









I. Identitas Diri

Nama : Yanida Yuliari Putranti

NRP : 5104100027

II. Link Web Portofolio

III. Listing Program

1. moments.m



% Fungsi menghitung momen sebuah citra biner dan mengembalikan

% area, centroid, sudut dari sumbu inertia minimum, dan sebuah

% ukuran ‘kebulatan'. Fungsi ini mengasumsikan bahwa hanya ada

% satu obyek pada citra biner.


% function [area, centroid, theta, roundness] = moments(im)


% Argument: im - citra biner berisi nilai 0 atau 1


% Returns: area - luasan citra biner

% centroid - vektor dengan 2 elemen

% theta - sudut sumbu kelembaman minimum (radian)

% roundness - ratio minimum inertia/maximum inertia.


% Fungsi ini juga menampilkan citra dan letak dari

% centroid dan sumbu inertia minimum. Area yang dihitung

% harus ditampilkan sebagai title di citra.

function [area, centroid, theta, roundness] = moments(im)

[bwl num] = prosbw(im);

%error handling

inImg = 0;

inImg = input(['Pilih image (1-',num2str(num),') = ']);

while (inImg < 1 || inImg > num)

inImg = input(['Input salah!!! Pilih image (1-',num2str(num),') = ']);


objek = bwl==inImg;

[rows,cols] = size(objek);

x = ones(rows,1)*[1:cols];

y = [1:rows]'*ones(1,cols);

%perhitungan area

area = sum(sum(double(objek)));

meanx = sum(sum(double(objek).*x))/area;

meany = sum(sum(double(objek).*y))/area;

%perhitungan centroid

centroid = [meanx meany];

xaksen = x - meanx;

yaksen = y - meany;

%perhitungan a, b, c

a = sum(sum(double(objek).*(xaksen.^2)));

b = 2 * sum(sum(((double(objek).* xaksen) .* yaksen)));

c = sum(sum((double(objek).* (yaksen.^2))));

%perhitungan theta

arg1 = b/(sqrt((b.^2)+((a-c).^2)));

arg2 = (a-c)/(sqrt((b.^2)+((a-c).^2)));

theta1 = 0.5 * atan2(arg1,arg2);

theta2 = 0.5 * atan2(-arg1,-arg2);

theta = theta1;

%perhitungan roundness

Imax = (0.5*(c+a))-(0.5*(a-c)*cos(2*theta2))-(0.5*b*sin(2*theta2));

Imin = (0.5*(c+a))-(0.5*(a-c)*cos(2*theta1))-(0.5*b*sin(2*theta1));

roundness = Imin/Imax;

%menampilkan hasil citra

xmin = [meanx - 50 : meanx + 50];

ymin = ((xmin - meanx) * tan(theta1)) + meany;

figure, imshow(objek), title(['Objek terpilih nomor: ' num2str(inImg), ', Area: ' num2str(area), ', Centroid: ' num2str(centroid), ', Theta: ' num2str(theta1), ', Roundness: ' num2str(roundness)]); pixval on;

line(xmin, ymin, 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 1), text(meanx-3, meany, 'X');

i. prosbw.m

function [bwl num] = prosbw(im)

%membaca image

im = imread(im);

%mengubah image berwarna menjadi image graylevel

imgray = rgb2gray(im);

%nilai threshold

thresh = 0.63;

%mengubah image graylevel menjadi image biner sesuai dengan nilai threshold

%(bg 0 ob 1)

bw = ~im2bw(imgray, thresh);

%pelabelan tiap objek

[bwl num] = bwlabel(bw);

2. locatelandmarks.m

% LOCATELANDMARKS - locates landmarks on SURF form


% Usage: [tl, tr, bl, br] = locatelandmarks(im)


% Argument: im - Image to be processed, assumed binary.


% Returns: tl, tr, bl, br

% - Coordinates of the centroids of the top-left, top-right,

% bottom-left and bottom-right landmarks respectively.

% These coordinates are returned as column vectors in the

% form [row; col] for each landmark.


