Evidence-Based Practice

By: Linh Tran, RN.


The objec4ve of this study is to examine current scien4fic literature to determine best prac4ce for: In postopera4ve pa4ents, how does incen4ve spirometer use, compared to no incen4ve spirometer use, affect postopera4ve pulmonary complica4ons rates?


? The method for literature review for this topic started with research through scholarly and credible ar4cles on State College of Florida's (SCF) library databases

? The databases used for this literature review include PubMed, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library, and MEDLINE

? Search strategies include using controlled vocabulary when searching with key terms such as incen4ve spirometer, postopera4ve, pneumonia, and postopera4ve pulmonary complica4ons

? Limits such as language, age, date, and type of ar4cle were also placed

? The ar4cles had to be published within the last five years and offered as a full PDF available to download.


An Incen4ve spirometer is a breathing device that helps expand the lungs and is encouraged aAer surgery to help prevent pulmonary complica4ons , such as pneumonia, atelectasis, and fever.


? Pa4ents with incen4ve spirometer use are less likely to suffer respiratory complica4ons post surgery than pa4ents who do not (Lamar, 2012) .

? Flow oriented and volume oriented was helpful in improving pulmonary func4ons. While both showed promising results, the study suggested the flow volume help improved respiratory muscle func4on while the volume oriented spirometer for muscle training post-opera4vely (Kapre & Shukla, 2016).

? Incen4ve spirometer use helps decrease length of hospital stay, mechanical ven4lator use, pneumonia, and mortality (Brown & Walters, 2012).

? Incen4ve spirometer, deep breathing, early ambula4on, oral care, and having the head of bed above 30 degrees (ICOUGH) reduced the risk of postopera4ve pulmonary complica4ons such as pneumonia and unintended intuba4on (Cassidy et al., 2013).


AAer reviewing the six peer-reviewed ar4cles, it is safe to conclude that incen4ve spirometer plays an important role in pulmonary func4ons aAer surgery. Different types of incen4ve spirometers have different func4ons and targets different muscles

Discussions and Implica6ons

Educa4on is the first thing nurses can do to help speed up the recovery process for pa4ents and to avoid being transfer to the intensive care unit due to pulmonary complica4ons. incen4ve spirometers should be available for all surgical pa4ents along with proper educa4on and encouragement to decrease preventa4ve respiratory and pulmonary complica4ons.


? Brown, S. D., & Walters, M. R. (2012). Pa4ents with rib fractures: Use of incen4ve spirometry volumes to guide care. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 19(2), 89-91. doi: 10.1097/JTN. 0b013e31825629ee

? Cassidy, R. M., Rosenkranz, P., McCabe, K., Rosen, E. J., & McAneny, D. (2013). I COUGH: Reducing postopera4ve pulmonary complica4ons with a mul4disciplinary pa4ent care program. Journal of American Medical Associa8on Surgery, 148(8), 740?745. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2013.358

? Kapre, M. V., & Shukla, M. (2016). A compara4ve study of flow and volume oriented incen4ve spirometer aAer upper abdominal surgery using PFT studies. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupa8onal Therapy, 9(1), 93-98. doi: 10.5958/0973-5674.2015.00020.9

? Lamar, J. (2012). Rela4onship of respiratory care bundle with incen4ve spirometry to reduced pulmonary complica4ons in a medical general prac4ce unit. MedSurg Nursing, 21(1), 33-37. Retrieved from hkps://pdfs.


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