Combined Federal and Provincial/Territory Personal Tax Rates

Combined Federal and Provincial/Territory

Personal Tax Rates

2019 Taxation Year

2019 Lower Limit ($)

2019 Upper Limit ($)

2019 Combined Tax Rate1,2,5

2019 Lower Limit ($)

Alberta ?

47,631 95,260 131,221 147,668 157,465 209,953 210,372 314,929 British Columbia

? 40,708 47,631 81,417 93,477 95,260 113,507 147,668 153,901 210,372 Manitoba

? 32,671 47,631 70,611 95,260 147,668 210,372 New Brunswick

? 42,593 47,631 85,185 95,260 138,492 147,668 157,779 210,372 Newfoundland & Labrador

? 37,592 47,631 75,182 95,260 134,225 147,668 187,914 210,372 Northwest Territories

? 43,138 47,631 86,278 95,260 140,268 147,668 210,372 Nova Scotia

? 25,001 29,591 47,631

47,630 95,259 131,220 147,667 157,464 209,952 210,371 314,928 and higher

40,707 47,630 81,416 93,476 95,259 113,506 147,667 153,900 210,371 and higher

32,670 47,630 70,610 95,259 147,667 210,371 and higher

42,592 47,630 85,184 95,259 138,491 147,667 157,778 210,371 and higher

37,591 47,630 75,181 95,259 134,224 147,667 187,913 210,371 and higher

43,137 47,630 86,277 95,259 140,267 147,667 210,371 and higher

25,000 29,590 47,630 59,180

25.00% 30.50% 36.00% 38.00% 41.00% 42.00% 43.00% 47.00% 48.00%

20.06% 22.70% 28.20% 31.00% 32.79% 38.29% 40.70% 43.70% 45.80% 49.80%

25.80% 27.75% 33.25% 37.90% 43.40% 46.40% 50.40%

24.68% 29.82% 35.32% 37.02% 42.52% 43.84% 46.84% 49.30% 53.30%

23.70% 29.50% 35.00% 36.30% 41.80% 43.30% 46.30% 47.30% 51.30%

20.90% 23.60% 29.10% 32.70% 38.20% 40.05% 43.05% 47.05%

23.79% 24.32% 30.48% 35.98%

Nova Scotia continued 59,181 75,000 93,001 95,260 147,668 150,001 210,372

Nunavut ?

45,415 47,631 90,830 95,260 147,668 210,372 Ontario3

? 43,907 47,631 77,314 87,814 91,102 95,260 147,668 150,001 210,372 220,001 Prince Edward Island3

? 31,985 47,631 63,970 95,260 98,998 147,668 210,372 Quebec4

? 43,791 47,631 87,576 95,260 106,556 147,668 210,372 Saskatchewan

? 45,226 47,631 95,260 129,215 147,668 210,372 Yukon

? 47,631 95,260 147,668 210,372 500,001

2019 Upper Limit ($)

74,999 93,000 95,259 147,667 150,000 210,371 and higher

45,414 47,630 90,829 95,259 147,667 210,371 and higher

43,906 47,630 77,313 87,813 91,101 95,259 147,667 150,000 210,371 220,000 and higher

31,984 47,630 63,969 95,259 98,997 147,667 210,371 and higher

43,790 47,630 87,575 95,259 106,555 147,667 210,371 and higher

45,225 47,630 95,259 129,214 147,667 210,371 and higher

47,630 95,259 147,667 210,371 500,000 and higher

2019 Combined Tax Rate1,2,5

37.70% 37.17% 38.00% 43.50% 46.50% 50.00% 54.00%

19.00% 22.00% 27.50% 29.50% 35.00% 40.50% 44.50%

20.05% 24.15% 29.65% 31.48% 33.89% 37.91% 43.41% 46.41% 47.97% 51.97% 53.53%

24.80% 28.80% 34.30% 37.20% 42.70% 44.37% 47.37% 51.37%

27.53% 32.53% 37.12% 41.12% 45.71% 47.46% 49.97% 53.31%

25.50% 27.50% 33.00% 38.50% 40.50% 43.50% 47.50%

21.40% 29.50% 36.90% 41.80% 45.80% 48.00%

2020 Taxation Year

2020 Lower Limit ($)

Alberta ?

