Unpacking Outcomes - NESD

North East School DivisionUnpacking OutcomesUnpacking the OutcomeResearch waysPresent waysOutcome (circle the verb and underline the qualifiers)SP9.4 Research and present how First Nations and Métis peoples, past and present, envision, represent, and make use of probability and statistics.KNOWUNDERSTANDBE ABLE TO DOHow to gather information effectively (ELA integration)Ways to document informationPossible sources for information re. FNM perspectivesStrategies for making comparisonsStrategies for communicating concretely, pictorially, visually, physically and/ or in writingVocabulary – probability, statistics, First Nations, Métis, elder, traditional knowledge keeper, significance, representation, envisioning, parallel, enhance, assumption, likelihood, chances That probability and statistics are important to First Nations and Métis peoplesThat various cultures have different ways of imagining, using, representing mathematical conceptsThat learning how other people think about and use math can help us develop our own understandingThat, when gathering information about cultures other than our own, it is best to seek the most reliable information possibleGather and document information regarding the significant use of probability and statistics for at least one First Nations or Métis peoples from a variety of sources such as elders and traditional knowledge keepersCompare the significance, representation and use of probability and statistics for different First Nations and Métis peoples and other culturesCommunicate concretely, pictorially, visually, physically and/ or in writing what has been learned about the envisioning, representing and use of probability and statistics by FNM peoples and how these understandings differ, parallel, and enhance one’s own mathematical understandings about probability and statisticsESSENTIAL QUESTIONSHow are probability and statistics important to First Nations and Métis peoples?How do other cultures envision, represent and use mathematical concepts? How is this the same or different from the understanding we have been engaged in?Why learn about how other people think about and use math?How do I find reliable information about other cultures? ................

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