Lessons - Weebly

Teacher One

|Lessons |AQA Specification/ Content |AQA Additional Information |Key Resources |

| |3.1 What is business |Business objectives such as profit, growth, |Revision video on calculating profit, contribution and break-even |

|3 | |survival, cash flow, social and ethical | |

| |3.1.1 Understanding the nature and purpose of business |objectives | |

| | | |What are fixed costs? |

| |Why businesses exist |The measurement of profit should include: | |

| |Relationship between mission and objectives |Revenue | |

| |Common business objectives |Fixed Costs | |

| |Why businesses set objectives |Variable Costs | |

| |Measurement and importance of profit |Total Costs | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |3.1.2 Understanding different business forms |Different forms of business include: |A piece of cake – Starter activity on private limited companies |

|5 | |Sole traders |

| |Reasons for choosing different forms of business and |Private and Public Limited Companies |ited-companies |

| |for changing business form |Private and Public Sector organisations | |

| |The role of shareholders and why they invest |Non-profit organisations such as charities and |Dotty Share Prices – Paired activity to consolidate the teaching and |

| |Influence on share price and the significance of share |mutual |learning of share prices |

| |price changes | | |

| |The effects of ownership on mission, objectives, |Issues with different forms of business |Playing Footsie – Group activity on market capitalisation and index |

| |decisions and performance |include: |numbers |

| | |Unlimited and limited liability | |

| | |Ordinary share capital | |

| | |Market capitalisation | |

| | |Dividends | |

| |3.1.3 Understanding that businesses operate within an |Factors influencing costs and demand to include|What affects demand for a product? |

|3 |external environment |the effect of: |

| | |Competition |r-a-product |

| |How the external environment can affect costs and |Market Conditions | |

| |demand |Incomes |Revenue and demand – Revision presentation |

| | |Interest rates |

| | |Demographic factors |esentation |

| | |Environmental issues and fair trade | |

| |3.4 Decision making to improve operational performance |Operational objectives include: |Operational objectives |

| | |•Costs | |

|1 |3.4.1 Setting operational objectives |•Quality | |

| |The value of setting operational objectives |•Speed of response and flexibility |Operational objectives – Revision presentation |

| |External and internal influences on operational |•Dependability |

| |objectives and decisions |•Environmental objectives |jectives |

| | |•Added value | |

| |3.4.2 Analysing operational performance |Students should be able to calculate: |Labour productivity |

|2 |Interpretation of operations data |•Labour productivity | |

| |Calculation of operations data |•Unit costs (average costs) | |

| |The use of data in operational decision making and |•Capacity |Capacity utlisation |

| |planning |•Capacity utilisation. | |

| | | | |

| |3.4.3 Making operational decisions to improve |Lean production should include ‘Just in Time’ |Lean production – Revision presentation |

|6 |performance: increasing efficiency and productivity |operations |

| |The importance of capacity | |tation |

| |The importance of efficiency and labour productivity |The mix of resources should include an | |

| |How to increase efficiency and labour productivity |understanding of labour and capital intensive |Just in time (and Kaizen) video |

| |The benefits and difficulties of lean production |processes |

| |Difficulties increasing efficiency and labour | |-kaizen |

| |productivity | | |

| |How to choose the optimal mix of resources | |Just in time |

| |How to utilise capacity efficiently | | |

| |How to use technology to improve operational efficiency| | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |3.4.4 Making operational decisions to improve |Methods of improving quality should include |Quality |

|3 |performance: improving quality |quality assurance | |

| |The importance of quality | | |

| |Methods of improving quality | |Costs of poor quality |

| |The benefits and difficulties of improving quality | | |

| |The consequences of poor quality | | |

| | | | |

| |3.4.5 Making operational decisions to improve |An understanding of flexibility should include |The star challenge – group activity on inventory control |

