Fast ForWord - The Reading Lab


Neuroscience research has proven that issues in language, memory and/or auditory processing can have adverse repercussions on an individual's cognitive skills and academic performance. But now an exciting and effective group of products called Fast ForWord® is actively helping individuals improve their quality of life by strengthening and enhancing their language and auditory processing.

Fast ForWord® reading intervention products from Scientific Learning build a wide range of critical cognitive and foundational reading skills in just a few short weeks. Working with Fast ForWord software produces a positive and lasting effect on a student's ability to learn and read proficiently. More than 570,000 students in over 3,700 schools nationwide have benefited from Fast ForWord products.

The Fast ForWord products can be provided in our Lab or off-site (remotely). Outcomes are the same whether children work on the Fast ForWord product in our Lab or off-site.

What is the Fast ForWord™ Reading Improvement Series?

They are training programs in the form of interactive, computer-based training programs for the language-learning impaired and are the culmination of 20 years of research surrounding brain plasticity (the scientific principle that the brain never ceases to learn). These programs are a revolutionary proven approach to rapidly building the skills necessary for language competence.

The series includes Fast ForWord Language™, Fast ForWord Language to Reading™, and Fast ForWord Middle & High School™. Fast ForWord Language™ focuses on children ages 5-12, while Fast ForWord Middle & High School™ is geared toward adolescents and adults. Fast ForWord Language to Reading™ is a subsequent program used after mastering Fast ForWord Language™ and is available for those up to age 16.

Who can benefit from the Fast ForWord™ Reading Improvement Series?

Children, within the Fast ForWord Language™ program, have shown improvement in auditory processing speed, working memory, serial order processing, phonological awareness, listening comprehension, syntax, and morphology. In addition to the measurable gains in language, anecdotal evidence suggests that children who have completed Fast ForWord Language™ are better able to interact with parents, teachers, and peers. On average students make 1 to 2 years of language gains after completion of the 4 - 8 week course. These new language skills empower children to participate in the world in ways that were not possible before Fast ForWord Language™ training.

The Fast ForWord Middle & High School™ program helps adolescents and adults improve overall communication skills, as well as listening, thinking, and reading skills, and may foster participation in group or class discussions. Training may vary due to compliance issues with individuals who have ADD and/or Pervasive Developmental Disability.

Fast ForWord Language to Reading™, used after the Fast ForWord Language™ program, focuses on the critical elements of language and reading, which in turn increases the individual's awareness of grammar and syntax.

Why does the Fast ForWord™ Reading Improvement Series work?

Most children naturally acquire language during the first few years of life but research has demonstrated that a significant number of children fail to develop these skills on their own. About 10% of all children have a specific difficulty making reliable distinctions among elements of speech. Every child needs to acquire the ability to reliably distinguish the rapidly changing phonetic elements of speech. Fast ForWord Language™ is the first proven method to teach this skill to children who do not learn it naturally and Fast ForWord Middle & High School™ works for adolescents and adults.

Fast ForWord® reading intervention products from Scientific Learning build a wide range of critical cognitive and foundational reading skills in just a few short weeks. Working with Fast ForWord software produces a positive and lasting effect on a student's ability to learn and read proficiently. More than 570,000 students in over 3,700 schools nationwide have benefited from Fast ForWord products.

As students work on the Fast ForWord exercises, they listen through headphones and respond with the mouse. With each click of the mouse, Fast ForWord Language software adapts to individual skill levels and responses, adjusting the learner's content exposure and targeting correct responses approximately 80% of the time, which maintains challenge and motivates success.

Fast ForWord Language software applies proven learning principles...

• Develops Learning MAPs™: Memory, Attention, Processing and sequencing, the underlying cognitive processes required for reading and learning.

• Incorporates the Fast Power Learning™ Formula— Frequency and intensity, Adaptivity, Simultaneous development, and Timely motivation—proven learning techniques based on decades of neuroscience research.

Students using Fast ForWord™ Reading Improvement Series software follow one of two intensive schedules for each of the core courses:

• 50 minutes each day, five days a week, for approximately 16 - 24 weeks


• 100 minutes each day, five days a week, for approximately 8 - 16 weeks

What does the Fast ForWord™ Series involve?

The Fast ForWord™ Series involves an initial evaluation, extensive training sessions lasting one or two hours daily (five days per week) for an average of 12-16 weeks for to complete the two core courses, and a post evaluation.

The two core courses in this reading and language improvement series are:

1. Fast ForWord Language™ is the first course for elementary age children. It is an interactive program (in the form of computer games) which is uniquely adaptive and automatically adjusts to each child's improving level of competence. The child must be able to stay focused on the computer for 20 minute segments, and must be able to tolerate the use of headphones during treatment. All training will be performed at our Lab unless a Home Program is arranged. All training sessions are supervised and the Certified Practitioner will review the performance activities daily.

The Fast ForWord Middle & High School™ training program is the first course for older children and adults and includes exercises in listening and reading comprehension, working memory, syntax and grammar, critical thinking, sustained and focused attention, organizational skills, and vocabulary and morphology, Like Fast ForWord Language™, this program is uniquely adaptive and automatically adjusts to each person's improving level of competence. The participant must be able to sit, attend, and focus on a computer task for a minimum of 90 minutes. They must also be able to tolerate the use of headphones during treatment.

2. The Fast ForWord Language to Reading™ is the second course in the series. The Fast ForWord Language to Reading™ program builds upon the skills learned in the first course and targets skills required for reading. It refines the skills perfected by Fast ForWord Language™ and improves phonological awareness, sound letter correspondence, word recognition, listening comprehension, verbal fluency, and reading fluency. Additionally, the program is used for the enhancement of spelling, reading, and comprehension. Fast ForWord Language to Reading™ not only expands the language and cognitive skills, but also introduces new skills, by building on the acquired processed speech skills.

Virtually everyone that uses these programs, within the rigorous and compliant regimen outlined, will receive measurable benefits.

Are there other Fast ForWord™ courses?

When participants have successfully completed the two core courses in the Fast ForWord™ Reading Improvement Series, they may enroll in the Fast ForWord™ to Reading Series.

Fast ForWord to Reading software is a suite of products that marries cognitive skill development to reading skill development through computer delivered exercises that strengthen the cognitive processes in the context of reading skills validated by the National Reading Panel and the Reading First mandate.

Fast ForWord to Reading software

• Strengthens working, short-term and long-term memory, essential for word recognition, comprehension of complex sentences, and remembering instructions.

• Improves student concentration and attention so they can focus on tasks and ignore distractions.

• Strengthens processing skills so that students see images and distinguish sounds quickly enough to discriminate their differences, essential for phonemic awareness and reading fluency

• Improves sequencing, a cognitive skill that relies on memory, attention, and processing and is essential for phonics, word fluency, reading and oral comprehension.


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