*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two ...

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 3 Lesson Name Connect Words and Pictures Connect Words and Pictures

Term illustration


Connect Words and Pictures


Connect Words and Pictures


Ask Questions About Stories

advice column

Ask Questions About Stories


Ask Questions About Stories


Ask Questions About Stories

Ask Questions About Stories

Ask Questions About Stories

Ask Questions About Stories Ask Questions About Stories

Ask Questions About Stories

puzzle undercover audition intend recite earn

Recount Key Details cornstalk Recount Key Details winding

Recount Key Details design



An illustration is a drawing in a text. Activity

The plot of a story is what happens from the beginning to the end. In a story, a character can be a person, an animal, or a thing that acts like a person. A fantasy is a made-up story about characters, places, and events that are very different from real life. A newspaper's advice column is a section where a writer answers questions from readers to help them solve their problems. When you inherit something from someone, it becomes yours after that person is gone.

When you look at something suspiciously, you look in a way that shows you are not sure you can trust what is happening.

When people puzzle over problems, they try to figure out how to solve them.

Someone undercover is working in a secret way.

Activity Activity Activity Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage

When you audition, you perform something short to try to get a spot in Passage a show or a play.

People who intend to do something plan to do it.

When you recite something, you say it out loud from memory. When you earn the chance to do something special, you get to do it because you prove that you should get to.

A cornstalk is the stem of a corn plant.

Passage Passage Passage Passage

Something that is winding has many curves and turns.

A design is a drawing that shows how something should be built or made.

Passage Passage

Spanish Cognate* illustration/ ilustraci?n


inherit/heredar suspiciously/ sospechosamente puzzle/puzle

audition/audici?n recite/recitar


*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 3 Lesson Name


Recount Key Details popular

Recount Key Details craze

Recount Key Details strategy Recount Key Details series

Recount Key Details progress Recount Key Details tip Recount Key Details key detail

Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts

population board reservoir


Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts

Understanding Historical Texts Understanding Historical Texts

manure molasses overtook drench dissolve brine

Definition Something that is popular is liked by many people.

A craze is something that a lot of people like for a short time.

A strategy is a plan for reaching a goal. A series is a set of things that happen one after another. When you make progress on something, you get closer to finishing it.

A tip is helpful information.

Type Passage Passage Passage Passage

Passage Passage

Spanish Cognate* popular/popular

strategy/estrategia series/serie progress/progreso tip/tip

A key detail is important information that helps tell about a main idea.


The population of a place is how many people live there.

A board is a group of people who decide how something should be done. A reservoir is like a large lake. People build reservoirs to store water. When a family lives in one place for many generations, it means that their parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents may have also lived there.

The solid waste that comes out of farm animals is manure.

Molasses is a sweet, thick brown syrup that comes from boiled sugarcane juice. If a car overtakes another car, it goes past it with speed and force.

When you drench something, you make it very wet. For example, rain can drench grass.

To dissolve something is to mix it into a liquid and make it disappear.

Passage Passage Passage


Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage

population/ poblaci?n reservoir/reserva generation/ generaci?n



Water mixed with a lot of salt is brine. Passage

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

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Grade 3 Lesson Name Understanding Historical Texts

Understand Technical Texts

Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts Understand Technical Texts

Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Word Meaning Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Term time-order words


copper conduct solution attract generate LED electric current settled

dissolved genuine formula reliable inhale research



Definition Words and phrases that tell the order in which steps or events happen are called time-order words. An experiment is a scientific test done to find out what happens when you do steps in a certain order. Copper is a reddish-brown metal used to make pennies and other objects.

When you conduct an experiment, you organize it and do it.

A solution is a mixture of a liquid and a solid that has dissolved in it.

Objects that attract each other pull together so they are touching.

When a battery generates power, it makes power.

Type Activity


Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage

An LED is a type of light bulb.


Electric current is the flow of electricity through a wire. If you have settled on a plan or idea with someone, you both agree on using it. When something is dissolved in a liquid, it mixes into the liquid and becomes part of it.

Something that is genuine is real.

A formula is a list of ingredients used for making something. Something that is reliable works almost every time you use it. When you inhale, you breathe in air through your mouth or nose. Research is the careful study of something to try and learn facts about it. A species is a group of animals that are similar and can have babies together. Oxygen is a gas that is in the air. Animals and plants need oxygen to live.

Passage Passage

Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage



Spanish Cognate*

Experiment/ experimento copper/cobre conduct/conducir solution/soluci?n attract/atraer generate/generar LED/led Electric current/ corriente el?ctrica

dissolve/disolver genuine/genuino(a) formula/f?rmula


species/especie oxygen/ox?geno

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

? 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K


Grade 3 Lesson Name Word Meaning Word Meaning

Word Meaning

Text Features Text Features Text Features Text Features

Term react context clue

synonym scene journalist in shock drive

Text Features Text Features Text Features

raise money key word heading

Text Features


Definition React means to behave in a certain way because of something. A context clue is a word, phrase, or sentence that helps you figure out the meaning of a hard word. A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. Small and little are synonyms.

When you race to a scene, you race to the place where an event happened.

A journalist is someone whose job is to write news stories. Someone who is in shock feels pain and is upset about a terrible event. When people organize a drive, they plan an effort to do something helpful.

