Study Guide- Chapter 16

Bentley Chapter 13 Study Guide: The Expansive Realm of Islam

Eyewitness: Season of the Mecca Pilgrimage (259-268)

1. What is the dar al-Islam?

A Prophet and His World (260)

2. Who were the Bedouin peoples and how was their location in Arabia important to their society?

Muhammad and His Message: Mohammad’s Early Life (260)

3. According to the Islamic faith, who is Muhammad? What was his occupation? What other religions was in contact with?

Muhammad and His Message: Muhammad’s Spiritual Transformation (261)

4. What was Muhammad’s message? With what religions did it share common elements?

Muhammad and His Message: Quran (261)

5. What is the Holy Book of Islam, which compiles Muhammad’s revelations?

Muhammad’s Migration to Medina: The “Seal of the Prophets” (262)

6. Describe how the message Muhammad taught tied into Jewish and Christian teachings?

The Establishment of Islam on Arabia: Muhammad’s Return to Mecca (262-263)

7. What is the significance of the Ka’ba?

8. What was the result of Muhammad’s campaigns against the other towns around Mecca?

The Establishment of Islam on Arabia: The Five Pillars of Islam (263-264)

9. What is the significance of the Five Pillars of Islam?

The Establishment of Islam on Arabia: Jihad (264)

10. What are the different meanings of jihad?

The Establishment of Islam on Arabia: Islamic Law: The Sharia (264)

11. What is the significance of Islamic Law, the Sharia?

The Expansion of Islam (264-265)

12. What served as a problem for the Islamic community after Muhammad’s death?

The Early Caliphs and the Ummayyad Dynasty: The Caliph (265)

13. What was the role of the Caliph? How did Abu Bakr become the first Caliph?

The Early Caliphs and the Ummayyad Dynasty: The Expansion of Islam (265-266)

14. Describe the success of the Muslim armies in their expansion efforts.

15. By the mid-eight century, what was the extent of the Islamic Empire? What are some problems that emerged as the empire expanded?

The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty: The Shia (266)

16. Why did the split between the Sunni and Shia occur? Describe each sides beliefs on the issue.

The Early Caliphs and the Ummayyad Dynasty: The Umayyad Dynasty (266)

17. Who were the Umayyad’s and what did they do for the Islamic community?

18. Where is the capital of the Umayyad Dynasty?

19. Describe the problems the Umayyad’s faced in governing their empire?

The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty: Policy toward Conquered Peoples (266)

20. What was the treatment of the diverse conquered people living under the Umayyad Dynasty? What were the effects of that treatment?

The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty: Umayyad Decline (266)

21. What problems led to the Umayyad decline?

The Abbasid Dynasty: Abu al-Abbas (266-267)

22. How did the Abbasid Dynasty rise to power?

The Abbasid Dynasty: The Abbasid Dynasty (267)

23. Describe how the Abbasid Dynasty differed from the Umayyad?

The Abbasid Dynasty: Abbasid Administration (267)

24. Who did the Abbasid’s model their government after? How?

The Abbasid Dynasty: Baghdad (267-268)

25. Where did the Abbasid’s move their capital to?

26. What did the caliph’s establish and incorporate into their capital city and empire?

The Abbasid Dynasty: Harun al-Rashid (268)

27. Describe the characteristics of the city of Baghdad.

The Abbasid Dynasty: Abbasid Decline (268)

28. What factors led to the fall of the Abbasid Dynasty?

Economy and Society of the Early Islamic World (268)

29. What type of economy did the Umayyad and Abbasid Empires establish?

New crops, Agriculture Experimentation, and Urban Growth: The Spread of Food and Industrial Crops (268)

30. What new crops were introduced to the empire and what regions participated in this exchange?

New crops, Agriculture Experimentation, and Urban Growth: The Spread of Food and Industrial Crops (268-269)

31. What was the result of the new crops introduced into the Islamic world?

New crops, Agriculture Experimentation, and Urban Growth: Agricultural Experiment (269)

32. How did travel and communication encourage experimentation with agricultural methods?

New crops, Agriculture Experimentation, and Urban Growth: Urban Growth (269-270)

33. How did increase agriculture effect cities?

34. What was the impact of paper on the Islamic Empire and whom did they obtain this invention from?

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: Overland Trade (270)

35. Why did Umayyad and Abbasid ruler maintain the silk roads they inherited?

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: Camels and Caravans (270)

36. What animal was used to travel across the empire? Why? What new technology made this journey more efficient?

37. What are caravanserais?

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: Maritime Trade (270-271)

38. What new innovations in maritime technology increased maritime trade? Be sure to know where these items came from.

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: Banks (271)

39. Describe the banking system during the Abbasid Dynasty.

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: The Organization of Trade (271-272)

40. What were the benefits of group investments?

41. Under Islamic Law trade was protected and flourished. To what regions did Muslim merchants enter?

The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone: Al-Andalus (272)

42. What country and region is Al-Andalus? What old Islamic dynasty ruled there?

43. What role did Al-Andalus play in trade with the Islamic world?

The Changing Status of Women (272)

44. During Muhammad’s life, what were some of the rights women enjoyed?

The Changing Status of Women: The Quran and Women (272-273)

45. How did the Quran and Sharia provide a religious and legal foundation for a patriarchal society?

The Changing Status of Women: Veiling Women (272-273)

46. Describe how the role of women changed as the Islamic Empire expanded.

Islamic Values and Cultural Exchanges (273)

The Formation of an Islamic Cultural Tradition: Sufis (274)

47. Who were the Sufis? How did they differ from traditional Muslims?

The Formation of an Islamic Cultural Tradition: Sufi Missionaries (274-275)

48. Where did Sufi’s find most converts?

Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Perisa, India, and Greece: Translators and Travelers (275)

49. In what ways did the Abbasid Dynasty foster knowledge from other societies? What societies and cultures?

50. Where did Muslim merchants, missionaries, and travelers compile there geographic knowledge from? What did they create with that knowledge?

Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and Greece: Persian Influences on Islam (275-277)

51. Give specific examples of how Persian traditions influenced Islamic political and cultural leaders.

Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and Greece: Indian Influences on Islam (277)

52. Give specific examples of how Muslim and Indian achievements were exchanged and applied to their societies.

Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and Greece: Greek Influences on Islam (277-278)

53. Give examples of how Greek culture influenced Muslim society.




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