IMPORTANT - Velg Training

( The State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training) 2009

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This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Queensland Government.


The Department of Education and Training has used its best endeavours to ensure that this product is correct and current at the time of publication, but does not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the contents. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability, the Department limits its liability to the extent permitted by law.

This RPL Assessor Kit is available free of charge at

**The Department of Education and Training considers any enhancement which amounts to a modification of 10% or more of the material, to be significant.


This RPL Assessor Kit is divided into sections to allow you to easily access only those sections you require at any given time. These sections are:

SECTION A – Assessor Information

You need to read this information before conducting an assessment. It outlines the intent and processes surrounding this RPL assessment and how it differs from assessment undertaken following formal training.

SECTION B – Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate. It tells them about the assessment process as well as containing simple forms for the applicant to fill out. From the information provided by the candidate on these forms, you will be able to gain a general understanding of the skills and experience the candidate may have, as well as potential referee contacts.

SECTION C – Competency Conversation

You use this section to determine and record candidate competence via a competency conversation. In other words, these questions guide your conversation with the applicant and assist in your assessment of their competence. The notes you take about this conversation are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION D – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for assessment.

SECTION E – Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access required resources for performing practical tasks and scenarios.

SECTION F – Third Party Verification

You give this section to the referees to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in this qualification/occupation. The referees may fill out the appropriate form and return to you to confirm your judgement. You may be able to complete this part of evidence gathering in person while at the workplace.

SECTION G – Assessment Tables

You use this table as a reference tool to see at a glance how units/elements of competency are assessed within the tool. All the elements and performance criteria within the competency units are cross-matched in this table with a corresponding assessment question/task/scenario. This allows you to validate the assessment process against the qualification.


Assessor Information

It is VITAL you read this information prior to commencing your RPL assessment. It provides generic information on assessment, as well as an overview of this streamlined RPL assessment process.


This RPL Assessor Kit streamlines the RPL assessment process for BSB07 Business Services Training Package by taking a practical approach to RPL and increasing the use of on-site questioning and observation. This will assist in developing a “picture of the candidate’s skills and knowledge”. This picture can then be compared with industry standards enabling a determination of whether the candidate has achieved the required outcomes.


A sound knowledge of assessment and the individual units is essential

It is important to have a good understanding of the competencies and qualification/s appropriate to the candidate’s goals.

Assessing a single unit of competency is rarely cost or time effective. Where possible, effort should be made to assess several units at the same time taking advantage of any commonality in content. This means looking at the whole picture of a particular job role as it happens in industry and assessing holistically. This saves valuable time in the assessment process.

Assessment involves judgement

This tool encourages the use of a “competency conversation” to maximise the candidate’s opportunities to demonstrate competence. This is NOT an oral exam. It is about using the two or three holistic questions provided to start a conversation with the candidate which draws out their actual individual experiences and relevant skills. In other words, it is about the assessor probing the candidate through a conversation to draw out further information on the candidate’s experience which may not be forthcoming due to nerves or confusion over technical terminology.

The tool also provides observable tasks to allow candidates to demonstrate skills.

Authentication/verification is integral to RPL assessment

It is critical information gleaned from the interview and observation be confirmed with those who can vouch for the candidate’s skill over time. Supervisors would generally perform this role. Authentication may also be done through conversation but it cannot be stressed enough that it is essential assessors take careful notes to back up and record their judgement.

Recording assessment is critical

Keep careful records of all aspects of conversations, skills demonstration or documentation viewed that support the claim of prior learning. Remember – the record is the document that makes sense of the assessment and why a particular judgment was made. Keeping detailed notes about the candidate’s response is vital, as is the rationale for judgement.

The assessment record is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to requirements of the State Training Authority and the AQTF Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Assessor summaries and other quality assurance documentation from your own Registered Training Organisation will also be required. For examples of assessment summary documentation, please see Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit:

To access further information on the principles assessment and dimensions of competency, you can visit Assessment Guide Number 1: Training Package Assessment Materials Kit.

To access further information on the Australian Qualifications Framework, you can visit:

Employability Skills

Assessment of a candidate’s employability skills should be integrated into the assessment of their technical skills and knowledge. Where possible, employability skills have been embedded within the bank of questions and practical assessment tasks in this RPL Assessor Kit. Therefore, assessors should make and document holistic judgements about a learner’s attainment of employability skills as part of the RPL assessment. For more information about the employability skills requirements for particular qualifications, refer to the training package.

To access further general information on employability skills, refer to Employability Skills: From framework to practice, at:


|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |

|BSBADM503B |Plan and manage conferences |( | |

|BSBADM504B |Plan or review administration systems |( | |

|BSBADM506B |Manage business document design and development |( | |

|BSBCUS401A |Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies |( |( |

|BSBFIA401A |Prepare financial reports |( | |

|BSBFIM501A |Manage budgets and financial plans |( | |

|BSBFIM502A |Manage payroll |( | |

|BSBHRM401A |Review human resources functions |( | |

|BSBHRM402A |Recruit, select and induct staff |( | |

|BSBHRM501A |Manage human resources services |( | |

|BSBHRM506A |Manage recruitment selection and induction processes |( | |

|BSBHRM510A |Manage mediation processes |( | |

|BSBINM401A |Implement workplace information system |( | |

|BSBINM501A |Manage an information or knowledge management system |( | |

|BSBITB501A |Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network |( | |

|BSBLED401A |Develop teams and individuals |( | |

|BSBLED501A |Develop a workplace learning environment |( | |

|BSBLED502A |Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness |( | |

|BSBMGT402A |Implement operational plan |( |( |

|BSBMGT403A |Implement continuous improvement |( |( |

|BSBMGT404A |Lead and facilitate offsite staff |( |( |

|BSBMGT502B |Manage people performance |( | |

|BSBMGT515A |Manage operational plan |( | |

|BSBMKG402B |Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets |( | |

|BSBMKG502B |Establish and adjust the marketing mix |( | |

|BSBOHS509A |Ensure a safe workplace |( | |

|BSBPMG401A |Apply project scope management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG402A |Apply time management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG403A |Apply cost management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG404A |Apply quality management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG405A |Apply human resources management approaches |( |( |

|BSBPMG406A |Apply communications management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG407A |Apply risk management techniques |( |( |

|BSBPMG408A |Apply contract and procurement procedures |( |( |

|BSBRSK401A |Identify risk and apply risk management processes |( | |

|BSBSUS501A |Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability |( | |

|BSBWOR502A |Ensure team effectiveness |( | |

|BSBWRK509A |Manage industrial relations |( | |


This kit has been developed to streamline the application for recognition of prior learning.



1. Complete application

The candidate completes the application forms in SECTION B. It is important candidates provide as much information of their previous experience in the business sector as is available.

Documents that may be available include but are not limited to:

← any licences

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← indentures/trade papers

← certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas

← certificates/results of assessment – universities

← results/statement of attendance/certificates – vendor training courses, in-house courses, workshops, seminars, symposiums

← results/statements of attendance/ certificates – club courses e.g. first aid, officials, surf life saving, etc

← tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc

← photographs of work undertaken

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← site training records

← site competencies held record membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← industry awards

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Candidates also need to provide contact details for one or two referees who can confirm their industry skills in context and over time.

To have skills formally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework, you must ensure the candidate’s skills meet industry standards.

2. Interview about candidate’s documentary information

Review the information provided by the candidate and arrange a time for both you and the candidate to discuss. Begin alignment of documentation and skills to the following qualifications:

BSB07 Business Services Training Package

Certificate IV to Diploma

The candidate will have the opportunity to discuss and identify previous experience with you. The available documents are step one in collecting information and you will need to determine which units of competency, if any, are fully covered at this stage. You use your own or your RTO’s assessment recording forms to record this stage of the assessment.

There may be instances where the candidate has little, or no, documentary information of industry experience. This is not a barrier to gaining recognition. This will just require you to rely on the questioning, practical assessment and referee validation phases of the RPL process.

3. Questions for the Competency Conversation

The bank of questions in SECTION C is the next phase in collecting evidence for the RPL process. The questions are designed to enable you to have a “competency conversation” with the candidate to further gain evidence of their past experience. REMEMBER, the primary focus is on the candidate’s experience.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise the question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. You should read the “industry requirements” of each competency before the candidate answers the questions posed. You may also target the assessment to those aspects that present the greatest risk in the industry. Questions are aligned with the relevant unit/s of competency in SECTION G.

It is not intended every question for all competencies is asked, only those competencies the initial interview about the candidate’s documentary evidence has failed to fully address. The question bank covers most but not all units in the kit. Units without questions are covered in the practical assessment/scenario section.

4. Practical assessment tasks

It is important that you use both Steps 3 (Questioning) and 4 (Practical Assessment) in doing this assessment. The RPL process is a streamlined RPL process which does not rely solely on practical assessment but uses a combination of questioning and practical to provide evidence of candidate competence.

This is the third phase in collecting evidence. A practical skills test is then conducted by you at the candidate’s workplace or another suitable venue. Appropriate permission must be sought before entering workplaces.

This is a further opportunity for candidate to demonstrate competence. It is expected the practical assessment will comprise only those competencies the candidate is still unable to demonstrate knowledge/experience in after documentary review and questioning have been applied. These assessments contain the practical skills and application of knowledge for the qualification. A number of holistic practical assessments are included in this kit (SECTION D) to assist you with tasks suitable for observation on the job.

You decide if the response to questions and practical assessment tasks fulfils the requirements of the standard and may choose to pursue the issue further for a determination to be made. The assessment is a conversation/observation, not an exam, and you are encouraged to assist candidates to focus responses toward relevant issues.

Assessing through observation and questioning, particularly on the job, will speed up and streamline the RPL assessment process.

NOTE: Where candidate’s documentation and questions meet the assessment requirement, it is still strongly recommended the candidate undertake one practical assessment so you are confident in making a judgement of “competent”. The practical assessment selection should be negotiated between you and the candidate.

Recording sheets for candidate information, questioning and the practical assessments have been included in SECTION D. You may use other recording mechanisms provided these also keep a complete record of assessment and justification of judgement. Candidate responses, observations of skills demonstrated and documents presented as evidence must be noted in enough detail so anyone external to the process (e.g. a fellow assessor, auditor, lawyer, etc) can read the record and retrace your judgement.

5. Gap training

RPL is an assessment process designed to show areas of competence and to identify IF a candidate has gaps in skills and knowledge against a whole qualification.

Not all candidates will have skill/knowledge gaps.

If a candidate has skills gaps, a pathway to complete training in the outstanding units can be negotiated to assist the client to gain the full qualification.


Recognition of prior learning outcomes (both Granted and Not Granted) are now funded nationally and as such will be included in National AVETMISS audits. NCVER have stipulated evidence recording requirements for RPL assessments as a minimum requirement for passing an AVETMISS audit. The following “Evidence Review” proforma has been approved by NCVER as covering AVETMISS audit requirements for RPL recorded outcomes. It also gives you an opportunity to track a student’s assessment progress at a glance.

It is expected that this “Evidence Review” summary sheet (or similar) would be attached to each participant’s evidence compiled during the RPL assessment process.

(Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.)

|Unit Code |Unit Title |Questions |Practical |Documents |3rd Party |Other |

| | | | | |Report |evidence |

|BSBADM503B |Plan and manage conferences | | | | | |

|BSBADM504B |Plan or review administration systems | | | | | |

|BSBADM506B |Manage business document design and development | | | | | |

|BSBCUS401A |Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies | | | | | |

|BSBFIA401A |Prepare financial reports | | | | | |

|BSBFIM501A |Manage budgets and financial plans | | | | | |

|BSBFIM502A |Manage payroll | | | | | |

|BSBHRM401A |Review human resources functions | | | | | |

|BSBHRM402A |Recruit, select and induct staff | | | | | |

|BSBHRM501A |Manage human resources services | | | | | |

|BSBHRM506A |Manage recruitment selection and induction processes | | | | | |

|BSBHRM510A |Manage mediation processes | | | | | |

|BSBINM401A |Implement workplace information system | | | | | |

|BSBINM501A |Manage an information or knowledge management system | | | | | |

|BSBITB501A |Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network | | | | | |

|BSBLED401A |Develop teams and individuals | | | | | |

|BSBLED501A |Develop a workplace learning environment | | | | | |

|BSBLED502A |Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness | | | | | |

|BSBMGT402A |Implement operational plan | | | | | |

|BSBMGT403A |Implement continuous improvement | | | | | |

|BSBMGT404A |Lead and facilitate offsite staff | | | | | |

|BSBMGT502B |Manage people performance | | | | | |

|BSBMGT515A |Manage operational plan | | | | | |

|BSBMKG402B |Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets | | | | | |

|BSBMKG502B |Establish and adjust the marketing mix | | | | | |

|BSBOHS509A |Ensure a safe workplace | | | | | |

|BSBPMG401A |Apply project scope management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG402A |Apply time management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG403A |Apply cost management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG404A |Apply quality management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG405A |Apply human resources management approaches | | | | | |

|BSBPMG406A |Apply communications management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG407A |Apply risk management techniques | | | | | |

|BSBPMG408A |Apply contract and procurement procedures | | | | | |

|BSBRSK401A |Identify risk and apply risk management processes | | | | | |

|BSBSUS501A |Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability | | | | | |

|BSBWOR502A |Ensure team effectiveness | | | | | |

|BSBWRK509A |Manage industrial relations | | | | | |

Assessor’s Name:

Assessor’s Signature:



Candidate Information and Application Forms

You give this information to the candidate for them to read about the RPL process and to complete the appropriate forms.



The BSB07 Business Services Training Package contains 63 qualifications across a range of qualifications. The Business Services industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for high performing workplaces, competitive advantage and business success. The industry comprises a large array of small, medium and large enterprises including multinationals and franchises.

The qualification structure has been designed to provide flexibility to accommodate a wide variety of industry contexts and to suit individual enterprise requirements. An added feature of the qualifications in BSB07 is that suggested electives are provided for some qualifications to achieve different vocational outcomes.

The Business Services includes cross - industry occupations and services supporting the

commercial activities of businesses and other organisations including functions related to

advertising, accounting, business communication, human resources, management, legal

work, market research, sales and marketing, secretarial and technology applications. It also includes a focus on more specialised functions such as franchising, project management and OHS practitioner work.

This environment requires individuals who use well-developed skills and a broad knowledge base in a wide variety of contexts. They apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems, and analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources. They may provide leadership and guidance to others with some limited responsibility for the output of others.

Job Roles

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this sector

might include:

• Project Officer

• Medical Records Officer

• Small Business Manager

• Office Administrator

• Accounts Supervisor

• Executive Personal Assistant

“If you are doing these roles in your job, then don’t write off your skills – consider getting them recognised.”


To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.

Assessment happens in a variety of ways. Being prepared can save you valuable time and hassle and make the recognition process stress-free for you.

Here are some tips and hints for you:

1. Be prepared to talk about your job roles and your work history. Bring a resume or jot down a few points about where you have worked, either paid or unpaid, and what you did there.

2. Bring your position description and any performance appraisals you have from any business, shops or facilities you have worked in.

3. Consider the possibilities for workplace contact. Are you in a workplace that is supporting your goals to get qualified? Would you feel comfortable to have the assessor contact your workplace or previous workplaces so your skills can be validated?

4. Think about who can confirm your skill level. Think about current or recent supervisors who have seen you work in the past 18 months and will be able to confirm your skills. The assessor will need to contact them. You may also have community contacts or even clients themselves who can vouch for your skills level.

5. Collect any certificates from in-house training or formal training you have done in the past.

6. You can speak with your training organisation about other ways you can show your skills in business. These could be letters from employers, records of your professional development sessions, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as they don’t show client details) or other relevant documents.


Step 1 – Provide information of your skills and experience

Complete the attached forms and provide as much information of your previous experience in the business environment as you can. This is your first opportunity (and not the last) to provide proof of your variety of experience in the industry. Here you can supply examples of your work history which could include:

General employment documents

← brief CV or work history

← position descriptions

← certificates/results of assessment

← details of in house courses, workshops, seminars, orientation or induction sessions

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

Workplace documents

← any licences

← brief CV or work history

← certificates/results of assessment

← indentures/trade papers

← certificates/results of assessment – interstate/overseas

← certificates/results of assessment – universities

← tickets held eg forklift, crane, etc photographs of work undertaken

← diaries/task sheets/job sheets/log books

← site training records

← site competencies held record

← membership of relevant professional associations

← hobbies/interests/special skills outside work

← references/letters from previous employers/supervisors

← industry awards

← any other documentation that may demonstrate industry experience

Depending on the industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL as the Assessor will work with you during the RPL process.

You will also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.

Step 2 – Conversation with Assessor

An assessor will review the information you have provided (usually with you) and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. At this point, you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience with the assessor who will understand your industry experience and conduct a competency conversation with you. You will be required to answer business related questions to identify your current skills.

Step 3 – Practical demonstration of your skills

The assessor will conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or at another suitable venue. This, again, is an opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence. This assessment will be focussed on skills that are required in the qualification. Your assessor will identify the skills that he/she will want you to demonstrate.

Further steps

After the assessment, your assessor will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

|APPLICATION – Self Assessment Questionnaire |

Candidate Name: Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

|Unit Code |Unit Title |I have performed these tasks |

| | |Frequently |Sometimes |Never |

|BSBADM503B |Plan and manage conferences | | | |

|BSBADM504B |Plan or review administration systems | | | |

|BSBADM506B |Manage business document design and development | | | |

|BSBCUS401A |Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies | | | |

|BSBFIA401A |Prepare financial reports | | | |

|BSBFIM501A |Manage budgets and financial plans | | | |

|BSBFIM502A |Manage payroll | | | |

|BSBHRM401A |Review human resources functions | | | |

|BSBHRM402A |Recruit, select and induct staff | | | |

|BSBHRM501A |Manage human resources services | | | |

|BSBHRM506A |Manage recruitment selection and induction processes | | | |

|BSBHRM510A |Manage mediation processes | | | |

|BSBINM401A |Implement workplace information system | | | |

|BSBINM501A |Manage an information or knowledge management system | | | |

|BSBITB501A |Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network | | | |

|BSBLED401A |Develop teams and individuals | | | |

|BSBLED501A |Develop a workplace learning environment | | | |

|BSBLED502A |Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness | | | |

|BSBMGT402A |Implement operational plan | | | |

|BSBMGT403A |Implement continuous improvement | | | |

|BSBMGT404A |Lead and facilitate offsite staff | | | |

|BSBMGT502B |Manage people performance | | | |

|BSBMGT515A |Manage operational plan | | | |

|BSBMKG402B |Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets | | | |

|BSBMKG502B |Establish and adjust the marketing mix | | | |

|BSBOHS509A |Ensure a safe workplace | | | |

|BSBPMG401A |Apply project scope management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG402A |Apply time management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG403A |Apply cost management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG404A |Apply quality management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG405A |Apply human resources management approaches | | | |

|BSBPMG406A |Apply communications management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG407A |Apply risk management techniques | | | |

|BSBPMG408A |Apply contract and procurement procedures | | | |

|BSBRSK401A |Identify risk and apply risk management processes | | | |

|BSBSUS501A |Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability | | | |

|BSBWOR502A |Ensure team effectiveness | | | |

|BSBWRK509A |Manage industrial relations | | | |

Candidate Signature: Date:


Applicant Details:

|1. Occupation you are seeking recognition in | |

|2 Personal Details |

|Surname | |

|Preferred Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss) | |

|First Name/s | |

|Any other name used | |

|Home Address | |

| | |

|Postal address if different from above | |

| | |

|Telephone Numbers |Home: |Work: |

| |Mobile: |Fax: |

|Date of Birth | / / |

|Gender |MALE ( / FEMALE ( |

|Age | |

|Are you a permanent Resident of Australia |YES ( / NO ( |

|3 Current Employment |

| |YES ( / NO ( |

|Are you currently employed? | |

| |……………………………………………………… |

|If Yes, in which occupation are you currently employed? | |

| | |

|Who is your current employer? |………………………………………………………. |

|4. Armed Forces details (If Applicable) |

|Branch of Service | |

|Trade classification on discharge | |

|5. Further Training |

|Have you undertaken any training courses related to the |YES ( / NO ( |

|occupation applied for? | |

|If Yes | |

|What occupation were you trained in? | |

|Training completion Date (month, year) | |

|Country where you trained | |

|Name of course and institution (if applicable) | |

|6. Is there any further information you wish to give in| |

|support of your application | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|7. Professional Referees (relevant to work situation) |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Name |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Position |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Organisation |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Phone Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Mobile Number |…………………………………………………………………… |

| | |

|Email Address |…………………………………………………………………… |


|Name, Address and Phone |Period of Employment |Position Held |Full Time |Description of Major Duties |

|number of Employers |(DD/MM/YYYY) | |Part-time | |

| | | |Casual | |

| |From |To | | | |

|1. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|4. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Attach additional sheet if required

If you are including documents in your application, please provide a brief description below

|Document Description |Office Use Only – Assessor to use this section to align documents to specific |

|(e.g. resume, photos, awards etc) |units of competency and identify key questions for competency conversation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate Signature: Date


Competency Conversation

This section assists the assessor in documenting the competency conversation.

Do NOT give this section to the candidate.

Once you have assessed the candidate’s documentary information and determined which competencies you still require more information/evidence on, you use the question bank and Record of Conversation sheets in this section to document evidence of past experience. It is not intended that every question for all competencies be discussed during the conversation, only those competencies the initial documentary review has failed to fully address.

Each question has “key points” to look for in responses. You may use the list of key points to formulate questions of your own if you wish, or contextualise or rephrase the suggested question to the candidate’s particular work situation. The questions are not intended to be a formal ‘script’ for the assessor to follow, but to provide guidance in exploring the range of the candidate’s skills, knowledge and experience in performing a particular task or function.