% The function should also display the image with the centroids of the

% landmarks overlayed.

function [tl, tr, bl, br] = locatelandmarks(im)

%membaca image

im = imread(im);

%mengubah image biner dengan bg hitam objek putih

imbw = ~im;

%operasi close - open untuk menghilangkan tulisan dengan se = 9

tempCent = [];

se = strel('square', 9);

openIM = imopen(imbw, se);

clsopnIM = imclose(openIM, se);

%pelabelan objek

[bwl num] = bwlabel(clsopnIM);

%perhitungan centroid untuk tiap objek

for i=1:num

objek = bwl==i;

[rows,cols] = size(objek);

x = ones(rows,1)*[1:cols];

y = [1:rows]'*ones(1,cols);

%perhitungan area

area = sum(sum(double(objek)));

meanx = sum(sum(double(objek).*x))/area;

meany = sum(sum(double(objek).*y))/area;

%perhitungan centroid

tempCent = [tempCent; meanx meany];


%memilih centroid objek yang berada dipojok citra

tl = [tempCent(1,1),tempCent(1,2)];

bl = [tempCent(2,1),tempCent(2,2)];

tr = [tempCent(num-1,1),tempCent(num-1,2)];

br = [tempCent(num,1),tempCent(num,2)];

%menampilkan hasil

figure, imshow(clsopnIM), title(['Objek landmarks, tl = (',num2str(tl(1,1)),',',num2str(tl(1,2)),'), tr = (',num2str(tr(1,1)),',',num2str(tr(1,2)),'), bl = (',num2str(bl(1,1)),',',num2str(bl(1,2)),'), br = (',num2str(br(1,1)),',',num2str(br(1,2)),')']);

text(tl(1,1)-5, tl(1,2)-3, 'x')

text(bl(1,1)-5, bl(1,2)-3, 'x')

text(tr(1,1)-5, tr(1,2)-3, 'x')

text(br(1,1)-5, br(1,2)-3, 'x')

pixval on;

3. tukarfase.m

function [hasil1, hasil2] = tukarfase(im, img)

im = imread(im);

imgray = rgb2gray(im);

img = imread(img);

imggray = rgb2gray(img);

%transformasi Fourier untuk citra 1 dan citra 2

ftransform1 = fft2(imgray);

ftransform2 = fft2(imggray);

%amplitudo transformasi Fourier

amplitudo1 = abs(ftransform1);

amplitudo2 = abs(ftransform2);

%sudut fase suatu transformasi Fourier

sudutfase1 = angle(ftransform1);

sudutfase2 = angle(ftransform2);

%fase dari transformasi Fourier untuk citra 1 dan citra 2

fase1 = exp(i*sudutfase1);

fase2 = exp(i*sudutfase2);

%tukar fase

%amplitudo citra 1 dengan fase citra 2

hasil1 = amplitudo1.* fase2;

%amplitudo citra 2 dengan fase citra 1

hasil2 = amplitudo2.* fase1;


iffthasil1 = real(ifft2(hasil1));

iffthasil2 = real(ifft2(hasil2));

%menampilkan hasil

figure, subplot 221, imshow(im), title('Citra Asli 1');

subplot 222, imshow(iffthasil1, []), title('Amplitudo Citra 1; Fase Citra 2');

subplot 223, imshow(img), title('Citra Asli 2');

subplot 224, imshow(iffthasil2, []), title('Amplitudo Citra 2; Fase Citra 1');

figure, subplot 121, imshow(real(ifft2(fase1)), []), title('Fase Citra 1');

subplot 122, imshow(real(ifft2(fase2)), []), title('Fase Citra 2');

4. calibrate.m



% Fungsi untuk melakukan kalibrasi kamera


% Usage: [C,e] = calibrate(im)


% Where: im - citra yang dijadikan sebagai target kalibrasi.

% C - matrix 3 x 4 kalibrasi kamera.

% e - nilai error proyeksi dari matrix kalibrasi.

function [C,e] = calibrate(im)

namafile = im;

im = imread(im);


% Mendapatkan koordinat titik pada bidang 3D (real world)

% calibpts;

calibPts = [ 49 0 65 % x y z coords of point 1

129 0 65 % x y z coords of point 2

49 0 145 % x y z coords of point 3

129 0 145 % x y z coords of point 4

49 0 225 % x y z coords of point 5

129 0 225 % x y z coords of point 6

0 129 65 % x y z coords of point 7

0 49 65 % x y z coords of point 8

0 129 145 % x y z coords of point 9

0 49 145 % x y z coords of point 10

0 129 225 % x y z coords of point 11

0 49 225 ]; % x y z coords of point 12

disp('Titik koordinat pada bidang 3D calibPts = ');


% N = jumlah titik yang dijadikan acuan

N = size(calibPts,1);

% Mendapatkan koordinat citra proyeksi 2D

% Mengklik tiap titik di bidang proyeksi

hold on

u = []; v = [];

but = 1;

while but ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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