BBChurch Office: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10.00 -12.00 noon

BBPhone: 01294 829902 (answer phone outside Office hours)

BBE-mail: office@.uk

BBWebsite: .uk

BB Facebook: westkilbrideparishchurch; Twitter: @WKPC

Minister: James McNay; Phone: 01294 823186; E-mail: jmcnay@.uk

Session Clerk: Carol Fulton; E-mail: sessionclerk@.uk Prayer Chain: 07826 652331

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5th January 2020

Morning Service

Happy New Year. Welcome to worship this morning at West Kilbride Parish Church!

If you are visiting or have recently moved into the area, it is lovely to have you with us today as we worship the Lord together. After our service, there will be tea and coffee served in the Lower Hall. Please stay, if you are able, for a time of friendship and fellowship.

There is no holiday Junior Church today. Our young people are invited to stay

in the service! Please don't be embarrassed if they make a noise -

we are delighted to have them with us!

If you do need to go out for any reason, you are welcome to go

through to the Lower Hall and sit on a comfy couch.

You will still be able to hear the service through the speakers there.

SERVICE STREAMING: Today's service will be filmed for live streaming on the internet.

The area filmed runs from the organ across the raised platform to the praise band and is shown on notices posted at the entrances to the Church building.

Philippians 3: 7 – 14

7 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, 14 I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.

Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

PRAYER:  Prayer support is available this morning after the service. If anyone would like prayer for themselves or someone else, please come to the front of the church at the end of the service.

THE LORD'S PRAYER: The version of the Lord's Prayer which we use during our service will appear on the projector screens.

PRAYING FOR OUR STREETS: This week we’re praying for the residents who live in the new houses recently built in WK and Seamill.

PRAYING FOR OUR PRESBYTERY: This week we’re praying for Cumbrae linked with St John’s Largs, Rev Jonathan Fleming and Douglas Creighton, probationary minister.

PRAY FOR THE WORLD: At the start of a new year, remembering that the Lord is from all eternity and that He has set eternity in our hearts, ask for His mercy on our troubled world, wracked by conflict, poverty and natural disasters. Pray especially for Christians living under pressure and persecution, for whom the new year, speaking in earthly and human terms, looks set to be another year of hardship and injustice. Ask that they will have God‘s grace to view their situation from an eternal perspective, and to recognise that our light and momentary troubles in this world will achieve an eternal glory that far outweighs them (Psalm 93:2; Ecclesiastes 3:11, 2 Corinthians 4:17) (Barnabas Fund)


CHURCH OFFICE: The Church Office will be closed next week on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th January.

CHANGE OF DETAILS: Did you change your address, phone number, email address etc. during 2019 and didn’t let the office know? Can you please take a change of details form from the back of the church and complete it?

TENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF WKPC: January 2020 marks the Tenth Anniversary of the union of the churches to form WKPC. To mark this occasion we will be holding a special celebration lunch on Sunday 19th January at the Waterside Hotel. Tickets are £15 for adults, £5 for children and family tickets are £40. Tickets are available from Carol. The last day to buy tickets is TODAY.

BEREAVEMENT GROUP: The group will be meeting tomorrow 6th January in the Lower Hall at 2.00 pm for a relaxed time of conversation and support with refreshments. This is open to anyone bearing the loss of a loved one.

COMMUNITY CHORDS: The next one will be on Wednesday, 8th January, from 2pm - 3.30pm. This is a session of singing and fun and is therapeutic for anyone who has memory/other health problems or for anyone who just wants to sing and socialise over a cuppa. Please speak to Deirdre Murray or Jill Selman if you want more information.

CHURCH MATTERS: All items for inclusion in the next issue of Church Matters should be handed in to the Church Office by Thursday 9th January or emailed to office@.uk by Sunday 12th January. Thank you! Richard de Courcy

COMMUNION: Would all Elders who are serving communion on Sunday 12th January please meet in the Lower Hall at 10.15 am before the service.

CAFE CHURCH: The next Cafe Church, when the theme will be renewal, is on 24th January in the Village Hall. Pray in the meantime that the Lord will lead you to someone to invite to the evening.

COMMUNITY CHOIR: The Choir resumes on Tuesday 7th January, 6.30 pm in the Lower Hall. Please pass this reminder on to others.

This week at West Kilbride Parish Church:

Sunday 5th January

10:30 AM : Morning Worship with Holiday Junior Church

2:00 PM : Headrigg Gardens Service with Communion

Monday 6th January

2:00 PM : Bereavement Group – Lower Hall

Tuesday 7th January

9:30 AM : Women who Pray - Prayer Room

10:00 AM : Rendezvous – Lower Hall

Wednesday 8th January

7:00 PM : Wednesday Fellowship – Prayer Room

Sunday 12th January

10:30 AM : Morning Service with Communion

7:00 PM : Evening Service

Were you here at the beginning or are you one of the 95 people who have joined us along the way?

You are warmly invited to come on Sunday 19th January to the Waterside to join the celebration of all we have achieved in the last ten years and look forward to the next ten.


Registered Scottish Charity SC013464

Today's Hymns

|Supp 8 |

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|Come people of the Risen King |

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|Supp 49 |

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|Our God is a great big God |

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|Behold our God |

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|MP 799 |

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|All I once held dear |

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|MP 975 |

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|Before the throne |

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|Supp 18 |

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|In Christ Alone |

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All the words to our hymns appear on the projector screens, but a few hymn books (including large print) are available at the Sanctuary entrances. Please ask those stewarding on the door. Today's Bible reading Philippians 3: 7 - 14 read by Lynne Seal from the NIV UK version.


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