Ancient Greece .com

Ancient Greece

Class N

1. myth

2. mythology

3. peninsula

4. barren

5. ancient

6. government

7. democracy

8. vote

9. assembly

10. columns

11. nutrients

12. harvest

13. mosaic

14. courtyard

15. Olympics

16. discus

17. tragedies

18. chiton

19. polytheistic

20. discus

*Bonus: architecture


Monday: Write a synonym or short definition for each word (Ex. chiton = long rectangular pieces of cloth with holes for the arms and legs)

Tuesday: Make flash cards (write the spelling word on the front and a short definition on the back)

Wednesday: *Study your flash cards with an adult. Have them SIGN your Agenda saying you studied with them & do Sailboat writing.

Thursday: 5X missed words, 2x all others. Study for Friday’s test.

Friday: Spelling and vocabulary tests.

Ancient Greece

Class N

1. myth

2. mythology

3. peninsula

4. barren

5. ancient

6. government

7. democracy

8. vote

9. assembly

10. columns

11. nutrients

12. harvest

13. mosaic

14. courtyard

15. Olympics

16. discus

17. tragedies

18. chiton

19. polytheistic

20. discus

*Bonus: architecture


Monday: Write a synonym or short definition for each word (Ex. chiton = long rectangular pieces of cloth with holes for the arms and legs)

Tuesday: Make flash cards (write the spelling word on the front and a short definition on the back)

Wednesday: *Study your flash cards with an adult. Have them SIGN your Agenda saying you studied with them & do Sailboat writing.

Thursday: 5X missed words, 2x all others. Study for Friday’s test.

Friday: Spelling and vocabulary tests.

Ancient Greece

Class R

1. myth

2. peninsula

3. barren

4. ancient

5. government

6. democracy

7. vote

8. assembly

9. columns

10. harvest

11. mosaic

12. courtyard

13. Olympics

14. discus

15. tragedy

*Bonus: architecture


Monday: Write a synonym or short definition for each word (Ex. democracy = rule by the people)

Tuesday: Make flash cards (write the spelling word on the front and a short definition on the back)

Wednesday: *Study your flash cards with an adult. Have them SIGN your Agenda saying you studied with them & do Sailboat writing.

Thursday: 5X missed words, 2x all others. Study for Friday’s test.

Friday: Spelling and vocabulary tests.

Ancient Greece

Class R

1. myth

2. peninsula

3. barren

4. ancient

5. government

6. democracy

7. vote

8. assembly

9. columns

10. harvest

11. mosaic

12. courtyard

13. Olympics

14. discus

15. tragedy

*Bonus: architecture


Monday: Write a synonym or short definition for each word (Ex. democracy = rule by the people)

Tuesday: Make flash cards (write the spelling word on the front and a short definition on the back)

Wednesday: *Study your flash cards with an adult. Have them SIGN your Agenda saying you studied with them & do Sailboat writing.

Thursday: 5X missed words, 2x all others. Study for Friday’s test.

Friday: Spelling and vocabulary tests.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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