History and Systems of Psychology

History and Systems of Psychology

Thought Paper # 1 - Due Wednesday, February 15th, 2017

Psychology asks questions and attempts to answer them empirically, that is, with careful observations and/or experimental methods. Psychologists ask such questions as: How do we learn? How can we influence the opinions of others? How do relationships work (or fail to work)? What are the effects of our social and physical environment on our personality? On learning? These smaller questions lend themselves to the formation of hypothesis, measurement and analysis. Despite our emphasis on the scientific method, the questions we address and interpretations of scientific evidence are strongly influenced by our basic assumptions about human nature.

Over Psychology’s history, different assumptions (or philosophies) have been proposed about the nature of humans. For example, Freud held that human behavior was largely the product of unconscious conflicts between the Id and Superego and that we are motivated by libidinal drives. Radical Behaviorists hold that we are entirely the product of our environments. Humanists posit that human behavior is motivated by a self-actualizing drive (the drive to growth). Cognitive Psychology holds that “we are what we think”.

I would like you to outline your own Philosophy of life. There is no correct answer to this question. What I am looking for is some evidence that you have thought about and identified some of your own assumptions and ideals.

To define your personal philosophy, answer six key questions:

• Are humans innately good or are we innately bad? Is morality a aspect of human “nature” or is it imposed by our environment?

• How do we end up as the people we become? What are the factors that influence our personality?

• Do we have free will? If not, what determines our behavior?

• Why are each of us different from others, and why do we share characteristics with others?

• Is there a motto you try to live by? What is it and why do you think it is important?

Once you have identified your own philosophy of life, do the same for our current American culture. How do you think a “stereotypical” American addressing the same issues?

Finally, comment on how your personal philosophy is similar or different from what you see as the “American Zeitgeist” Philosophy of life.

Now here is the hard part. Your paper must be limited to 4 double spaced, 12pt (Times Roman or similar) font, one inch margined pages. Spelling, Grammar and organization count. Late assignments will not be accepted. Do not email me your assignment unless there is no possible way to physically deliver it to me.



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