Lord of the Flies – Chapters 1-3 Activities (Symbols)

Lord of the Flies – Chapters 1-3 Activities (Symbols)

You will be completing the following activities in class over the next few days. If you are absent any of these days, please make sure you check my website or call a friend to make sure you keep up with your work. These are very important assignments to establish the foundation you’ll need to understand the author’s message in the rest of the story.


1. Describe what you think the following boys look like: Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon.

2. Why is the first chapter titled “The Sound of the Shell”?

3. What is the scar that is repeatedly mentioned and how is it symbolic?

4. Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?

5. What do Piggy, Simon, and the littlun with the birthmark have in common?

6. How is Piggy revealed as most closely tied to the world of adults?

7. What question does the littlun with the birthmark raise?

8. What is the significance of the second chapter’s title, “Fire on the Mountain”?

9. How do they start the fire?

10. What is the significance of the title, “Huts on the Beach” (Chapter 3)?

11. What two groups with differing goals are emerging?

12. Why does Simon go off to his forest hideaway? What does he do there?


You will create a storyboard where you illustrate scenes from the novel to support the answers you came up with in activity #1. Cut 2 sheets of computer paper in half (LONGWISE), Divide into four equal boxes and illustrate 4 MAJOR events that you think stand out as important this far in the novel!


I want you to pretend that after the assembly, Ralph, Jack, and Piggy all went to secluded areas and wrote in their journals. All three boys reflect on their first few days on the island. Using first person perspective, write a brief (5-8 sentence) journal for each character beginning with the words below:

Ralph: I am so frustrated… Piggy: Nobody understands… Jack: Who cares about…

Helpful Hint: The focus of the journals should be on the events in chapter two. Make as many specific references to the events that occur in the chapter as possible. Keep in mind that each boy will have a very different take on the events – what please Ralph, for example, might not please Jack…make sure you really get into the mindset (or POINT OF VIEW) of the character who journal you are writing.


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