CMS Architecture Template - Microsoft

68580068580000-6858008458200006857992102485CMS Architecture TemplateCMS ArchitectureCLIENT NAMEDATESmooth Fusion Data Classification: MBI00CMS Architecture TemplateCMS ArchitectureCLIENT NAMEDATESmooth Fusion Data Classification: MBIRevision HistoryDateVersionDescriptionAuthor2/19/2018V1.0Initial CreationBrad Hunt5/6/2019v1.1Updated to include new features of SitefinityBrad HuntOverviewThe purpose of this document is to properly plan the CMS implementation. Additionally, this document serves as documentation post launch, and provides testing criteria where appropriate.Sitefinity PlatformVersion11.2Web Forms or MVC?MVC (should now always be MVC)EditionStandard LicenseSmooth Fusion will have to purchaseLicense OwnershipSmooth FusionHostingWhere hosted?Client Azure SubscriptionLoad Balanced?NoUses Azure local cache?YesCan write files to file system?NoAdditional notes/infoInformation on Azure local cache.Learn more about load balancing.Page TemplatesFor each page template, please complete the following information.Template NameSubpageTemplate Selector Section GroupClient Name HerePages Used OnAbout, Contact, ServicesLink to creativeNotesLearn more about custom themes and templates.Layout WidgetsFor each custom layout widget, please complete the following information. Layout Widget NameTool Box SectionPages Used OnNotesLearn more about custom layout widgets.Content Page Information and CopyThe below table is a template for the copy/content for the site. Page TitleAbout UsPage URL/about-usPage TemplateSubpageParent page/SectionNATitle in Content TreeAboutShow in navigation?YesDescription (< 150 chars)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae est ac neque congue interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum.Index This page?YesInclude in XML sitemap?YesHero Image/header-images/about-us.jpgLink to creativeHyperlink hereAdditional NotesNAContentLorem ipsum dolor sit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed enim lorem. Curabitur tellus lectus, congue quis justo et, ullamcorper malesuada justo. Donec at odio fermentum, tempor turpis eget, laoreet lorem. Suspendisse maximus massa et lectus euismod suscipit. Curabitur varius, massa ut pulvinar consequat, neque libero eleifend lectus, nec aliquet nunc quam nec arcu. Etiam sit amet lorem sed dolor fringilla sollicitudin at ac velit. Morbi semper justo nisi, convallis blandit magna tempus vitae.Phasellus elementum sodales dignissim. Donec maximus, tortor quis tincidunt dignissim, diam neque posuere ipsum, vitae viverra sapien orci mollis ligula. Mauris eu nisi nisi. Duis id enim tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas pretium aliquam lectus, euismod accumsan diam tempor in. Etiam quis accumsan sem, at luctus mauris. Praesent blandit, nibh a sagittis posuere, dolor lacus accumsan justo, nec venenatis nibh massa non urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Learn more about creating a page and page properties.Authentication & AuthorizationAuthentication TypeOut of the box SitefinityRolesCustom Role?SSO?NoNotesLearn more about security and authentication.NavigationNavigation built on navigation widget?YesNavigation tied to content blocks? If so, describeTie to pages tree. Learn more about the navigation widget.Learn more about customizing the navigation widget.DesignFrameworkBoostrap, Sitefinity Link to creative filesNotesFontsLearn more about mobile and responsive design.Browser SupportList all browsers and devices that need to be supported and tested.Desktop BrowsersTablet/Mobile BrowsersEdge, latest version (Windows 10 OS) Safari on iPad 6th (iOS 12) Firefox, latest version (Windows 10) Safari on iPhone X (iOS 12) Safari, latest version (Mac OS Mojave) Chrome on Samsung Galaxy S9 phone (Android 8) Chrome, latest version (Windows 10 OS) Learn more about Sitefinity supported browsers.Documents and ImagesModule NameDocument LibraryImplementation NotesLibrary NameStorage ProviderWidgetCustom Widget TemplateLearn more about using a CDN to hold documents and images.Built in Modules that will be usedModule NameNewsImplementation NotesWidget TemplateBuilt in Modules that can be disabledModules to be disabledNotesLearn more about activating and deactivating modules.Email SetupBelow are the SMTP settings for dev and prod. These should be setup as web.config transforms and in Sitefinity.Setup StepsAdministration???Settings ? Advanced.System???SMTP (Email Settings)Configure the correct SMTP server settings, and then save the changes.Restart the applicationNotification StepsAdministration???Settings ? Advanced.Notifications???Profiles ? Default.Configure the correct SMTP server settings, and then save the changes.Make sure to check “UseAuthentication”.Restart the applicationAllow FORM notifications to be sentAdministration???Settings ? Advanced.Forms???notifications.Make sure to check “Enabled”.In the SenderProfile textbox, put “Default”Restart the applicationMore InfoAdministration: Configure SMTP settings.EnvironmentDevelopmentSMTP ServerSmtp.UsernamePasswordPortDefault Sender Email AddressEnvironmentProductionSMTP ServerSmtp.UsernamePasswordPortDefault Sender Email AddressForms ModuleThe following forms will be managed through the forms module in Sitefinity.Form TitleContact UsRestrictionsConfirmation optionSend Email notification for responses to…Responses SettingsForm DefinitionField NameField WidgetField LabelField PlaceholderField Required?Required validation messageLimitation TypeCustom WidgetsFor each widget consider the following:Widget NameHero ImageToolbox locationDesigner Fields and typesPages this can be used on?Description of functionalityNotesPassword Reset?Email SetupRecovery Email addressSetup