‘The Great Depression’

[Pages:1]Fun Facts about the 1930's

`The Great Depression'

? The Great Depression left many without jobs ? Dust Bowl left farmers of the mid-west without crops ? F.D.R.'s New Deal to bring Relief, Recovery & Reform ? WPA workers build parks, bridges & schools ? 20th Amendment ? Presidential terms clarified ? 21st Amendment ? Repeal of Prohibition ? 1st woman U.S. Senator ? Hattie Caraway of AR ? Hitler becomes German Chancellor ? "European War" leads up to WWII ? Swing / Jive music to reflect or off-set depression ? Humor popular Annie, Buck Rogers, Dick Tracy,

Popeye, Superman ? Talking movie pictures ? Gone with the Wind,

Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Wizard of Oz ? Inventions such as Penicillin, Scotch tape, chocolate

chips, cheeseburgers, baby food, frozen foods, nylon stockings, ball point pens ? Transportation expands automobiles, helicopter, radar ? Atom splitting, Loch Ness monster & Pluto discovered


Staff, (2010). The 1930's. retreived March 11, 2015 .

American Studies at the University of Virginia, (2009). America in the 1030's. retrieved on March 11, 2015.


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