The Record of Conversation sheets indicate relevant content that should be sought. Place a tick next to each key point as you hear this topic being discussed during the conversation. In doing so, you are making a statement of fact about what you hear the candidate say during the competency conversation. Use the Comments section to provide further detail about the context of the discussion or briefly outline any examples discussed by the candidate. You may also use the Comments section to make a brief analysis of the responses or summary judgements about the quality of the candidate’s responses in relation to the requirements of the competency standard.

Remember, the notes you take about this conversation are important evidence and should be retained in the candidate’s assessment record.


Note to Assessors: Refer to “Record of Conversation” sheets

|Unit of Competency |Question |

|BSBADM503B |Question 01: Discuss the conferences you have been involved in and how you planned and managed them. |

|Plan and manage |Question 02: What kind of information is required in order to successfully prepare for the planning of a conference? |

|conferences |Question 03: What are the best methods of communication? And how do you promote the event? |

| |Question 04: What kind of contingency situations do you need to prepare for? |

|BSBADM504B |Question 05: How do you identify requirements or modifications to the administration system? |

|Plan or review |Question 06: What do you do to support system implementation? |

|administration systems |Question 07: How do you identify improvements to the system? |

|BSBADM506B |Question 08: What is the procedure for developing documents within your organisation? |

|Manage business document|Question 09: How do you manage the design and production process of the documents? |

|design and development |Question 10 How do you ensure that standards are followed in relation to use of documentation? |

| |Question 11 What strategies are in place to provide continuous improvement in the standard of documentation? |

|BSBCUS401A |Question 12: Discuss a recommendation you made to management to improve on meeting customer needs. What methods did you|

|Coordinate |use to assess customer needs? |

|implementation of |Question 13: Outline your organisations Customer Service Standard. How do you monitor how effectively the Standard is |

|customer service |applied in the workplace? |

|strategies |Question 14: How does your organisation promote and encourage good customer service? |

|BSBFIA401A |Question 15: What types of period end adjustments have you calculated and processed. Explain why each of these is |

|Prepare financial |necessary. |

|reports |Question 16: Briefly outline the steps you have taken to produce a) Profit and Loss statement, b) Balance Sheet. |

| |Question 17: How did you detect and rectify errors arising during the preparation of the Balance Sheet? |

| |Question 18: Briefly outline the procedure for you followed in maintaining an asset register? |

|BSBFIM501A |Question 19: Describe your organisation’s financial planning and budgeting cycle. |

|Manage budgets and |Question 20 Give some specific examples of contingency plans that you or your team prepare in the event that initial |

|financial plans |plans, targets, budgets or KPIs need to be varied to maintain financial objectives. |

| |Question 21 Describe your team’s processes for monitoring and reporting income, costs and expenditures to identify cost|

| |variations and expenditure overruns and to control costs. |

| |Question 22 Describe how your team collects, collates and analyses information on the effectiveness of financial |

| |management processes within the work team. |

| |Question 23 How does your enterprise implement systems changes, and how do you know that they are effective? |

|BSBFIM502A |Question 24: What procedures do you follow in managing payroll? |

|Manage payroll |Question 25: How is the payroll data prepared? |

| |Question 26: What is the procedure for authorising payment of salaries/wages? |

| |Question 27: How do you administer the records relating to payroll? |

|BSBHRM401A |Question 28: What are your roles and responsibilities as a human resources practitioner in your organisation? |

|Review human resources |Question 29: What are the procedures for reviewing human resources policies within your organisation? |

|services |Question 30: What is your role in the development and documentation of recommendations to policy? |

|BSBHRM402A |Question 31: How do you establish and maintain personnel needs in relation to an event? |

|Recruit, select and |Question 32: What are important considerations when developing job specifications? |

|induct staff |Question 33: Describe the process you follow to recruit staff, including assessing and selecting applicants. |

|BSBHRM501A |Question 34: How do you determine strategies for delivery of human resources services in your organisation? |

|Manage human resources |Question 35: How do you manage the delivery of human resources services in your organisation? |

|services |Question 36: How do you monitor and evaluate the delivery of human resources services in your organisation? |

| |Question 37: How do you plan and implement a coordinated approach to human resources functions across your organisation?|

|BSBHRM506A |Question 38: How are policies and procedures relating to recruitment selection developed within your organisation? |

|Manage recruitment |Question 39: How do you recruit and select staff within your organisation? |

|selection and induction |Question 40: What is the process for managing the induction of staff within your organisation? |

|processes | |

|BSBHRM510A |Question 41: How do you determine the mediation requirements within the organisation? |

|Manage mediation |Question 42: How do you establish guidelines for mediation with stakeholders? |

|processes |Question 43: What steps do you follow in preparing for mediation? |

| |Question 44: What is your process for reaching settlement of a dispute? |

| |Question 45: How do you assess the effectiveness of the mediation process? |

|BSBINM401A |Question 46: How have you determined the information needs for your business and acquired this information? |

|Implement workplace |Question 47: What experience have you had in implementing business management systems including technology based |

|information system |systems? |

| |Question 48: How do you ensure the success of business plans and budgets in your area of business operations? |

|BSBINM501A |Question 49 Describe the information or knowledge management systems used by staff within your workplace. |

|Manage an information or|Question 50 How do you identify the learning needs of relevant personnel in the use of an information or knowledge |

|knowledge management |management system? |

|system |Question 51 How do you organise and facilitate the learning needs of relevant staff within the organisation? |

| |Question 52 How do you determine the effectiveness of the system’s contribution to business and operational plans? |

|BSBITB501A |Question 53: How do you determine current and future network requirements? |

|Establish and maintain a|Question 54: How do you determine your selection of a network system? |

|workgroup computer |Question 55: How do you manage maintenance of a workgroup network? |

|network |Question 56: How do you implement training for staff in use of the network? |

|BSBLED401A |Question 57: Discuss a learning plan you have been involved in developing for yourself or a member of your team. How |

|Develop teams and |were the learning and development requirements of the individual identified? |

|individuals |Question 58: How have you ensured learning activities meet the identified needs? |

| |Question 59: Explain the monitoring process your organisation uses to assess learning outcomes are met. |

|BSBLED501A |Question 60: Describe the processes that you use to identify and provide access for people in your team to |

|Develop a workplace |participation in internal or external learning opportunities |

|learning environment |Question 61: What strategies do you use to help team members develop their workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes, |

| |and encourage them to share their skills and knowledge with others in the team? |

| |Question 62: How do you monitor or assess individual and team learning to determine effectiveness and identify any |

| |appropriate additional work-based support? |

| |Question 63: Describe your organisation’s systems and procedures to record and report on training completions, status |

| |and competency |

|BSBLED502A |Question 64: How do you gather information on employee health issues? |

|Manage programs that |Question 65: How do you develop a plan to improve the health and wellbeing of employees? |

|promote personal |Question 66: What techniques do you use to monitor and evaluate an employee health program? |

|effectiveness | |

|BSBMGT402A |Question 67: In your experience, what are the important factors in implementing an operational plan? |

|Implement operational |Question 68: Give examples of how you have successfully implemented operational plans for a business, department or |

|plan |section. |

| |Question 69: How have you determined the human resource and other physical resource requirements for your business |

| |needs and acquired these resources? |

| |Question 70: Outline the systems and processes you have used to effectively implement the operational plan, and to |

| |monitor operational performance. |

|BSBMGT403A |Question 71: How have you contributed to continuous improvement in your workplace? |

|Implement continuous |Question 72: How have you ensured system reviews are used to improve customer service? |

|improvement |Question 73: How have you ensured all staff are involved in continuous improvement in their day-to-day activities? |

|BSBMGT404A |Question 74: Describe an arrangement you have worked under in which you supervised staff carrying out work duties at an |

|Lead and facilitate |alternative site i.e. at home or elsewhere? |

|offsite staff |Question 75: How did you ensure offsite staff were supported, protected and assisted in performing their job? |

| |Question 76: How were arrangements formalised? |

| |Question 77: How did you arrive at agreed outcomes with your staff for their duties? How did you supervise or mentor |

| |these staff? |

|BSBMGT502B |Question 78: How do you develop work plans and allocate work amongst personnel within your organisation? |

|Manage people |Question 79: Describe how you assess the performance of individuals in their work. |

|performance |Question 80: How do you provide feedback to staff and how is this documented within your organisation? |

| |Question 81: After individuals have been provided with feedback, what do you do to manage the follow-up process? |

|BSBMGT515A |Question 82 List the operational plans that impact on you and your work team. Explain how each is developed, interpreted|

|Manage operational plan |and implemented by you. |

| |Question 83 What physical resources or services do you acquire for use in or by your work team? |

| |Question 84 What performance systems and/or processes do you use to analyse budget and actual financial information to |

| |monitor your team’s productivity and profit performance? How do you use them to assess your team’s status and progress |

| |in achieving your targets? |

| |Question 85 How do you identify unsatisfactory performance or discrepancies within your area of responsibility and what|

| |actions do you take to rectify non-conformances? |

| |Question 86 Describe your organisation systems for initiating, documenting, approving and recording changes in your |

| |workplace. |

|BSBMKG402B |Question 87: Why is consumer behaviour important in marketing for your organisation? |

|Analyse consumer |Question 88: Consumer behaviour studies attempt to identify trends in consumer preferences. What is a trend in |

|behaviour for specific |consumer preference and how do you identify trends within your organisation? |

|markets |Question 89: Consumer behaviour is influenced by individual, social and lifestyle factors. What factors make-up a |

| |consumer’s lifestyle? |

| |Question 90 What do you understand by rational, emotional or moral focus of appeal? |

|BSBMKG502B |Question 91: What are the elements that compose the marketing mix for products within your organisation? |

|Establish and adjust the|Question 92: What are the elements that compose the marketing mix for a service within your organisation? |

|marketing mix |Question 93: What are the marketing mix elements designed to address? |

| |Question 94: When would you need to adjust an existing marketing mix? |

|BSBOHS509A |Question 95: What is your role in establishing and maintaining an OH&S system within your organisation? |

|Ensure a safe workplace |Question 96: How have you identified and controlled workplace hazards and their associated risks? |

| |Question 97 What process do you follow to ensure a quality OH&S management system is in place? |

|BSBPMG401A |Question 98: When you have worked as part of a project team, explain how the team identified and defined the scope of a|

|Apply project scope |new project. |

|management techniques |Question 99: What scope planning models have you used? |

| |Question 100: Discuss some of the documents you have used, or referenced, or produced as part of the scoping of a |

| |project. |

| |Question 101: How did you manage instances of “scope creep”? |

|BSBPMG402A |Question 102: When you worked as part of a project team, explain how the team defined and mapped project activities? |

|Apply time management |Question 103: What happened when an activity’s time allocation was incorrect? How did you identify this and adjust the |

|techniques |timeline? |

| |Question 104: Explain what tools you have used to develop and create the project schedule? How effective where they in |

| |helping you to monitor progress of the project? |

| |Question 105: Describe what methods were employed to control or adjust the project schedule? |

|BSBPMG403A |Question 106: Reflect on your time with the project team and describe how the team calculated project costs? |

|Apply cost management |Question 107: What tools have you used to develop and monitor budgets? |

|techniques |Question 108: When seeking management approval for total project costs, what type of information is contained in the |

| |submission, and what was the extent of your contribution to the document? |

| |Question 109: Can you give some examples of how you have monitored and reported cost blowouts and obtained |

| |authorisation for permanent variances? |

|BSBPMG404A |Question 110: Explain in your own words the meaning of project quality management? |

|Apply quality management|Question 111: Using an example of a project you have worked on, describe some of the processes and techniques used to |

|techniques |manage quality through the project plan? |

| |Question 112: Describe how project activities and product performance were documented and evaluated to determine |

| |compliance with agreed quality standards. |

|BSBPMG405A |Question 113: Thinking about a time when you have worked on a particular project, who were the various groups or |

|Apply human resources |persons that were managed throughout the project? |

|management approaches |Question 114: Explain how the human resources requirements of the project were managed – both internal and external |

| |expertise. |

| |Question 115: How have you been involved in the management of external stakeholders who contribute to project outcomes?|

| |Question 116: What systems or processes were in place to review the performance of staff (or contractors) involved in |

| |the project? How were the efforts of project staff recognised upon successful completion of the project? |

| |Question 117: Explain how you were involved in the skills development of project staff? |

|BSBPMG406A |Question 118: Reflect on your time with the project team and describe how the team managed communication? How have you |

|Apply communications |contributed to the development of a communication plan? What project communication networks have you established? |

|management techniques |Question 119: What mediums have you used to ensure all relevant parties (management, clients, stakeholders, and |

| |colleagues) were kept abreast of the project’s progress? How did you determine the most appropriate communication |

| |vehicles for the message? How did you ensure that the information you gave them was timely, relevant and accurate? |

|BSBPMG407A |Question 120: In what ways did the project management team analyse and plan for risk? |

|Apply risk management |Question 121: Explain your role in identifying potential project risks? |

|techniques |Question 122: Describe how monitoring and reporting risk was achieved? Give an example of a risk that was identified |

| |and your response to minimize its impact on the project should the risk have occurred? |

|BSBPMG408A |Question 123: Explain how the project team planned the acquisition of resources needed for the project? |

|Apply contract and |Question 124: Describe how the team selected contractors and/or suppliers? How did you monitor the contracts to ensure |

|procurement procedures |goods and services were delivered on time and met the service specifications? |

| |Question 125: Explain some of the steps taken to verify contract completion? How have you monitored and made partial |

| |and final payments to contractors? |

| |Question 126: Why is it important to maintain contractor files? |

| |Question 127: Upon completion of the project how did you review project outcomes in relation to all aspects of the |

| |project (scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk and procurement)? |

|BSBRSK401A | |

|Identify risk and apply |Question 128: How is risk identified and evaluated in your organisation? How is this information used? |

|risk management |Question 129: Describe a risk you have identified in your workplace and how you treated the risk. What did you do to |

|processes |ensure the treatment was effective? |

|BSBSUS501A |Question 130: What is your involvement in the planning, development and implementation of organisational policy |

|Develop workplace policy|regarding sustainability in your workplace? |

|and procedures for |Question 131: How do you promote workplace sustainability to stakeholders? |

|sustainability |Question 132: What monitoring techniques do you use to identify the performance of sustainability policies? |

|BSBWOR502A |Question 133: How do you establish understanding of the team goals, keep the team on track and focussed on work |

|Ensure team |outcomes? |

|effectiveness |Question 134: What processes or policies are in place to actively promote, support and encourage teamwork? |

| |Question 135: What strategies can you use to develop team cohesion? |

| |Question 136: Why is it important for your own performance to serve as a role model to others? |

|BSBWRK509A |Question 137: Describe the impact of current industrial relations issues with regard to key entities in the Australian |

|Manage industrial |industrial relations system, including courts, tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies? |

|relations |Question 138: Describe the steps you have taken in developing industrial relations strategies and policies within your |

| |organisation? |

| |Question 139: Describe how you implement industrial relations strategies/policies within your organisation? |

| |Question 140: Describe strategies and procedures for managing grievances and disputes? |


|BSBADM503B Plan and Manage Conferences |


Question 01: Discuss the conferences you have been involved in and how you planned and managed them.

Question 02: What kind of information is required in order to successfully prepare for the planning of a conference?

Question 03: What are the best methods of communication? And how do you promote the event?

Question 04: What kind of contingency situations do you need to prepare for?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 01 |Workplace health and | | |

| |safety | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |with all stakeholders | | |

| |Numeracy skills | | |

| |Budget compliance | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Effective time management | | |

| |New technology systems | | |

| |and terminology | | |

| |Client relationship | | |

| |logistics management | | |

|Gives relevant and recent examples | | | |

|Shows range of experience | | | |

|Question 02 | | | |

|Aims & objectives of the event | | | |

|Contact person | | | |

|Delegates / target market | | | |

|Venue | | | |

|Catering requirements | | | |

|Speakers | | | |

|Conference program | | | |

|Transport | | | |

|Uses reference material (conference venues, transport, accommodation, | | | |

|catering) | | | |

|Knowledge of relevant legislation | | | |

|Question 03 | | | |

|Email | | | |

|Face to face | | | |

|Create website for the event to promote/sell | | | |

|Phone | | | |

|Question 04 | | | |

|Loss of power | | | |

|Increase/decrease in delegate numbers | | | |

|Sponsors cancelling | | | |

|Weather (if outside event included) | | | |

|Staff numbers | | | |

|Transport issues | | | |

|Venue booking changes | | | |


|BSBADM504B Plan or review administration systems |


Question 05: How do you identify requirements or modifications to the administration system?

Question 06: What do you do to support system implementation?

Question 07: How do you identify improvements to the system?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 05 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Literacy skills | | |

| |Planning & organisational skills | | |

| |Problem solving skills | | |

|Describe how changes to the system are identified and communicated | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of organisational policies and procedures relating to | | | |

|administration system | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of legislation regarding standards and codes that may | | | |

|affect aspects of business operations | | | |

|Question 06 | | | |

|Demonstrates planning and organising skills to implement system | | | |

|Demonstrates problem-solving skills to provide solutions | | | |

|Provides training and support for staff | | | |

|Question 07 | | | |

|Describes how system is monitored | | | |

|Describes how staff training needs are monitored | | | |

|Describes how modifications to system are implemented | | | |


|BSBADM506B Manage business document design and development |


Question 08: What is the procedure for developing documents within your organisation?

Question 09: How do you manage the design and production process of the documents?

Question 10 How do you ensure that standards are followed in relation to use of documentation?

Question 11 What strategies are in place to provide continuous improvement in the standard of documentation?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 08 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Literacy skills | | |

| |Technological skills | | |

| |Document production process | | |

| |Relevant legislation and regulation | | |

|Describes the organisation’s requirements for entering, storage and output of | | | |

|documents | | | |

|Demonstrates the ability to communicate ideas, concept and designs to others | | | |

|Question 09 | | | |

|Identifies costs and technology requirements and skills needed to produce | | | |

|documentation | | | |

|Describes standards required for documentation. This may include the use of | | | |

|macros, standard formats and templates. | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of relevant legislation and regulations which may | | | |

|affect documentation design | | | |

|Question 10 | | | |

|Describes procedure for training staff in the use of documents | | | |

|Monitors the use and production of documents to ensure standards are met | | | |

|Describes procedures for upskilling staff in use of technology where necessary| | | |

|Question 11 | | | |

|Describe ongoing monitoring of documentation | | | |

|Opportunity for staff to provide feedback on documents | | | |

|Process for amendments to improve documentation | | | |


|BSBCUS401A Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies |


Question 12: Discuss a recommendation you made to management to improve on meeting customer needs. What methods did you use to assess customer needs?

Question 13: Outline your organisations Customer Service Standard. How do you monitor how effectively the Standard is applied in the workplace?

Question 14: How does your organisation promote and encourage good customer service?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 12 | | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Industry codes of practice | | |

| |Company policies and procedures | | |

| |Customer special needs | | |

| |Planning and evaluation processes | | |

| |Confidentiality | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Leadership and teamwork | | |

|Discusses recommendation – delivery times, price offer, product/service | | | |

|availability, refund/guarantee offer | | | |

|Customer survey | | | |

|Complaint forms | | | |

|Customer database | | | |

|Customer service statistics | | | |

|Analysis of data | | | |

|Written reports | | | |

|Minutes of meetings | | | |

|Question 13 | | | |

|Identifies key aspects of Customer Service Standard | | | |

|Identifies the approach staff members should take to the customer | | | |

|Identifies types of issues the member can deal with themselves, and those that| | | |

|are referred to management | | | |

|Identifies returns and refund procedure | | | |

|Outlines method for dealing with a complaint about service | | | |

|Outlines how to dealing with goods under warranty or guarantee | | | |

|Discusses complaints recording procedure | | | |

|Monitors implementation by: | | | |

|reviewing customer service data – surveys, complaints, questionnaires | | | |

|identifying changes required | | | |

|reporting to designated personnel | | | |

|making recommendations for future strategies | | | |

|maintaining records to compare outcome | | | |

|Question 14 | | | |

|Provides clear instructions | | | |

|Embed within workplace procedures | | | |

|Inducts new staff | | | |

|Involves everyone in the process | | | |

|Sets sales targets | | | |

|Provides incentives | | | |

|Conducts training | | | |


|BSBFIA401A Prepare financial reports |


Question 15: What types of period end adjustments have you calculated and processed. Explain why each of these is necessary.

Question 16: Briefly outline the steps you have taken to produce a) Profit and Loss statement, b) Balance Sheet.

Question 17: How did you detect and rectify errors arising during the preparation of the Balance Sheet?