48,536 97,070 131,221 150,474 157,465 209,953 214,369 314,929 British Columbia

? 41,726 48,536 83,452 95,813 97,070 116,345 150,474 157,749 214,369 Manitoba

? 33,390 48,536 72,165 97,070 150,474 214,369 New Brunswick

? 43,402 48,536 86,804 97,070 141,123 150,474 160,777 214,369 Newfoundland & Labrador

? 37,930 48,536 75,859 97,070 135,433 150,474 189,605 214,369 Northwest Territories

? 43,958 48,536 87,917 97,070 142,933 150,474 214,369 Nova Scotia

? 25,001 29,591 48,536

2020 Upper Limit ($)

2020 Combined Tax Rate1,2,5

48,535 97,069 131,220 150,473 157,464 209,952 214,368 314,928 and higher

41,725 48,535 83,451 95,812 97,069 116,344 150,473 157,748 214,368 and higher

33,389 48,535 72,164 97,069 150,473 214,368 and higher

43,401 48,535 86,803 97,069 141,122 150,473 160,776 214,368 and higher

37,929 48,535 75,858 97,069 135,432 150,473 189,604 214,368 and higher

43,957 48,535 87,916 97,069 142,932 150,473 214,368 and higher

25,000 29,590 48,535 59,180

25.00% 30.50% 36.00% 38.00% 41.00% 42.00% 43.00% 47.00% 48.00%

20.06% 22.70% 28.20% 31.00% 32.79% 38.29% 40.70% 43.70% 45.80% 49.80%

25.80% 27.75% 33.25% 37.90% 43.40% 46.40% 50.40%

24.68% 29.82% 35.32% 37.02% 42.52% 43.84% 46.84% 49.30% 53.30%

23.70% 29.50% 35.00% 36.30% 41.80% 43.30% 46.30% 47.30% 51.30%

20.90% 23.60% 29.10% 32.70% 38.20% 40.05% 43.05% 47.05%

23.79% 24.32% 30.48% 35.98%

2020 Lower Limit ($)

Nova Scotia continued 59,181 75,000 93,001 97,070 150,001 150,474 214,369

Nunavut ?

46,278 48,536 92,556 97,070 150,474 214,369 Ontario3

? 44,741 48,536 78,784 89,483 92,826 97,070 150,001 150,474 214,369 220,001 Prince Edward Island3

? 31,985 48,536 63,970 97,070 99,491 150,474 214,369 Quebec4

? 44,546 48,536 89,081 97,070 108,391 150,474 214,369 Saskatchewan

? 45,226 48,536 97,070 129,215 150,474 214,369 Yukon

? 48,536 97,070 150,474 214,369 500,001

2020 Upper Limit ($)

2020 Combined Tax Rate1,2,5

74,999 93,000 97,069 150,000 150,473 214,368 and higher

46,277 48,535 92.555 97,069 150,473 214,368 and higher

44,740 48,535 78,783 89,482 92,825 97,069 150,000 150,473 214,368 220,000 and higher

31,984 48,535 63,969 97,069 99,490 150,473 214,368 and higher

44,545 48,535 89,080 97,069 108,390 150,473 214,368 and higher

45,225 48,535 97,069 129,214 150,473 214,368 and higher

48,535 97,069 150,473 214,368 500,000 and higher

37.70% 37.17% 38.00% 43.50% 47.00% 50.00% 54.00%

19.00% 22.00% 27.50% 29.50% 35.00% 40.50% 44.50%

20.05% 24.15% 29.65% 31.48% 33.89% 37.91% 43.41% 44.97% 47.97% 51.97% 53.53%

24.80% 28.80% 34.30% 37.20% 42.70% 44.37% 47.37% 51.37%

27.53% 32.53% 37.12% 41.12% 45.71% 47.46% 49.97% 53.31%

25.50% 27.50% 33.00% 38.50% 40.50% 43.50% 47.50%

21.40% 29.50% 36.90% 41.80% 45.80% 48.00%

1Federal and Provincial tax credits including the basic personal amounts are not reflected in the above charts.

