Mr. Kneer's Science Fair Page

8th grade SSA Review Assessment1.Maria and Lauren want to learn about how fast a rose bush grows. They choose plants of equal height and each student takes one bush home. They grow their plant inside and to give it 25 mL of water every other day. After one month, the girls noticed different results. ?Maria's PlantLauren's PlantPlant Height on Day 14 centimeters4 centimetersPlant Height on Day 3010 centimeters6 centimetersWhat should the girls have done differently to insure their methods were similar?A. chosen a different plant to work with B. controlled other variables such as how much sunlight the plants got C. recorded the heights of the plants every day of the month D. used better soil with more organic matter in it 2.Earth’s spheres interact in many ways. Which of the following is the BEST example of the hydrosphere and atmosphere interacting?A. A heavy snowfall adds mass to a glacier. B. Polluted air kills several animal species. C. Magma erupts and releases trapped gases. D. Ocean currents influence weather patterns. 3.The cryosphere and biosphere are two components of Earth’s systems. What is one way that the cryosphere and biosphere interact?A. A glacier picks up rock and sediment as it moves down a valley. B. Heavy rains bring an end to a dry period on the African savannah. C. A volcanic eruption destroys the plants on an island. D. A melting glacier provides fresh water for plants and animals in the valley below the glacier. 4.When people talk about the conditions outside, they often confuse the terms weather and climate. What is the difference between weather and climate?A. Weather conditions change daily but climate conditions do not change. B. Weather describes the conditions of the atmosphere and climate describes the pattern of weather over a long period of time. C. Weather describes the conditions of the atmosphere and climate describes the average temperature. D. Climate describes the average precipitation while weather describes the average temperature. 5.Heat energy is transferred through solids, liquids, and gases. How is heat transferred throughout the world’s oceans?A. Convection currents are driven by sunlight warming surface waters, which flow throughout the oceans, distributing energy as heat. B. Sunlight penetrates the ocean’s waters, evenly distributing energy as heat from the surface to the ocean floor C. The warmed atmosphere transfers energy as heat to the rivers and the energy is distributed by conduction to oceans. D. Energy in the form of heat is transferred throughout the ocean by waves and surface currents. 6.All matter has mass, and gravity is a result of mass. Which statement about mass is correct?A. Mass remains constant regardless of its location. B. Mass depends on the gravitational force acting on it. C. Mass is expressed in a unit known as the Newton (N). D. Mass is a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object. 7.Isaac wanted to use a model to explain to his class how distance affects gravitational force. He placed one large ball and one small marble at various distances away from each other and then explained the effect of the distance on the force of gravity between them.At which distance, should Isaac have explained that the gravitational force was the strongest between the two marbles?A. 20 cm B. 5 cm C. 122 cm D. 375 cm 8.Hector wrapped a copper wire around a nail and attached the ends of the wire to a battery. What force was responsible for causing the paper clips to attach themselves to the nail?A. magnetic force B. balanced force C. frictional force D. gravitational force 9.Wet floors can sometimes be slippery. What is the reason for this?A. The water increases the friction between the floor and feet. B. The water decreases the fiction between the floor and feet. C. The water produces a new force between the floor and feet. D. The water sets up a magnetic force between the floor and feet. 10.The graph below plots the distance in kilometers traveled by an object over time in hours. What can you conclude from this graph?A. The speed of the moving object remains constant. B. The speed of the moving object increases over time. C. The speed of the moving object decreases over time. D. The speed of the moving object constantly changes. 11.The drawing below shows three different positions of a skier as she descends a snow-packed hill. Which statement about the skier is correct?A. The skier’s kinetic energy is higher at point A than at point B. B. The skier’s kinetic energy is lower at point C than at point B. C. The skier’s potential energy is lower at point A than at point C. D. The skier’s potential energy is higher at point B than at point C. 12.According to the law of conservation of energy, what happens to mechanical energy if the potential energy of an object decreases?A. Mechanical energy decreases. B. Mechanical energy increases. C. Mechanical energy remains unchanged. D. There is no mechanical energy. 