Question 18: Briefly outline the procedure for you followed in maintaining an asset register?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 15 | | | |

| |Accurate reports and data entry | | |

| |Double-entry bookkeeping principles | | |

| |Taxation requirements | | |

| |Legislative compliance | | |

| |Budgeting /planning | | |

| |Company policies and procedures | | |

|Adjusts accruals (accrued revenues/income and accrued expenses) – adjustments | | | |

|relate to transactions occurring in the current accounting period but the | | | |

|effects of which are not yet recorded and recognised in the accounting period | | | |

|Adjusts deferrals (income in advance/unearned revenue and prepayments/prepaid | | | |

|expenses) – adjustments aligns recorded revenue (income)and costs with | | | |

|appropriate accounting period | | | |

|Adjusts depreciation – the cost of holding an asset should be spread over the | | | |

|accounting periods in which it helps to produce income | | | |

|Adjusts and corrects errors – errors may have been made in the recording | | | |

|process but their effects were not identified in the trial balance | | | |

|Question 16 | | | |

|Profit and Loss | | | |

|determines gross profit for trading account | | | |

|closes gross profit or gross loss to the profit and loss account | | | |

|closes remaining operating revenue | | | |

|expenses accounts to profit and loss to determine net profit | | | |

|transfers net profit or net loss to capital account | | | |

|transfers drawings account to capital | | | |

|reverses entries for new financial year | | | |

|Balance Sheet: | | | |

|calculates total assets owned by company (current and non-current) | | | |

|calculate total liabilities | | | |

|calculates total assets minus liabilities equals net assets | | | |

|calculates total equity – total owner’s equity (capital minus drawings) minus | | | |

|current years earnings equals total equity | | | |

|net assets equals total equity | | | |

|Question 17 | | | |

|Checks trial balance | | | |

|Cross checks balance sheet account balances to ledger account | | | |

|Makes journal entry supporting correction of errors | | | |

|Opens and posts entries to a suspense account where necessary | | | |

|Prepare revised balance sheet/extract | | | |

|Question 18 | | | |

|Describes system used to maintain a register of assets | | | |

|Identifies methods of depreciation used for various assets | | | |


|BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans |


Question 19: Describe your organisation’s financial planning and budgeting cycle.

Question 20 Give some specific examples of contingency plans that you or your team prepare in the event that initial plans, targets, budgets or KPIs need to be varied to maintain financial objectives.

Question 21 Describe your team’s processes for monitoring and reporting income, costs and expenditures to identify cost variations and expenditure overruns and to control costs.

Question 22 Describe how your team collects, collates and analyses information on the effectiveness of financial management processes within the work team.

Question 23 How does your enterprise implement systems changes, and how do you know that they are effective?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 19 | | | |

| |Basic accounting principles | | |

| |Legislation compliance | | |

| |ATO requirements | | |

| |Budgeting skills | | |

| |Interpretation of financial | | |

| |statements/reports | | |

|Financial plans and budgets may include: | | | |

|• long-term budgets/plans | | | |

|• short-term budgets/plans | | | |

|• operational plans | | | |

|• spreadsheet-based financial projections | | | |

|• cash flow projections | | | |

|• targets or key performance indicators (KPIs) | | | |

|for production, productivity, | | | |

|Question 20 | | | |

|Contingency plans may include: | | | |

|• rental, hire purchase or alternative means of procurement | | | |

|• contracting out or outsourcing | | | |

|• restructuring to reduce labour costs | | | |

|• costs, wastage, stock, consumable reduction | | | |

|• diversification of outcomes | | | |

|• recycling and re-use | | | |

|• using cheaper or lower quality consumables | | | |

|• seeking further funding | | | |

|• increasing sales or production | | | |

|• risk identification, analysis and management | | | |

|• succession planning | | | |

|Question 21 | | | |

|Processes for monitoring and reporting may include: | | | |

|• assets registers and equipment audits | | | |

|• stock and consumable usage and wastage | | | |

|• petty cash records | | | |

|• ledgers and journals | | | |

|• spreadsheet-based records | | | |

|• invoices and receipts | | | |

|• bank statements | | | |

|• credit card statements | | | |

|• financial reports | | | |

|Question 22 | | | |

|Data and information on the effectiveness of financial management processes | | | |

|may include records (paper-based and electronic) related to: | | | |

|• income and expenditure | | | |

|• cash flow data | | | |

|• quotations | | | |

|• files of paid purchase and service invoices | | | |

|• job costing | | | |

|• employee timesheets | | | |

|• credit card receipts | | | |

|• petty cash receipts | | | |

|• wages/salaries books | | | |

|• invoices | | | |

|• bank account records | | | |

|• insurance reports | | | |

|• taxation records | | | |

|• contracts | | | |

|Question 23 | | | |

|Describes how the effectiveness of financial management processes are | | | |

|identified and documented | | | |

|Describes how improvements to existing systems are recommended | | | |

|Describes how these improvements are implemented and monitored | | | |


|BSBFIM502A Manage payroll |


Question 24: What procedures do you follow in managing payroll?

Question 25: How is the payroll data prepared?

Question 26: What is the procedure for authorising payment of salaries/wages?

Question 27: How do you administer the records relating to payroll?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 24 | | | |

| |Effective Communication | | |

| |Numeracy skills | | |

| |ATO regulations | | |

| |Financial legislation | | |

| |Privacy laws | | |

| |Relevant industrial awards | | |

| |Superannuation Guarantee Act | | |

| |Superannuation regulations | | |

|Describes security procedures that ensure accuracy and confidentiality of | | | |

|payroll information | | | |

|Describes procedures in place to substantiate claims for allowances | | | |

|Describes systems in place to ensure statutory obligations are met | | | |

|Identifies the period of time records must be retained in accordance with | | | |

|government legislation | | | |

|Question 25 | | | |

|Refers to industrial awards, contracts and government legislation to calculate| | | |

|gross pay and annual salaries | | | |

|Calculates statutory and voluntary deductions | | | |

|Provides payroll data in a timely manner | | | |

|Question 26 | | | |

|Describes the authorisation process for payment of salaries and wages in | | | |

|accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | | |

|Reconciles salaries, wages and deductions in accordance with organisational | | | |

|policy and procedures | | | |

|Describes how to deal with queries relating to salaries, wages and deductions | | | |

|Question 27 | | | |

|Describes the various documentation processed for new and existing employees | | | |

|Describes the process for forwarding periodic deduction to nominated creditors| | | |

|within designated time lines | | | |

|Describes the preparation and despatch of payments to government authorities | | | |

|Calculates group tax amounts and makes payments in accordance with taxation | | | |

|procedures | | | |

|Reconciles employee group certificates from salary records | | | |


|BSBHRM401A Review human resources functions |


Question 28: What are your roles and responsibilities as a human resources practitioner in your organisation?

Question 29: What are the procedures for reviewing human resources policies within your organisation?

Question 30: What is your role in the development and documentation of recommendations to policy?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 28 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Decision making skills | | |

| |Literacy skills | | |

| |Relevant Legislation | | |

| |Ethical requirements | | |

|Identifies information sources for human resources data and information | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of legal and compliance requirements for working in | | | |

|human resources | | | |

|Describes ethical requirements of personnel working in human resources | | | |

|Identifies relevant personnel for consultation | | | |

|Identifies human resources networks available to human resources practitioners| | | |

|Question 29 | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to identify and analyse strengths and weaknesses of | | | |

|policies and procedures | | | |

|Describes the process for undertaking review of policies and procedures | | | |

|Identifies relevant personnel for consultation | | | |

|Describes how information is gathered, collated and analysed to identify key | | | |

|findings | | | |

|Question 30 | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of the requirements for good policy and ethical | | | |

|approaches | | | |

|Describes how policy is developed and conveyed to personnel within | | | |

|organisation | | | |


|BSBHRM402A Recruit, select and induct staff |


Question 31: How do you establish and maintain personnel needs in relation to an event?

Question 32: What are important considerations when developing job specifications?

Question 33: Describe the process you follow to recruit staff, including assessing and selecting applicants.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 31 | | | |

| |Human resource management | | |

| |Effective communication and literacy | | |

| |Standard operating procedures | | |

| |Company policy and procedure | | |

| |OHS and environmental Legislation | | |

| |EEO, Industrial Relations and anti | | |

| |Discrimination Legislation | | |

| |Industry Codes of Practice | | |

| |Government subsidies/support functions | | |

| |for traineeships | | |

| |Information Technology | | |

| |Social and cultural diversity | | |

|Prepares duty statements and position descriptions for work on the event | | | |

|Follows organisational policies regarding staffing | | | |

|Identifies and documents required competencies and behaviours | | | |

|Consults others | | | |

|Prepares estimate of staffing numbers required in each category | | | |

|Documents evidence of staffing needs | | | |

|Question 32 | | | |

|Project/program goals | | | |

|Team goals | | | |

|Specifications include all relevant information: | | | |

|job title and purpose of position | | | |

|skills and knowledge necessary | | | |

|competencies required by staff | | | |

|qualifications | | | |

|person specifications | | | |

|Input from other staff, managers and stakeholders is sought in preparing | | | |

|specification | | | |

|Clearly describes duties in relation to the role and organisation | | | |

|Job specification is confirmed with appropriate personnel | | | |

|Question 33 | | | |

|Prepares selection strategy and assessment criteria | | | |

|Advertises position/s through appropriate media – electronic and print | | | |

|Shortlists candidates from applications | | | |

|Interviews short listed candidates | | | |

|Conducts practical assessment where appropriate | | | |

|Consults relevant person/people when unsure of candidate responses | | | |

|Ensures the process is fair and equitable | | | |

|Gains feedback form all involved and forwards to manager | | | |

|Assesses candidate against criteria | | | |

|Prepares selection report | | | |

|Organises starting date and induction processes | | | |

|Formalises selection and prepare necessary documentation | | | |

|Informs candidates promptly | | | |


|BSBHRM501A Manage human resources services |


Question 34: How do you determine strategies for delivery of human resources services in your organisation?

Question 35: How do you manage the delivery of human resources services in your organisation?

Question 36: How do you monitor and evaluate the delivery of human resources services in your organisation?

Question 37: How do you plan and implement a coordinated approach to human resources functions across your organisation?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 34 | | | |

| |Workplace Policies & Procedures | | |

| |Industry Codes of Practice | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |OH&S requirements | | |

| |Environmental issues | | |

| |Equal Opportunity | | |

| |Industrial Relations | | |

| |Anti-Discrimination | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Problem solving skills | | |

| |Negotiation skills | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of relevant legislation | | | |

|Demonstrates analytical and problem-solving skills to develop strategies | | | |

|Demonstrates effective communication and negotiation skills to consult with | | | |

|key stakeholders | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of organisational policy and procedures | | | |

|Identifies human resources needs within organisation | | | |

|Question 35 | | | |

|Develops and negotiates agreements between human resources team, service | | | |

|providers and client groups | | | |

|Documents and communicates services, performance standards and timeframes | | | |

|within organisation | | | |

|Ensures services are delivered in accordance with agreements and identifies | | | |

|any underperformance | | | |

|Question 36 | | | |

|Describes how feedback is captured | | | |

|Describes how feedback is analysed and makes recommendations accordingly | | | |

|Question 37 | | | |

|Describes how code of conduct is observed across organisation | | | |

|Describes how unethical behaviour is dealt with | | | |

|Describes how expected ethical behaviour is conveyed to all staff | | | |


|BSBHRM506A Manage recruitment selection and induction processes |


Question 38: How are policies and procedures relating to recruitment selection developed within your organisation?

Question 39: How do you recruit and select staff within your organisation?

Question 40: What is the process for managing the induction of staff within your organisation?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 38 | | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Literacy skills | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Equal Opportunity | | |

| |Anti-discrimination | | |

| |Privacy & Confidentiality | | |

| |Industrial legislation | | |

| |Selection panel process | | |

| |Skills testing programs | | |

| |Technology | | |

|Identifies relevant policies and objectives of organisation | | | |

|Describes how policies for recruitment and selection are developed and | | | |

|documented | | | |

|Describes use of technology in improving efficiency and effectiveness of the | | | |

|recruitment and selection process | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of diversity, equal opportunity and | | | |

|anti-discrimination principles and legislation | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of employee contracts, outsourcing, | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to communicate policies an procedures to relevant | | | |

|personnel | | | |

|Question 39 | | | |

|Describes how future human resources requirements are ascertained | | | |

|Identifies that current position descriptors are used by relevant personnel | | | |

|Describes how positions are advertised and ensures that organisational policy | | | |

|and legal requirements are met | | | |

|Describes organisational policy relating to the selection process and advising| | | |

|applicants of the selection outcome | | | |

|Describes understanding of psychometric and skills testing programs available | | | |

|Describes how job offers and contracts of employment are executed promptly | | | |

|with new appointments advised of salary, terms and conditions | | | |

|Question 40 | | | |

|Ensures that induction process is followed by relevant personnel | | | |

|Describes how training and ongoing support for personnel engaged in staff | | | |

|induction is conducted | | | |

|Describes how probationary employees are provided with feedback until position| | | |

|is confirmed or terminated | | | |

|Describes how feedback is obtained to ensure that induction policies and | | | |

|procedures are refined | | | |


|BSBHRM510A Manage mediation processes |


Question 41: How do you determine the mediation requirements within the organisation?

Question 42: How do you establish guidelines for mediation with stakeholders?

Question 43: What steps do you follow in preparing for mediation?

Question 44: What is your process for reaching settlement of a dispute?

Question 45: How do you assess the effectiveness of the mediation process?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 41 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Legislation, codes of practice, national| | |

| |standards | | |

|Identifies parties in dispute | | | |

|Describes the research conducted into the history of disputes and dispute | | | |

|resolution within the organisation | | | |

|Describes triggers for dispute within the organisation | | | |

|Researches models and systems for mediation | | | |

|Identifies the boundaries for a mediation system | | | |

|Question 42 | | | |

|Drafts guidelines for mediation with stakeholders | | | |

|Obtains endorsement for guidelines from senior management team | | | |

|Question 43 | | | |

|Describes a range of communication techniques used in the mediation process | | | |

|Explains mediation procedure to parties in dispute | | | |

|Obtains agreement and willingness with parties in dispute to clarify issues | | | |

|Verifies and documents the position of each party to the dispute | | | |

|Establishes mutual agreement between parties | | | |

|Question 44 | | | |

|Provides all parties with documentation of the agreement | | | |

|Completes all documentation required by organisational guidelines | | | |

|Identifies any improvements to mediation process and refinement to mediation | | | |

|guidelines | | | |

|Maintains professional currency in mediation skills and knowledge | | | |

|Question 45 | | | |

|Describes how effectiveness of mediation is obtained | | | |

|Describes how improvements to the process are identified | | | |

|Describes how mediation guidelines are refined | | | |


|BSBINM401A Implement workplace information system |


Question 46: How have you determined the information needs for your business and acquired this information?

Question 47: What experience have you had in implementing business management systems including technology based systems?

Question 48: How do you ensure the success of business plans and budgets in your area of business operations?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 46 | | | |

| |Enterprise policy and procedures | | |

| |Quality assurance | | |

| |Planning and evaluation processes | | |

| |Leadership skills | | |

| |Effective consultation and communication| | |

| |Records management | | |

| |Information privacy | | |

|Sources information from specialists eg finance or HR manager | | | |

|Uses information management systems within enterprise | | | |

|Analyses staff and client feedback | | | |

|Utilises performance reporting systems (eg to identify trends and | | | |

|developments) | | | |

|Develops plans to acquire information where not immediately available | | | |

|Prepares resource proposals (e.g. business cases) to management | | | |

|Question 47 | | | |

|Examples of workplace systems: Financial Management Systems; Records | | | |

|Management System; HR and payroll systems; Customer Relationship Management | | | |

|Systems; Performance Management Systems | | | |

|Understands different sources of information and the need to link information | | | |

|management and reporting | | | |

|Ability to assess future information requirements and make recommendations for| | | |

|improvement | | | |

|Question 48 | | | |

|Ensures business plans reflect organisational outcomes | | | |

|Involves team in the budget development | | | |

|Encourages staff to develop resource submissions | | | |

|Uses information systems to support budget e.g. to identify where extra | | | |

|resources required | | | |

|Makes contingency plans | | | |

|Follows enterprise guidelines and processes for budget management | | | |


|BSBINM501A Manage an information or knowledge management system |


Question 49 Describe the information or knowledge management systems used by staff within your workplace.

Question 50 How do you identify the learning needs of relevant personnel in the use of an information or knowledge management system?

Question 51 How do you organise and facilitate the learning needs of relevant staff within the organisation?

Question 52 How do you determine the effectiveness of the system’s contribution to business and operational plans?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 49 | | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Codes of Conduct | | |

| |National Standards | | |

| |Analytical and problem solving skills | | |

| |Privacy and Confidentiality legislation | | |

| |Records management | | |

| |Customer service | | |

| |Technology skills | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

|Describes the various policies, protocols, procedures and practices followed | | | |

|in order to manage information or knowledge within the organisation | | | |

|Describes the equipment, strategies, methods, activities and techniques used | | | |

|formally and informally by individuals and the organisation to identify, | | | |

|collect, organise, store retrieve analyse, share and draw on information and | | | |

|knowledge valuable to the operation of the organisation | | | |

|Question 50 | | | |

|Describes how learning needs of personnel are identified | | | |

|Demonstrates effective communication skills, analytical and problem-solving | | | |

|skills to determine training | | | |

|Question 51 | | | |

|Describes how training/learning needs are met within the organisation | | | |

|Describes how use of the system is promoted and supported throughout the | | | |

|organisation to ensure all personnel comply with the requirements of the | | | |

|organisation | | | |

|Question 52 | | | |

| Describes how system is monitored for its effectiveness, efficiency and | | | |

|compliance | | | |

|Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the system | | | |

|Describes how contingencies such as failure of the system or technical | | | |

|difficulties are dealt with | | | |

|Identifies and makes recommendations for improvement of system, policy or work| | | |

|practices | | | |


|BSBITB501A Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network |


Question 53: How do you determine current and future network requirements?

Question 54: How do you determine your selection of a network system?

Question 55: How do you manage maintenance of a workgroup network?

Question 56: How do you implement training for staff in use of the network?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 53 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Problem solving skills | | |

| |Installation of network | | |

| |Maintenance of network | | |

| |Software licensing rights and | | |

| |responsibilities | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of hardware, software, security requirements, set up | | | |

|needs | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of organisational policy | | | |

|Question 54 | | | |

|Compatibility with current organisational software, hardware and work | | | |

|practices | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of budgetary constraints | | | |

|Describes consultation and negotiation process with IT professionals | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of software licensing rights and responsibilities | | | |

|Question 55 | | | |

|Describes procedure for maintenance of network system | | | |

|Describes fault/problem response process | | | |

|Describes how recommendations for improvement are handled | | | |

|Demonstrates problem solving skills to identify solutions when problems arise | | | |

|Question 56 | | | |

|Demonstrates teamwork skills | | | |

|Describe how you identify training needs of staff | | | |

|Describes arrangements for the training of staff | | | |


|BSBLED401A Develop teams and individuals |


Question 57: Discuss a learning plan you have been involved in developing for yourself or a member of your team. How were the learning and development requirements of the individual identified?

Question 58: How have you ensured learning activities meet the identified needs?

Question 59: Explain the monitoring process your organisation uses to assess that learning outcomes are met.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 57 | | | |

| |Interpersonal skills | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Leadership and teamwork | | |

| |Productivity management | | |

|Conducts a training needs analysis | | | |

|Establishes priority learning activities | | | |

|Develops learning plan collaboratively with appropriate personnel | | | |

|Seeks agreement on learning plan before implementing | | | |

|Selects cost effective learning methods (coaching, personal study, external | | | |

|formal courses, in house or on-the-job training) | | | |

|Completes analysis systematically and/or periodically | | | |

|Adds new or changed equipment, procedures, systems or processes to learning | | | |

|needs | | | |

|Encourages individuals to identify own learning activities | | | |

|Collects and compares performance feedback | | | |

|Validates learning needs against organisational requirements | | | |

|Question 58 | | | |

|Follows guidelines, policies and procedures | | | |

|Identifies industry standards for job role | | | |

|Checks proposed learning activities to identify learning outcomes | | | |

|Seeks feedback from others on external programs or facilitators | | | |

|Question 59 | | | |

|Interviews individual before attending learning activities to clarify | | | |

|expectations | | | |

|Interviews individual on completion of activity to assess learning | | | |

|Supports individual in implementing learning back in the workplace | | | |

|Obtains feedback from trainee and trainers on learning outcomes and future | | | |

|learning needs | | | |

|Assesses and records performance outcomes to determine effectiveness of | | | |

|learning and additional development needs | | | |

|Reviews and modifies learning plans during learning | | | |

|Maintains learning records to identify future development needs | | | |


|BSBLED501A Develop a workplace learning environment |


Question 60: Describe the processes that you use to identify and provide access for people in your team to participation in internal or external learning opportunities

Question 61: What strategies do you use to help team members develop their workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes, and encourage them to share their skills and knowledge with others in the team?

Question 62: How do you monitor or assess individual and team learning to determine effectiveness and identify any appropriate additional work- based support?

Question 63: Describe your organisation’s systems and procedures to record and report on training completions, status and competency


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 60 | | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Planning and organisational skills | | |

| |Knowledge of principles and techniques | | |

| |involved in adult learning, leadership, | | |

| |coaching and mentoring | | |

| |Problem solving skills | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |OH&S requirements | | |

| |Code of conduct | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of organisation’s goals and objectives; strategic | | | |

|documents, e.g. training plans | | | |

|and budgets; learning policies and procedures. | | | |

|Conducts need analysis to identify individual | | | |

|and team needs (and organisational needs) | | | |

|Identifies potential learning opportunities | | | |

|Implements training plans through organisational | | | |

|procedures that encourage employees to | | | |

|participate and take charge of their learning. | | | |

|Question 61 | | | |

|Describes how a workplace conducive to learning is developed | | | |

|Promotes the benefits of learning and identifies potential learning | | | |

|opportunities | | | |

|Describes coaching/mentoring arrangements to support learning | | | |

|Encourages team member self-assessment of skills | | | |

|Describes how organisation recognises the achievement of individuals and teams| | | |

|eg rewards | | | |

|Encourages team members to share their | | | |

|skills and knowledge within the team by developing strategies to ensure | | | |

|team/individuals take up learning opportunities on offer | | | |

|Question 62 | | | |

|Describes how feedback from individuals and teams is used to identify | | | |

|effectiveness and to adjust future training needs | | | |

|Identifies and recommends improvements to training plans | | | |

|Implements recommendations to training plans | | | |

|Question 63 | | | |

|Describes how training records and reports of competency are documented | | | |

|Describes how these training records are maintained within the organisation | | | |

|Describes how these records are used in future planning within the | | | |

|organisation | | | |


|BSBLED502A Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness |


Question 64: How do you gather information on employee health issues?

