Teaching Productive Skills to the Students: A Secondary ...

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Teaching Productive Skills to the Students: A Secondary Level Scenario

Mohammed Iqram Hossain Student's ID: 11263001

Department of English and Humanities December, 2015

BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

A Thesis

Submitted to the Department of English and Humanities


BRAC University


Mohammed Iqram Hossain Student's ID: 11263001

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree


Master of Arts in English December, 2015

ENG 698 Master's (MA) Thesis Submitted To: Mrs. Shenin Ziauddin

Teaching Productive Skills to the Students: A Secondary Level Scenario

This paper is dedicated to all my teachers who taught me to love English and to teach.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful. It would not have been possible to finish the study without the wish of the Almighty. I am grateful to my supervisor Mrs. Shenin Ziauddin for the endless guidance, support and encouragement to carry out the task. I am grateful to my supervisorfor giving me this opportunity to conduct the study and thereby to contribute to the field of English language teaching for the learners of Bangladesh. My sincere gratitude goes to the authority and all personnel of BAF Shaheen School &College, Jessore; Airport High School, Jessore and Cantonment Public School & College, Jessore for helping me to conduct the research. Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the teachers and the students who participated actively and enthusiastically in this research.


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