13.The body absorbs nutrients through the small intestines. The blood transports these nutrients to every cell in the body. The blood also carries oxygen to every cell. The cells use the nutrients and oxygen to supply the energy the body needs. What three body systems are working together in this situation?A. nervous, digestive, and circulatory systems B. digestive, circulatory, and excretory systems C. respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems D. circulatory, immune, and respiratory systems 14.Emilio stepped on a thumbtack with his bare foot. He yelled and immediately jerked his leg. Which two systems were responsible for the way Emilio responded?A. nervous and musculoskeletal B. digestive and respiratory C. circulatory and musculoskeletal D. nervous and circulatory 15.Darren conducted an experiment on the effect of different types of drinks on athletic performance. He gave milk to one group of runners, water to another group of runners, and a low-sugar sports drink to a third group of runners. He timed how long it took each group to run 100 meters and then averaged each group’s times. He repeated the experiment three times and compiled his results in the table below. BEVERAGES AND THEIR EFFECT ON RUNNING TIMESBEVERAGETRIAL 1TRIAL 2TRIAL 3milk13 sec12 sec12.5 secwater12 sec12.5 sec12 secsports drink11.5 sec12 sec12 secWhich of the following reasons best explains why Darren repeated his experiment?A. He was trying to obtain different experimental results. B. He did not perform the experiment correctly the first two times. C. He wanted to insure that his results were more reliable. D. He knew that all experiments should be performed exactly three times. 16.Cara read an article on why repetition and replication are so important, but she did not understand the difference between them. Which of the following best explains the two terms?A. Repetition is when a scientist conducts an experiment the first time; replication is when the scientist conducts the experiment again after a few years. B. Repetition is when a scientist does the same experiment a number of times; replication is when other scientists reproduce a scientist’s experiment. C. Repetition is when a scientist publishes in more than one scientific periodical; replication is when another scientist reproduces another scientist’s results. D. Repetition is when a scientist commits an error in an experiment the first time and must repeat it; replication is when a scientist repeats an experiment to make sure it is valid. 17.Models can help answer some, but not all, scientific questions. Which scientific question below would be best answered by using a model?A. How do wolves communicate with each other? B. How does temperature affect the rate of water evaporation? C. How do the positions of the sun and the tilt of Earth cause seasons? D. What insect-repelling chemicals are found in the wood of redwood trees? 18.A model can represent an object, system, or process. Why do all models have limitations?A. because all models are two-dimensional B. because a model includes every factor that affects it C. because a model is smaller than the thing it represents D. because a model is never exactly the same as the thing it represents 19.Scientists began exploring the ideas that make up the current atomic theory more than 2,500 years ago. Since that time, many models of the atom that were once accepted by scientists have been abandoned and replaced. Why have atomic models changed over time???A. A model is abandoned when it is discovered to have limitations. B. New models have been developed as new information is discovered. C. The discovery of each new element requires the development of a new atomic model. D. Scientists discovered that models do not provide a useful way to show or explain scientific concepts. 20.Which best explains the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?A. A law is developed by scientists; a theory is developed by engineers. B. A law is based on evidence; a theory is based on ideas. C. A theory can become a law; a law cannot become a theory. D. A theory explains a set of observations; a law describes a pattern in nature. 21.Scientists in all branches of science have developed scientific theories. Which of the following statements is true about all scientific theories?A. Scientific theories are not widely accepted when they are first developed. B. Scientific theories are based on large amounts of evidence. C. Scientific theories will become scientific laws if enough scientists support them. D. Scientific theories are based on the work of individual scientists. 