Inclusion Policy – Children with Additional Support Needs

|Scamps Out of School Clubs Ltd |

|Inclusion Policy – Children with Additional Support Needs |

Scamps is committed to offering a service that meets the needs of all families in the community; as such we are committed to ensuring that as far as possible our service meets the needs of all children regardless of their individual circumstances.

When working with children who have an identified additional support needs Scamps aims to support the family as far as possible to ensure that they have open access to our service, we aim to do this by:

▪ Meeting with the parent or carer of the child to identify the level of support required by the child, and to assess if the setting can meet this level of support.

▪ By meeting with other professionals involved with the family, for example, teachers, educational psychologists, and speech and language therapists, to identify how the setting can meet the needs of the child.

▪ By meeting with the child to introduce the members of staff at the setting and to get to know them. This will be done by a process of assessment using the care plan which will assess the child’s specific needs whilst in the setting and enable members of staff to get to know the child.

▪ By offering the family up to 2 free taster sessions within the setting, where the child may attend accompanied by their parent or carer in order to assess if the setting is the most appropriate environment for the child.

▪ By initiating the recruitment of an additional member of staff or the identification of a member of existing staff who will act as a key worker for the child, dependent upon their individual needs and level of support required. Scamps will also enlist the assistance of the VSA – Additional Support Needs Advisory Project (ASNAP) for an additional qualified member of staff to be present whilst the child settles in at the service and to train and support staff on the job for a planned number of weeks.

▪ By initiating additional training where required for existing members of staff to enable them to meet the needs of the child.

▪ To integrate the child into the setting and allow them to gain ownership for the setting

Where it is not possible for Scamps to integrate a child with additional support needs, we aim to provide parents and carers with information and signposts to more appropriate services, who may be able to meet the needs of their child.

|Inclusion of Children with Additional Support Needs – Disabled Access |

Scamps aims to provide services that all children in the community can access regardless of physical disability. As such we are committed to compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 as far as reasonably possible and to ensure that our premises are as accessible as we can possibly make them. We aim to do this by: As soon as financially viable.

▪ Ensuring that where at all possible we will meet the needs of individual children whatever the disability.

▪ Ensuring that wherever possible there is a suitable access point for children using wheelchairs into the building, this may involve the use of ramps.

▪ Ensuring that wherever possible there is suitable access points for children with physical disabilities throughout the building so that all children have access to all appropriate areas.

▪ Ensuring that wherever possible there is a suitable access point for children and parents with physical disabilities not requiring use of a wheelchair.

▪ Ensuring that all fire exits are available for children and adults with disabilities, thus ensuring ease of evacuation from the building in the event of a fire.

Where Scamps is unable to allocate a place to a child with disabilities, we will endeavour to ensure that the parent/carer is signposted to a service that can.

Reviewed date:


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