|5 |performance: managing inventory and supply chains |mass customisation | |

| |Ways and value of improving flexibility, speed of | |Outsourcing |

| |response and dependability |Ways of matching supply to demand include: | |

| |How to manage supply to match demand and the value of |Outsourcing | |

| |doing so |Temporary and part time employees |Working with suppliers |

| |Influences on and the amount of inventory held |Producing to order |

| |Influences on the choice of suppliers | |-presentation |

| |How to manage the supply chain effectively and |Inventory control should include: | |

| |efficiently and the value of this |Interpreting inventory control charts | |

| |The value of outsourcing |Lead time | |

| | |Re-order levels | |

| | |Buffer level of inventory | |

| | |Re-order quantities | |

| |3.5 Decision making to improve financial performance |Financial objectives to include: |Internal and external influences on financial objectives |

| | |•The concept of a return on investment |

| |3.5.1 Setting financial objectives |•An understanding of the proportion of |s-on-financial-objectives |

|3 |The value of financial objectives |long-term funding that is debt. | |

| |The distinction between cash flow and profit | |Profit and cash flow – What’s the difference? |

| |The distinction between gross profit, operating profit | | |

| |and profit for the year | | |

| |Revenue, costs and profit objectives | | |

| |Cash flow objectives | | |

| |Objectives for investment | | |

| |Capital structure objectives | | |

| |External and internal influences on financial | | |

| |objectives and decisions | | |

| |3.5.2 Analysing financial performance |Analysing budgets should include variance |Budgets – Introduction |

|8 |How to construct and analyse budgets and cash flow |analysis and adverse and favourable variances | |

| |forecasts |Break-even analysis should include: | |

| |The value of budgeting |•Break-even output |Variance analysis – Revision video |

| |How to construct and interpret break-even charts |•Margin of safety | |

| |How to calculate and illustrate on a break-even chart |•Contribution per unit | |

| |the effects of changes in price, output and cost |•Total contribution. |Break-even analysis – Introduction |

| |The value of break-even analysis | |

| |How to analyse profitability |Analysing profitability should include the |k-even-analysis |

| |How to analyse timings of cash inflows and outflows |following ratio analysis: | |

| |The use of data for financial decision making and |•Gross profit |Profitability ratios – Revision presentation |

| |planning |•Profit from operations |

| | |•Profit for the year. |resentation |

| | | | |

| | |Analysing timings of cash flow should include | |

| | |an understanding of payables and receivables. | |

| |3.5.3 Making financial decisions: sources of finance |Sources of finance should include: |Bank loans |

|5 |Internal and external sources of finance |•Debt factoring | |

| |Advantages and disadvantages of different sources of |•Overdrafts | |

| |finance for short and long term uses |•Retained profits |Overdrafts |

| | |•Share capital |

| | |•Loans |ft |

| | |•Venture capital. | |

| | | |Venture capital |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |3.5.4 Making financial decisions: improving cash flow |Students should be able to assess ways of |Cash flow forecasting |

|3 |and profits |improving cash flow |

| |Methods of improving cash flow | |tartup |

| |Methods of improving profits and profitability |Students should be able to assess ways of | |

| |Difficulties improving cash flow and profit |improving profitability |Improving cash flow – Revision quiz |

| | | | |

Teacher Two

| |3.2 Managers, leadership and decision making |The role of managers should include: |Management and leadership spectrum activity – Group activity |

|3 | |Setting objectives | |

| |3.2.1 Understanding management, leadership and decision making |Analysing |What is the continuum of leadership? |

| | |Leading |

| |What managers do |Making decisions |dership |

| |Types of management and leadership styles and influences on these |Reviewing | |

| |The effectiveness of different styles of management and leadership | |Blake Mouton interactive PPT |

| | | | |

| | |Theories of management and leadership |Blake Mouton Managerial Grid questionnaire |

| | |styles should include: | |

| | |The Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum |Video – What I call a proper boss |

| | |The Blake Mouton Grid | |

| | | |Tannenbaum Schmidt – Interactive PPT |

| |3.2.2 Understanding decision making |Scientific decision making should include |Banana Moon – Activity on decision trees |

|4 | |understanding and interpreting decision | |

| |The value of decision making based on data (scientific decision making) |trees and calculating expected value and |Appleton Farm – Exam style case study on decision trees |