22.Consider the following hypothesis: “The time it takes for sugar to dissolve in water depends on the temperature of the water.” Which of the following is the test (independent) variable for an experiment that would be designed based on the hypothesis?A. the amount of sugar placed in the water B. the temperature of the water in which the sugar is placed C. the type of sugar placed in the water D. the time required for the sugar to dissolve in the water 23.Kaylee reads an article that states that the frequency of chirping by crickets is related to the temperature of their environment. She wants to conduct an experiment to see if this is true. Kaylee states this hypothesis: Crickets chirp more frequently when the temperature of their environment increases. What is the outcome (dependent) variable in Kaylee’s experiment?A. temperature of environment B. frequency of chirpingC. number of crickets D. type of cricket24.Much of the world’s tropical rain forests have disappeared due to human activities. By the end of the 1990s, only about 5 percent of India’s original forests were still standing. Which of the following is a potential effect of this deforestation?A. increased animal habitats B. decreased global temperatures C. decreased oxygen in the air D. increased biodiversity 25.Certain rocks contain minerals that are easily dissolved by water. This is why rain, especially acid rain, can break down rock. What process in the rock cycle does this demonstrate?A. chemical weathering B. mechanical weathering C. metamorphism D. Pollution 26.Imagine a metamorphic rock that has been subjected to intense heat and pressure. Over time, it gets pulled underground as part of a tectonic plate that is sinking beneath another plate along a convergent boundary. The rock melts as it goes deeper; then the molten rock rises up and seeps out of a crack in the ocean floor and hardens. What type of rock is it now?A. clastic B. igneous C. metamorphic D. sedimentary 27.The diagram shows the rate of decay of potassium-40, a radioactive element. Imagine two rocks. One rock contains nearly all of its original potassium-40. In a second rock, most of the potassium-40 has decayed. Which statement about the first rock is true?A. It is a metamorphic rock. B. It is harder than the second rock. C. It is younger than the second rock. D. It is older than the second rock. 28.The Sun’s energy arrives as radiation on Earth.? When Hector was at the beach, he especially enjoyed the warmth of the Sun. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum would be most responsible for Hector getting a sunburn?A. gamma radiation B. infrared radiation C. ultraviolet radiation D. microwave radiation 29.Visible light is made up of a spectrum of many different colors as shown in the illustration below. Which color of visible light has the longest wavelength in nanometers (nm)?A. blue B. red C. violet D. yellow 30.Kareem told his friend about the beautiful rainbow he saw just after a rainstorm. Kareem then explained to his friend how a rainbow forms. What was Kareem’s explanation?A. The light waves were refracted by moisture in the air and separated into colors. B. Tiny droplets of water reflected the light waves that struck them. C. Light traveled faster after the rainstorm because of the moisture in the air. D. The brightness of light increased as the waves passed through tiny droplets of water. 31.Light that is reflected off of objects can be detected by our eyes. This is why you can see your image in a mirror. Why can’t you see your image reflected off of a wall?A. Your eyes detect all of the reflected light. B. A wall absorbs all of the light that strikes it. C. Light waves do not travel far after striking an object such as a wall. D. Not all of the light that reflects off of a wall is directed toward your eyes. 32.The following equation illustrates the chemical reaction that occurs in a plant.???????????? ? water + carbon dioxide + light energy = sugar + oxygenBased on the law of conservation of energy, what happened to the light energy in the reaction?A. It was destroyed. B. It was produced by the plant. C. It was changed into oxygen gas. D. It was converted into chemical energy stored in the sugar. 33.Katrina replaced the batteries in her camera with rechargeable ones. Later as she was recharging the batteries, Katrina told her mother “I am creating energy so that I can use these batteries again!” What was Katrina actually doing?A. removing energy B. repairing energy C. destroying energy D. transforming energy 34.Melinda was heating a pot of water on the stove. She had 1.0 L of water at 90 °C, and she added 1.0 L of water at 10 °C from the tap. What was the temperature of the water once it was mixed togetherA. 50 °C because the cold water adds energy to the hot waterB. 100 °C because the temperatures would add togetherC. 50 °C because energy travels from the hot to the cold water.D. 80 °C because the temperatures would subtract35.As a rule, what happens when energy as heat flows between two objects at different temperatures?A. The temperatures of both objects decreases. B. The temperatures of both objects increases. C. The temperatures of both objects do not change. D. The temperatures of both objects change until they are both the same. 36.Food webs contain different kinds of organisms. How are all of the decomposers in a food web similar?A. They are all large animals that eat only consumers. B. They are all green plants. C. They all eat plants to get energy. D. They all get energy by breaking down the remains of organisms. 