
WoodstockGrade level(s) 5th gradeAngel CastilloMichelle ContrerasRenee KingKristi Malicoat ? < MissingNCSS & Common Core standards Thank you. Grade 5 - Performance Standards5-8 Benchmark 1-D. Skills: research historical events and people from a variety of perspectives:1. differentiate between, locate and use primary and secondary sources (e.g., computer software, interviews, biographies, oral histories, print, visual material, artifacts) to acquire information;2. use resources for historical information (e.g., libraries, museums, historical societies, courthouse, world wide web, family records, elders);3. gather, organize and interpret information using a variety of media and technology;4. show the relationship between social contexts and events; and5. use effective communication skills and strategies to share research findings.College, Career & Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State StandardsDimension 2, Change, Continuity, and ContextD2.His.1.3-5. Create and use a chronological sequence of related events to compare developments that happened at the same time.Dimension 2, Perspectives D2.His.4.3-5. Explain why individuals and groups during the same historical period differed in their perspectives.D2.His.6.3-5. Describe how people’s perspectives shaped the historical sources they created. IntroductionThis WebQuest is intended for students to know about the Woodstock Festival. It was an event that occurred in 1969 in White Lake, New York. After completing this Webquest the students should have a better idea of the Woodstock festival. They will be able to know the importance of this event. The different examples such as the tasks will help the students learn about the importance of Woodstock. Renee KingThe introduction should targeted at the students. They are your audience. For example, “Do you know anyone who attended Woodstock? It has been ‘dubbed’ as one of the most fantastic concerts of all time….etc. “Make it fun and exciting. The TaskYou will be learning about the 1969 Woodstock festival in this WebQuest for the next five days and you will be completing the following tasks:Monday: You will be put in groups of three and review tasks. What are they? Tuesday: You will watch a short video about Woodstock and takes notes. Each person in the group will each conduct research by clicking on some links in the process window.Wednesday: While researching about Woodstock, look for other historical events that happened. Compare and contrast historical events such as the Vietnam war. Start on PowerPoint presentation. Included at least 5 slides about Woodstock and your one historical comparison. You can include pictures but make sure you give credit to your sources. Thursday: Work on PowerPoint presentation. Friday: PowerPoint presentation day! What will the other student be doing as the presentations take place? The ProcessTo accomplish these tasks to learn more about Woodstock, you will click on the following links and watch the video to learn about Woodstock: Resource 1: Video: The History of the Woodstock FestivalResource 2: Website: Facts about Woodstock Resource 3: Website: Woodstock WebsiteResource 4: Website: Woodstock - WikipediaResource 5: Website: The Real Woodstock StoryResource 6: Website: How the Vietnam War Empowered the Hippie MovementResource 7: Website: What was the original Woodstock really like?Resource 8: Website: The Complete, Unadulterated History Of 1969’s Woodstock Music Festival*Nice links. I would recommend additional reading material. The images they will find are fabulous. Evaluation I like the terminology. Great idea. Fun. The elements within the rubric are too vague. Be more specific. This is how your work will be evaluated. “Bummer”0-4“Far Out”5-9“Groovy!”10Tasks completedLack of effort or did not participate in research or tasks. In need of improvement< what does this mean? but contributed in research and put in a “Far out” effort. Took some notes.Excellent effort< what determines ‘excellent’? and participated in all the tasks required and took notes.Group ParticipationLack of group effort or none shown.Contributed some effort<? in the group by discussing the project but needs improvement in effort and research.Excellent effort<? of group participation. Provided a lot of information for project.PowerPoint PresentationThis is a little bit more specific. Good but it can be better.Not enough information provided. No slide created or contributed. Created at least one slide for PowerPoint Presentation to cover the unit and stood in front of the class with the rest of the group.Created at least two or more slides for PowerPoint presentation to cover the unit and stood in front of the class with the rest of the group. Took lead in presentation.Overall Grade“Bummer.” Did not participate in any research activities or complete required tasks. Did not contribute to the final PowerPoint and did not share with the class.“Far out” but needs improvement< what does needs improvement mean? with research and participation in the creation of slides.Groovy! Excellent job on project. Completed all the tasks, participated in group decision making and conducted presentation. ConclusionThe ultimate goal of the Webquest is to familiarize and inform students of the events that lead to and ultimately culminated in the 1969 music festival: Woodstock. After the completion of this Webquest, students will have a greater understanding of the historical significance of the Woodstock Music Festival. Students will be able to cite key events and influences that have made an impact on American history, students will also be able to present why these key events and influences and explain their reasoning for choosing certain key events through a five slide powerpoint. Again (from the instructions): Conclusion Put a few sentences here that summarize what they will have accomplished or learned by completing this activity or lesson. You might also include some rhetorical questions or additional links to encourage them to extend their thinking into other content beyond this lesson.For example. You have now completed this exciting activity. Yay! Specifically you have accomplished the following…ABCNow what do you think if Janis Joplin did not perform as expected and needed to be replaced by …? Credits & References Nice list team. Thank you.. (2019, September 15). Sample WebQuest Projects. Retrieved from : , S. B. (2009, August 8). Forty Far-out facts you never knew about Woodstock. Retrieved from : , M. (2019, September 12). The Complete, Unadulterated History Of Woodstock. Retrieved from , C. A. (2001). Designing Scoring Rubrics for Your Classroom. