Somerset Silver Palms

This story is about a dog named Oogy who was used as a bait dog.? He was chewed up in the world of dog fighting,?but he was rescued when he was about 2 months old. He was adopted into?the Levin?family consisting of,?Larry,?his wife Jennifer,?and adopted twin sons Noah and?Dan. They adopted Oogy and instantaneously became his best friend.? The book describes how the family?provided Oogy with a loving environment?and how Oogy taught them how?to overcome adversity.?The story of Oogy is a delightful tale about a dog who was mistreated and how much he can trust the people who saved him.Consider the following article and answer the R.A.C.E. question. Bait DogsBy Penny OaksI have to say, as a true Bully Soldier, the truth should never be too much for a real animal soldier. It's not about shock value, it's about exposing the truth and opening eyes, letting people know what's really going on. This is a war we're fighting and the reality of it is grim. Those who pick and choose what truths they see, aren't truly in it for the animals, in my opinion. Sometimes you have to swallow your emotions, for the greater good of the animals, because their lives are more important than our feelings. So suck it up, Soldiers! Because this IS the reality we are dealing with, in this war. People ask me this, all of the time, so I am going to cover it again here. Because, it still amazes me how many people are ignorant about this topic.A bait dog is basically a punching bag for game (fighting) dogs. Except we all know that dogs don't punch, they bite and tear. Dog fighters use bait dogs to let their game dogs practice mutilating another dog, without being harmed in the process. To insure their dogs aren't damaged, they will either use duct tape to tape the bait dog's mouth shut, or break out their teeth so the bait dog can't fight back. They also either, put them in a pit, or tie them to a tree or pole, so that they can't get away from the game dogs. And I did say dogs, plural, because they generally unleash several dogs on one bait dog at the same time. It makes the game dogs more aggressive, since there is competition.To me, this about the most horrific form of animal abuse there is. I know that's hard to weigh, because there are so many forms of abuse, but using bait dogs is right up there at the top. The mass majority of bait dogs don't survive, and obviously suffer horrible deaths, spending their last moments in excruciating pain and are scared to death, before it comes. The ones who do survive, are maimed and scarred for life, both physically and emotionally. I have rescued bait dogs, some who hadn't been used yet, and a very few who survived being used. I have to tell you, it's the saddest thing you'll ever see, looking into the soul of a dog who has just been rendered helpless and defenseless, and mutilated by his own kind, at the hand of a human. I have seen these dogs make amazing recoveries and be able to transition into a somewhat normal life. The most famous example of this is Oogy, I'm sure many of you are well familiar with him. If you are not, you need to get his book "Oogy: The Dog Only A Family Could Love" and read up. It is truly an amazing and heart wrenching story. Very motivating too, I must say. If you read some of these books, you will understand why so many of us are so passionate in our fight to save Bullies and stop dog fighting.A bait dog can be any dog. It could be your dog. Although they (the monsters who use them) prefer to use non-aggressive or submissive Pit Bulls, they will easily use anything they can get for free. When they get Pits who won't fight, or don't fight well, they use them for bait dogs. They are well known for stealing other people's pet Bullies as well. They will take them right out of your yard or fence if they can. But, they will also take any other dog they can get their hands on. When it comes down to it, they need fur, flesh, blood and meat to replicate a dog fight, so anything with all of that is fair game. I have gone in on rescues where we found a Golden Retriever, a Dobie, a GSD, a couple of Chows, a Lab mix, and a small Benji-like dog, who were all to be used as bait. The Golden belong to a neighbor of the dog fighter and had disappeared a couple of days prior. You can imagine how grateful they were to get him back unscathed. So yes, any dog is a risk of being a bait dog.Dogs are also used as bait for hunting bears, coyotes and other predatory animals. They even use them as shark bait, but that is whole other topic right there. If people really knew what was going on out there, so many more of them would stand up and do something. That's why it is my job, and yours, to educate them and get them to open their eyes. So, they will wake up, get their head out of the sand and stand with us, in our fight to make a difference and change things. This has got to be stopped. The sub-humans who do this must be punished harshly for their actions, not slapped on the wrist, as was Sick Vick. We are the only hope and protection these abused animals have against these monsters of our own species. We must stand up for them and fight back against these abusers. We are the voice of the voiceless and we will not back down, nor will we be silenced or go away....ever! Never Surrender, Never Give Up! They are counting on us......R.A.C.E. Question What types of dogs are at risk of being used as bait dogs?R – restate the questionA – answer the question in your own wordsC – Cite Evidence from the text. This must be a direct quotation. You can use your own words to embed the quotation and make it work for you.E – Explain the answer in the style of a summary ALWAYS COLOR CODE YOUR ANSWERS TO BE SURE YOU HIT ALL OF THE PARTS!OrganizationThe book is divided into ten chapters with an epilogue. Your job is to read and annotate each chapter. Annotations are extremely important. Your final exam will be open book, so it behooves you read closely and make detailed notes in the margins