Question 65: How do you develop a plan to improve the health and wellbeing of employees?

Question 66: What techniques do you use to monitor and evaluate an employee health program?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 64 | | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Research and analysis skills | | |

| |Knowledge of a range of health issues | | |

| |Knowledge of health program design and | | |

| |evaluation techniques | | |

| |Code of conduct | | |

| |Privacy laws | | |

| |Confidentiality | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of a range of employee health issues | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to research and analyse information gathered on employee | | | |

|health issues | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to present information gathered to senior management to | | | |

|obtain support | | | |

|Question 65 | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to develop a plan to improve employee health | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to communicate plans and objectives to all stakeholders | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to develop resources for program | | | |

|Question 66 | | | |

|Ability to develop and implement policy documents and guidelines | | | |

|Ability to monitor strategies to assess effectiveness | | | |

|Set targets for programs | | | |

|Provide feedback to all stakeholders | | | |

|Demonstrate continuous improvement | | | |


|BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan |


Question 67: In your experience, what are the important factors in implementing an operational plan?

Question 68: Give examples of how you have successfully implemented operational plans for a business, department or section.

Question 69: How have you determined the human resource and other physical resource requirements for your business needs and acquired these resources?

Question 70: Outline the systems and processes you have used to effectively implement the operational plan, and to monitor operational performance.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 67 | | | |

| |Risk management | | |

| |Budget and resource management | | |

| |Contingency management | | |

| |Mentoring, coaching, and training | | |

| |Interpersonal skills | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Leadership and teamwork | | |

|Refers to organisational business plan and other policies | | | |

|Describes how resource information is collected and analysed | | | |

|Describes how performance indicators are set | | | |

|Describes how plan is communicated to relevant personnel and acceptance is | | | |

|gained | | | |

|Describes how appropriate resources are identified and acquired | | | |

|Describes how regular monitoring of KPIs is conducted | | | |

|Identifies how planning for, and managing, contingencies in the event KPIs | | | |

|are not achieved | | | |

|Question 68 | | | |

|Identifies appropriate resource information | | | |

|Identifies linkages to organisation’s business plan or other higher level plan| | | |

|Plans for contingencies | | | |

|Monitors plan and achievement of KPIs | | | |

|Recruits employees to meet plan’s objectives | | | |

|Monitors financial targets and budgets | | | |

|Links in with organisation’s continuous improvement strategy | | | |

|Gives support and mentoring to employees to achieve plan | | | |

|Question 69 | | | |

|Gathers and analyses information from specialists e.g. finance or HR manager | | | |

|Includes requirements of organisation performance or business plan | | | |

|Analyses outputs, staff and equipment required for break-even | | | |

|Question 70 | | | |

|Identifies key performance indicators | | | |

|Refers to financial management tools, including budget performance | | | |

|Identifies human resource management tools | | | |

|Identifies systems for addressing unsatisfactory performance | | | |

|Implements continuous improvement systems | | | |

|Describes employee performance management | | | |


|BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement |


Question 71: How have you contributed to continuous improvement in your workplace?

Question 72: How have you ensured system reviews are used to improve customer service?

Question 73: How have you ensured all staff are involved in continuous improvement in their day-to-day activities?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 71 | | | |

| |Continuous improvement strategies | | |

| |Benchmarking | | |

| |Change management | | |

| |Effective consultation and communication| | |

| |Planning and evaluation processes | | |

| |Productivity management | | |

| |Interpersonal skills | | |

| |Leadership and teamwork | | |

|Develops organisational policies and procedures | | | |

|Implements communication strategies with staff | | | |

|Uses customer feedback processes for systems improvement | | | |

|Implements quality assurance systems | | | |

|Involves employees in system improvements | | | |

|Implements team recognition and reward programs | | | |

|Completes performance appraisals | | | |

|Maintains records and reports recommendations | | | |

|Question 72 | | | |

|Uses Total Quality Management tools (eg. benchmarking, process reengineering, | | | |

|measuring, solution analysis, Plan-Do-Check-Act, quality circles) | | | |

|Uses customer satisfaction survey results | | | |

|Uses Quality Standards / procedures / flowcharts / checklists | | | |

|Analyses performance reports | | | |

|Undertakes quality audits | | | |

|Maintains records and reports feedback | | | |

|Monitors work performance against customer standards | | | |

|Question 73 | | | |

|Involves staff in developing procedures | | | |

|Seeks regular staff feedback / open communication | | | |

|Collaborates in making decisions | | | |

|Uses quality monitoring processes | | | |

|Builds culture of improvement / innovation / learning | | | |

|Uses coaching and mentoring of staff to improve quality focus | | | |

|Make organisational goals meaningful | | | |

|Implement recognition and reward program | | | |

|Celebrates successes | | | |


|BSBMGT404A Lead and facilitate offsite staff |


Question 74: Describe an arrangement you have worked under in which you supervised staff carrying out work duties at an alternative site i.e. at home or elsewhere?

Question 75: How did you ensure offsite staff were supported, protected and assisted in performing their job?

Question 76: How were arrangements formalised?

Question 77: How did you arrive at agreed outcomes with your staff for their duties? How did you supervise or mentor these staff?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 74 | | | |

| |Legal factors and regulatory policies | | |

| |Company policy and procedures | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Leadership and teamwork | | |

| |Quality Assurance | | |

| |Technology skills | | |

|Provides information on role and responsibilities | | | |

|Identifies the suitability of work for offsite arrangements | | | |

|Identifies work objectives and output targets | | | |

|Identifies where individuals concerned are suitable to work offsite / | | | |

|unsupervised | | | |

|Identifies reporting arrangements and supervisor arrangements i.e. timelines | | | |

|and outcomes | | | |

|Outlines formal relationships with other staff not offsite | | | |

|Question 75 | | | |

|Considers: | | | |

|security of staff | | | |

|public liability | | | |

|utilities at offsite location | | | |

|communication expenses | | | |

|use of information technology to support workers | | | |

|work routines | | | |

|Implements communication strategy to support offsite staff (regular contact | | | |

|via telephone, e-mail and face-to-face discussions/meetings) | | | |

|Question 76 | | | |

|Provides evidence of agreement for working on alternative site in e-work | | | |

|environment | | | |

|eg. telecommuting, work-from-home, virtual office | | | |

|Coordinates formal agreement with staff to ensure all conditions of employment| | | |

|are clear | | | |

|Arranges inspection of premises (WHS) | | | |

|Addresses issues such as workers’ compensation, public liability, insurance, | | | |

|taxation issues | | | |

|Ensures employee has access to other support e.g. human resources, training, | | | |

|employee assistance services | | | |

|Sets up channels to ensure adequate involvement with team and other ‘on-site’ | | | |

|staff | | | |

|Question 77 | | | |

|Ensures guidance is provided by supervisor or mentor | | | |

|Formalises supervisor and mentor arrangements | | | |

|Manages links between office based staff and e-staff (eg regular meetings) | | | |

|Establishes regular performance reviews / training requirements | | | |

|Provides communication systems to ensure staff can stay in contact with | | | |

|supervisor | | | |


|BSBMGT502B Manage people performance |


Question 78: How do you develop work plans and allocate work amongst personnel within your organisation?

Question 79: Describe how you assess the performance of individuals in their work.

Question 80: How do you provide feedback to staff and how is this documented within your organisation?

Question 81: After individuals have been provided with feedback, what do you do to manage the follow-up process?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 78 | | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Performance standards | | |

| |Risk management skills | | |

| |Planning & organisation skills | | |

| |Code of conduct | | |

| |Relevant awards & agreements | | |

| |Unlawful dismissal rules and due process| | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Ethical behaviour | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of | | | |

|• relevant legislation; statutory requirements | | | |

|• organisation’s goals and objectives | | | |

|• strategic documents, e.g. business plans, team plans | | | |

|• organisational timeframes | | | |

|• policies and procedures | | | |

|• organisation job descriptions and authorities | | | |

|Consults with relevant personnel, including: | | | |

|• management | | | |

|• team members | | | |

|• human resources manager and personnel | | | |

|• union/employee representatives or groups | | | |

|Allocates work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome focussed| | | |

|Confirms performance standards, code of conduct | | | |

|Develops performance indicators in consultation with relevant staff prior to | | | |

|commencing work | | | |

|Conducts risk analysis | | | |

|Question 79 | | | |

|Describes the performance management and review process to ensure consistency | | | |

|with organisational policies and objectives | | | |

|Identifies areas requiring improved performance, level of improvement required| | | |

|and timing of expected improvement | | | |

|Describes how personnel are trained in the performance management and review | | | |

|process | | | |

|Describes the staff development options available and process involved in | | | |

|accessing it | | | |

|Question 80 | | | |

|Describes the feedback process within the organisation | | | |

|Describes how poor performance is dealt with | | | |

|Describes how individual’s performance is documented | | | |

|Question 81 | | | |

|Describes how the performance improvement is documented and agreed to | | | |

|Seeks assistance from human resource specialists where necessary | | | |

|Describes how individual’s with poor performance are monitored and coached to | | | |

|improve, offers support | | | |

|Describes the process of counselling individuals with continued poor | | | |

|performance | | | |


|BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan |


Question 82 List the operational plans that impact on you and your work team. Explain how each is developed, interpreted and implemented by you.

Question 83 What physical resources or services do you acquire for use in or by your work team?

Question 84 What performance systems and/or processes do you use to analyse budget and actual financial information to monitor your team’s productivity and profit performance? How do you use them to assess your team’s status and progress in achieving your targets?

Question 85 How do you identify unsatisfactory performance or discrepancies within your area of responsibility and what actions do you take to rectify non-conformances?

Question 86 Describe your organisation systems for initiating, documenting, approving and recording changes in your workplace.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 82 | | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Planning and organisational skills | | |

| |Knowledge of budgeting process | | |

| |Resource management | | |

| |Coaching and mentoring skills | | |

|Describes the information collection process involving operating within: | | | |

|• organisation’s goals; strategic documents; business plan, policies, | | | |

|procedures, levels of authority, roles and responsibilities. | | | |

|• Industry or professional practice. In consultation with: | | | |

|• managers, supervisors and other employees | | | |

|• specialists (e.g., OHS committee members) | | | |

|• union or employee representatives | | | |

|• executives and senior management | | | |

|• people from a wide range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds | | | |

|Through consultation processes such as: | | | |

|• meetings, interviews, brainstorming | | | |

|sessions, email/intranet communications, newsletters or other media processes | | | |

|• mechanisms to provide feedback to work team in relation to outcomes of | | | |

|consultation | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of models and methods for operational plans | | | |

|Question 83 | | | |

|Describes physical resources and services which may include: | | | |

|• human, physical and financial resources | | | |

|• stock requirements and requisitions | | | |

|• good and services to be purchased | | | |

|Policies, practices and procedures may include: | | | |

|• organisational policy guidelines that govern operational functions | | | |

|• Standard Operating Procedures | | | |

|• undocumented standard work practices | | | |

|• organisational culture | | | |

|Question 84 | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge and ability to analyse and interpret budgets, profit | | | |

|and performance | | | |

|Identifies areas of underperformance | | | |

|Recommends appropriate solutions and takes prompt action to address | | | |

|underperformance | | | |

|Question 85 | | | |

|Describes how performances are assessed within the organisation | | | |

|Identifies approaches to improve resource usage and eliminate inefficiencies | | | |

|or waste | | | |

|• ways to support individuals/teams who have difficulty performing to required| | | |

|standards. Appropriate skills may include: | | | |

|• monitor a safe workplace and environment | | | |

|• use feedback to improve performance | | | |

|instigate further training for individuals | | | |

|mentoring/coaching of individuals | | | |

|• prepare recommendations to improve plans | | | |

|use established systems and processes | | | |

|Question 86 | | | |

|Describes the parameters for good/poor performance whilst ensuring that data | | | |

|and information gathered is valid, reliable. | | | |

|• Ensure that decisions on change are ethical, legal and based on | | | |

|organisational requirements, policies and procedures. | | | |

|• Clarify the impact of the changes. | | | |

|• Ensure that the process if fully documented. | | | |


|BSBMKG402B Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets |


Question 87: Why is consumer behaviour important in marketing for your organisation?

Question 88: Consumer behaviour studies attempt to identify trends in consumer preferences. What is a trend in consumer preference and how do you identify trends within your organisation?

Question 89: Consumer behaviour is influenced by individual, social and lifestyle factors. What factors make-up a consumer’s lifestyle?

Question 90 What do you understand by rational, emotional or moral focus of appeal?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 87 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Numeracy skills | | |

| |Time management skills | | |

| |Research skills | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Codes of practice | | |

| |Privacy laws | | |

| |Cultural diversity | | |

| |Equal opportunity | | |

| |Anti-discrimination legislation | | |

| |National standards | | |

| |Trade Practices Act | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of consumer behaviour and illustrates with reasons why | | | |

|buyers: | | | |

|select a product, | | | |

|where they prefer to buy it, | | | |

|how they perceive the product in relation to existing alternatives, | | | |

|how much and how often they buy it. | | | |

|Question 88 | | | |

|Describes how information is gathered and analysed to identify trends | | | |

|Identifies a long-term pattern of change in the way that people evaluate a | | | |

|product and its competitor alternatives ability to meet their needs. | | | |

|Describes how organisation responds to consumer demands for products or | | | |

|services in a timely manner | | | |

|Question 89 | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the AIO’s (or activities, interests and opinions) of| | | |

|the consumer | | | |

|Question 90 | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of marketing strategies that address innate and | | | |

|acquired needs of consumers and appeal to the motives that influence decision | | | |

|making | | | |

|Describes the rationale for the focus of appeal for the organisation’s | | | |

|marketing strategies eg the focus of appeal is used in advertising messages to| | | |

|move consumers into action by appealing to their reason (rational), emotions | | | |

|(emotional) or sense of right and wrong (moral). | | | |

|Describes how the focus of appeal meets legal and ethical obligations and the | | | |

|budgetary requirements of the marketing plan | | | |


|BSBMKG502B Establish and adjust the marketing mix |


Question 91: What are the elements that compose the marketing mix for products within your organisation?

Question 92: What are the elements that compose the marketing mix for a service within your organisation?

Question 93: What are the marketing mix elements designed to address?

Question 94: When would you need to adjust an existing marketing mix?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 91 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Numeracy skills | | |

| |Time management skills | | |

| |Relevant legislation | | |

| |Cultural diversity | | |

| |Equal opportunity | | |

| |Anti-discrimination legislation | | |

| |Codes of practice | | |

| |Codes of conduct | | |

| |Privacy laws | | |

| |National standards | | |

| |Trade Practices Act | | |

|Describes the product (characteristics), price, place (or distribution) and | | | |

|promotion. | | | |

|Question 92 | | | |

|Describes the product, price, place (or distribution), promotion, people, | | | |

|process of transaction, and physical evidence. | | | |

|Question 93 | | | |

|Identifies the needs and wants of the target segment in the market selected. | | | |

|Identifies and assesses environmental factors for their impact on marketing | | | |

|mix | | | |

|Describes how product, pricing, promotional, distribution and service | | | |

|variations, is identified and how they are evaluated against marketing | | | |

|objectives, target market characteristics and desired positioning | | | |

|Describes how marketing mix decisions meet organisational, strategic and | | | |

|operational marketing objectives of the organisation | | | |

|Question 94 | | | |

|Describes when an actual or potential change is identified in the needs and | | | |

|wants of the target segment in the market selected, or in the business macro | | | |

|or microenvironment in which the company operates. | | | |

|Describes monitoring, evaluation and adjustment processes | | | |


|BSBOHS509A Ensure a safe workplace |


Question 95: What is your role in establishing and maintaining an OH&S system within your organisation?

Question 96: How have you identified and controlled workplace hazards and their associated risks?

Question 97 What process do you follow to ensure a quality OH&S management system is in place?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 95 | | | |

| |Application of all relevant OHS | | |

| |legislation | | |

| |Compliance with workplace health and | | |

| |safety requirements | | |

| |Compliance with standard operating | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Personal Protective Equipment | | |

| |Follow safe work practices and | | |

| |procedures | | |

| |Follow food preparation and hygiene | | |

| |procedures | | |

|Acts as a role model within the workplace in relation to OH&S | | | |

|Understands OH&S legislation and the impact that this has on children’s | | | |

|services | | | |

|Develops OH&S policies which reflect organisation's commitment to implement | | | |

|relevant OH&S legislation in the workplace | | | |

|Defines and allocates OH&S responsibilities to all staff in line with | | | |

|legislation and organisation’s policies and procedures | | | |

|Ensures all resources are provided to operate in a safe environment | | | |

|Trains all staff in OH&S system | | | |

|Ensures all staff are provided with the most up to date information in | | | |

|relation in OH&S | | | |

|Resolves all OH&S issues promptly and effectively in accordance with | | | |

|procedures for issue resolution | | | |

|Develops and implements OH&S induction and training program | | | |

|Establishes and maintains OH&S record keeping system | | | |

|Ensures that OH&S system is part of organisation's Quality Systems' framework | | | |

|Regularly reviews OH&S system and implements continuous improvement processes | | | |

|Assesses compliance with the OH&S legislative framework | | | |

|Question 96 | | | |

|Develops procedures for ongoing hazard identification and assessment and | | | |

|control of associated risks | | | |

|Identifies risks and hazards through proper job planning and being attentive | | | |

|in the workplace | | | |

|Controls risks and hazards | | | |

|Monitors risk control procedures and reports on their effectiveness | | | |

|Implements changes if risk control is unsatisfactory | | | |

|Consults with staff, safety officer etc as to the best methods available to | | | |

|control or eliminate hazards in the workplace. | | | |

|Question 97 | | | |

|Regularly reviews OH&S system and implements continuous improvement processes | | | |

|Assesses compliance with the OH&S legislative framework | | | |

|Establishes and maintains OH&S record keeping system | | | |

|Describes the OH&S induction and training programs for all employees | | | |


|BSBPMG401A Apply project scope management techniques |


Question 98: When you have worked as part of a project team, explain how the team identified and defined the scope of a new project.

Question 99: What scope planning models have you used?

Question 100: Discuss some of the documents you have used, or referenced, or produced as part of the scoping of a project.

Question 101: How did you manage instances of “scope creep”?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 98 | | |      |

| |Workplace documentation | | |

| |Organisational guidelines | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Teamwork skills | | |

| |Technology tools and applications | | |

|Understands the importance of the planning stage | | | |

|Considers terms of reference | | | |

|Considers mission and objectives | | | |

|Identifies drivers | | | |

|Identifies expected outcomes / benefits | | | |

|Considers stakeholder requirements | | | |

|Considers outputs | | | |

|Considers activities and sub-activities | | | |

|Considers timelines | | | |

|Considers resources required (human and financial) | | | |

|Question 99 | | | |

|Uses scope planning models: | | | |

|Input-Transfer-Outcome model | | | |

|Gantt charts / PERT charts | | | |

|critical path analysis | | | |

|milestone plans | | | |

|process mapping | | | |

|Question 100 | | | |

|Produces a variety of documents which may include: | | | |

|organisation’s project management guidelines | | | |

|project proposals | | | |

|Cost Benefit Analysis | | | |

|Project Business Case / Business Plan | | | |

|scope change proposals | | | |

|risk identification / assessment documents | | | |

|contingency plans | | | |

|stakeholder consultation documents | | | |

|issues register | | | |

|resource planning documents | | | |

|project governance procedures / Steering Committee reports | | | |

|communication strategy | | | |

|project monitoring reports, software, tools | | | |

|Question 101 | | | |

|Ensures project scope is documented and signed off | | | |

|Monitors project progress | | | |

|Identifies emerging priorities and assesses their impact on project (risk, | | | |

|resources) | | | |

|Manages additions to scope through approval process | | | |

|Integrates approved additions to project, or manages as separate project | | | |


|BSBPMG402A Apply time management techniques |


Question 102: When you worked as part of a project team, explain how the team defined and mapped project activities?

Question 103: What happened when an activity’s time allocation was incorrect? How did you identify this and adjust the timeline?

Question 104: Explain what tools you have used to develop and create the project schedule? How effective where they in helping you to monitor progress of the project?

Question 105: Describe what methods were employed to control or adjust the project schedule?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 102 | | |      |

| |Time management | | |

| |Organizational skills | | |

| |Schedule creation | | |

| |Monitoring project progress against the | | |

| |agreed schedule | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Reporting | | |

|Defines and maps activities through: | | | |

|activities lists | | | |

|network diagrams | | | |

|Gantt charts / PERT charts | | | |

|task allocation / duration | | | |

|key milestones | | | |

|resource management | | | |

|task relationships (eg interdependence of tasks) | | | |

|task overlap / concurrence of tasks (parallel tasks) | | | |

|chronology | | | |

|use of time buffers | | | |

|Question 103 | | | |

|Identifies and amends incorrect time allocation | | | |

|Adjusts durations as required | | | |

|Adjusts critical path as required | | | |

|Factors in parallel paths for new issues as required | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to adjusts processes for contingencies | | | |

|Question 104 | | | |

|Uses a variety of tools to schedule the project: | | | |

|project software (i.e. Microsoft Project) | | | |

|word processing documents | | | |

|spreadsheets | | | |

|diary software (i.e. Microsoft Outlook – Mail, calendar, contacts, tasks and | | | |

|notes.) | | | |

|Discusses the suitability of tools used | | | |

|Question 105 | | | |

|Discusses how the project schedule was adjusted by: | | | |

|managing inputs | | | |

|measuring project performance | | | |

|evaluating schedule variance | | | |

|reporting schedule variance | | | |

|implementing authorised schedule changes | | | |

|applying corrective action | | | |


|BSBPMG403A Apply cost management techniques |


Question 106: Reflect on your time with the project team and describe how the team calculated project costs?

