Name: Write Your Own Shakespearean Sonnet Worksheet

Name: _________________________________ Write Your Own Shakespearean Sonnet Worksheet

Requirements... Your Sonnet must include... Structure: 14 Lines (3 Quatrains and 1 Couplet) Rhyme Scheme: A B A B / C D C D / E F E F / G G Rhythm: Iambic Pentameter (10 Syllables per line) o da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM o don't PA-nic `CAUSE it's NOT that HARD to DO o just KEEP an O-pen MIND and YOU'LL get THROUGH Unified Topic: love, heartbreak, friendship, family, favorite things, whatever!

________________________________________________________________________________ A

________________________________________________________________________________ B

________________________________________________________________________________ A

________________________________________________________________________________ B

________________________________________________________________________________ C

________________________________________________________________________________ D

________________________________________________________________________________ C

________________________________________________________________________________ D

________________________________________________________________________________ E

________________________________________________________________________________ F

________________________________________________________________________________ E

________________________________________________________________________________ F

________________________________________________________________________________ G

________________________________________________________________________________ G

Rubric for Shakespearean Sonnet

Category Professional/50 Apprentice/40 Novice/35 Amateur/30

Format 14 lines, 3

14 lines, 3

14 lines, 3

Missing key

quatrains, 1 quatrains, 1 quatrains, 1 elements of

couplet, correct couplet. Minor couplet,

sonnet. (6)

rhyme scheme. errors in rhyme numerous


scheme. (8) errors in rhyme

scheme. (7)

Iambic Correct use of Minor errors in Iambic

Many errors in

Pentameter iambic

use of iambic pentameter iambic

pentameter. pentameter. (8) confusing. (7) pentameter. (6)


Original Quatrains are Good ideas; Ideas are

Ideas and effort

Ideas; related to

improvement present but are need

Continuity of subject; lead up needed in effort disconnected; improvement;

Quatrains to closing

and creativity. does not show Ideas are not

couplet. Overall (8)

full potential. clear or

ideas show


connected. (6)

time, effort and

thought. (10)

Imagery Excellent word Good word Word choice, Word choice,

choice. Shows choice. Shows vocabulary, vocabulary,

strong use of use of good imagery and imagery and

vocabulary and vocabulary and effort are

effort are poor.




Meaning is not

Meaning is

Meaning is

Meaning is

clear. (6)


clear. Good confusing. (7)

Outstanding effort. (8)

effort. (10)

M.U.G.S. No errors in One or two Three or four Five or more


errors in

errors in

errors in

usage, grammar mechanics, mechanics, mechanics,

and spelling. usage,




grammar and grammar and grammar and

spelling. (8) spelling. (7) spelling. (6)

Name: ________________________

Date: ____________


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