| |and on intuition |net gains. | |

| |The use and value of decision trees in decision making | |Decision making and decision tree worksheet |

| |Influences on decision making |Decision making to include an understanding| |

| | |of: | |

| | |• Risks | |

| | |•Rewards | |

| | |•Uncertainty | |

| | |•Opportunity cost. | |

| | | | |

| | |Influences on decision making to include: | |

| | |•Mission | |

| | |•Objectives | |

| | |•Ethics | |

| | |•The external environment including | |

| | |competition | |

| | |•Resource constraints. | |

| |3.2.3 The role and importance of stakeholders |Stakeholder mapping: stakeholder power and |Stakeholders – Introduction |

|3 | |interest. | |

| |The need to consider stakeholder needs when making decisions | | |

| |Stakeholder needs and the possible overlap and |Managing the relationship with different |Stakeholders – Every little helps |

| |conflict of these needs |stakeholders includes communication and |

| |Influences on the relationship with stakeholders |consultation. | |

| |How to manage the relationship with different | |Video – An introduction to stakeholders |

| |stakeholders | |

| | | |-stakeholders |

| |3.6 Decision making to improve human resource performance |Human resource objectives include: |HRM objectives – Revision objectives |

|2 | |•Employee engagement and involvement |

| |3.6.1 Setting human resource objectives |•Talent development |ies-revision-presentation |

| |The value of setting human resource objectives |•Training | |

| |Internal and external influences on human resource objectives and |•Diversity |HRM objectives and influences |

| |decisions |•Alignment of values | |

| | |•Number, skills and location of employees | |

| |3.6.2 Analysing human resource performance |Students should be able to calculate and |Labour productivity |

|3 |Calculating and interpreting human resource data |interpret: | |

| |The use of data for human resource decision making and planning |•Labour turnover and retention rates | |

| | |•Labour productivity |Workforce effectiveness – Revision presentation |

| | |•Employee costs as percentage of turnover |

| | |• Labour cost per unit. |nagement-revision-presentation |

| |3.6.3 Making human resource decisions: improving organisational design and|Job design to include Hackman and Oldham’s |Organisational and job design worksheet |

|6 |managing the human resource flow |model | |

| |Influences on job design | |Delegation |

| |Influences on organisational design |Decisions relating to organisational design| |

| |Influences on delegation, centralisation and decentralisation |include: | |

| |The value of changing job and organisational design |•Authority | |

| |How managing the human resource flow helps meet human resource objectives |•Span |Centralised versus decentralised |

| | |•Hierarchy |

| | |•Delegation |alised-structures |

| | |•Centralisation and decentralisation | |

| | | |Improving organisational structure |

| | |Human resource flow to include: | |

| | |•Human resource plan | |

| | |•Recruitment | |

| | |•Training | |

| | |•Redeployment | |

| | |•Redundancy | |

| |3.6.4 Making human resource decisions: improving motivation and engagement|Theories of motivation should include |How important is pay as a motivator? |

|4 | |Taylor, Maslow and Herzberg |

| |The benefits of motivated and engaged employees | |ator |

| |How to improve employee engagement and motivation |Financial methods of motivation should | |

| |The value of theories of motivation |include: | |

| |The use of financial methods of motivation |•Piece rate |Taylor – Scientific Management |

| |The use of non-financial methods of motivating employees |•Commission |

| |Influences on the choice and assessment of the effectiveness of financial |•Salary schemes |ic-management |

| |and non-financial reward systems |•Performance-related pay. | |

| | | |Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs |

| | | |

| | | |y-of-needs |

| | | | |

| | | |Video – Jumping for the Jellybeans (Part 1) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Video – Jumping for the Jellybeans (Part 2) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Performance Related Pay |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |3.6.5 Making human resource decisions: improving employer-employee |Employee representation methods to include |Employer- Employee Relations – Revision presentation |

|3 |relations |trade unions and works councils. |

| |Influences on the extent and methods of employee involvement in decision | |-relations |