37.Feeding relationships in an ecosystem are shown in a food web. Which best summarizes the relationship between producers and consumers in any food web?A. Consumers get energy from producers. B. Producers and consumers both get their energy from plants.C. Producers and consumers both get their energy directly from the Sun.D. Consumers make their own energy by decomposing producers. 38.Caleb wants to know how salt affects the boiling point of water. What is the best way for Caleb to collect data to answer this question?A. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, then add 1 gram of salt and observe any changes. B. Add 1 gram of salt to 1 liter of water and time how long it takes for the water to boil. C. Add 1 gram of salt to 1 liter of water and leave a second liter free of salt; time how long it takes for each to boil. D. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, then add another liter of water and see how many bubbles form. 39Juan conducts an experiment to test his hypothesis that ants are more likely to eat food that is sweet than food that is salty. Juan conducts his experiment by watching three groups of 10 ants as they move toward different foods and records his observations in the graph below.????????? Which of the following best describes Juan’s results?A. The results prove that Juan’s hypothesis is wrong. B. The results support Juan’s hypothesis. C. The results prove that Juan’s hypothesis is correct. D. The results fail to support Juan’s hypothesis. 40.The Andromeda Galaxy is about one million light years from Earth. This galaxy is the most distant object in space that can be seen with the unaided eye. Based on this information, what can you infer about the Andromeda Galaxy?A. The galaxy is one of the newest parts of the solar system. B. The galaxy is closer to Earth than all the other stars. C. To an observer on Earth, the galaxy appears brighter than the sun. D. To an observer on Earth, the galaxy appears as it did one million years ago. 41.An important factor in determining the gravitational field of a planet is the planet’s mass. The chart below shows the masses of the planets. MASSES OF THE PLANETSPlanetMass (kg)Venus4.87 x 1024Earth5.97 x 1024Mars6.42 x 1023Jupiter1.90 x 1027Saturn5.68 x 1026 On which of the following planets would a person weigh the least?A. Jupiter B. Mars C. Saturn D. Venus 42.Ping’s class is studying the Sun/Moon/Earth system. He studies the diagram of the Sun, Moon, and Earth shown below.? What event is shown in the diagram?A. solar eclipse B. lunar eclipse C. full moon D. winter solstice 43.Sonali's class is learning about the Moon and its gravity. Which Earth feature occurs because of the moon's gravity?A. tides B. seasons C. eclipses D. day and night 44.Elsa used water to make ice cubes. She then placed some ice cubes in a glass that contained rubbing alcohol. In the glass, the ice cubes sank. What can you infer from this information?A. The ice cubes changed their density. B. Water has the same density as alcohol. C. Water has a greater density than alcohol. D. Alcohol has a greater density than the ice cubes. 45.The table below lists the density of various liquids.????? DENSITY OF LIQUIDSLiquidDensity (g/mL)Corn syrup1.38Hexane0.66Rubbing alcohol0.79Water1.00Assuming that you have 100 mL of each, which liquid would have the greatest mass?A. corn syrup B. hexane C. rubbing alcohol D. water 46.Melinda gathered the following tools to measure the physical properties of a solid substance: a balance, a beaker, a hot plate, a magnet, a metric ruler, and a thermometer.Which of the following physical properties CANNOT be measured using the tools Melinda gathered?A. density B. magnetism C. thermal conductivity D. electrical conductivity 47.Physical properties can be used to classify and compare substances. The illustration below shows a physical property that is being investigated using different materials. What physical property is most likely being investigated in this illustration?A. magnetism B. melting point C. thermal conductivity D. electrical conductivity pounds can be found everywhere and have many different properties. What do all compounds have in common?A. The have the same color. B. The have the same melting point. C. They can be broken down into simpler substances. D. They cannot combine with one another to form more complex substances. 49.An element is classified as a “pure substance”. What is the reason for this classification?A. An element contains only one type of particle. B. An element can combine with another element. C. Different elements have different properties. D. There are many ways that elements can combine. 50.Dry ice changes from a solid directly into a gas at room temperature. The process of a change of state from a solid to a gas is called sublimation. What does sublimation demonstrate?A. a chemical reaction B. a physical change C. a chemical change D. a new substance ................

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