Wax Museum Biography Project

January/February Book Report BIOGRAPHY- Due Date Monday, February 11, 2019

Students are required to read a biography book on a person of their choice for their February book report. A biography is an account of a person's life. A biography is more than a list of impersonal facts (like birth, education, work, relationships and death); it also portrays the subject's experience of those events. A work is biographical if it covers all of a person's life. Each student is required to study a different person that they have been selected in class. Students will complete a written report (at least five paragraphs) sharing information about your notable person, research important dates for a timeline, and orally present your selected project.

The Book Report has a variety of components with information and rubric below.

← Get into character/create a scrapbook or newspaper

← Written report

← Oral report

← Timeline

Option 1-Get into Character

You will present a dramatic oral report by “stepping into the shoes” of a subject. Dress in costume as your main character. Include at least three props that help identify your character. You will tell about your timeline events.

Option 2- Scrapbook

You will make and design a scrapbook with a cover page, timeline, interview, article and facts about why your person is famous.

Option 3- Newspaper

Create a newspaper with issue, date, city, weather, articles, timeline, advertisement and photo.

Written Report- A (At least 5 paragraph) report on your person. Graded using Holistic 6 Trait Rubric.

The main areas of your oral/written report should cover:

▪ information about the childhood and/or family of the person

▪ important events that shaped the person’s life

▪ hardships or obstacles faced by the person

▪ interesting facts/stories about the person

▪ contributions the person has made to society


*Use the graphic organizer to record information about your person. Use your note-taking skills (DO NOT write in complete sentences. Put the information in your own words.). You may not cut and paste from other resources! These notes must be turned in with your rough draft.

← Students may choose to type their final reports or write (in manuscript or cursive) their final reports. Students must provide a written report. (Include your rough draft)

← For you oral report you will need to tell your audience: who you are, when you were born, a brief statement of why you were important, and at least three important facts about your life. Speak as your character, share your scrapbook or read some of your newspaper.

My child__________________________________ has a biography written report, timeline and project (Person, scrapbook or newspaper) ______________________________on (person)________________________________________ Monday, February 11, 2019

X___________________________________________ Student Signature

X___________________________________________ Parent Signature


Student will create a timeline using white construction or printer paper.

← Students must list at least five important facts that happened in the person’s life. Date of birth and date of death should be added to the timeline, however will not be counted as one of the five facts.

← The timelines must be accurate and a scale must be used to evenly space out years.

← Each event must be written (manuscript) or typed in complete and quality sentences.

← Pictures/graphics may be used to help describe the events on the timeline.

Timeline Due Date Monday, February 11, 2019

Biography Notes

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________

Notable Person: ______________________________

Date of Birth: _____________ Place of Birth: ___________

Date of Death: _____________ Place of Death: __________

Famous Quote: _____________________________________________________________

|Information about the childhood or family of the person. |

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|Contributions that the person made to society. |

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|Interesting facts or stories about the person. |

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|Important events that shaped the person’s life. |

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|Hardships or obstacles that the person faced. |

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Timeline Information – Rough Draft

|Date of Event |Event written in a complete and quality sentence. |

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| |____________________ was born on _________________ in _______________________________________________ to the parents of |

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|Character Requirements |Points Possible |Points Received |

|“Get into Character” | | |

|Student has dressed in character. |10 | |

|Student uses at least 3 props that identify the notable person. |10 | |

|Props/Costume accurately depict notable person. |10 | |

|Report (turn in notes) | | |

|Reports in written or typed in student’s best handwriting |4 | |

|Reports are at least five paragraphs in length. |6 | |

|Introduction includes who the person is, when and where they were born, early childhood and family information. |12 | |

|Detail paragraph(s) include(s) the important events that made the person notable, interesting facts/stories about the |30 | |

|person, and hardships that they may have faced. | | |

|Conclusion includes what the person has contributed to society (why they are important) and ends in a memorable way |12 | |

|(examples: conclude your report with a quote, music, poem). | | |

|Oral Presentation |

|Student began presentation with something interesting to get audience’s attention. |4 | |

|Oral presentation included who the person is/was, when they were born, why they were important, and at least 3 important |20 | |

|facts. | | |

|Student spoke loudly and clearly. |1 | |

|Student made eye contact with audience. |2 | |

|Student stood still and had good posture. |1 | |

|Student ended presentation in a memorable way. |4 | |

|Student presentation demonstrates that they memorized their report or are very comfortable with the information. |6 | |

|Audience: Student was a great audience member during other presentations. Student was respectful to all presenters. |10 | |

|Timeline |

|Timeline lists 5 important events that happened in the person’s life. |20 | |

|Timeline lists the date of birth and date of death (if not still alive). |5 | |

|Timeline events are written in manuscript or typed. |5 | |

|Time line demonstrates student’s creativity and effort. |5 | |

|Timeline was labeled with an appropriate title. |5 | |

|Total: |180 | |

|Comments: |

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|Student self evaluation- |

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Scrapbook Requirements

The Scrapbook Cover

Introduce the topic of the biography. The cover is the place you are creative with a fun title and slogan, lettering, illustration/photos.

Inside the Scrapbook Front cover or first page

Create a birth certificate for the person based on your research, be sure to have details: full name, sex, date of birth, parents’ name, hospital’s name and birth size. Try to include as many of the above details as possible.

The Scrapbook

This is where the actual report is done. Each section should represent the elements of the person’s life: childhood, education, accomplishments, family life, miscellaneous (fun details about the person), and Why are they are famous?

