A. Name: Donald S. Inbody Title: Senior Lecturer

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|Ph.D. |2009 |University of Texas at Austin |Government: Civil-military |Grand Army of the Republic or Grand Army of|

| | | |relations |the Republicans: Political Party and |

| | | | |Ideological Preferences of American |

| | | | |Enlisted Personnel |

|M.A |2001 |Naval War College |National Security and |      |

| | | |Strategic Studies | |

|M.A. |1984 |Naval Post Graduate School |National Security Affairs |Saudi Arabia and the United States: |

| | | | |Perceptions and Gulf Security |

|M.M.E. |1976 |Wichita State University |Music Education |The Mass in Choral Music History |

|B.M.E. |1973 |Wichita State University |Music Education |      |

| | | | | |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Lecturer |Texas State University |2008-present |

|Adjunct Professor |Concordia University Texas |2007 |

|Professor |University of Texas at Austin |2003-2006 |

|Instructor |United States Naval Academy |1989-1992 |

|Lecturer |Kansas Newman College |1976-1978 |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

|Position |Entity |Dates |

|Commanding Officer |Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Unit at the |2003-2006 |

| |University of Texas at Austin | |

|Director |Joint C4ISR Decision Support Center |2001-2003 |

|Chief of Staff to Deputy Commander, Coalition/Joint |Coalition/Joint Maritime Force |2002 |

|Maritime Force Component | | |

| | | |

|Commander for Operation Enduring Freedom | | |

|Chief Staff Officer |Amphibious Squadron Eleven, Pacific Fleet |1998-2000 |

|Senior Naval Liaison Officer |Commander, U.S. Forces, East Timor |1999 |

|Commanding Officer |U.S.S. Duluth |1996-1998 |

|Congressional Budget Liaison Officer |Office of the Secretary of the Navy |1994-1995 |

|Executive Officer |U.S.S. Ford |1993-1994 |

|Operations Officer |U.S.S. Harry W. Hill |1987-1989 |

|Operations Officer |U.S.S. Alamo |1985-1987 |

|Damage Control Assistant, Combat Information Center |U.S.S. Reasoner |1979-1982 |

|Officer, and Operations Officer | | |

|Choral Music Instructor |Ness City Public Schools |1975-1976 |

|Choral Music Instructor |Stafford County Public Schools |1973-1975 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

B. Courses Taught:

Issues in World Politics, Texas State University

Government and Politics of Asia, Texas State University

Government and Politics of Europe, Texas State University

Ethnicity and Nation Building, Texas State University

International Conflict and Security, Texas State University

Principles of American Government, Texas State University

Functions of American Government, Texas State University

American Founding, Texas State University

Introduction to International Studies, Texas State University

Political Parties, Texas State University

Senior Seminar, Texas State University

American Government, Concordia University Texas

Leadership and Ethics, University of Texas at Austin

Middle Eastern Politics, United States Naval Academy

Introduction to International Relations, United States Naval Academy, Texas State University

American Government, United States Naval Academy

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Abigail Merrill

Victor Ruiz, MPA Advanced Research Project, 2010

Evelina G. Gonzales, Master of Arts in Public Administration ARP, 2009

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Implemented teaching methodology for converting POSI 2320 functions of American Government to a fully internet format using TRACS and Adobe Connect

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

Shields, Patricia M. and Donald S. Inbody. Help Establishing Responsive Orders and Ensuring Support (HEROES) for Children in Military Families, Evaluation Study, Texas Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Division, $25,000, funded in 2009

F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

I. Other:

Director, Center for Research, Public Policy, and Training

Development of internet course in conjunction with Swedish National Defense College, Stockholm

Development of Evaluation plan for $235,000 grant in connection with Texas Office of Attorney General


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

Hinich, Melvin J., and Donald S. Inbody, “Randomly Modulated Periodicities in Relative Sunspot Numbers.” (in preparation for submission for publication.)

b. Textbooks:

c. Edited Books:

d. Chapters in Books:

Inbody, Donald S., “Partisanship and the Military: Voting Patterns of the American Military,” in Derek S. Reveron and Judith Stiehm, Inside Defense: Understanding the U.S. Military in the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, July 2008.

e. Creative Books:

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

“Political Party and ideological preferences of American Enlisted Personnel” Armed forces and Society (2010)

b. Non-refereed Articles:

Inbody, Donald S. “Political Barriers to Military Voting: A Brief Historical Overview.” Overseas Vote Foundation Research Newsletter. (May/June). Washington D.C.: Overseas Vote Foundation, 2010.