Question 107: What tools have you used to develop and monitor budgets?

Question 108: When seeking management approval for total project costs, what type of information is contained in the submission, and what was the extent of your contribution to the document?

Question 109: Can you give some examples of how you have monitored and reported cost blowouts and obtained authorisation for permanent variances?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 106 | | |      |

| |Cost management techniques | | |

| |Budget management | | |

| |Monitoring project progress against the | | |

| |agreed budget | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Reporting | | |

| |Awards and enterprise agreements | | |

|Discusses the process applied in calculating project costs which may include: | | | |

|Work breakdown structure | | | |

|Scope of works | | | |

|Identifying resource requirements | | | |

|Resource pool | | | |

|Organisational policies | | | |

|Estimating activity duration | | | |

|Spreadsheets | | | |

|Project Management software (i.e. Microsoft Project) | | | |

|Cost estimating | | | |

|Historical information | | | |

|Cost management plan | | | |

|The project plan | | | |

|Budget items list | | | |

|Profit margin | | | |

|Materials, supplies and equipment list | | | |

|Question 107 | | | |

|Discusses the use of: | | | |

|project Management software (i.e. Microsoft Project) | | | |

|spreadsheets | | | |

|accounting software (i.e. MYOB, QuickBooks) | | | |

|organisational documents | | | |

|calculator | | | |

|Question 108 | | | |

|Understands the need to obtain management approval for resources, and how this| | | |

|is done within organisation | | | |

|Discusses content of report which may include: | | | |

|description of the scope of work (including any constraints or special | | | |

|conditions, and regulatory drivers) | | | |

|methodology behind cost estimation | | | |

|basis of any costs with associated backup documents in appendices | | | |

|basis of escalations, contingencies and how they were calculated | | | |

|schedules of resources | | | |

|funding profile for current and future year of the project cycle (if required)| | | |

|recommendations for cost reduction and their impact | | | |

|finance options | | | |

|Discusses own contribution which may include: | | | |

|estimating costs for line items (labours, materials, equipment, component | | | |

|costs, etc) | | | |

|compiling costing sheets to support major cost items eg labour, depreciation | | | |

|schedules for fixed assets, interest schedules, income tax and GST schedules | | | |

|aggregating group costings per area (labour, administration, materials, etc) | | | |

|allocating capital and operational expenses | | | |

|Question 109 | | | |

|Monitors costs through: | | | |

|cost baseline | | | |

|performance measurement | | | |

|graphs | | | |

|profit and loss statements | | | |

|invoice and payment records | | | |

|change request form | | | |

|cost verification and validation documentation | | | |

|Obtains approval for permanent changes | | | |


|BSBPMG404A Apply quality management techniques |


Question 110: Explain in your own words the meaning of project quality management?

Question 111: Using an example of a project you have worked on, describe some of the processes and techniques used to manage quality through the project plan?

Question 112: Describe how project activities and product performance were documented and evaluated to determine compliance with agreed quality standards.


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 110 | | |      |

| |Quality assurance | | |

| |Organization skills | | |

| |Quality auditing processes | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Reporting | | |

| |Quality policy and procedures | | |

|Discusses key themes of quality management | | | |

|delivering targeted requirements | | | |

|client satisfaction | | | |

|client needs delivered on time and on budget | | | |

|meeting stakeholder expectations | | | |

|best practice | | | |

|Question 111 | | | |

|Undertakes stakeholder surveys/focus groups/consultation | | | |

|Completes a requirements matrix | | | |

|Uses checklists | | | |

|Uses flowcharts | | | |

|Uses templates | | | |

|Undertakes regular reviews | | | |

|Follows standards | | | |

|Follows quality management plan | | | |

|Follows quality policy and procedures | | | |

|Participates in independent audits | | | |

|Question 112 | | | |

|Applies quality management through: | | | |

|quality assurance | | | |

|quality control measures | | | |

|quality management plan | | | |

|testing | | | |

|benefit cost analysis | | | |

|benchmarking | | | |

|audits | | | |

|flowcharting | | | |

|experiments | | | |


|BSBPMG405A Apply human resources management approaches |


Question 113: Thinking about a time when you have worked on a particular project, who were the various groups or persons that were managed throughout the project?

Question 114: Explain how the human resources requirements of the project were managed – both internal and external expertise.

Question 115: How have you been involved in the management of external stakeholders who contribute to project outcomes?

Question 116: What systems or processes were in place to review the performance of staff (or contractors) involved in the project? How were the efforts of project staff recognised upon successful completion of the project?

Question 117: Explain how you were involved in the skills development of project staff?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 113 | | |      |

| |Occupational health and safety | | |

| |Awards and enterprise agreements | | |

| |Industry codes of practice | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Planning | | |

| |Monitoring and tracking | | |

|Identifies various staff and stakeholders: (eg team leader, project team, | | | |

|customers, project partners, stakeholders, contributors, contractors, staff) | | | |

|Question 114 | | | |

|Determines human resource requirements | | | |

|Assesses existing pool of skills and expertise | | | |

|Contracts with external parties to fill any identified skills gaps | | | |

|Arranges training and development for staff if required | | | |

|Manages human resources through: | | | |

|staff management plans | | | |

|assigning roles and responsibilities | | | |

|organizational charts | | | |

|stakeholder analysis | | | |

|suppliers list | | | |

|contractors list | | | |

|Question 115 | | | |

|Participates in management of stakeholders through: | | | |

|interview and analysis | | | |

|audits and reviews | | | |

|references, previous work | | | |

|monitoring and testing | | | |

|incentives and/or penalties | | | |

|contracts and agreements | | | |

|arbitration | | | |

|Question 116 | | | |

|Monitors staff or contractor performance through: | | | |

|monitoring and tracking | | | |

|performance and reviews | | | |

|incentives and rewards | | | |

|Question 117 | | | |

|Assists in career pathway planning | | | |

|Coordinates team building activities | | | |

|Coordinates staff training | | | |

|Coordinates coaching and mentoring | | | |

|Administers incentive programs | | | |

|Administers rewards programs | | | |


|BSBPMG406A Apply communications management techniques |


Question 118: Reflect on your time with the project team and describe how the team managed communication? How have you contributed to the development of a communication plan? What project communication networks have you established?

Question 119: What mediums have you used to ensure all relevant parties (management, clients, stakeholders, and colleagues) were kept abreast of the project’s progress? How did you determine the most appropriate communication vehicles for the message? How did you ensure that the information you gave them was timely, relevant and accurate?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 118 | | |      |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Organisation skills | | |

| |Technology skills | | |

| |Planning | | |

| |Monitoring and tracking | | |

|Contributes to development and implementation of communication plan | | | |

|Identifies communication requirements | | | |

|Explores communication methods | | | |

|Participates in meetings and events | | | |

|Contributes to communication networks, online groups, electronic bulletin | | | |

|boards, etc | | | |

|Question 119 | | | |

|Uses a variety of mediums: | | | |

|Meetings, phone calls, memos, emails, reports, presentations, newsletters, | | | |

|press releases, workshops | | | |

|Ensures information is timely: | | | |

|maintains communication log or register | | | |

|applies date stamp, sequential newsletter numbering | | | |

|follows communications plan release dates | | | |

|Ensures information is relevant: | | | |

|reviews information releases for relevance to audience | | | |

|obtains feedback from recipients of information | | | |

|Ensures information is accurate: | | | |

|reviews integrity of information released/presented | | | |

|validates data against other information on file | | | |

|maintains version control on documents | | | |

|follows procedures for media releases | | | |

|ensures information released is signed off by person in authority | | | |

|ensures audit trail | | | |


|BSBPMG407A Apply risk management techniques |


Question 120: In what ways did the project management team analyse and plan for risk?

Question 121: Explain your role in identifying potential project risks?

Question 122: Describe how monitoring and reporting risk was achieved? Give an example of a risk that was identified and your response to minimize its impact on the project should the risk have occurred?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 120 | | |      |

| |Awards and enterprise agreements | | |

| |Industry codes of practice | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

| |Planning | | |

| |Monitoring and tracking | | |

|Reviews project charter | | | |

|Reviews risk management policy | | | |

|Considers roles and responsibilities | | | |

|Identifies stakeholders risk tolerance | | | |

|Describes risk management plan templates | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of: | | | |

|Budgeting | | | |

|Scheduling | | | |

|Risk Scoring | | | |

|Thresholds | | | |

|Prioritising risk | | | |

|Reporting | | | |

|Tracking | | | |

|Question 121 | | | |

|Reviews project documents | | | |

|Participates in brainstorming sessions | | | |

|Conducts interviews | | | |

|Participates in SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and | | | |

|threats) | | | |

|Uses diagrams to document risk | | | |

|Uses checklists to ensure risks are minimised | | | |

|Question 122 | | | |

|Participates in risk monitoring through: | | | |

|response plan (avoidance, transference, mitigation, acceptance) | | | |

|risk management reports | | | |

|charts | | | |

|budgets | | | |

|interviews | | | |

|risk review meetings | | | |

|measuring technical performance | | | |


|BSBPMG408A Apply contract and procurement procedures |


Question 123: Explain how the project team planned the acquisition of resources needed for the project?

Question 124: Describe how the team selected contractors and/or suppliers? How did you monitor the contracts to ensure goods and services were delivered on time and met the service specifications?

Question 125: Explain some of the steps taken to verify contract completion? How have you monitored and made partial and final payments to contractors?

Question 126: Why is it important to maintain contractor files?

Question 127: Upon completion of the project how did you review project outcomes in relation to all aspects of the project (scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk and procurement)?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the candidate’s |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 123 | | |      |

| |Awards and enterprise agreements | | |

| |Industry codes of practice | | |

| |Teamwork and communication skills | | |

|Assists in resource acquisition through: | | | |

|following procurement plan | | | |

|reviewing scope statement | | | |

|determining to make or buy | | | |

|using the statement of works | | | |

|using and maintaining suppliers list | | | |

|Question 124 | | | |

|Defines requirements | | | |

|Administers contracts (work results, change requests, invoices) | | | |

|Calls for tenders | | | |

|Chooses the right contact | | | |

|Places advertisements | | | |

|Conducts interviews | | | |

|Provides references | | | |

|Examines examples of contractor’s recent work | | | |

|Ensures contractor quote falls within budget | | | |

|Question 125 | | | |

|Verifies contract completion through: | | | |

|audits / evaluation | | | |

|inspections | | | |

|testing and acceptance | | | |

|performance reports | | | |

|contractual inspections | | | |

|Question 126 | | | |

|Understands the importance of historical information for project management | | | |

|Understands the importance of reviewing project outcomes for future reference | | | |

|Question 127 | | | |

|Participates in review meeting | | | |

|Conducts compliance analysis / reports | | | |

|Completes outcomes analysis / reports | | | |

|Conducts performance evaluations | | | |

|Documents findings for continuous improvement | | | |

| | | | |


|BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes |


Question 128: How is risk identified and evaluated in your organisation? How is this information used?

Question 129: Describe a risk you have identified in your workplace and how you treated the risk. What did you do to ensure the treatment was effective?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 128 | | | |

| |Legislation | | |

| |Company policies and procedures | | |

| |Australian Standards | | |

| |Risk management practices | | |

| |Planning and evaluation processes | | |

|Identifies risks through: | | | |

|checklists | | | |

|judgement based on experience and records | | | |

|flow charts | | | |

|brainstorming | | | |

|systems analysis | | | |

|scenario analysis | | | |

|systems engineering techniques | | | |

|Evaluates: | | | |

|existing controls | | | |

|impact (consequences) | | | |

|frequency of occurrence | | | |

|likelihood of occurrence | | | |

|overall level of risk | | | |

|appropriate risk models and tools | | | |

|Continually monitors identified risks | | | |

|Determines which risks should be treated | | | |

|Identifies options to treat risks with positive outcomes | | | |

|Assesses each option to treat risk | | | |

|Develops and implements treatment plans (control measures) | | | |

|Analyses and evaluates residual risks after treatment plans have been | | | |

|implemented | | | |

|Question 129 | | | |

|Describes risk identified | | | |

|Proposes action (control measures) | | | |

|Allocates resources as required | | | |

|Delegates responsibilities | | | |

|Sets timeframes | | | |

|Outlines performance measures | | | |

|Reports on treatment plan | | | |

|Conducts regular reviews of implemented treatment | | | |

|Measures treatment success against plan | | | |

|Monitors and improves treatment | | | |


|BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability |


Question 130: What is your involvement in the planning, development and implementation of organisational policy regarding sustainability in your workplace?

Question 131: How do you promote workplace sustainability to stakeholders?

Question 132: What monitoring techniques do you use to identify the performance of sustainability policies?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 130 | | | |

| |Communication skills | | |

| |Legislation, regulations and codes of | | |

| |practice | | |

| |Problem solving skills | | |

| |Quality assurance systems | | |

|Describes how information is gathered | | | |

|Identifies and consults with stakeholders | | | |

|Describes strategies for minimising resource usage | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge relating to cost, effectiveness and the timeframe | | | |

|relating to implementation of policies | | | |

|Describes how sustainability policies are implemented within the workplace | | | |

|Question 131 | | | |

|Describe your role in promoting workplace sustainability | | | |

|Identifies expected outcomes to stakeholders | | | |

|Communication process with stakeholders to develop and implement policy and | | | |

|resolve disputes among stakeholders | | | |

|Question 132 | | | |

|Describes monitoring policies and techniques for analysing data on resource | | | |

|consumption | | | |

|Describes process for instigating remedial action | | | |

|Describes roles and responsibilities for tracking continuous improvements in | | | |

|sustainability approaches | | | |

|Describes how feedback is provided to key personnel and stakeholders | | | |


|BSBWOR502A Ensure team effectiveness |


Question 133: How do you establish understanding of the team goals, keep the team on track and focussed on work outcomes?

Question 134: What processes or policies are in place to actively promote, support and encourage teamwork?

Question 135: What strategies can you use to develop team cohesion?

Question 136: Why is it important for your own performance to serve as a role model to others?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 133 | | | |

| |Mentoring and coaching skills | | |

| |Team building skills | | |

| |Effective communication skills | | |

| |Conflict resolutions techniques | | |

| |Group behaviour | | |

|Describes the consultation process to establish expected outcomes, outputs, | | | |

|key performance indicators and goals for work team | | | |

|Describes support mechanisms available for team members to meet expected | | | |

|performance outcomes | | | |

|Demonstrates effective communication skills which support team in an | | | |

|environment of trust | | | |

|Demonstrates ability to keep team focused through planning and organisational | | | |

|skills | | | |

|Question 134 | | | |

|Describes processes for promoting, supporting and encouraging teamwork eg: | | | |

|Provide feedback to team members | | | |

|Reward/recognise improved individual and team performance and participation | | | |

|Changes in work roles and responsibilities where appropriate | | | |

|Quality standards and expectations | | | |

|Targets for training and development. | | | |

|Performance planning | | | |

|Question 135 | | | |

|Describes a range of activities aimed at developing team cohesion eg conducts | | | |

|meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions, email/intranet communications, | | | |

|newsletters or other processes and devices that ensure that all have the | | | |

|opportunity to contribute to team and individual performance plans, training | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of the mechanisms used to provide feedback | | | |

|Describes techniques used in managing teams relationships and group dynamics | | | |

|Question 136 | | | |

|Describes how their own contribution serves as a role model for the team and | | | |

|why this is important to the organisation | | | |


|BSBWRK509A Manage industrial relations |


Question 137: Describe the impact of current industrial relations issues with regard to key entities in the Australian industrial relations system, including courts, tribunals, trade unions and employer bodies?

Question 138: Describe the steps you have taken in developing industrial relations strategies and policies within your organisation?

Question 139: Describe how you implement industrial relations strategies/policies within your organisation?

Question 140: Describe strategies and procedures for managing grievances and disputes?


|The candidate’s response should evidence the following |These must be evidenced in the |response |Record other key points and examples from conversation. |

| |candidate’s response |addresses KP |Identify whether a practical assessment is warranted. |

| | |and IR | |

|Question 137 | | | |

| |OH&S Requirements | | |

| |Anti-discrimination legislation | | |

| |Equal opportunity | | |

| |Relevant industrial legislation | | |

| |Effective communication | | |

| |Problem solving | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of: | | | |

|Fair Work Australia Act | | | |

|Modern awards | | | |

|HR & IR professionals coaching line managers | | | |

|Impact on policies and procedures | | | |

|Union right of entry | | | |

|Collective approach with unions, courts, employees, employers, government and | | | |

|community | | | |

|Role of tribunals and courts | | | |

|Question 138 | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge of: | | | |

|Long-term industrial relations objectives | | | |

|Existing industrial relations performance | | | |

|Metrics | | | |

|Cost benefit, risk analysis and current legislation | | | |

|Question 139 | | | |

|Describes the implementation plan, contingency plan | | | |

|Demonstrates planning and time management skills | | | |

|Identifies training and development needs | | | |

|Consults with employee representatives | | | |

|Demonstrates understanding of legality of proposed strategies | | | |

|Question 140 | | | |

|Demonstrates communication skills to advocate, consult, negotiate and mediate | | | |

|conflict | | | |

|Demonstrates problem-solving skills to manage sensitive and important issues | | | |


Practical Tasks and

Observation Recording Sheets

You use this section to assist you in determining a candidate’s competency in those areas where they have not yet successfully demonstrated their skills, knowledge and prior experience. Therefore, candidates are not required to complete all tasks. You select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to context and needs of each candidate.


Candidates are not required to complete all tasks. The Assessor is to select tasks after considering available evidence collected through previous phases and according to the context and needs of each candidate.

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |


|Coordinate |This task requires you gather workplace documents demonstrating how you have implemented customer service strategies in |

|implementation of |the workplace. Some examples may include: |

|customer service |your organisations Customer Service Standard |

|strategies |records of training programs you have developed or coordinated to support the Customer Service Standards |

| |minutes of meetings where you have discussed customer services issues, problems or innovations |

| |strategies you have implemented to build rapport with customers |

| |documents show how you have investigated and resolve a customer problem or complaint |

| |how you manage stress in the workplace |

| |research you have undertaken on what your services your organisation’s competitors are providing and how they compare to|

| |your organisations services |

| |customers satisfaction surveys you have conducted |

| |reward programs you coordinate to recognise customer service excellence amongst staff |

| |innovations you have developed to improve the Customer Service Standard |

| |how you have monitored and reviewed the implementation of recommendations for improvement in customer service |

| |strategies you have developed or implement to bring lost customers back |

| |“mystery shopper” programs you have implemented to test levels of customer service |

| |how you have reviewed or developed work instructions, manuals which codify customer service standards |

| |how you have researched customer trends and developed innovative strategies to meet the emerging needs of consumers in |

| |the marketplace. |

| | |

| |Discuss the documents you have gathered with your Assessor. |


|Implement operational |Gather a variety of documents from your workplace to demonstrate how you have developed and implemented an operational |

|plan |plan. Some examples may include: |

| |the operational plan |

| |the organisational business plan to which the operation plan relates |

| |the workforce profile which supports the operational plan |

| |budgets submissions and plans you have developed to support the action items in the operational plan |

| |contingency plans that were developed |

| |meeting notes or other documents where key stakeholders were consulted |

| |documents showing how risks/blockages were identified and evaluated |

| |reports showing progress made against action items |

| |meetings minutes showing where you discussed the Operational Plan with your staff |

| |budget or financial reports which show the use of resources to achieve the Operation Plan’s objectives |

| | |

| |Discuss these documents with your Assessor to demonstrate how you have implemented, resources, and monitored the |

| |Operational Plan |


|Implement continuous |This task requires you gather workplace documents demonstrating how you have implemented continuous improvement in the |

|improvement |workplace. Some examples may include: |

| |your organisation’s quality policy |

| |documents showing how the policy is communicated to staff (eg. communications plan) |

| |training undertaken by staff in continuous improvement as relates to their job role |

| |performance appraisals you have conducted with your staff |

| |recognition and rewards programs you have implemented or coordinated |

| |benchmarks you have established and monitored |

| |internal quality audits you have conducted |

| |customer satisfaction surveys you have developed and rolled out |

| |analysis of survey data and development of recommendations |

| |how you have built a culture of continuous improvement in your organisation |

| |Discuss the documents you have gathered with your Assessor. |


|Lead and facilitate |(This may be undertaken in written form using Section E or by verbal discussion with the Assessor) |

|off-site staff | |

| |You are asked to design a suitable agreement between yourself and a staff member of an organisation who will work at |

| |home or from an alternative site during some of your scheduled working hours with the organisation. |

| | |

| |The agreement must allow for flexibility and formalise the arrangements. |

| | |

| |In the agreement, state which legal and regulatory requirements need to be covered so that both you and the organisation|

| |are covered legally. |

| | |

| |State how you will and your supervisor/mentor will work within this framework, ie reporting relationships, regular |

| |meetings, how projects will be set up in relation to |

| |objectives to achieve outcomes |

| |setting strategies |

| |timeframes |

| |how decision making will take place |

| |how performance indicators will ensure achievement of objectives |

| | |

| |State how a work performance plan would formalise agreed goals and targets |

| | |

| |State how problems in work performance would be addressed, and how performance appraisal would be documented. |

|Unit of Competency |Practical Task |


|Apply project scope | |

|management techniques |Gather documents and materials from a project you have worked on. With your assessor, talk through the documents, and |

| |demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the following: |

| |Reviewing and/or developing the project plan to define and manage the projects scope |

| |Mapping project activities showing timelines, resource allocation, key milestones, time adjustments and reporting |

| |procedures |

| |Calculation and recording of project costs: |

| |the means by which the cost records were reviewed and monitored |

| |Processes and techniques used to manage quality through the project plan: |

| |the means by which activities were documented and evaluated to determine compliance with agreed quality standards |

| |Management of human resources required for the project: |

| |the methods used to provide incentive and training project staff |

| |the considerations employed to identify and document stakeholder issues |

| |Development of a communication plan and communication network: |

| |list the mediums used to provide effective communication to all parties involved in the project. |

| |Analysis and planning for potential risks to the project: |

| |show how identified project risks were minimized and/or eliminated through the risk management plan |

| |Procurement of goods and services used in the project: |

| |provide samples of the contracts used to obtain the goods and/or services. Explain the processes leading up to final |

| |payment and how final payments for goods or services were made. |

| |Project completion and review processes: |

| |documents showing how learning was applied to continuous improvement processes and recommendations for future projects |

|BSBPMG402A | |

|Apply time management | |

|techniques | |

|BSBPMG403A | |

|Apply cost management | |

|techniques | |

|BSBPMG404A | |

|Apply quality management| |

|techniques | |

|BSBPMG405A | |

|Apply human resources | |

|management approaches | |

|BSBPMG406A | |

|Apply communications | |

|management techniques | |

|BSBPMG407A | |

|Apply risk management | |

|techniques | |

|BSBPMG408A | |

|Apply contract and | |

|procurement procedures | |


|Practical Tasks |




NB: The skills listed below must be verified by a competent assessor through observed demonstration either in the candidate’s workplace as part of the candidate’s normal work duty OR as part of a practical assessment/demonstration set by the assessor.

