St. John/St. Francis de Sales

St. John/St. Francis de Sales

December 3, 2023

St. John the Evangelist (SJ) 12 Holly Hills Drive, Woodstock, NY 12498

Rectory Phone - 845-679-7696 Office Access--TWTH 10:30 a.m.--3:30 p.m.

St. Francis de Sales (SF) 109 Main Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464

Rectory Phone--845-688-5617 Office Access--TWF 9:30 a.m.--12 p.m.

STAFF Pastor

Rev. Thomas P. Kiely rectory@

Weekend Associates

Rev. Edward Stewart, at SFdS Rev. Thomas Wilhelm, at SFdS

Religious Education

Alice Haberski, Director (SJ) 845-684-5321, Grades K-8 alicehaberski@ Gerry Nilsen, Director (SF) 845-687-9769, Grades K-6


Jeanine Meisler, Secretary rectory@


4:00 p.m. (SF) and 5:30 p.m. (SJ)

SACRAMENTS Confession: Saturday, 3:30 p.m.

(SF) and Sunday, 10:30 a.m. (SJ)


Baptism: Baptisms are on the 2nd

9:00 a.m. (SF) and 11:00 a.m. (SJ) Sat. of each month at 10 a.m.

Weekday Mass

M., T., W., & T. at 9:00 a.m. (SJ)

(alternating between SJ & SF). Baptism Class (3rd Sat.) is required--please register on our

Holy Days

Vigil evening before 4:00 p.m. (SF) On the Holy Day 9:00 a.m. (SJ)

website and call St. John's rectory to notify us that the form has been completed.


Marriage: Please call St. John's

rectory 6mths in advance.

Articles for the bulletin are needed by 3 p.m. Monday, for the following

Visitation of the Sick and

Sunday. Send email to

Communion for Homebound:

bulletineditor@ Please call St. John's rectory.

Welcome to our Parish Family! Register online at

The parents of Religious Education children must be officially registered in our parish.

St. John--St. Francis de Sales ?2023

First Sunday of Advent

December 3, 2023

We begin this season of Advent with the call to stay awake, to open our

hearts, and to return to God.

Today we begin the season of Advent, which marks the start of a new liturgical year for the Church.

Date SJ/ Time Mass is offered for SF

12/02 SF

12/02 SJ

12/03 SF

12/03 SJ

12/04 SJ 12/05 SJ 12/06 SF 12/06 SJ 12/07 SJ 12/07 SF 12?08 SJ 12/09 SF 12/09 SJ 12/10 SF 12/10 SJ





9:00a 9:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:00a 4:00p 9:00a 4:00p 5:30p 9:00a 11:00a

John Anitra

Mariano Reyes & Adeline Reyes Theresa Strauss Theodore & Leona Schueler Timothy Carr

Jack Kiegle Communion Margaret Harken (Healing) Open Intention

Vigil Mass--Open Int. Holy Day--Open Int. Wayne Hambrecht Gail, Angelo & Craig Russo Mike Wallace Joe & Jason Reilly

At the request of

Patti & Danny Payette Rachel Reyes Jackson Barbara Van Blarcum The Schueler Family The Nuzzo Family Pam & Jack Mizerak SFdS Rectory Friends & Family

La Salette Sodality The Carmody Family Kathy & Bill Tretter The Family


First Reading Isaiah 63:16b-17,19b;64:2-7 Isaiah prays for the Lord's forgiveness of the people. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Paul gives thanks to God for the faith of the Corinthians. Gospel Reading Mark 13:33-37 Jesus warns his disciples to be watchful so that they will be ready when the Son of Man comes.