Hinich, Melvin and Donald S. Inbody. “Randomly Modulated Periodicities in Relative Sunspot Numbers.” Submitted to the Journal of Statistics and Applications.

b. Non-refereed Articles:

3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

Inbody, Donald S. and Bartholomew H. Sparrow. Supporting Our Troops? U. S. Civil-Military Relations in the Twenty-first Century. Presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting, Washington, D. C., September 1, 2005.

b. Non-refereed:

Inbody, Donald S. “Ethical Leadership for International Peacekeepers.” Expeditionary Warfare conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.

Inbody, Donald S. “The Use of Naval Forces in Small Wars: Corbett, Mahan, and the Real World.: Small Wars Conference, Singapore, 2010.

Inbody, Donald S. “Political Party and Ideological Preferences of American Enlisted Personnel.” Bi-annual conference of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Chicago, Illinois, October 2009.

Inbody, Donald S. “Swarming In Military Application: Historical examples for the Boer War.” Conference on Swarming Technologies and Applications, Arlington, VA.

Inbody, Donald S. “Swarming and Counterswarming: Historical Observations and Conclusions,” Proceedings of the First Conference on Swarming. Washington, DC: Joint C4ISR Decision Support Center, 2003.

4. Abstracts:

5. Reports:

6. Book Reviews:

“Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan.” Armed Forces & Society, 32(4): 664-665, 2006.

7. Other Works in Print:

Prepared, at the request of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, the initial Wikipedia entry on Civil-military relations. June 2009.

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

“UOCAVA Analysis.” Presidential Commission on Election Administration, Coral Gables, FL. Available at

“Voting by Military Personnel in Texas, 2008 and 2010.” Overseas Vote Foundation, Annual Summit, Washington D.C. 2011

“Political Party and Ideological Preferences of American Enlisted Personnel” Bi annual conference of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Chicago, Illinois, Oct 2009

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

3. Consultancies:

Interviewing Texas legislators and staff personnel to determine the process whereby personal and professional staffs are recruited, trained, and retained.

4. Workshops:

5. Other Works not in Print:

a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

b. Works “ in progress”

Inbody, Donald S. “Implication of the MOVE Act on Local Election Administrators.” A review of the impact of the MOVE Act of 2009 on the efforts of local election administrators in Central Texas.

c. Other works not in print


The Role of the Professor of Naval Science: Advice and Practical Recommendations. Delivered to the Prospective Commanding Officers course, Pensacola, FL, August 2006.

Navigation Education and Training in the NROTC Program: Recommendations for modernization, pedagogy, and implementation. Presented to Commander, Naval Education and Training, Pensacola, January 2005.

Crisis Action Planning in the Central Command Area of Operations. Presented at the Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, VA, September 2002 and before the MITRE Corporation, Washington, D.C., October 2002.

Joint C4ISR Analysis Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2002. Presented before the Deputy Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D. C., September 2001.

Network Centric Warfare: Report to the Chief of Naval Operations. Delivered to the Chief of Naval Operations upon the conclusion of Global Wargame 2001, Naval War College, Newport, RI, July 2001.

Practical use of the Global Positioning System in Naval Operations. Presented at the Global Positioning System Technical Conference, San Diego, CA, 1985.

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

With Patricia Shields. Military Child Support in Texas, Pilot Study and Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Texas Office of the Attorney General $235,000

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:


A. Institutional

1. University:

Advisory Director, University of Texas Midshipman Foundation

2. College:

3. Department/School:

Development of preliminary plans for newly established Center for Research, Public Policy, and Training.

Research and development into the necessary preparation to provide American Government courses (POSI 2310 and POSI 2320) to Texas State students in an online format. It is hoped that such course offerings can be made available in the coming year.

B. Professional:

American Political Science Association

Fellow of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society

United States Naval Institute

C. Community:

Advisor, USS Duluth Former Crewmembers Association. An association dedicated to developing a museum in Duluth, MN, to commemorate the service of the USS Duluth (LPD-6) and the Sailors who served on her. I am a former Commanding Officer of USS Duluth.

Advisory Director, University of Texas Midshipman’s Association. Charitable organization raising money for scholarships provided to Midshipmen in the University of Texas Naval ROTC unit. 2006 – present

D. Service Honors and Awards:

President’s Honor Graduate, Naval War College, March 2001

E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

Updated 4/11/2014


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