Select Committee's Report `Crown Dependencies: developments since 2010'

Presented to Parliament by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice by Command of Her Majesty March 2014

Cm 8837

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PRINT ISBN: 9781474101011 WEB ISDN: 9781474101028

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Government Response to the Justice Select Committee's Report `Crown Dependencies: developments since 2010'


Ministerial Foreword


Government response to the Committee's Conclusions and Recommendations


Annexes ? Factsheet and How To Notes


Fact sheet on the UK's relationship with the Crown Dependencies


Annex A How To Note: Extension of UK primary legislation to the

Crown Dependencies


Annex B How To Note: Extension of international instruments to the

Crown Dependencies


Annex C How To Note: Dealing with requests from the Crown Dependencies to

extend the UK's ratification of international instruments




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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