Mon Advent Weekday [Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church] Is 2:1-5/Mt 8:5-11 (175) Tue Advent Weekday Is 11:1-10/Lk 10:21-24 (176) Wed Advent Weekday [Saint Nicholas, Bishop] Is 25:6-10a/Mt 15:29-37 (177) Thu Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Memorial Is 26:1-6/Mt 7:21, 24-27 (178) Fri THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Solemnity [Holyday of Obligation] Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 (689) Pss Pr Sat Advent Weekday [Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin] Is 30:19-21, 23-26/Mt 9:35--10:1, 5a, 6-8 (180

Today's Gospel is taken from the end of Mark's Gospel, the chapter that immediately precedes Mark's account of Jesus' Passion. Having been questioned repeatedly by the scribes and the Pharisees, Jesus is now questioned by his disciples-- Peter, James, John, and Andrew--who want details about his prediction of the destruction of the Temple. Jesus answers with many warnings about the difficulties that the disciples will face. Today's passage comes at the conclusion of Jesus' warnings to his disciples. Jesus emphasizes the need for watchfulness. The Son of Man will come without warning; only the Father knows the exact hour. The disciples must not be caught unprepared when this time comes. Scholars believe that Mark's Gospel was written around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. Mark's audience consisted of Christians who were living in difficult social and political times, times of conflict. They were likely beginning to face persecution as followers of Jesus. In this difficult time, it helped to recall that Jesus had foretold of such difficulties. Early Christian communities took courage from Jesus' warning to remain alert and watchful, and they found in his words a way to persevere through suffering. Today's Gospel reminds us that Advent is about more than our preparation for the Church's celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas. Advent is also about preparing ourselves for Christ's return in glory at the end of time. Like the disciples and the faithful in Mark's community, we must also stay alert and watchful. Our faithfulness to God, through the good times as well as the difficult times, shows us to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.

Blessings, Fr. Kiely

Weekly Offering Gifts

Thank you for your generous gift!

(Offering gifts will be noted next weekend)

For your convenience, please Scan QR Code to Donate!

St. John / St. Francis Combined Gifts

Envelopes 11/12/23 Weshare 11/12/23 Mission Coop Monthly Utilities

$ 3,027 $ 838 $ 1,839 $ 2,185

Envelopes 11/19/23 $ 3,583

Weshare 11/19/23

$ 1,131

St. John--St. Francis de Sales ?2023


ST. JOHN ...

Prayer List

October, November & December

Holy Day Mass

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Dec. 7th at SF 4pm Vigil

Dec. 8th at SJ 9am Holy Day


next meeting is Thursday, December 14th at 7pm at the home of a group member.

Please contact Terence Lover 845-684-5783 or LTPLU50@ for directions. This will complete the discussion of the current book "Let Go" by Casey Cole, OFM.

Thank you to all who participated in this event.

Andrew S., Chris W., Dominic, John Renner, Katherine, Katherine B., Kathryn B., Marianne C., Maricela S., Matthew W., Michael S., Nicole, Peace for our Political World and World Peace, People of Israel, People of Palestine, People of the Ukraine, Pray for the victims and families of the Maine mass murders, Robyn, Robin D.

You may add a name to our Prayer List at any time by emailing/ calling the rectory or writing the name of your loved one on the back of your offering envelope. Please print clearly.

This list will refresh quarterly (next refresh is January 1st).

Pray for our

Please email or call the rectory to add a name to our Military Prayer List.


Our next scheduled Sacrament of Baptism will be held at St. John's Church on December 9th at 10am for the Rockwell Family


Family Mass is on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Our next Family Mass is

on DECEMBER 17TH at 11am.

All our Religious Ed. Families are invited!

Live Christmas Caroling at the Chapel on December 2nd at 5pm. Hot Cider & Cookies after!! All are welcome to join.

Our next upcoming prayer service, at the Chapel, is on Sat., December 9th at 10am.

First Communion & Confirmation students are re-

quired to sign-in each week for Mass.

Sign-in books are in the lobby. White for First Communion and Red for Confirmation.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. With prayers for all, Alice Haberski, Religious Education Director


Kosco Heritage

Your local HOP Energy company Heating Oil, Maintenance, Service Plans, Clean

Burning Equipment, A/C, Generators 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week 845-336-2000

St. John--St. Francis de Sales ?2023



December Celebrations!

