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by Teck Wann

It is widely known that elephants fear cheese, and will flee at the first whiff of it (“Elephants stampede”, 2003). What is not yet well understood is why this phenomenon occurs. For more than a decade academics have been researching this perplexing topic. Their work constitutes part of the booming new discipline known as pachydermo-fromagology, which is defined as “the study of elephant-cheese interactions” (Concise Oxford dictionary, 2004). This paper will evaluate existing research and theories, and argue that none of them satisfactorily explain the data which has been gathered so far.

That elephants fear cheese was an accidental discovery made by the noted elephantologist G. Coleman (1984). The story of the discovery is now famous, but worth repeating:

After a hard morning following the herd, I had just sat down under a tree for lunch and unwrapped a particularly delectable chunk of cheddar sent up from the base camp. Suddenly I heard an enormous trampling sound, and when I looked up, the entire herd was gone. ( )

His discovery, while dismissed at the time, was subsequently corroborated by other researchers. Several studies ( ) have confirmed the phenomenon, and that it occurs among both African and Asian elephants. A recent report by the Elephant Research Institute

( ) established that smell is the primary means elephants detect cheese, and that they will ignore large pieces of cheese if tightly wrapped. Meanwhile a French cheese expert asserts on his website that elephants do not flee from French cheese, only the lesser cheeses of other nations. “Zee creatures, zey have good taste, non?” he writes

( ).

Recently, a new theory has exploded on the scene and caused quite a stink. Based on several clever experiments, K. Maas

( ) has claimed that in fact elephants do not fear cheese at all, but instead fear the mice which are attracted to cheese. However, this theory, which she calls the Maas Mouse Hypothesis (MMH), has not yet been widely accepted. One researcher (Sturgess, 2004a, 2004b) has published a series of articles roundly denouncing the MMH, and the debate has even spilled over into the popular press (Achison, 2004).


Achison, C.L. (2004, April). A ripe and weighty issue: an interview with Monica Sturgess. Cheese Lovers World, 6 (4), 12-13.

Coleman, G.J. (1984). An odd behaviour observed among the species Elephas maximus. Journal of Trunked Mammal Studies, 23, 421-429.

Coleman, G.J. (1988). Underfoot: ten years among the elephants. New York: Oxford University Press.

Concise Oxford dictionary, 11th ed. (2004). Oxford University Press. Retrieved October 20, 2004, from Oxford Reference Online database.

Elephant Research Institute, Simon Fraser University. (2001) Smell versus sight: detection of cheese by elephants. Retrieved November 1, 2004, from

Elephants stampede, 7 cheese-lovers trampled. (2003, November 22). Vancouver Sun, p. A1, A8.

Gibson, C.N. & Sturgess, M.N. (1987). Elephant fleeing behaviour confirmed. Journal of Elephantology, 16, 239-245. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from Academic Search Elite database.

Gibson, C.N. Sturgess, M.N., & Bates, A.T. (1989). Experiments with cheese effects on Elephas maximus and Elephas africanus. Journal of Elephantology, 18, 120-134. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from Academic Search Elite database.

Gouda, A.N. (n.d.) Commentary of a report about cheese and les elephants. Retrieved October 23, 2004, from

Maas, K.A. (2003). The missing link: elephants, mice, and cheese. International Journal of Rodentia Research, 56, 459-471. Retrieved October 31, 2004, from

Sturgess, M.N. (2004a). Of mice and cheese (Part 1). Journal of Trunked Mammal Studies, 43, 10-15.

Sturgess, M.N. (2004b). Of mice and cheese (Part 2). Journal of Trunked Mammal Studies, 43, 219-225.

How to Use In-Text Citations in APA Format Worksheet

APA Guide

Practice with this In-Text Citations in APA Format Worksheet to make sure you follow the APA Guide. Ten exercises require you to write a sentence using either direct or indirect quotations while following the proper format for this style of citation.


For the exercises below, use signal phrases and/or parenthetical citations to work the quote into a sentence. Any information necessary for the in-text citations are provided. You can use direct or indirect quotes, but make sure to use at least four of each.

Each in-text citation is worth 2 points for a total of 20 points

• Author: Randy Sonoma

Publication date: 2011

Quote: “The incidence of high suicide rates is partly due to a lack of sufficient intervention programs.”

Page number: 138

Your sentence:





• Authors: Sarah Belkins, Ruth DeFone, Samual Cruz, Dan Smith

Publication date: 2007

Quote: “Children of alcoholic parents are less likely to find themselves in healthy, loving adult relationships.”

Page number: 23

Your sentence:





• Authors: Sarah Belkins, Ruth DeFone, Samual Cruz, Dan Smith, Randy Sonoma, Rick Dunkin

Publication date: 2004

Quote: “Teenagers become increasingly susceptible to peer pressure as they grow older starting at age 12.”

Page number: 237

Volume number: 5

Your sentence:





• Author: unknown

Publication date: n/a

Website name: Losing Weight Naturally

Quote: “To lose one pound, an individual must burn an extra 3500 calories.”

Paragraph number: 6

Your sentence:





• Author: Kylie Harris

Personal communication type: email

Date: July 3, 2011

Quote: “I found it much easier to lose weight as a teenager than I do now that I am in my 30s.”

Your sentence:





• Author: Randy Somona

Publication date: 2011

Second publication cited by this author, and both have the same year of publication

Quote: “Suicidal ideation is often formed when an individual has given up hope.”

Page number: 48

Your sentence:





• Author: Anonymous

Publication date: 2003

Quote: “Slightly increasing the incline on a treadmill can reduce the impact on the knee joints for those who suffer from arthritis.”

Paragraph number: 4

Your sentence:





• Author 1: Raymond Banks

Publication date 1: 2005

Quote 1: “Following a diet of 1000 calories a day or less is not advised without the supervision of a medical professional.”

Page number 1: 125

Author 2: Sheila Webber

Publication date 2: 2008

Quote 2: “Anyone who wants to follow a diet with a caloric intake of 1000 calories or less should first consult with a physican.”

Page number 2: 32

Your sentence:





• Author 1: Brandon Rose

Publication date 1: 2009

Quote 1: “Circuit training is more effective than a weight lifting training program.”

Page number 1: 245

Author 2: Cecil Rose

Publication date 2: 1999

Quote 2: “There are advantages of circuit training over doing a program that focuses solely on weight lifting.”

Page number 2: 17

Your sentence:





• Authors: Brian Henks, Brenda Smanke

Publication date: 2001

Quote: “Sustainable weight loss is most often achieved through losing weight slowly by following a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise.”

Page number: 387

Your sentence:






Source F

Source E


G, H


K, L

Source D

Source B

Source C,

page 160

Source I,

Introduction, para. 2

Source J,

page 468

Source A














In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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