of the pages. Use the following guide to help you with your annotations. Green = new characters are introduced Yellow = any mention about adoption of both Oogy and the twins Blue = anything that sticks out to you that you find important For each chapter, take note of why the author may have included this chapter. What does the chapter title reveal about what is contained in those chapters? Assignment: Write an extended paragraph for each chapter question and turn them in to Google Classroom. You MUST cite evidence from the section in order to receive credit for your answer. Every week, keep adding another RACE response to your google document. You will submit the entire portfolio AT THE END of the novel study.Portfolio Questions and Due DatesThe following questions must be answered in complete R.A.C.E academic style paragraphs. Be sure to color code your answers to ensure that you use all the R.A.C.E elements.R – restate the questionA – answer the questionC – cite textual evidence and embed it in a complete sentenceE – explain in your own words Tips:Do not use “I” or “me”. If you absolutely must use something, write “the reader”.When you discuss literature. Always speak in the present tense.When you cite textual evidence, embed it inside your own wordsALWAYS use all four elements of the R.A.C.E. academic model.Be sure to reread your work to be sure that it makes sense.Chapter 1MorningDue November 2nd What do you learn about the family from the author’s description of their home?Chapter 2The Patron Saint of Hopeless CausesDue November 9th Why does Diane fight to save Oogy’s life?Chapter 3The StorkDue November 16th What does “The Stork is Calling mean.”?Chapter 4DoorsDue December 7th Why is Jennifer afraid to adopt Oogy?Chapter 5The ArrivalDue December 14th How does the family’s love for Oogy make Noah feel that he is loved?Chapter 6The Third TwinDue January 11th What does Oogy like to eat or chew?Chapter 7SurprisesDue January 19th What kind of dog is Oogy?Chapter 8A Special OneDue January 25th How does Oogy react to hydrotherapy?Chapter 9SignsDue February 1st Why does Mr. Levin think that Oogy much more speech than he gets credit for?Chapter 10The RescuerDue February 8th Do the twins think that the fact that they were adopted influenced the way that they related to Oogy?EpilogueThe Journey BoatsDue February 16th What is carved on the bottom of the journey boats?Remote LearningOne of the biggest challenges of remote learning is time management. You will have time in class to work on these assignments, but it is up to you to turn in assignments on time. See your student handbook if you need a refresher on how turning in assignments late will affect your grade. I am here to help you go through these challenges. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help in class or privately during my office hours. There are no “dumb” questions. Please talk to me if you need any help at all.OogyEnd of Book ProjectDue February 23 / 24 2020Now that we have finished reading Oogy, we are going to put our understanding and comprehension of the novel together in a final project. There are many ways you can report on the book… choose one of the following methods for your project. ALL final projects will be presented to the class.BEFORE YOU BEGIN, you must submit a project proposal. You will explain your plan and how you be able to accomplish it. This will count as a grade. Discuss your project and list the materials that you will need. I WILL NOT ACCEPT A PROJECT THAT WAS NOT PRECEEDED BY A PROPOSAL. Don’t let this happen to you. Project Proposal will be due on December 10th.The Next Chapter– Write a five page follow up chapter to the novel. How would you like to see it end? What happens next? Use the information about the characters and events of the novel to help you write. Newspaper – Create a newspaper with stories describing events that happened in the novel. Summarize the plot in one article, the weather in another, do a feature story on TWO of your favorite characters, and a comic relating to the novel. Include an editorial about the book and FOUR advertisements that relate to the story. You can refer to a real newspaper for examples and ideas. Scrapbook – Use magazine pictures, photographs, and other illustrations to create a scrapbook that Mr. Levin might keep to document Oogy and the family’s lives. She might choose to decorate her scrapbook with stickers or to include a letter to someone instrumental in Oogy’s life like one of the veterinarians. You would include pictures and illustrations of the family’s life together. You could also design a scrapbook detailing significant places, characters, and events throughout Oogy.Timeline – On large poster board, create a timeline of important and significant events in Oogy and the family’s lives. Include illustrations in your timeline.Diorama – Construct a diorama (3?D scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals) of one of the main events/scenes in the novel. Include a two to four paragraph typed description of the scene, what happened in the scene, and why the scene is important. Diary – Type 10 diary entries that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during, or after the story. Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary. Each page must include a colored illustration (drawn by you – not printed off the computer!).Live Reporting – Be a news reporter and give an oral report of a scene from the book as if it was happening live. This will be performed in front of the class. Please turn in the script as well. Another Idea? – Before starting a project that is not on this list, you must propose your idea, what it involves, and how it will be presented. Write one to two paragraphs explaining your idea and why you think it would be a great project idea. Be sure to include what the project is, how you will do it, and how the final product will be presented. ................

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