| |making | | |

| |How to manage and improve employer-employee communications and relations | |Strikebreakers – Starter video on trade unions and industrial action |

| |Value of good employer-employee relations | |

| | | |r-employer-employee-relations |

| | | | |

| | | |Employee relations and trade unions |

| | | |

| | | |relations-trade-unions |

| |3.3 Decision making to improve marketing performance |Marketing objectives include: |Marketing objectives |

| | |•Sales volume and sales value | |

|1 |3.3.1 Setting marketing objectives |•Market size | |

| |The value of setting marketing objectives |•Market and sales growth |Marketing objectives – Revision presentation |

| |External and internal influences on marketing objectives and decisions |•Market share |

| | |•Brand loyalty. |ion-presentation |

| | | | |

| |3.3.2 Understanding markets and customers |Marketing research should include: |What is quantitative market research? |

|8 |The value of primary and secondary marketing research |•Qualitative and quantitative data |

| |The value of sampling |•Market mapping. |research |

| |The interpretation of marketing data | | |

| |The value of technology in gathering and analysing data for marketing |You should be able to calculate market and |What is qualitative market research? |

| |decision making |sales growth, market share and size. |

| |The interpretation of price and income elasticity of demand data | |esearch |

| |The value of the concepts of price and income elasticity of demand to make|Interpretation of marketing data should | |

| |marketing decisions |include: |Income Elasticity Spectrum – Group Activity |

| |The use of data in marketing decision making and planning |•Positive and negative correlation and | |

| | |an understanding of the strength of the |Price elasticity of demand |

| | |relationship |

| | |•Understanding the concept of confidence | |

| | |intervals |Video – Big Data in Retail |

| | |•Understanding extrapolation. | |

| | | |Market size, growth and share – Revision video |

| | |Students should be able to interpret price | |

| | |and income elasticity of demand data and be| |

| | |able to analyse the impact of changes in | |

| | |price and income on revenue (they do not | |

| | |need to be able | |

| | |to calculate these). | |

| |3.3.3 Making marketing decisions: segmenting, targeting, positioning |Segmentation methods include: |Market segmentation |

|2 |The process and value of segmentation, targeting and positioning |•Demographic | |

| |Influences on choosing a target market and positioning |•Geographic | |

| | |•Income |What is market segmentation? |

| | |•Behavioural segmentation. | |

| | | | |

| | |Targeting may include niche and mass | |

| | |marketing | |

| |3.3.4 Making marketing decisions: using the marketing mix |The marketing mix should be considered |Marketing and the 7p’s – CIM article |

|8 |The elements of the marketing mix (7p’s) |for goods and services, both industrial and| |

| |The influences on and effects of changes in the elements of the marketing |consumer |Product portfolios – Revision presentation |

| |mix | |

| |Product decisions |Types of consumer goods considered should |n-presentation |

| |Pricing decisions |include convenience, shopping and specialty| |

| |Decisions about the promotional mix |products. |The product lifecycle |

| |Distribution (place) decisions | | |

| |Decisions relating to other elements of the marketing mix: people, process|Product decisions should include: | |

| |and physical environment |•The value of product portfolio analysis | |

| |The importance of an influences on an integrated marketing mix |and the Boston Matrix | |

| |Understanding the value of digital marketing and e-commerce |•The value of the product life cycle model | |

| | |including extension strategies |Factors to consider when setting a price |

| | |•Influences on and the value of new product|

| | |development. |r-when-setting-price |

| | | | |

| | |Pricing decisions should include |Penetration pricing |

| | |penetration and price skimming | |

| | | | |

| | |Promotional decisions should include the | |

| | |value of branding |Price skimming |

| | | | |

| | |Distribution channels should include | |

| | |multi-channel distribution | |

| | | | |

| | |Influences on an integrated marketing mix | |

| | |include: | |

| | |•The position in the product life cycle | |

| | |•The Boston Matrix | |

| | |•The type of product | |

| | |•Marketing objectives | |

| | |•The target market | |

| | |•Competition | |

| | |•Positioning | |


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