When people raise money, they collect money to reach a goal or to help others.

A key word is an important word that is bold in a passage. A heading is a title for a section of a passage that tells what the section is about.

A sidebar is extra information about a topic that is set apart from the rest of a passage.

Type Passage Activity Activity Passage Passage Passage Passage

Passage Activity Activity


Spanish Cognate* react/reaccionar

synonym/sin?nimo scene/escena

in shock/en shock, en choque

Text Features


A caption is a word or a sentence that tells about a picture.


Information from Words and Pictures

navigation system

A navigation system helps you navigate or figure out where you are and where you're going. Many people have navigation systems in their cars and cellphones.


navigation system/ sistema de navegaci?n

Information from Words and Pictures


A location is a place where something is located or found.


Information from Words and Pictures


When you download something, you move a copy of it from the Internet to Passage your own computer or cellphone.

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

? 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K


Grade 3 Lesson Name

Information from Words and Pictures

Term app

Information from Words and Pictures


Information from Words and Pictures


Information from Words and Pictures

Information from Words and Pictures Information from Words and Pictures

trinket progress photograph

Information from Words and Pictures


Information from Words and Pictures Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories Connecting Words and Pictures in Stories

illustration sample determined hologram assembly setting mood

Parts of Plays


Definition An app is an application, or program, that you use on a cell phone or computer. A device is a tool that is used for a certain job. For example, a GPS device helps you figure out where you are. Geocaching is an outdoor treasurehunting game that uses GPS to find hidden caches or containers. A trinket is a small item that someone keeps for fun or because it is special in some way. Progress is the act of moving forward or getting closer to something. A photograph is a picure you take with a camera. A caption is a word, phrase, or sentence that gives information about a picture. The caption usually appears right below or next to the picture. An illustration is a picture that is drawn or painted. A sample is a small amount of something that a scientist studies to learn about it. If you are determined, you have decided to do something and will not let anything stop you.

Type Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage Activity


Activity Passage Passage

Spanish Cognate* app/aplicaci?n

progress/progreso photograph/ fotograf?a

illustration/ ilustraci?n

determined/ determinado(a)

A hologram is a special picture made by a laser that looks like it's real.


hologram/ holograma

An assembly at school is a meeting with all the teachers and students.

Passage assembly/asamblea

The setting is where and when a story takes place.


The mood of a story is the feeling the story gives you.


A trampoline is something that people jump up and down on for exercise.


*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

? 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K


Grade 3 Lesson Name Parts of Plays Parts of Plays Parts of Plays Parts of Plays

Parts of Plays

Parts of Poems

Parts of Poems Parts of Poems Parts of Poems

Parts of Poems

Term episode mission irreversible chute


average fateful equine prance

stand out

Parts of Poems

Parts of Poems

Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View

Making Connections: Author's Point of View

resist stanza criticize insulted point of view


Definition An episode is one show in a television series.

A mission is an important task or job.

Type Passage Passage

Spanish Cognate* episode/episodio mission/misi?n

When a change is irreversible, it cannot be undone.


irreversible/ irreversible

A chute is a tall, narrow tube that a person can slide down.

A hatch is an opening in the floor of a spaceship that people can go through.

Something that is average is normal or regular.

Passage Passage Passage

When an event in your life is fateful, it has important results.


An equine is a horse.

Passage equine/equino(a)

When you prance, you walk around in a way that makes others look at you.


Something that stands out is very easy to see because it is different from everything else.


When you resist a change, you do everything you can so that it does not happen.

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem.

Passage Activity


When you criticize someone's ideas or actions, you say what is wrong with them.

Passage criticize/criticar

When you feel insulted, you feel that someone has said or done something Passage insult/insultar rude to you.

A person's point of view is the way that person looks at or thinks about something.

Diplomacy is the skill of saying and doing things in a way that does not hurt people's feelings when you disagree about something.


point of view/ punto de vista


diplomacy/ diplomacia

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

? 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K


Grade 3 Lesson Name Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Making Connections: Author's Point of View Understand How Comparisons Are Made Understand How Comparisons Are Made Understand How Comparisons Are Made Understand How Comparisons Are Made Understand How Comparisons Are Made

Term reputation hilarious mentally awkward punchline confidence purpose debate ideal telepathy overlook predator


Your reputation is the opinion that people have about you.

Type Spanish Cognate*


reputation/ reputaci?n

If something is hilarious, it is very, very funny.


When you do something mentally, you do it only in your mind.


mentally/ mentalmente

Something that is awkward is uncomfortable or not easy to deal with.


A punchline is the funny ending of a joke.


When you have confidence, you have a feeling or belief that you can do something well.


confidence/ confianza

A purpose is a reason for doing something.

A debate is a discussion about something that people disagree about.

Something that is ideal is the best possible thing.

A person with telepathy can read someone's mind and control their actions.

When people overlook something, they do not notice it.

A predator is an animal that hunts other animals for food.


Passage debate/debate

Passage ideal/ideal

Passage telepathy/telepat?a



predator/ depredador(a)

*Cognates are words or terms that are similar in two languages. In i-Ready Reading Comprehension lessons, Spanish cognates are provided for English terms where they exist.

? 2019 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved. | 12/19 0K



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