Timeline with 5 events describe in 3 to 4 sentences and three pictures

Three diary entries with event describe in 3 to 4 sentences

A newspaper article about a major event in the person’s life

An interview about another major event in the person’s life

Miscellaneous fun details – use pictures and symbols to highlight events

A page dedicated to “Why are they famous?”


NEWSPAPER Requirements

After reading your biography create a front page of a newspaper that includes all of the following:

-Title of Newspaper: Think of a creative title for your newspaper. For example, a newspaper about about George Washington could be called Washington’s Weekly, or a newspaper about Meriwether Lewis could be called the Louisiana Purchase Expedition Edition.

-Date of Publication: For the date, choose an important date in the person's life.

-City of Publication: For the city where this newspaper is published, choose a city that this person has lived in.

- Weather: Using the date (which month you chose and what season that month is in), decide what the temperature and weather will be like in this city.

- Issue # and Price: Students choose these.

- Advertisement: Create an advertisement of something this person might have used, such as powdered wigs, spectacles, or feather quill pens.

- Timeline: In the first circle, write the date that this person was born. If this person is no longer living, write the date of this person's death in the last circle. Fill in the rest of the timeline in chronological order with the most important events that happened in this person's life and write a brief description of each event on the lines below each circle.

-Article #1: Write a newspaper article about this person's life from the information you gathered from this book. Do not include any information that is not found in your book. It is very important that you summarize in your own words what you have learned about this person. You may not copy sentences from the biography that you read about this person. This is called plagiarism. Remember to include the following information in your newspaper article: Who, What, Where, When, and Why (The 5 W's).

- Article #2: Write a newspaper article about the most important events that happened in this person's life and what made this person famous.

- Pictures of this person: Insert picture(s) of this person.

|Scrapbook Requirements |Points Possible |Points Received |

|The Scrapbook Cover |2.5 | |

|Birth Certificate |2.5 | |

|Timeline |5 | |

|3 Journal entries |5 | |

|Newspaper |5 | |

|Interview |5 | |

|Why they are famous page |5 | |

|Report (turn in notes) | | |

|Reports in written or typed in student’s best handwriting |4 | |

|Reports are at least five paragraphs in length. |6 | |

|Introduction includes who the person is, when and where they were born, early childhood and family information. |12 | |

|Detail paragraph(s) include(s) the important events that made the person notable, interesting facts/stories about the |30 | |

|person, and hardships that they may have faced. | | |

|Conclusion includes what the person has contributed to society (why they are important) and ends in a memorable way |12 | |

|(examples: conclude your report with a quote, music, poem). | | |

|Oral Presentation |

|Student began presentation with something interesting to get audience’s attention. |4 | |

|Oral presentation included who the person is/was, when they were born, why they were important, and at least 3 important |20 | |

|facts. | | |

|Student spoke loudly and clearly. |1 | |

|Student made eye contact with audience. |2 | |

|Student stood still and had good posture. |1 | |

|Student ended presentation in a memorable way. |4 | |

|Student presentation demonstrates that they memorized their report or are very comfortable with the information. |6 | |

|Audience: Student was a great audience member during other presentations. Student was respectful to all presenters. |10 | |

|Timeline |

|Timeline lists 5 important events that happened in the person’s life. |20 | |

|Timeline lists the date of birth and date of death (if not still alive). |5 | |

|Timeline events are written in manuscript or typed. |5 | |

|Time line demonstrates student’s creativity and effort. |5 | |

|Timeline was labeled with an appropriate title. |5 | |

|Total: |180 | |

|Comments: |

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|Student self evaluation- |

|Newspaper Requirements |Points Possible |Points Received |

|Date, City, Issue and Price |5 | |

|Weather, picture |5 | |

|Timeline |5 | |

|Advertisement |5 | |

|Article 1 |5 | |

|Article 2 |5 | |

|Report (turn in notes) | | |

|Reports in written or typed in student’s best handwriting. |4 | |

|Reports are at least five paragraphs in length. |6 | |

|Introduction includes how the person is, when and where they were born, early childhood and family information. |12 | |

|Detail paragraph(s) include(s) the important events that made the person notable, interesting facts/stories about the |30 | |

|person, and hardships that they may have faced. | | |

|Conclusion includes what the person has contributed to society (why they are important) and ends in a memorable way |12 | |

|(examples: conclude your report with a quote, music, and poem). DO NOT end your report with “The End”. | | |

|Oral Presentation |

|Student began presentation with something interesting to get audience’s attention. |4 | |

|Oral presentation included who the person is/was, when they were born, why they were important, and at least 3 important |20 | |

|facts. | | |

|Student spoke loudly and clearly. |1 | |

|Student made eye contact with audience. |2 | |

|Student stood still and had good posture. |1 | |

|Student ended presentation in a memorable way. |4 | |

|Student presentation demonstrates that they memorized their report or are very comfortable with the information. |6 | |

|Audience: Student was a great audience member during other presentations. Student was respectful to all presenters. |10 | |

|Timeline |

|Timeline lists 5 important events that happened in the person’s life. |20 | |

|Timeline lists the date of birth and date of death (if not still alive). |5 | |

|Timeline events are written in manuscript or typed. |5 | |

|Time line demonstrates student’s creativity and effort. |5 | |

|Timeline was labeled with an appropriate title. |5 | |

|Total: |180 | |

|Comments: | | |

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|Student self evaluation- | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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