|Unit and element covered |Task No. |Observable behaviours in task |Industry requirements |Assessor’s comments |Indicate if |Date assessed |

|in task | | | | |behaviour | |

| | | | | |observed | |

|BSBMGT402A Implement |2 |Documents provide evidence of: |Interpersonal skills | | | |

|operational plan | |Clear understanding organization’s strategic direction |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Ability to set actions/strategies to achieve organizational goals at |Leadership and teamwork | | | |

| | |the operational level | | | | |

| | |Use of communication plan to implement plan | | | | |

| | |Use of KPIs to monitor achievement | | | | |

| | |Use of mentoring tools | | | | |

| | |Acquisition of human resources and physical resources in the | | | | |

| | |appropriate manner | | | | |

| | |Budget and resource management | | | | |

| | |Risk management | | | | |

| | |Contingency management | | | | |

| | |Ability to meet key performance indicators | | | | |

| | |Achievement of targets and outcomes | | | | |

| | |Familiarity with use of information management systems and business | | | | |

| | |technology | | | | |

| | |Effective records management processes | | | | |

|BSBMGT403A |3 |Documents provide evidence of: |Continuous improvement strategies | | | |

|Implement continuous | |Commitment to the philosophy of continuous improvement |Benchmarking | | | |

|improvement | |Regular reports on achievement KPIs |Change management | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Regular financial performance reports |Effective consultation and | | | |

| | |Monitoring of customer satisfaction |communication | | | |

| | |Development of actions to improve customer satisfaction |Productivity management | | | |

| | |Development of actions to improve business processes |Interpersonal skills | | | |

| | |Assessment of the impact of improved practices |Leadership and teamwork | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Encouraging team involvement and feedback | | | | |

| | |Clear communication of system improvements/modifications to relevant | | | | |

| | |staff | | | | |

| | |Mentoring/coaching/training of team members in implementing business | | | | |

| | |improvements | | | | |

| | |Monitoring of staff performance | | | | |

| | |Achievement of incremental continuous improvement and increased | | | | |

| | |productivity | | | | |

| | |Use of business systems to support organisational outcomes | | | | |

| | |Effective records management | | | | |

|BSBMGT404A |4 |Development of work agreement in line with legal and legislative |Legal factors and regulatory policies| | | |

|Lead and facilitate | |requirements |Company policy and procedures | | | |

|off-site staff | |The agreement allows for flexibility |Effective communication | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Reporting relationships, regular meetings, how projects will be set up |Leadership and teamwork | | | |

| | |in relation to |Quality Assurance | | | |

| | |Objectives to achieve outcomes | | | | |

| | |Setting strategies | | | | |

| | |Timeframes | | | | |

| | |How decision making will take place | | | | |

| | |How performance indicators will ensure achievement of objectives are | | | | |

| | |documented | | | | |

| | |Work performance plan with agreed goals and targets is identified | | | | |

| | |Elements of a performance appraisal to be documented are identified | | | | |

|BSBPMG401A |5 |Plans outcomes of the project |Workplace documentation | | | |

|Apply project scope | |Works within the project plan |Organisational guidelines | | | |

|management techniques | |Tracks, monitors and controls the project with respect to the scope of |Teamwork and communications skills | | | |

|1, 2 | |the project |Technology tools and applications | | | |

| | |Understands the need for scope management in the context of the project| | | | |

| | |lifecycle | | | | |

| | |Reviews for compliance to scope /scope mgt | | | | |

|BSBPMG402A |5 |Works with others to determine schedules for the project |The need for time management | | | |

|Apply time management | |Monitors the progress of the project against the agreed schedule |Schedule creation | | | |

|techniques | |Knows the need for time management within the broad project management |Monitoring project progress against | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |framework |the agreed schedule | | | |

| | |Uses time management tools |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

| | |Reads time managements charts, graphs and reports |Reporting | | | |

| | |Identifies and implements improvements in time mgt | | | | |

|BSBPMG403A |5 |Develops a budget for the project |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

|Apply cost management | |Monitors expenditure within the project against the agreed budget |Reporting | | | |

|techniques | |Uses cost management tools and techniques |Occupational health and Safety issues| | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Reads financial statements and reports |Awards and enterprise agreements | | | |

| | |Knows how, when and why cost management processes are implemented | | | | |

| | |Understands how completion activities were undertaken | | | | |

|BSBPMG404A |5 |Works with others to develop quality plans and quality assurance |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

|Apply quality management | |procedures |Reporting | | | |

|techniques | |Monitors and controls quality within the project against requirements |Quality policy and procedures | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Acts upon issues or problems identified with project quality | | | | |

| | |Reviews quality upon project completion and closure | | | | |

|BSBPMG405A |5 |Prevents and resolves conflict |Occupational health and safety | | | |

|Apply human resources | |Supports and develops skills in the project team |Awards and enterprise agreements | | | |

|management approaches | |Allocates and tracks human resources for suitability of skill levels |Industry codes of practice | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Assigns project responsibilities and tracks accountability and |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

| | |conformance |Planning | | | |

| | |Reports human resource issues to a high authority |Monitoring and tracking | | | |

| | |Practises resource management which includes stakeholder management | | | | |

|BSBPMG406A |5 |Plans communication for the project |The Ability to relate to people from | | | |

|Apply communications | |Determines project information requirements |a variety of backgrounds | | | |

|management techniques | |Plans, carries out, minutes and acts upon project meetings |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Develops and implements project reporting processes |Planning | | | |

| | |Manages information flow for the project, including information coming |Monitoring and tracking | | | |

| | |into the project and information disseminated from and about the | | | | |

| | |project | | | | |

| | |Reviews communications within the project | | | | |

|BSBPMG407A |5 |Identifies, analysis, prioritise risk and develops risk management |Awards and enterprise agreements | | | |

|Apply risk management | |strategies |Industry codes of practice | | | |

|techniques | |Controls risk |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

|1, 2, 3 | |Monitors risk |Planning | | | |

| | |Reviews risk management within the project |Monitoring and tracking | | | |

|BSBPMG408A |5 |Plans and manages contracts and/or procurement |Awards and enterprise agreements | | | |

|Apply contract and | |Develops documentation used in compiling contracts, negotiation or |Industry codes of practice | | | |

|procurement procedures | |administration of contracts |Teamwork and communication skills | | | |

|1, 2, 3, 4 | |Selects contractors through company procedures |Planning | | | |

| | |Manages necessary procurement |Monitoring and tracking | | | |

| | |Reviews procurement management within the project | | | | |


Resources for Practical Tasks

You use this section to access any resources required by the candidate to undertake the practical task/s or scenario/s. They are suggested resources only. You may wish to modify or use other resources for the assessment tasks.


Third Party Verification

The preferred approach in gaining third party validation is to take the forms in this section to the candidate’s previous employers or referees to gain confirmation of the candidate’s skills against the required competencies. This would be done during a conversation or interview with these people.

It may be beneficial to make contact with the employers/referees early in the recognition process to make appointments, particularly if you have to travel some distance to visit them. This may be done on the same day as a practical assessment in the workplace if appropriate.

It is recommended that verification be obtained from one or two referees who can confirm the candidate’s industry skills in context over time.



To whom it may concern,

RE: skills in/as

(insert candidate name) (insert industry/job title)

I certify that the above named person has:

worked at for a period of years

regularly undertaken the following activities within the workplace since commencing employment with this organisation:

( Initial those skills/ competencies (below) that the candidate has or can successfully perform in the workplace

← a

← b

← c

← d

← e

← f

← g

← h

If you would like any further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on

Yours sincerely


Print Name and Position


Assessment Tables

You use these tables as a reference tool to see at a glance which units/elements of competency are within the qualification.

Question numbers refer to those found in SECTION C of this kit.

Practical assessment/scenarios numbers refer to those found in SECTION D of this kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only. Any mapping should be done after questions and tasks have been selected.

|Elements |Performance Criteria |Questions |Practical Tasks |

|BSBADM503B |Plan and manage conferences | | |

|1 Plan conference |1.1 Confirm purpose, required outcomes and style of conference with conference convenor/s |01, 02 | |

| |1.2 Confirm conference facilities requirements, budget, and preparation time line with conference convenor/s | | |

| |1.3 Identify speakers/presenters and/or prepare a call for papers in accordance with conference purpose and style | | |

| |1.4 Draft conference program in line with stated purpose, and balance choice of program elements to allow outcomes to be achieved | | |

| |1.5 Select, invite and brief speakers in accordance with conference program | | |

| |1.6 Identify participant target group and project numbers in consultation with conference organisers | | |

| |1.7 Plan conference administration requirements and tasks, processes and resources to ensure efficient management of conference data and resources | | |

|2 Promote conference |2.1 Establish a promotion strategy that reaches required number of target participants |03 | |

| |2.2 Prepare publicity material in accordance with the promotion strategy and budget allocation/s, and despatch within designated time lines | | |

|3 Organise conference |3.1 Make conference arrangements in accordance with booking lead times and budget allocation/s |01, 02, 03, 04 | |

| |3.2 Record acceptances, receipt fees and confirm participants within designated time lines | | |

| |3.3 Identify and cater for participants' specific needs | | |

| |3.4 Confirm program details and prepare conference papers in accordance with speakers' requirements and conference time line | | |

| |3.5 Despatch pre-conference information to participants within designated time lines | | |

|4 Coordinate conference |4.1 Check conference facilities to confirm they meet agreed requirements |01, 02, 03, 04 | |

|proceedings |4.2 Register participants in accordance with planned registration procedures | | |

| |4.3 Communicate to participants any late changes to the published program | | |

| |4.4 Make contingency arrangements to ensure the smooth running of the conference | | |

| |4.5 Ensure speakers' schedules are managed and their conference requirements met throughout the conference | | |

| |4.6 Manage administration requirements during conference in accordance with conference plan/schedule | | |

|5 Follow up conference |5.1 Record, report and/or follow-up conference outcomes in accordance with organisational requirements |01, 02, 03, 04 | |

|proceedings |5.2 Prepare conference papers for publication and distribution within designated time lines | | |

| |5.3 Post-conference correspondence is prepared and despatched within designated timelines | | |

| |5.4 Finalise receipts and payments, and acquit conference funds in accordance with organisational procedures and audit requirements | | |

|BSBADM504B |Plan and review administration systems | | |

|Plan or review administration |1.1 Identify requirements of, or modifications to, administration system through consultation with system users and other stakeholders in accordance|05 | |

|systems |with organisational and budgetary requirements | | |

| |1.2 Obtain quotations from suppliers/developers of system in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

| |1.3 Make selection of supplier or developer in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

|Implement new or modified |2.1 Identify and develop implementation strategies in consultation with staff |06 | |

|administration system |2.2 Encourage staff to participate in all stages of the implementation process | | |

| |2.3 Implement system in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

| |2.4 Define and communicate procedures for using the system to staff | | |

| |2.5 Provide training and support for staff on the use of the new or modified system | | |

| |2.6 Deal with contingencies to ensure minimal impact on users | | |

|Monitor administration system |3.1 Monitor system for usage, security and output in accordance with organisational requirements |07 | |

| |3.2 Modify system to meet changing needs in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

| |3.3 Clearly identify further modifications and notify users | | |

| |3.4 Monitor staff training needs and train new staff on administration system | | |

|BBADM506B |Manage business document design and development | | |

|Establish documentation |1.1 Identify organisational requirements for information entry, storage, output, and quality of document design and production |08 | |

|standards |1.2 Evaluate organisation’s present and future information technology capability in terms of its effect on document design and production | | |

| |1.3 Identify types of documents used and required by the organisation | | |

| |1.4 Establish documentation standards and design tasks for organisational documents in accordance with information, budget and technology | | |

| |requirements | | |

|Manage template design and |2.1 Ensure standard formats and templates suit the purpose, audience and information requirements of each document |09-10 | |

|development |2.2 Ensure document templates enhance readability and appearance, and meet organisational requirements for style and layout | | |

| |2.3 Test templates, obtain organisational and user feedback, and make amendments as necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and quality of | | |

| |presentation | | |

|Develop standard text for |3.1 Evaluate complex technical functions of software for their usefulness in automating aspects of standard document production |09-10 | |

|documents |3.2 Match requirements of each document with software functions to allow efficient production of documents | | |

| |3.3 Test macros to ensure they meet the requirements of each document in accordance with documentation standards | | |

|Develop and implement |4.1 Prepare explanatory notes for the use of standard templates and macros using content, format and language style to suit existing and future |10 | |

|strategies to ensure the use of|users | | |

|standard documentation |4.2 Develop and implement training on the use of standard templates and macros and adjust the content and level of detail to suit user needs | | |

| |4.3 Produce, circulate, name and store master files and print copies of templates and macros in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

|Develop and implement |5.1 Monitor use of standard documentation templates and macros, and evaluate the quality of documents produced against documentation standards |11 | |

|strategies for maintenance and |5.1 Review documentation standards against the changing needs of the organisation, and plan and implement improvements in accordance with | | |

|continuous improvement of |organisational procedures | | |

|standard documentation | | | |

|BSBCUS401A |Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies | | |

|Advise on customer service |Clarify and accurately assess customer needs using appropriate communication techniques |12 |1 |

|needs |Diagnose problems matching service delivery to customers and develop options for improved service within organisational requirements | | |

| |Provide relevant and constructive advice to promote the improvement of customer service delivery | | |

| |Use business technology and/or online services to structure and present information on customer service needs | | |

|Support implementation of |Ensure customer service strategies and opportunities are promoted to designated individuals and groups |13 |1 |

|customer service strategies |Identify and allocate available budget resources to fulfil customer service objectives | | |

| |Promptly action procedures to resolve customer difficulties and complaints within organisational requirements | | |

| |Ensure that decisions to implement strategies are taken in consultation with designated individuals and groups | | |

|Evaluate and report on customer|Review client satisfaction with service delivery using verifiable data in accordance with organisational requirements |14 |1 |

|service |Identify and report changes necessary to maintain service standards to designated individuals and groups | | |

| |Prepare conclusions and recommendations from verifiable evidence and provide constructive advice on future directions of client service strategies | | |

| |Maintain systems, records and reporting procedures to compare changes in customer satisfaction | | |

|BSBFIA401A |Prepare financial reports | | |

|Maintain asset register |1.1 Prepare a register of property, plant and equipment from fixed asset transactions in accordance with organisational policy ad procedures |18 | |

| |1.2 Determine method of calculating depreciation in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

| |1.3 Maintain asset register and associated depreciation schedule in accordance with organisational policy, procedures and accounting requirements | | |

|Record general journal entries |2.1 Record depreciation of non-current assets and disposal of fixed assets in accordance with organisational policy, procedures and accounting |15 | |

|for balance day adjustments |requirements | | |

| |2.2 Adjust expense accounts and revenue accounts for prepayments and accruals | | |

| |2.3 Record bad and doubtful debts in accordance with organisational policy, procedures and accounting requirements | | |

| |2.4 Adjust ledger accounts for inventories, if required, and transfer to final accounts | | |

|Prepare final general ledger |3.1 Enter general journal entries for balance day adjustments in general ledger system in accordance with organisational policy, procedures and |16, 17 | |

|accounts |accounting requirements | | |

| |3.2 Post revenue and expense account balances to final general ledger accounts system | | |

| |3.3 Prepare final general ledger accounts to reflect gross and net profits for reporting period | | |

|Prepare end of period financial|4.1 Prepare revenue statement in accordance with organisational requirements to reflect operation profit for reporting period |16, 17 | |

|reports |4.2 Prepare balance sheet to reflect financial position of business at end of reporting period | | |

| |4.3 Identify and correct or refer errors for resolution in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

|BSBFIM501A |Manage budgets and financial plans | | |

|1 Plan financial management |1.1 Access budget/financial plans for the work team |19, 20 | |

|approaches |1.2 Clarify budget/financial plans with relevant personnel within the organisation to ensure that documented outcomes are achievable, accurate and | | |

| |comprehensible | | |

| |1.3 Negotiate any changes required to be made to budget/financial plans with relevant personnel within the organisation | | |

| |1.4 Prepare contingency plans in the event that initial plans need to be varied | | |

|2 Implement financial |2.1 Disseminate relevant details of the agreed budget/financial plans to team members |21, 22 | |

|management approaches |2.2 Provide support to ensure that team members can competently perform required roles associated with the management of finances | | |

| |2.3 Determine and access resources and systems to manage financial management processes within the work team | | |

|3 Monitor and control finances |3.1 Implement processes to monitor actual expenditure and to control costs across the work team |22, 23 | |

| |3.2 Monitor expenditure and costs on an agreed cyclical basis to identify cost variations and expenditure overruns | | |

| |3.3 Implement, monitor and modify contingency plans as required to maintain financial objectives | | |

| |3.4 Report on budget and expenditure in accordance with organisational protocols | | |

|4 Review and evaluate financial|4.1 Collect and collate for analysis, data and information on the effectiveness of financial management processes within the work team |22, 23 | |

|management processes |4.2 Analyse data and information on the effectiveness of financial management processes within the work team and identify, document and recommend | | |

| |any improvements to existing processes | | |

| |4.3 Implement and monitor agreed improvements in line with financial objectives of the work team and the organisation | | |

|BSBFIM502A |Manage payroll | | |

|Establish procedures for the |1.1 Establish security procedures that ensure the confidentiality and security of payroll information |24 | |

|management of payroll |1.2 Ensure procedures guarantee substantiation of claims for allowances | | |

| |1.3 Establish control measures to safeguard organisation’s financial resources in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements | | |

| |1.4 Establish systems to ensure that statutory obligations are met and records are kept for the period determined by government legislation | | |

|Prepare payroll data |2.1 Use nominated industrial awards, contracts and government legislation to calculate gross pay and annual salaries |25 | |

| |2.2 Calculate statutory and voluntary deductions using government and employee documentation | | |

| |2.3 Provide payroll data to payroll processor for calculation within designated time lines | | |

|Authorise payment of salaries |3.1 Check payroll, and authorise salaries and wages for payment in accordance with organisational policy and procedures |26 | |

| |3.2 Reconcile salaries, wages and deductions in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

| |3.3 Deal with salary wage and related enquiries in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

|Administer salary records |4.1 Process declaration forms for new and existing employees in accordance with Australian Taxation Office requirements |27 | |

| |4.2 Forward periodic deductions to nominated creditors within designated time lines | | |

| |4.3 Prepare and despatch payments to government authorities accurately and in accordance with the relevant government legislation | | |

| |4.4 Calculate and transcribe group tax amounts and make payments in accordance with taxation procedures | | |

| |4.5 Prepare and reconcile employee group certificate amounts from salary records | | |

|BSBHRM401A |Review human resources functions | | |

|Research human resources |1.1 Clarify human resources issues for review and document scope of review |28 | |

|functions |1.2 Identify local, state/territory, national and international human resources networks for human resources professionals | | |

| |1.3 Identify information sources for human resources data and information | | |

| |1.4 Select a research strategy suitable to the topic | | |

| |1.5 Consult with relevant personnel | | |

| |1.6 Undertake research | | |

| |1.7 Review research findings | | |

|Review policy and procedures |2.1 Locate policies and procedures relevant to the research topic |29 | |

|frameworks |2.2 Analyse strengths and weaknesses of policies and procedures | | |

| |2.3 Consider legislation, regulations and standards that apply to the policies and procedures and the research topic | | |

|Apply ethical framework |3.1 Review ethical requirements associated with the human resources function under review |28, 30 | |

| |3.2 Consider ethical obligations of human resources personnel working in the area under review | | |

| |3.3 Document behaviours associated with working ethically in the area under review | | |

|Report on research outcomes |4.1 Collate, analyse and document key findings of the review |30 | |

| |4.2 Write report on outcomes or research | | |

| |4.3 Develop recommendations for future activity | | |

|BSBHRM402A |Recruit, select and induct staff | | |

|1 Determine job descriptions |1.1 Clarify time lines and requirement for appointment |31, 32 | |

