MLA Citations & Documentation

MLA Citations & Documentation

MLA (Modern Language Association)

Works Cited List

• List alphabetically by the last name of the author , no author use first word of title

• Four parts: 1. author 2. title 3. publishing information 4. medium

• Hanging Indent

Book with One Author

Joos, Martin. The Five Clocks. New York: Harcourt, 1962. Print.

Two or Three Authors

Mellerman, Sidney, John Scarcini, and Leslie Karlin. Human Development. New York: Harper, 1981. Print.

More than Three Authors

Spiller, Robert, et al. Literary History of the United States. New York: Macmillan, 1960. Print.

Article in a Reference Book

“Atomic Bomb.” The Encyclopedia Britannica. 1983 ed. Print.

Newspaper Article

Strout, Richard L. “Another Bicentennial.” New York Times 10 Nov. 1994, lat ed.: A9+. Print.

Critical Article in a Book Collection

Dover, Amber. “Twain’s Use of Irony.” Critical Essays: Mark Twain. Don Howell Ed. New York: Harper, 2010. Print.

Article in a Database (DISCUS)

Jones, Samantha. “The Impact of Darwinism.” WorldView. Jan. 1997. 13-14. AcademicOneFile. DISCUS. 12 January 2010. Web.

Website Citations

Include as many as available from the list:

• Name – of author, editor, compiler

• Title – list in quotations

• Title of book

• Name of editor or compiler

• Title of project or site – database, periodical, professional site

• Date – latest update or posting

• Numbers – total number of pages, paragraphs

• Date of access – date you accessed website

• Electronic address - complete URL in < > angle brackets


Anderson, Epsen. “Do the Math.” Edutopia. 06 Sept. 2006. 2. Web. 18 Sept. 2006. < >.

In-Text Citation

• Parenthetical citations

• Information must match works cited page

• Includes: 1. Author’s last name 2. Page number

▪ If there is no author you but the article title

▪ If author’s name is stated in the sentence, put the page number


Author’s Name Not Given in the Text

Recent research on sleep and dreaming indicated that dreams move backward in time as the night progresses (Dement 72).

Author’s Name Given in the Text

Freud states that “a dream is the fulfillment of a wish” (154).

Unknown Author

More detailed nutritional information in food labels is proving to be a great advantage to diabetics (“New Labeling Laws” 3).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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