God bless all our parishioners who have special birthdays, anniversaries, & celebrations this month!

HAPPY DECEMBER BIRTHDAY TO: 6TH ? KATHLEEN COLLINS 7TH - ASHTON SIGNORE 9TH - FINOLA RYAN 9TH - BARBARA VANBLARCUM 13TH - CHRIS BALTZ 15TH - GENE DESTEFANO May God continue to pour his love and warmth on you wherever you go and in all walks of life.

Share your good news contact Judy at 688-9912.


St. Francis de Sales Religious Education Program meets on Sunday's, after 9am Mass. Please call Gerry Nilsen with questions at 845-687-9769.


Sponsored by the Ladies Sodality every Tues. at 11 am in the Fr. Gorman Hall (behind rectory) or via Zoom/ Internet. 40 minutes of powerful prayer & petitions. Contact Pam 845-688-2642 phammond@hvc..

All are welcome!

"The measure of love is to love without measure."

St. Francis de Sales (Doctor of the Church, 15671622)

In Memory of Jerry Bender by his Loving Daughters

Let there be peace on earth, and let it

begin with us. The Morelli Family

In Loving Memory of our parents, Theresa

& Joe Strauss. Always in our hearts.

? Barbara, Karen, Joseph & Families In Loving Memory of our Parents, Marian & Howard and Grandparents, Callaghan and Umhey, and all our Loved Ones. -The Howard Umhey Family

In Loving Memory of Patricia and Terry Buchanan by the Wolfrom


Thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on our parish and may we continue to grow in faith and love. ? The Gormley Family In Loving Memory of

Jack and Virginia Fleming and John

Fleming, Jr. by Veronica &

Jon Rowe

For Susie, Sarah & Sophie, Mary and Charlie. Bless those who devoted their lives to us. ? Pat & Frank Sacco In Loving Memory of our beloved parents, Harriet & Frank and brother Frank by

John, Veronica & Joseph Rauchut

In Loving Memory of Lawrence Monachelli and Eleanor Monachelli by Mike & Eileen O'Connor

In Loving Memory of my husband, the

heaven of my heart, Anthony.

Love Ev

In Loving Memory of our deceased Sodality members. ? Our Lady of La Salette Sodality In Memory of Barry, Alice and Jane Lewis by The Ryders In Loving Memory, Vic Cammardella by Helen & Family "The measure of love is to love without measure."

For all my beloved deceased family members and friends, let's pray together. ? Claire Paultre

In Loving Memory of Milton Laub. Lost but not forgotten

Carmelo & Barbara

Two Together Forever

In Loving Memory of our beloved parents, Lillian and Henry Miller and Mildred and William DiPasqua, and our deceased brothers

Pray to the Infant Jesus of Prague. In Memory of George and Mary Wallace, George L. & William T. Wallace, Bruce A. Wallace and Eric Kohlroser

In Loving Memory of our parents, Jack & Sue Tiso and Anthony & Florence Persichilli by Charles, Joe, Margie, Pam & Susan

St. John--St. Francis de Sales ?2023

Russell Abbrecht, Laureen Aversa, Ellen Burmeister, Ryan Callahan, Liam Casey, Ben Cole, Dave Crispell, Ed Dannen, Betty Djerf, Iris D'Agostino, Jean Druffner, Dave Franze, Ernest Fudge, Lois Giambrone, Dorothy Gorman, Trish Graig-Tiso, Brandon Grasso, Chris Hall, Victoria Hall, Catherine Hand, Rosemarie and Erwin Hildenhagen, Laurie Hoy, Jenny Jarrette, Don Kearney, Debbie Lepp, Amada Lumbaca, Helen Morelli, Rick Nace, Sr., Gerry Nilsen, Janet Oakes, Florence Palmer, Danny Payette, Joe Persichilli, Fr. Raphael, Joel Rivera, Jon Rowe, Mary Ellen Rury, Catherine Ryan, Christie Ryan, Michael Ryder, Zoila Santa, Anne Shea, Bert Shafer, Marie Stutman, Sheila Madera, Karen Louise Thomas-Malloy, Fr. Phil Tran, Sonja Turner, , Jamie Umhey, Bob Walsh, Catherine Whitelaw, Greg Zaff.