| |1.2 Assist with preparation of job descriptions which accurately reflect the tole requirements in accordance with organisational procedures and | | |

| |legislation, codes and national standards and occupational health and safety (OHS) considerations | | |

| |1.3 Consult with relevant personnel about job descriptions | | |

| |1.4 Ensure that job descriptions do not contravene legislative requirements | | |

| |1.5 Obtain approvals to advertise position | | |

|2 Plan for selection |2.1 Advertise vacancies for staffing requirements in accordance with organisational policies and procedures |33 | |

| |2.2 Consult with relevant personnel to convene selection panel and to develop interview questions | | |

| |2.3 Short list applicants | | |

| |2.4 Ensure that interview questions do not breach legislative requirements | | |

| |2.5 Schedule interviews and advise relevant personnel of times, dates and venues | | |

|3 Assess and select applicants |3.1 Participate in interview process and assess candidates against agreed selection criteria |33 | |

| |3.2 Discuss assessment with other selection panel members | | |

| |3.3 Correct any biases or deviations from agreed procedures and negotiate for preferred candidate | | |

| |3.4 Contact referee for referee reports | | |

| |3.5 Prepare selection report and make recommendations to senior personnel for appointment | | |

| |3.6 Advise unsuccessful candidates of outcomes and respond to any queries | | |

| |3.7 Complete all necessary documentation in accordance with organisational procedures | | |

| |3.8 Secure agreement of preferred candidate | | |

|4 Appoint and induct successful|4.1 Provide successful candidate with employment contract and other documentation |33 | |

|candidate |4.2 Advise managers and staff of starting date and make necessary administrative arrangements for pay and employee record keeping | | |

| |4.3 Advise manager and work team of new appointment | | |

| |4.4 Arrange induction in accordance with organisational policy | | |

|BSBHRM501A |Manage human resources services | | |

|1 Determine strategies for |1.1 Analyse strategic and operational plans to determine human resources requirements |34 | |

|delivery of human resources |1.2 Consult line and senior managers to identify human resources needs within their area | | |

|services |1.3 Develop options for delivery of human resources services | | |

| |1.4 Ensure options for human resources services comply with legislative requirements and organisational policies | | |

| |1.5 Develop and agree on strategies and action plans for delivery of human resources services | | |

| |1.6 Agree and document roles and responsibilities of human resources team, line managers, and external contractors | | |

|2 Manage the delivery of human |2.1 Develop and negotiate service agreements between the human resources team, services agreements between the human resources team, service |35 | |

|resources services |providers and client groups | | |

| |2.2 Document and communicate service specifications, performance standards and timeframes | | |

| |2.3 Identify and arrange training support if required | | |

| |2.4 Agree and arrange monitoring of quality assurance processes | | |

| |2.5 Ensure that services are delivered by appropriate providers in accordance with service agreements and operational plans | | |

| |2.6 Identify and rectify underperformance of human resources team or service providers | | |

|3 Evaluate human resources |3.1 Survey clients to determine level of satisfaction |36, 37 | |

|service delivery |3.2 Capture on-going client feedback for the review processes | | |

| |3.3 Analyse feedback and surveys and recommend changes to service delivery | | |

| |3.4 Obtain approvals to variations in service delivery from appropriate managers | | |

|4 Manage integration of |4.1 Ensure that personal behaviour is consistently ethical and reflects values of the organisation |37 | |

|business ethics in human |4.2 Ensure that Code of Conduct is observed across the organisation and that its expectations are incorporated in human resources policies and | | |

|resources practices |practices | | |

| |4.3 Observe confidentiality requirements in dealing with all human resources information | | |

| |4.4 Deal with unethical behaviour promptly | | |

| |4.5 Ensure that all human resources staff are clear about ethical expectations of their behaviour | | |

|BSBHRM506A |Manage recruitment selection and induction processes | | |

|1 Develop recruitment, |1.1 Analyse strategic and operational plans and policies to identify relevant policies and objectives |38 | |

|selection and induction |1.2 Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures and supporting documents | | |

|policies and procedures |1.3 Review options for technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process | | |

| |1.4 Obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers | | |

| |1.5 Trial forms and documents that support policies and procedures and make necessary adjustments | | |

| |1.6 Communicate policies and procedures to relevant staff and provide training if required | | |

|2 Recruit and select staff |2.1 Determine future human resources needs in collaboration with relevant managers and sections |39 | |

| |2.2 Ensure current position descriptor and person specifications for vacancies are used by managers and others involved in the recruitment, | | |

| |selection and induction processes | | |

| |2.3 Provide access to training and other forms of support to all persons involved in the recruitment and selection process | | |

| |2.4 Ensure that advertising of vacant positions complies with organisational policy and legal requirements | | |

| |2.5 Utilise specialists where necessary | | |

| |2.6 Ensure that selection procedures are in accordance with organisational policy and legal requirements | | |

| |2.7 Ensure that processes for advising applicants of selection outcome are followed | | |

| |2.8 Ensure that job offers and contracts of employment are executed promptly and that new appointments are provided with advice about salary, terms | | |

| |and conditions | | |

|3 Manage staff induction |3.1 Provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons engaged in staff induction |40 | |

| |3.2 Check that induction processes are followed across the organisation | | |

| |3.3 Oversee the management of probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated | | |

| |3.4 Obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on the extent to which the induction process is meeting its objectives | | |

| |3.5 Make refinements to induction policies and procedures | | |

|BSBHRM510A |Manage mediation process | | |

|1 Develop mediation guidelines |1.1 Research and collate history of disputes and dispute resolution within the organisation, including triggers for disputes |41, 42 | |

| |1.2 Consult identified key stakeholders to determine requirements related to mediation | | |

| |1.3 Determine mediation requirements within the organisation | | |

| |1.4 Research and document models and systems for mediation | | |

| |1.5 Identify and document parameters for a mediation system from consultation and research process | | |

| |1.6 Draft and validate guidelines for mediation with stakeholders | | |

| |1.7 Obtain endorsement for guidelines from senior management team | | |

| |1.8 Circulate guidelines and train mediators in guidelines and procedures | | |

|2 Prepare for mediation |2.1 Identify parties in dispute requiring mediation and explain mediation procedure, in accordance with established guidelines |43 | |

| |2.2 Obtain agreement and willingness to participate in the mediation process | | |

| |2.3 Conduct separate interviews with parties in dispute to clarify issues | | |

| |2.4 Verify and document position of each party to the dispute | | |

| |2.5 Determine boundaries for allowable options in dispute | | |

|3 Settle dispute through |3.1 Use a range of communication techniques to mediate |44 | |

|mediation |3.2 Establish mutual agreement between parties in dispute | | |

| |3.3 Formulate options for resolution of dispute and preferences | | |

| |3.4 Continue with mediation until agreement is reached or time constraints conclude | | |

|4 Finalise and review mediation|4.1 Circulate documented agreements to all parties and complete all documentation required by organisational guidelines |45 | |

| |4.2 Review effectiveness of mediation, identify improvements and refine mediation guidelines | | |

| |4.3 Assess and maintain currency of knowledge and skill base of mediators | | |

|BSBINM401A |Implement workplace information system | | |

|1 Identify and source |1.1 Determine and locate information required by teams |46 | |

|information needs |1.2 Acquire and review information held by the organisation to determine suitability, accessibility, currency and reliability according to | | |

| |organisational policies | | |

|2 Collect, analyse and report |2.1 Collect information, which is adequate and relevant to the needs of teams, in a timely manner |46 | |

|information |2.2 Ensure information is in a format suitable for analysis, interpretation and dissemination | | |

| |2.3 Analyse information to identify and report relevant trends and developments in terms of the needs for which it was acquired | | |

|3 Implement information systems|3.1 Implement management information systems effectively to store, retrieve and regularly review data for decision making purposes |47 | |

| |3.2 Use technology available in the work area to manage information effectively | | |

| |3.3 Submit recommendations for improving the information system to designated persons and/or groups | | |

|4 Prepare for information |4.1 Collect information about information system future needs in consultation with colleagues, including those who have a specialist role in |48 | |

|system changes |resource management | | |

| |4.2 Ensure estimates of information system future needs reflect the organisation's business plans, and customer and supplier requirements | | |

| |4.3 Support proposals to secure resources by clearly presenting submissions that describe realistic options, benefits, costs and outcomes | | |

| |4.4 Prepare team members to work with new technology and information system changes | | |

|BSBINM501A |Manage an information or knowledge management system | | |

|1 Organise learning to use |1.1 Identify learning needs of relevant personnel and stakeholders for input into, and use of, an information or knowledge management system |49, 50 | |

|information or knowledge |1.2 Identify and secure human, financial and physical resources required for learning activities to use an information or knowledge management | | |

|management system |system | | |

| |1.3 Organise and facilitate learning activities | | |

| |1.4 Promote and support use of the system throughout the organisation | | |

| |1.5 Monitor and document effectiveness of learning activities | | |

|2 Manage use of information or |2.1 Ensure implementation of policies and procedures for the information or knowledge management system are monitored for compliance, effectiveness |50, 51 | |

|knowledge management system |and efficiency | | |

| |2.2 Address implementation issues and problems as they arise | | |

| |2.3 Monitor integration and alignment with data and information systems | | |

| |2.4 Collect information on achievement of performance measures | | |

| |2.5 Manage contingencies such as system failure or technical difficulties by accessing technical specialist help as required | | |

|3 Review use of information or |3.1 Analyse effectiveness of system and report on strengths and limitations of the system |52 | |

|knowledge management system |3.2 Review business and operational plan and determine how effectively the system is contributing to intended outcomes | | |

| |3.3 Make recommendations for improvement to system, policy or work practices | | |

|BSBITB501A |Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network | | |

|1 Manage establishment of a |1.1 Determine current and anticipated future network requirements with nominated person in accordance with organisational policy and budgetary |53, 54 | |

|workgroup network |constraints | | |

| |1.2 Ensure selected network is compatible with current organisational software, hardware and work practices | | |

| |1.3 Obtain and install equipment in accordance with organisational requirements and manufacturers' instructions | | |

| |1.4 Install software in accordance with organisational requirements and the manufacturers' instructions | | |

| |1.5 Ensure establishment of network promotes efficiency and access for users | | |

|2 Manage maintenance of a |2.1 Establish and maintain records to ensure control and security of hardware and software stock, in accordance with organisational policy and |55 | |

|workgroup network |procedures | | |

| |2.2 Respond to network problems and rectify minor faults in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

| |2.3 Report major problems and consult computer experts in accordance with organisational policy and procedures | | |

| |2.4 File and store software in accordance with organisational procedures | | |

| |2.5 Recommend improvement suggestions for the network to appropriate personnel | | |

|3 Assist and train network |3.1 Provide training for staff in using the network in accordance with needs |56 | |

|users |3.2 Assist network users to maximise network potential | | |

| |3.3 Examine user skills and provide access to appropriate training to improve individual and workgroup efficiency of network use | | |

|BSBLED401A |Develop teams and individuals | | |

|Determine development needs |1.1 Systematically identify and implement learning and development needs in line with organisational requirements |57 | |

| |1.2 Ensure that a learning plan to met individual and group training and development needs is collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented | | |

| |1.3 Encourage individuals to self-evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement | | |

| |1.4 Collect feedback on performance to team members from relevant sources and compare with established team learning needs | | |

|Develop individuals and teams |2.1 Identify learning and development program goals and objectives, ensuring a match to the specific knowledge and skill requirements of competency |58 | |

| |standards relevant to the industry | | |

| |2.2 Ensure that learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning style of participants, and availability of equipment | | |

| |and resources | | |

| |2.3 Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance to facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies | | |

| |2.4 Create development opportunities that incorporates a range of activities and support materials appropriate to the achievement of identified | | |

| |competencies | | |

| |2.5 Identify and approve resources and time lines required for learning activities in accordance with organisational requirements | | |

|Monitor and evaluate workplace |3.1 Use feedback from individuals or teams to identify and implement improvements in future learning arrangements |59 | |

|learning |3.2 Assess and record outcomes and performance of individuals/teams to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the extent of | | |

| |additional development support | | |

| |3.3 Negotiate modifications to learning plans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning | | |

| |3.4 Document and maintain records and reports of competency according to organisational requirements | | |

|BSBLED501A |Develop a workplace learning environment | | |

|1 Create learning opportunities|1.1 Identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities |60 | |

| |1.2 Identify learning needs of individuals in relation to the needs of the team and/or enterprise, and available learning opportunities | | |

| |1.3 Develop and implement learning plans as an integral part of individual and team performance plans | | |

| |1.4 Develop strategies to ensure that learning plans reflect the diversity of needs | | |

| |1.5 Ensure organisational procedures maximise individual and team access to, and participation in, learning opportunities | | |

| |1.6 Ensure effective liaison occurs with training and development specialists and contributes to learning opportunities which enhance individual, | | |

| |team and organisational performance | | |

|2 Facilitate and promote |2.1 Develop strategies to ensure that workplace learning opportunities are used and that team members are encouraged to share their skills and |61 | |

|learning |knowledge to encourage a learning culture within the team | | |

| |2.2 Implement organisational procedures to ensure workplace learning opportunities contribute to the development of appropriate workplace knowledge,| | |

| |skills and attitudes | | |

| |2.3 Implement policies and procedures to encourage team members to assess their own competencies, and to identify their own learning and development| | |

| |needs | | |

| |2.4 Share the benefits of learning with others in the team and organisation | | |

| |2.5 Recognise workplace achievement by timely and appropriate recognition, feedback and rewards | | |

|3 Monitor and improve learning |3.1 Use strategies to ensure that team and individual learning performance is monitored to determine the type and extent of any additional |62, 63 | |

|effectiveness |work-based support required, and any occupational health and safety (OHS) issues | | |

| |3.2 Use feedback from individuals and teams to identify and introduce improvements in future learning arrangements | | |

| |3.3 Make adjustments, negotiated with training and development specialists, for improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of learning | | |

| |3.4 Use processes to ensure that records and reports of competency are documented and maintained within the organisation's systems and procedures to| | |

| |inform future planning | | |

|BSBLED502A |Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness | | |

|1 Research and analyse employee|1.1 Identify and collect information on employee health issues from appropriate internal and external sources |64 | |

|health issues |1.2 Review findings and their implications for the organisation and business objectives | | |

| |1.3 Develop options for addressing identified health issues | | |

| |1.4 Obtain support from senior managers for preferred option/s | | |

|2 Plan health and wellbeing |2.1 Develop program/s scope and objectives in consultation with appropriate industry consultants, colleagues and managers |65 | |

|program/s |2.2 Plan and create administrative structure and resources for the program/s | | |

| |2.3 Establish program responsibilities and clearly communicate to all stakeholders | | |

| |2.4 Plan communications and marketing strategies in conjunction with stakeholders | | |

| |2.5 Establish suitable evaluation methods, develop an overall program management plan and communicate this plan to stakeholders | | |

|3 Implement, administer and |3.1 Prepare policy documents, and implement and monitor strategies in conjunction with program team members |65, 66 | |

|monitor program/s |3.2 Provide appropriate support, assistance and mentors to relevant personnel | | |

| |3.3 Implement and monitor tracking systems according to program guidelines | | |

| |3.4 Reach program milestones within agreed time lines and provide regular progress reports to stakeholders | | |

|4 Evaluate program/s |4.1 Use agreed evaluation methods to assess the effectiveness of the program at specific stages |66 | |

| |4.2 Communicate information from program evaluation process to stakeholders | | |

| |4.3 Incorporate evaluation process and outcomes into continuous improvement strategies, enterprise agreements and future corporate plans | | |

|BSBMGT402A |Implement operational plan | | |

|1 Implement operational plan |1.1 Collate, analyse and organise details of resource requirements in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and specialist resource |67, 68 |2 |

| |managers | | |

| |1.2 Implement operational plans to contribute to the achievement of organisation's performance/business plan | | |

| |1.3 Identify and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor operational performance | | |

| |1.4 Undertake contingency planning and consultation processes | | |

| |1.5 Provide assistance in the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements in line with operational planning processes | | |

|2 Implement resource |2.1 Recruit and induct employees within organisation's policies, practices and procedures |68, 69 |2 |

|acquisition |2.2 Implement plans for acquisition of physical resources and services within organisation's policies, practices and procedures and in consultation | | |

| |with relevant personnel | | |

|3 Monitor operational |3.1 Monitor performance systems and processes to assess progress in achieving profit/productivity plans and targets |70 |2 |

|performance |3.2 Analyse and use budget and actual financial information to monitor profit/productivity performance | | |

| |3.3 Identify unsatisfactory performance and take prompt action to rectify the situation according to organisational policies | | |

| |3.4 Provide mentoring, coaching and supervision to support individuals and teams to use resources effectively, economically and safely | | |

| |3.5 Present recommendations for variation to operational plans to the designated persons/groups and gain approval | | |

| |3.6 Implement systems, procedures and records associated with performance in accordance with organisation's requirements | | |

|BSBMGT403A |Implement continuous improvement | | |

|Implement continuous |1.1 Implement systems to ensure that individuals and teams are actively encouraged and supported to participate in decision making processes, assume|71 |3 |

|improvement systems and |responsibility and exercise initiative | | |

|processes |1.2 Communicate the organisation’s continuous improvement processes to individuals and teams, and obtain feedback | | |

| |1.3 Ensure effective mentoring and coaching allows individuals and teams to implement the organisation’s continuous improvement processes | | |

|Monitor and review performance |2.1 Use the organisation’s systems and technology to monitor and review progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations could be |72 |3 |

| |improved | | |

| |2.2 Improve customer service through continuous improvement techniques and processes | | |

| |2.3 Formulate and communicate recommendations for adjustments to those who have a role in their development and implementation | | |

|Provide opportunities for |3.1 Implement processes to ensure that team members are informed of savings and productivity/service improvements in achieving the business plan |73 |3 |

|further improvement |3.2 Document work performance to aid the identification of further opportunities for improvement | | |

| |3.3 Manage records, reports and recommendations for improvement within the organisation’s systems and processes | | |

|BSBMGT404A |Lead and facilitate off-site staff | | |

|1 Facilitate off-site work |1.1 Clarify roles and responsibilities of off-site work supervisors with management and off-site staff |74, 76 |4 |

|outcomes |1.2 Provide leadership and direction to off-site staff to foster independent self-managed work practices that address agreed outcomes in terms of | | |

| |quality and milestones | | |

| |1.3 Ensure that work objectives for off-site staff are linked to measurable targets and include agreed timeframes | | |

| |1.4 Use participative, transparent decision making to review work allocation responsibilities of off-site staff and related on-site staff | | |

|2 Support off-site staff |2.1 Provide guidance to off-site staff to establish and maintain a supportive working environment in accordance with legal and organisational |75, 76 |4 |

| |requirements | | |

| |2.2 Assign key personnel/mentors to support off-site staff and to provide a link between off-site staff and the organisation | | |

| |2.3 Establish and maintain effective working relations between on-site staff and off-site staff through regular meetings and other occasions used to| | |

| |build organisational culture and values | | |

|3 Manage off site staff |3.1 Plan and conduct regular meetings to determine individual progress, identify needs, clarify and solve issues, and provide networking |77 |4 |

|performance |opportunities | | |

| |3.2 Evaluate performance against agreed goals and targets, and address in accordance with organisational policy and practice | | |

| |3.3 Address problems in work performance through constructive solutions identified with off-site staff | | |

| |3.4 Ensure evidence relating to performance is valid, documented and evaluated to identify learning and development requirements | | |

|BSBMGT502B |Manage people performance | | |

|1 Allocate work |1.1 Consult relevant groups and individuals on work to be allocated and resources available |78 | |

| |1.2 Develop work plans in accordance with operational plans | | |

| |1.3 Allocate work in a way that is efficient, cost effective and outcome focussed | | |

| |1.4 Confirm performance standards, Code of Conduct and work outputs with relevant teams and individuals | | |

| |1.5 Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to commencement of work | | |

| |1.6 Conduct risk analysis in accordance with the organisational risk management plan and legal requirements | | |

|2 Assess performance |2.1 Design performance management and review processes to ensure consistency with organisational objectives and policies |79 | |

| |2.2 Train participants in the performance management and review process | | |

| |2.3 Conduct performance management in accordance with organisational protocols and time lines | | |

| |2.4 Monitor and evaluate performance on a continuous basis | | |

| |2. | | |

|3 Provide feedback |3.1 Provide informal feedback to staff on a regular basis |80 | |

| |3.2 Advise relevant people where there is poor performance and take necessary actions | | |

| |3.3 Provide on-the-job coaching when necessary to improve performance and to confirm excellence in performance | | |

| |3.4 Document performance in accordance with the organisational performance management system | | |

| |3.5 Conduct formal structured feedback sessions as necessary and in accordance with organisational policy | | |

| |3 | | |

|4 Manage follow up |4.1 Write and agree performance improvement and development plans in accordance with organisational policies |81 | |

| |4.2 Seek assistance from human resources specialists where appropriate | | |

| |4.3 Reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback | | |

| |4.4 Monitor and coach individuals with poor performance | | |

| |4.5 Provide support services where necessary | | |

| |4.6 Counsel individuals who continue to perform below expectations and implement the disciplinary process if necessary | | |

| |4.7 Terminate staff in accordance with legal and organisational requirements where serious misconduct occurs or ongoing poor-performance continue | | |

| |4.7 | | |

|BSBMGT515A |Manage operational plan | | |

|1 Develop operational plan |1.1 Research, analyse and document resource requirements and develop an operational plan in consultation with relevant personnel, colleagues and |82, 83 | |

| |specialist resource managers | | |

| |1.2 Develop and/or implement consultation processes as an integral part of the operational planning process | | |