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, Volume 7, Number 25, December, 2001. Retrieved from Practical: , S. (2019, September 15). How the Vietnam War Empowered the Hippie Movement. Retrieved from : . (2019, August 11). Woodstock 1969: What was original festival really like? Retrieved from . (2019, September 15). Creating a Rubric. Retrieved from UCDenver.edu: (Director). (2009). The History of the Woodstock Festival [Motion Picture].Wikipedia Contributors. (2019, September 15). Woodstock. Retrieved from Wikipedia: . (2019, September 15). Woodstock. Retrieved from : . (2019, September 15). The Real Woodstock Story. Retrieved from : . (2019, September 15). 1960s Slang. Retrieved from : Each Team member must respond to the following. Please place your first and last name after your response.What did you learn from this activity?I learned that there are a number of factors that go into planning your own lesson. Remember this is not a lesson plan. It is an inquiry-based activity. I didn’t really know a lot about Woodstock and I learned quite a few things when going through potential resources to use for this assignment. This assignment also teaches you to work with your colleagues< good point and try to find a schedule that works for everyone, this seems especially significant information for when you are working with your colleagues at school and have to plan a lesson with them, to ensure standards are being met with your grade level. Learning to collaborate is an essential skill that is being reinforced when working with others to create a Webquest.Other ideas, comments or suggestions related to this activity.Very few assignments have us work with others in such a manner. I think that is unique to the online nature of this course. Thank you. I’ve been doing this for quite some time now. We had to work on this assignment despite our very different schedules. I also really liked this assignment had me learn about something that I didn’t really have much prior knowledge on. I know enough about the Cold War and the Vietnam war, and I knew enough about the counterculture of the time period but I knew very little about the Woodstock Music Festival specifically. Overall I think this was a very neat and informative activity to work on. Wonderful to read. Thank you. Angel CastilloWhat did you learn from this activity?What I learned from this activity is that it opened my eyes about lesson planning. See my comment above in Angel’s entry regarding lesson plans and inquiry based activities. Researching topics can be extensive. The rubric was a challenge because you have to conform it to your tasks that you want your students to complete. I liked the way you used relevant terminology Actually, the tasks must match the rubric because it will help keep you from straying from what you want your students to complete. There are many websites out there from educational institutions that have information on rubrics, such as the University of Colorado. See references for the link. Thank you. Other ideas, comments or suggestions related to this activity.I like this topic about Woodstock. I think other topics that compare and contrast to historical events is important for students to remember those events. For example with Woodstock in 1969, the Vietnam war was in full swing during this event. This is true. Perhaps a modified web quest. This is up to you. Nice observation. There were many Americans who opposed the Vietnam war. Students can see this comparison and discuss the reasons why these American’s opposed the war. Michelle ContrerasWhat did you learn from this activity?I learned from this activity is that we had to make a lesson< please see my comment related to lesson plans and inquiry based activities above. that was related to Woodstock. It was a very interesting topic that we had to do for this class. I think that it is important to know how we can evaluate our students when it comes to making lesson plans for our students. I also learned is that this was a very challenging assignment because we had to find websites and be able to relate it to the topic. It was also an eye opening experience for me because we had to figure this assignment by scratch and also be able to learn about Woodstock. Your students will love this. We also had to create a lesson plan that was related to Woodstock. Other ideas, comments or suggestions related to this activity.I also know that this activity was when the Vietnam War was going on during this time. Before I completed this activity, I had no idea what Woodstock was before I completed this activity. Students will be to know what the purpose of the Woodstock festival. I think that student will be able to what historical events that occurred during this time. I really thought that this was a nice project to work on because I think that this is an activity that we can do with our future students or students if we are currently teaching. This is true and lots of fun for your students. Renee KingWhat did you learn from this activity?Other ideas, comments or suggestions related to this activity.xxxxKristi Malicoat < Missing ................

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