StepsAdministration???Settings ? Advanced.Security???Membership Providers???Default???Parameters.Setup the following parameters:recoveryMailAddress(?From:?email address that will appear in the password recovery email message. )enablePasswordResetThis parameter configures whether user passwords can be reset. Set it to true and save changes.Restart the applicationYou are now able to successfully reset user passwords. A password reset email will be successfully sent to the user with a new password.DependenciesMake sure SMTP is setup first.Email BodyIf you need to change the email body of the password recovery email:Administration???Labels & MessagesSearch for LostPasswordEmailBodyEdit and saveThese emails appear to be text only,Classifications and CategoriesUse tags?YesUse Categories?YesNotesLearn more about taxonomies.AnalyticsAnalytics UsedTracking Code/JavaScriptConfigure analytics module?NotesSite SecuritySSL required?Use OOTB or custom web.configs?Encryption Needed? Where?NotesException HandlingWill site track exceptions?Method (email or Rollbar)Notes301 RedirectsUse redirects?OOTB or web.configPage redirect MappingNotesLearn about additional URLs in Sitefinity.Performance OptimizationCaching setup?Change the default output cache settings (Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> System -> Output Cache Settings -> Output Cache Profiles -> Standard Caching)Update Duration from 120 (2 minutes) to 1200 (20 minutes) .. Or even 86400 (24 hours)Check the 'Wait for page OutputCache to fill' checkbox. This indicates whether page should be served only once before its output cache is filled. If not, the page is served directly from database. Too many requests will cause site slowness until it gets into the cache. See link below for more.Debug mode?Script and style sheets combined?Content compression?SSL offloading?Learn more about performance optimizationLearn about improving application startup timeSitefinity Backend Page DesignAdd New Menu OptionMenu Option NameMenu Children:NotesSitemapProvide the URLs for search engine XML sitemap as well as customer facing version.XML SitemapConfigure the XML sitemap:Administration SitemapClick on link “Change settings”Uncheck CompressClick “Save Changes”Click “Generate Now” buttonYou should see a link appear on the screen similar to Open the link to ensure the sitemap was generated properly.Customer Facing SitemapCreate a sitemap pageAdd a page to the tree called sitemap.aspxSelect appropriate page template.Add a navigation widget.Set widget to use “sitemap” template.NotesThis will need to be updated before launch and the sitemap regenerated.Check to ensure any custom module detail pages are included in the sitemap if required.Learn about the XML sitemap generator.Custom Dynamic ModulesFor each module, please complete the following:Module NameModule ContainsField Identifier (short text)Fields on Back End PageModule DefinitionField NameData TypeRequired?Instructional Text:Limitations:Learn how to suppress security checks when programmatically adding content to a dynamic module.WorkflowsWorkflow TypeApproval before publishing, 2 levels of approval before publishing, noneSet ApproversList RolesScopeAll content and pages or selected onlyWho can skip workflow?Approvers, Administrators?NotesLearn more about workflows.Integrations with third-party systemsFor each integration, provide relevant details about usage, authentication and how the system is integrated into this site.Integration NameDescriptionType of IntegrationAPI URLUsernamePasswordPost DataResponse DataLink to DocumentationNotesSearchSearch Index nameScope (Content Types Indexed)Additional fields for indexing?NotesLearn more about creating search indexes.Learn more about customizing search results.Learn how to exclude a custom widget from search results.Cookie BannerCookie Banner NeededNANotesContent SyncingSite sync used?NAURL where content will syncUsernamePasswordLearn more about Site Sync.LocalizationLanguage(s)Localization Services needed?Content Handoff?Localization Strategy?(e.g. OOTB Sitefinity, custom)Learn more about localization.Learn more about XLIFF files for use with external translation agencies.PersonalizationIf this site will use personalization, include info below for each segment.Segment NameDescriptionCharacteristic(s)Pages Used onNotesLearn more about personalization.Web Security ModuleMake sure this module is enabled under Administration???Modules & Services. Then look under Administration ??Basic Settings ??Web Security.Security PolicyTrusted SourcesEnabledTrueAny Content'self'Scripts'self''unsafe-inline''unsafe-eval'*.*.*.google-apis.connect.ajax.*.platform.*.js.hs-js.hs-use.stackpath.Styles'self''unsafe-inline'*.*.netdna.kendo.cdn.*.FontsImagesVideoAudioSecurity PolicyPublic Keys for Web ServersEnabledTrueNotesSecurity PolicyReferrer InformationEnabledTrueReferrer Information Policy Security PolicyHTTP strict transport securityEnabledTrueMax Age31536000 SecondsInclude SubdomainsTrueSecurity PolicyPrevention of styles and scripts sniffingEnabledTrueNotesSecurity PolicyControl of embedding your contentEnabledTrueYour content can be embeded in <iframe> or <object>…Nowhere, only on pages from same site, on pages from other sitesSecurity PolicyPrevention of cross-site scripting attackEnabledTrueIf a cross-site scripting attack is detected...Block rendering of the whole page,Sanitize the page (remove the unsafe parts only),Sanitize the page and report a violation (for Google Chrome only),Do nothingLearn more about the web security moduleNon-Relevant Architecture SectionsTHE FOLLOWING SECTIONS ARE NOT RELEVANT FOR THIS IMPLMENTATION BUT ARE INCLUDED BELOW FOR REFERNCE. ................

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