2When alternative minimum tax (AMT) applies, the above tax rates are not applicable.

3Includes surtax: 2019 Ontario - 20% of provincial taxes payable above $4,740 + 36% above $6,067; 2020 Ontario - 20% of provincial taxes

payable above $4,830 + 36% above $6,182; 2019 & 2020 Prince Edward Island - 10% of provincial taxes payable above $12,500.

4Federal tax has been reduced by 16.5% for Quebec's abatement of basic federal tax.

5Does not include provincial health levies and/or provincial tax levies.

Page 2

Combined Federal and Provincial/Territory Personal Taxes

Tax on $100,000 of Taxable Ordinary Income -- 2019 & 2020 Taxation Year

Province/Territory Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland & Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon

Taxable Income

$100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000

Average Tax Rate





























Marginal Tax Rate





























Tax Payable





























After-Tax Income





























Federal Tax Credits and Thresholds

December 31, 2019 & 2020

Federal Personal Tax Credits1 Basic Personal Amount Age Amount (65 & older) Net Income Threshold Spouse or Common-Law Partner Amount Eligible Dependents Canada Caregiver Credit Net Income Threshold (Canada Caregiver Credit) Disability Amount

2019 Amount ($) 12,069 7,494 37,790 12,069 12,069 7,140 16,766 8,416

Registered Plans: Contribution Limits Retirement Plans Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)2 Money Purchase Registered Pension Plans (MP RPP)3,5 Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP)4,5 Other Plans Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA)6 Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)7 Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)7

2019 Contribution Limit ($)

26,500 27,230 13,615

6,000 50,000 200,000

2020 Amount ($) 12,298 7,637 38,508 12,298 12,298 7,276 17,085 8,576

2020 Contribution Limit ($)

27,230 27,830 13,915

6,000 50,000 200,000

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) & Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) Max Annual Pensionable Earnings Basic Exemption Max Contributory Earnings Employee Contribution Rate (%) Max Annual Employee Contribution Max Annual Self-Employed Contributions

2019 CPP Rates ($) 57,400 3,500 53,900 5.10% 2,748.90 5,497.80

2020 CPP Rates ($) 58,700 3,500 55,200 5.25% 2,898.00 5,796.00

2019 QPP Rates ($) 57,400 3,500 53,900 5.55% 2,991.45 5,982.9

2020 QPP Rates ($) 58,700 3,500 55,200 5.70% 3,146.40 6,292.80

1For additional details, please visit

2An individual's contribution room is calculated as the lesser of 18% of earned income from the previous year and the current year's dollar

limit (the dollar limit is indicated in the above table) plus unused RRSP contribution room carried forward from the previous year. RRSP

contribution room may be reduced by pension adjustments (PA) and Past Service Pension Adjustments (PSPA), and increased by Pension

Adjustment Reversals (PAR).

3Annual contributions to a MP RPP are limited to the lesser of 18% earned income from the current year and the contribution limit for the year.

The contribution limit is indicated in the table above.

4Annual contributions to a DPSP are limited to the lesser of 18% of earned income and the contribution limit for the year. The contribution

limit is indicated in the table above.

5MP RPP and DPSP limits for pension adjustment purposes are also restricted to 18% of earned income.

6An individual's TFSA contribution room is calculated as the current year's contribution limit (the contribution limit is indicated in the above

table) plus unused TFSA contribution room carried forward from the previous year plus the total amount of TFSA withdrawals made in the

preceding year.

7Lifetime contribution limit.

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The information contained herein has been provided by TD Wealth and is for information purposes only. The information has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable. The information does not provide financial, legal, tax or investment advice. Particular investment, tax, or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual's objectives and risk tolerance. TD Wealth represents the products and services offered by TD Waterhouse Canada Inc., TD Waterhouse Private Investment Counsel Inc., TD Wealth Private Banking (offered by The Toronto-Dominion Bank) and TD Wealth Private Trust (offered by The Canada Trust Company). All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ? The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.



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