Pwloemaseen pinramy ifloitraoryursemrveincea.nd

Please call or email the rectory to add or remove someone's name from the prayer


St. John's Gift Giving Tree for Families in need.

Together we can make a difference by taking a gift tag off the Christmas Tree to help support the people in need. The items will go to our Church Community and Family of Woodstock. Collection Begins November 26 ? December 18. We are collecting the following items. Wrap with a ribbon only. No wrapping paper or bags please! Sweatpants, Sweatshirts, Leggings, Socks, Hats, Gloves, Blankets, Toiletries (toilet paper, tissued, wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste). Gift Cards (place all gift cards in box near the Christmas tree). EACH SHAPE REPRESENTS THE ITEM being collected. These shapes will be the gift tags on the Christmas tree with the sizes and gift card amount. This year we are also collecting board games, family games and puzzles for all ages (New unopened). There will be no tags on the tree for these items. Place these items in the large box provided. Thank you! Religious Education

St John's Christmas Fundraiser

Pickup your Christmas Wreaths, Kissing Balls, and Poinsettias, this weekend, on Dec. 2/3, at St. John's, after Mass. 100% of money raised from

this fundraiser goes toward our monthly bills! Thank you for your support!!

WORLDWIDE CANDLE LIGHTING MEMORIAL SERVICE The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting on the 2nd Sunday in December unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who left too soon. As candles are lit on December 10th, 2023 at 7:00 pm local time, hundreds of thousands of people commemorate and honor the memory of all children gone too soon. Now believed to be the largest mass candle lighting on the globe, the annual Worldwide Candle Lighting (WCL), a gift to the bereavement community from The Compassionate Friends, creates a virtual 24-hour wave of light as it moves from time zone to time zone. TCF's WCL started in the United States in 1997 as a small internet observance and has since swelled in numbers as word has spread throughout the world of the remembrance. Hundreds of formal candle lighting events are held, and thousands of informal candle lightings are conducted in homes, as families gather in quiet remembrance of children who have died and will never be forgotten.



The Jesse Tree symbolizes Jesus' lineage. Jesse was King David's Father. Jesus was born into the line of King David.

By our Baptism we are grafted onto that tree! When we allow our love and compassion to shine forth, we establish our place on Christ's family tree.

The 1st weekend of Advent, December 2nd and 3rd, our bare Jesse Tree will be placed in the sanctuary with tags supporting the needy in our community.

The bare tree will remain with the tags for two weekends: Dec. 2nd & 3rd and Dec. 9th and 10th. Please select a tag from the tree, purchase the item (or gift card) and return the gift to the tree as soon as possible but, please, no later than Dec. 16th and 17th for distribution before Christmas.

You can watch the bare tree "come alive" as the gifts are placed under its branches. It will be transformed from a dead, lifeless tree into an alive green lush tree - a living depiction of our church community's love and compassion as members of Jesus' Family.

Contact Marge Tiso with any questions (845-688-5898) Thank you!

Holiday Bulletin Deadlines

Bulletin for Sunday

November 26 December 3 December 10 December 17

Upload is Due End of Day on: Friday, November 17 Monday, November 27 Monday, December 4 Monday, December 11

December 24 December 31 January 7

Friday, December 15 Friday, December 22 Friday, December 29

Content is due to the Bulletin Editor , Jeanine Meisler, by 3pm on the Monday before each due date.

St. John--St. Francis de Sales ?2023


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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