Lieu Time Policy - OLTA

Lieu Time Policy


Lieu Time is designed for (Company Name) employees that would rather bank their overtime hours, and save them for later use as paid time off. Lieu Time may be used in addition to any accrued Vacation and Sick time. The use of Lieu Time is not designed to create flexible schedules, e.g. working through lunch to leave early, etc.

This Policy Shall:

1. Provide a working definition of Lieu Time;

2. Discuss the documentation and authorization requirements for Lieu Time;

3. Determine the rate of pay and limitations of Lieu Time;

4. Outline procedures for the request of Lieu Time usage;

5. Explain Lieu Time transfers for promoted, demoted, retired, deceased and terminated employees;

6. Define employee expectations;

7. Outline procedures for Dispute Resolution.


• Lieu time will be granted as leave with pay to compensate employees for working overtime.

Documentation and Authorization

• Lieu time cannot be claimed for any period of less than 30 minutes in a workday.

• An employee's immediate supervisor must authorize all overtime before it is worked, for the employee to be eligible to accumulate this time as lieu time.

• The time must be documented for payroll purposes.

Rate of Pay and Restrictions

• Lieu time will be granted at time and a half. This accumulated lieu time may be taken either in overtime pay or in time-off whenever it is mutually agreeable to the employee and his/her immediate supervisor.

• The maximum lieu time that may be taken in time-off is 105 hours for a 35-hour week and 120 hours for a 40-hour week. There is no maximum on the overtime hours paid.

• Lieu Time is not to be used as a form of flexible scheduling.

• The use of Lieu Time must be in the best interests of effective service provision. This requires co-operation between staff and managers to ensure adequate cover is provided as necessary.

• Some staff may be excluded by the nature of their workload, or variations agreed upon for operational reasons.

Lieu Time Usage

• Employees requesting to use their Lieu Time must proceed in the normal fashion for requesting any time off. Submit a request to your immediate supervisor, manager or Human Resources.

• Requests will be approved on a case-by-case basis, and must not interfere with, or cause undue stress to the normal business activities of (Company Name).

Transfer of Lieu Time

• When an employee is promoted or transferred to a new division and lieu time is owed to the employee, he/she will be paid for that lieu time by the original division prior to promotion or transfer, unless otherwise agreed to by the new executive director/general manager/division head or designate.

• For any employee that is demoted, terminated, or retires, their accrued Lieu Time will be paid at their normal rate of pay prior to their change in employment circumstances.

Employee Expectations

• Employees will be responsible for completing their own Lieu Time recording sheet. This will be kept by the employee, signed and passed to their manager/supervisor for agreement at each credit/debit.

• The recording sheet must be readily available for managers to see at any time.

• Staff will not accrue more than one day in Lieu Time in each month, except in exceptional circumstances, and with prior consent of their manager/supervisor.

• Existing procedures will remain for all other authorized absences, e.g. annual leave, sickness, compassionate leave, etc.


• Advice and support from Human Resources should be sought to resolve any difficulties in agreements between managers and staff in the first instance.

• In the event that this does not resolve the issue, the Grievance Procedure should be followed.

Legal Compliance

(Company Name) will adhere to any and all Federal and Provincial laws, regulations and required compliance acts that apply to this policy.

Acknowledgment and Agreement

I, [employee name], acknowledge that I have read and understand the Lieu Time Policy of [company name]. I agree to adhere to this policy and will ensure that employees working under my direction adhere to this Policy. I understand that if I violate the rules set forth by this Policy, I may face legal, punitive, or corrective action.  

Name: ____________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Witness: ____________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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