Technology: Trainer Training

120 Points per Certificate



General Objective

The purpose of this component is to provide opportunities for qualified individuals to receive trainer training in a variety of technological areas. Upon successful completion of the component, participants will be able to design, conduct, and evaluate a specific technology training event.

Specific Objective

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1. Discuss the process of effective technology planning.

2. Emphasize the important role of instructional technology in education.

3. Discuss the latest instructional trends in a designated technological area.

4. Identify applicable instructional technologies for different purposes.

5. Demonstrate teaching techniques incorporating technology.

6. Use a variety of computer platforms and peripherals.

7. Demonstrate a variety of methods for accessing instructional sequences on CD-ROMs and videodiscs.

8. Use telecommunications as a communications and instructional tool.

9. Demonstrate a model for integrating technology into the curriculum.

10. Demonstrate the ability to use technology to locate available resources.

11. Use multimedia tools to enhance presentations.

12. Develop appropriate instructional materials related to the designated area.

13. Serve as consultant, conducting workshops as needed and following all Professional Development Council inservice guidelines for such activities.

14. Serve as School-Level peer coach technology mentor.

15. Collaborate with their principal and colleagues to ensure that peer coaching or mentoring in the designated area is part of their school’s professional development plan.

Description of Activities

Under the direction of qualified consultant(s), participants will receive instruction designed to achieve one or more of the specific objectives and qualify them as trainers. The purpose for this component is to make it possible for individuals to receive inservice points for their efforts, which usually go above and beyond the expectations of an ordinary workshop or other training event. Activities may include, but will not be limited to, lectures, group discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on training in technology. All potential training should be carefully screened for quality and legitimacy. The numbers of points awarded for a given training activity will be determined according to the usual policy of one point per hour of actual instruction time, excluding meals, breaks, homework activities, etc.

Evaluation of Participants

Evaluative means will vary from one instance to another, depending on the type of training involved. Most trainer training activities are of such quality that adequate means of evaluating participants are well established. This is particularly true within the borders of the state of Florida, since there is increasing understanding of the requirements for inservice by all agencies, organizations, and institutions. It will be assumed that an individual who returns from such training with an appropriate certificate of completion or other documentation of completion will have successfully met the objectives of the component. Further, as the individuals provide training for others within the county, the adequacy of their training will become apparent.

Evaluation of Activity

An online evaluation for this activity will be conducted through the Santa Rosa Professional Growth System.


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