| |1.3 Ensure details of the operational plan include the development of key performance indicators to measure organisational performance | | |

| |1.4 Develop and implement contingency plans at appropriate stages of operational planning | | |

| |1.5 Ensure the development and presentation of proposals for resource requirements is supported by a variety of information sources and seek | | |

| |specialist advice as required | | |

| |1.6 Obtain approval for plan from relevant parties and ensure understanding among work teams involved | | |

|2 Plan and manage resource |2.1 Develop and implement strategies to ensure that employees are recruited and/or inducted within the organisation's human resources management |83 | |

|acquisition |policies and practices | | |

| |2.2 Develop and implement strategies to ensure that physical resources and services are acquired in accordance with the organisation's policies, | | |

| |practices and procedures | | |

|3 Monitor and review |3.1 Develop, monitor and review performance systems and processes to assess progress in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets |84, 85, 86 | |

|operational performance |3.2 Analyse and interpret budget and actual financial information to monitor and review profit and productivity performance | | |

| |3.3 Identify areas of under performance, recommend solutions, and take prompt action to rectify the situation | | |

| |3.4 Plan and implement systems to ensure that mentoring and coaching are provided to support individuals and teams to effectively, economically and | | |

| |safely use resources | | |

| |3.5 Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons/groups | | |

| |3.6 Develop and implement systems to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance are managed in accordance with | | |

| |organisational requirements | | |

|BSBMKG402B |Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets | | |

|Confirm product or service |1.1 Gather information on the market or market segment for a product or service in accordance with the marketing plan |87, 88 | |

|market |1.2 Identify consumer attributes for the market or market segment from the market profile or existing | | |

| |customer data | | |

| |1.3 Identify and test features of the product or service in accordance with the marketing plan | | |

|Assess the reasons for existing|2.1 Investigate consumer need for the product or service through analysis of trends and past performance |88, 89 | |

|levels of consumer interest |2.2 Review past marketing or positioning of a product or service in relation to the effectiveness of its focus of appeal | | |

| |2.3 Assess, test and estimate the impact of individual, social and lifestyle influences on consumer behaviour for a product or service | | |

| |2.4 Analyse consumer responses to previous marketing communications | | |

| |2.5 Assess organisational behaviour capability to respond quickly to consumer demand for products or services in accordance with the marketing plan | | |

|Recommend a focus of appeal for|3.1 Ensure marketing strategies address innate and acquired needs of consumers and appeal to the motives that influence decision making |90 | |

|marketing strategies for a |3.2 Present a rationale for the focus of appeal that outlines how influences on consumer behaviour will be used to target effective marketing | | |

|product or service |strategies | | |

| |3.3 Ensure the focus of appeal meets legal and ethical obligations and the budgetary requirements of the marketing plan | | |

|BSBMKG502B |Establish and adjust the marketing mix | | |

|Evaluate each component of the |1.1 Identify key characteristics of products or services and estimate their significance to the market |91, 92 | |

|marketing mix |1.2 Review pricing policy and analyse pricing variables to determine their effect on demand | | |

| |1.3 Analyse promotional methods to determine their importance to marketing outcomes | | |

| |1.4 Review channels of distribution and estimate their significance in relation to marketing outcomes | | |

| |1.5 Identify and analyse level of customer service provision to determine its significance to marketing outcomes | | |

| |1.6 Identify potential customer base and key pressure points for success | | |

| |1.7 Analyse and test the effect of the components of marketing mix on each other, and establish their relative importance to customer base | | |

|Determine marketing mix for |2.1 Identify and assess environmental factors for their impact on marketing mix |93 | |

|specific markets |2.2 Identify consumer priorities, needs and preferences that affect marketing mix | | |

| |2.3 Consider product, pricing, promotional, distribution and service variations, and evaluate these against marketing objectives, target market | | |

| |characteristics and desired positioning | | |

| |2.4 Select marketing mix that best satisfies target market and meets marketing objectives | | |

| |2.5 Ensure marketing mix decision meets organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives | | |

|Monitor and adjust marketing |3.1 Monitor marketing mix against marketing performance and isolate components for testing |94 | |

|mix |3.2 Evaluate implications of altering one or more components of marketing mix in relation to market factors and consumer response | | |

| |3.3 Adjust components of marketing mix in response to test results and evaluation of market response | | |

| |3.4 Ensure adjusted marketing mix meets budgetary requirements | | |

| |3.5 Ensure adjusted marketing mix continues to meet organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives, and desired positioning | | |

|BSBOHS509A |Ensure a safe workplace | | |

|Establish and maintain an OHS |1.1 Locate and communicate OHS policies which clearly express the organisation's commitment to implement relevant OHS legislation in the enterprise.|95 | |

|system |1.2 Define OHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in accordance with OHS policies, procedures and programs | | |

| |1.3 Identify and approve financial and human resources for the effective operation of the OHS system | | |

|Establish and maintain |2.1 Establish and maintain participative arrangements with employees and their representatives in accordance with relevant OHS legislation |95, 96 | |

|participative arrangements for |2.2 Appropriately resolve issues raised through participative arrangements and consultation | | |

|the management of OHS |2.3 Promptly provide information about the outcomes of participation and consultation in a manner accessible to employees | | |

|Establish and maintain |3.1 Develop procedures for ongoing hazard identification, and assessment and control of associated risks |96 | |

|procedures for identifying |3.2 Include hazard identification at the planning, design and evaluation stages of any change in the workplace to ensure that new hazards are not | | |

|hazards, and assessing and |created by the proposed changes | | |

|controlling risks |3.3 Develop and maintain procedures for selection and implementation of risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control | | |

| |3.4 Identify inadequacies in existing risk control measures in accordance with the hierarchy of control and promptly provide resources to enable | | |

| |implementation of new measures | | |

| |3.5 Identify intervention points for expert OHS advice | | |

|Establish and maintain a |4.1 Develop and provide an OHS induction and training program for all employees as part of the organisation's training program |97 | |

|quality OHS management system |4.2 Utilise system for OHS record keeping to allow identification of patterns of occupational injury and disease in the organisation | | |

| |4.3 Measure and evaluate the OHS system in line with the organisation's quality systems framework | | |

| |4.4 Develop and implement improvements to the OHS system to achieve organisational OHS objectives | | |

| |4.5 Ensure compliance with the OHS legislative framework so that legal OHS standards are maintained as a minimum | | |

|BSBPMG401A |Apply project scope management techniques | | |

|1.Contribute to scope |1.1 Contribute to the identification of project deliverables |98, 99 |5 |

|definition |1.2 Contribute to the identification of measurable outcomes to enable evaluation of project performance | | |

| |1.3 Contribute to the development of the scope management plan | | |

|2. Apply project scope controls|2.1 Undertake work in accordance with agreed project management plan and by using established change control procedures and performance measurement |99, 100, 101 |5 |

| |procedures | | |

| |2.2 Monitor and control aspects of project scope and communicate instances of non-compliance with overall scope to the project manager and other | | |

| |team members | | |

| |2.3 Measure progress to determine potential, perceived and actual scope changes | | |

| |2.4 Appropriately report scope changes | | |

| |2.5 Provide assistance in the review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of initial and subsequent scope management approaches | | |

|BSBPMG402A |Apply time management techniques | | |

|1. Assist in the development of|1.1 Contribute, within delegated authority, to determining the duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks to meet project objectives |102 |5 |

|project schedules |1.2 Use project scheduling tools and techniques to help establish and integrate planned time management aspects of the schedule, resource allocation| | |

| |and financial requirements | | |

| |1.3 Contribute to the agreement process and communication of the schedule to the client and other stakeholders | | |

|2. Apply agreed schedules |2.1 Use techniques to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to agreed schedules and plans |103, 104 |5 |

| |2.2 Record variance between actual and planned progress and report to others for remedial action | | |

| |2.3 Contribute to forecasting the impact of changes on the schedule and to the analysis of options | | |

| |2.4 Implementation agreed changes to the schedule and update plans as directed to accommodate changing situations throughout the project | | |

|3. Participate in assessing |3.1 Provide assistance in the review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of time management tools, techniques and approaches used |104, 105 |5 |

|time management outcomes |3.2 Report scheduling and time management issues and responses to project manager for application in future projects | | |

|BSBPMG403A |Apply cost management techniques | | |

|1. Assist with the development |1.1 Determine estimated costs for tasks and activities and communicate these costs to others for inclusion in project budget |106 |5 |

|of the project budget |1.2 Map costs against duration/effort and resources allocated, and communicated to project manager for inclusion in the project plan, budget and | | |

| |expenditure flow | | |

| |1.3 Contribute to the development of cost management strategies and processes, and financial authorisation within delegated authority | | |

|2. Monitor project costs |2.1 Monitor income and expenditure against the agreed project plan and budgets to facilitate cost management throughout the project life cycle |107 |5 |

| |2.2 Use established cost management methods, techniques and tools to identify and report variations in the budget to higher project authority for | | |

| |action | | |

| |2.3 Implement and monitor agreed actions and report progress to others to ensure cost objectives are achieved throughout the project life cycle | | |

|3. Contribute to cost |3.1 Provide assistance in the finalisation and transfer of financial assets, liabilities and records to the client or relevant operational support |108, 109 |5 |

|finalisation process |agency | | |

| |3.2 Provide assistance in the review of project outcomes by use of project records, to determine the effectiveness of initial and subsequent cost | | |

| |management strategies and processes | | |

| |3.3 Report cost management issues and responses to project/program manager for application in future projects | | |

|BSBPMG404A |Apply quality management techniques | | |

|1. Contribute to quality |1.1 Contribute to determining quality requirements of project stakeholders |110 |5 |

|planning |1.2 Contribute to establishing quantifiable quality criteria for project outcomes and objectives | | |

| |1.3 Source information to locate and interpret quality policy and procedures | | |

| |1.4 Contribute to the development of quality requirements in the project plan and processes | | |

|2. Apply quality policies and |2.1 Undertake work under delegated authority to implement quality assurance within the project in accordance with agreed quality standards and |111 |5 |

|procedures |guidelines | | |

| |2.2 Maintain records and documentation in accordance with set procedures to facilitate quality control and to provide an audit trail | | |

| |2.3 Document and evaluate results of project activities and product performance to determine compliance with agreed quality standards | | |

| |2.4 Report shortfalls in quality outcomes to others to enable appropriate action to be initiated | | |

|3. Contribute to continuous |3.1 Participate in the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of quality management activities |112 |5 |

|improvement process |3.2 Report quality management issues and responses to others for application in future projects | | |

|BSBPMG405A |Apply human resources management approaches | | |

|1. Assist with determining |1.1 Analyse work break-down structure to determine human resource requirements |113 |5 |

|human resource requirements |1.2 Assess skill levels of project personnel against project task requirements | | |

| |1.3 Assign responsibilities for achieving project deliverables | | |

|2. Assist with human resource |2.1 Monitor the work of project personnel is monitored against assigned roles and responsibilities |114, 115 |5 |

|monitoring and stakeholder |2.2 Track, monitor and control actual effort against plan, review skill levels against allocated tasks, and recommend remedial action, where | | |

|liaison |required, to others | | |

| |2.3 Contribute to tracking, monitoring and controlling stakeholder participation in and communication with the project | | |

| |2.4 Advise others when assigned responsibilities are not met by project personnel, or stakeholder expectations are at variance | | |

| |2.5 Undertake work in a multi-disciplinary environment in accordance with established human resource management practices, plans, guidelines and | | |

| |procedures to achieve designated project objectives | | |

| |2.6 Resolve potential and actual conflicts in accordance with agreed dispute resolution processes or report to others for resolution | | |

| |2.7 Offer human resource development opportunities to individuals with skill gaps | | |

|3. Contribute to evaluating |3.1 Contribute to assessing the overall effectiveness of project human resource management, and document lessons learned |116, 117 |5 |

|human resource and stakeholder|3.2 Report human resource issues to others to aid the continuous improvement process | | |

|management practices |3.3 Contribute to stakeholder satisfaction analysis, and assist with post-project operational review | | |

|BSBPMG406A |Apply communications management techniques | | |

|1 Contribute to communications |1.1 Identify, source and contribute relevant information requirements to initial project documentation |118, 119 |5 |

|planning |1.2 Contribute to developing and implementing the communications plan and communications networks | | |

|2 Conduct information |2.1 Gather, validate, store, retrieve, filter and disseminate information within agreed procedures as directed, to aid decision making processes |118, 119 |5 |

|management activities |throughout project life cycle | | |

| |2.2 Maintain information to ensure data is secure and auditable | | |

|3 Communicate project |3.1 Undertake communication within project, with client and other stakeholders within agreed networks, processes and procedures to ensure flow of |119 |5 |

|information |necessary information | | |

| |3.2 Ensure reports are written and released in accordance with authorisation, or drafted for release by others | | |

| |3.3 Seek information and advice from appropriate project authorities when in doubt | | |

|4 Contribute to assessment of |4.1 Provide assistance in the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of communications management activities |119 |5 |

|communication effectiveness |4.2 Report communication management issues and responses to higher project authorities for application in future projects | | |

|BSBPMG407A |Apply risk management techniques | | |

|1 Assist with risk analysis and|1.1 Contribute to identifying and prioritising potential risks throughout the project life cycle |120, 121 |5 |

|planning |1.2 Provide input, within delegated authority, to develop risk management strategies and risk management plans within established guidelines | | |

| |1.3 Establish risk analysis methods, techniques and tools to assist in the analysis of risks | | |

| |1.4 Ensure reporting mechanisms for risks are planned for and agreed to | | |

|2 Conduct risk control |2.1 Undertake control activities in accordance with agreed project and risk management plans to achieve project objectives |121, 122 |5 |

|activities |2.2 Measure progress and act on perceived, potential or actual risks within authority or report to others for response | | |

| |2.3 Contribute to the implementation of agreed risk approaches and the amendment of plans to reflect the changing environment | | |

| |2.4 Identify and report opportunities for action in the same way as risks | | |

|3 Contribute to assessing risk |3.1 Contribute to the ongoing review of project outcomes to determine the effectiveness of risk management activities by accessing project records |122 |5 |

|management outcomes |and other available information | | |

| |3.2 Report risk management issues and responses to others for lessons learned or application in future projects | | |

|BSBPMG408A |Apply contract and procurement procedures | | |

|1 Assist with contract and |1.1 Contribute to the establishment of procurement requirements |123 |5 |

|procurement planning |1.2 Act under delegated authority to contribute to the development of the procurement management plan | | |

| |1.3 Contribute to the development of project documentation for contract definition and formation | | |

|2 Contribute to contractor |2.1 Gather and evaluate information on potential suppliers |124 |5 |

|selection process |2.2 Make recommendations to assist in selection of preferred contractors | | |

| |2.3 Provide contribution to the definition of agreed terms and conditions with preferred contractor/s | | |

| |2.4 Assist with the development of the final tendering and contractual documentation | | |

|3 Conduct contracting and |3.1 Undertake procurement activities and maintain information so that reporting, confidentiality and audit requirements are met |125, 126 |5 |

|procurement activities |3.2 Receive, reconcile and register supplies in accordance with established procedures to facilitate payment throughout project | | |

| |3.3 Monitor and control contractors and suppliers and their activities for compliance with designated responsibilities, deliverables, time/cost and | | |

| |quality conformance and other requirements | | |

|4 Conduct finalisation |4.1 Test and accept supplies to ensure quality and suitability for purpose |127 |5 |

|activities |4.2 Provide assistance in the ongoing review of project outcomes using available records and information to determine the effectiveness of | | |

| |contracting and procurement activities | | |

| |4.3 Report contracting and procurement management issues and responses to others for application in future projects | | |

|BSBRSK401A |Indentify risk and apply risk management processes | | |

|1 Identify risks |1.1 Identify the context for risk management |128 | |

| |1.2 Identify risks using tools, ensuring all reasonable steps have been taken to identify all risks | | |

| |1.3 Document identified risks in accordance with relevant policies, procedures and legislation | | |

|2 Analyse and evaluate risks |2.1 Analyse and document risks in consultation with relevant stakeholders |128 | |

| |2.2 Undertake risk categorisation and determine level of risk | | |

| |2.3 Document analysis processes and outcomes | | |

|3 Treat risks |3.1 Determine appropriate control measures for risks and assess for strengths and weaknesses |128, 129 | |

| |3.2 Identify control measures for all risks | | |

| |3.3 Refer risks relevant to whole of organisation or having an impact beyond own work responsibilities and area of operation to others as per | | |

| |established policies and procedures | | |

| |3.4 Choose and implement control measures for own area of operation and/or responsibilities | | |

| |3.5 Prepare and implement treatment plans | | |

|4 Monitor and review |4.1 Regularly review implemented treatment/s against measures of success |129 | |

|effectiveness of risk |4.2 Use review results to improve the treatment of risks | | |

|treatment/s |4.3 Provide assistance to auditing risk in own area of operation | | |

| |4.4 Monitor and review management of risk in own area of operation | | |

|BSBSUS501A |Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability | | |

|1 Develop workplace |1.1 Define scope of sustainability policy |130 | |

|sustainability policy |1.2 Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy | | |

| |1.3 Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development process | | |

| |1.4 Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, | | |

| |and employing life cycle management approaches | | |

| |1.5 Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost | | |

| |1.6 Develop policy that reflects the organisation's commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business | | |

| |opportunity | | |

| |1.7 Agree to appropriate methods of implementation | | |

|2 Communicate workplace |2.1 Promote workplace sustainability policy, including its expected outcome to key stakeholders |130, 131 | |

|sustainability policy |2.2 Inform those involved in implementing the policy as to outcomes expected, activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned | | |

|3 Implement workplace |3.1 Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace sustainability policy |130, 131 | |

|sustainability policy |3.2 Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency | | |

| |3.3 Establish and assign responsibility to use recording systems for tracking continuous improvements in sustainability approaches | | |

|4 Review workplace |4.1 Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders |132 | |

|sustainability policy |4.2 Investigate successes or otherwise of policy | | |

|implementation |4.3 Monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance | | |

| |4.4 Modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made | | |

|BSBWOR502A |Ensure team effectiveness | | |

|1 Establish team performance |1.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with |133 | |

|plan |organisational goals, plans and objectives | | |

| |1.2 Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team | | |

| |1.3 Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes | | |

|2 Develop and facilitate team |2.1 Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team |134 | |

|cohesion |2.2 Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and | | |

| |responsibilities | | |

| |2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions | | |

| |2.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed | | |

|3 Facilitate teamwork |3.1 Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes |134, 135 | |

| |3.2 Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems | | |

| |3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation's image for all stakeholders | | |

|4 Liaise with stakeholders |4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders |134, 135, 136 | |

| |4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team | | |

| |4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant | | |

| |stakeholders | | |

| |4.4 Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders | | |

|BSBWRK509A |Manage industrial relations | | |

|1 Develop industrial relations |1.1 Analyse strategic plans and operational plans to determine long-term industrial relations objectives |137 | |

|strategies/policies |1.2 Analyse existing industrial relations performance in relation to strategic industrial relations objectives | | |

| |1.3 Evaluate options in terms of cost benefit, risk analysis and current legislative requirements | | |

| |1.4 Establish industrial relations strategies/policies within the management team | | |

| |1.5 Identify the knowledge and skills needed by management and the workforce to effectively implement these strategies/policies | | |

|2 Implement industrial |2.1 Develop an implementation plan and contingency plan for the industrial relations strategies/policies |138, 139 | |

|relations strategies/policies |2.2 Make arrangements for training and development in accordance with identified needs, to support the industrial relations plan | | |

|and plans |2.3 Undertake associated industrial relations activities to agree to changes required by policies or implementation plan | | |

| |2.4 Ensure procedures for addressing grievances and conflict are properly documented | | |

| |2.5 Communicate key issues about procedures for addressing grievances and conflict | | |

|3 Manage negotiations, conflict|3.1 Train individuals in conflict management techniques/procedures |140 | |

|and disputes |3.2 Identify and where possible alleviate or eliminate, sources of conflict or grievance in accordance with legal requirements | | |

| |3.3 Check documentation and other information sources to clarify issues in dispute | | |

| |3.4 Obtain expert or specialist advice and/or refer to precedents, if required | | |

| |3.5 Determine desired negotiation outcomes, negotiation strategy and negotiation timeframes | | |

| |3.6 Advocate the organisation's position in negotiation to obtain agreement | | |

| |3.7 Document and if necessary, certify the agreed outcomes with the relevant jurisdiction | | |

| |3.8 Implement agreements | | |

| |3.9 Take remedial action where groups or individuals fail to abide by agreements | | |


Remember RPL assessment is an accumulative process of collecting evidence





Practical Assessment


gap training (only IF REQUIRED)

Step 1:

Analyse the application.

Identify links between any documents applicant provides and competency units.

Identify any key questions for competency conversation.

Step 5:

Identify any practical activities required to confirm competency

Observe practical activity

Step 7:

Identify areas where 3rd party verification is needed and inform candidate.

Confirm / Verify 3rd party reports

Step 3:

Conduct competency conversation

Step 2:

Record results of analysis in table at end of application

Step 4:

Complete the Record of Conversation sheets during the competency conversation

Step 6:

Complete Practical Assessment Tasks Observation Sheets

Step 8:

Receive completed Third party reports

• Complete assessment sign off and file documentation.

• Advise of gap training as appropriate

• Issue Statement of Attainment/Qualification

Assessment Activity

Record keeping Activity


Business Services Training Package

RPL Assessor Kit

Version 1: November 2009

Please note that this RPL Assessor Kit contains only selected units of competency contained within Certificate IV to Diploma level units of competence in the BSB07 Business Services Training Package


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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