National Amtelco Equipment Owners

National Amtelco Equipment Owners


All Amtelco owners may purchase a service contract on an annual basis. This contract provides access to Amtelco’s Field Service department 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Amtelco recognizes that an educated user can significantly reduce the workload of the Field Service personnel. A user who knows how to identify key components of the system, use basic test equipment, and who has basic computer skills can better utilize the resources of Amtelco Field Service.

NAEO is very pleased to announce that Amtelco has agreed to provide a discount in the cost of the Annual Service contract exclusively to NAEO members who demonstrate certain skills. The discount is 10% of the annual contract amount and will be applied at the time of the next renewal. Some Amtelco customers may already receive some discounting if they own more than one system. In that case, the exact discount amount from this program may vary. Tom Lindsay, Amtelco’s Director of Customer Service, should be contacted for your exact details if you are in this category

If you consider the cost of your annual service contract, you will realize that this discount may represent a significant savings – perhaps as much as your annual NAEO membership dues. But, more importantly, by answering the questions in this document, you are preparing yourself to be an active partner in the ongoing maintenance and care of your system.

Indeed, the entire thrust of this test is to help you help yourself. If your system is down or not functioning to its potential, it is YOUR business that will suffer and YOUR customers who will not be served. You will see that this test emphasizes planning and preparation. It is more of a compliance document than a test.

Amtelco wants you to pass this test. This is an ‘open book’ test.

If possible, complete the test by typing your answers in this document. Then,

e-mail it to JakeP@ and management@. You will be notified if you passed, or what areas need o be worked on again. After your current membership status in NAEO is confirmed, Amtelco will be notified that you qualify for the discount.

NAEO will verify that you are a member in good standing of NAEO and will grade your answers. They will let you know if you passed, and will arrange for your discount.

There are only a few rules and conditions:

1) You must be a member in good standing of the NAEO (dues paid).

2) If the person who takes the test leaves your company, you must inform Amtelco and have someone else take the test.

3) You must have either attended an “Infinity Management” session (held several times per year in Madison) or attend a Technical Seminar session at an NAEO conference. If you are already receiving a discount, check with Tom Lindsay to see if you are eligible for any additional discounts.

4) If you do not maintain your membership in the NAEO, your Service contract will be repriced from the date your membership ends.

If you need help in completing your test, here are some resources:

• The Amtelco Customer forum at

• The NAEO web site at

• The NAEO list serve – an e-mail broadcast service available free of charge to all NAEO members. If you are not on this service, send an e-mail to the NAEO office and request that you be added. Address your request to: shannonp@.

• The NAEO technical committee monitors the list serve and will respond to your question, if a fellow NAEO member does not beat them to it!

A. Your Amtelco Switching Equipment

For each Amtelco switching system that you own, list the following information:

1) Type of system (Infinity, Eve, Video 3, etc). If Infinity, what type Host system (tower, rack mount)?

2) Software version

3) Physical location – street address, suite number, etc.

4) If it is in a locked room, who can arrange access?


B. Your Operator Positions

1) How many operator positions do you have?

2) For each operator position, list the following information:

a) Station Number

b) Operating System (Windows 98, NT 2000, XP, etc.)

c) Operator Software version

d) If it is in a remote location, where is it?

e) Keyboard type (101 or KB163)

f) Call Scriptor station?

g) Web-enabled station?

h) Voice logger?

i) Intelligent Series?

ANSWER: (attach additional sheets if necessary)

C. Your Telephone Service

1. List the circuit number or telephone number of each of the telephone lines that is connected to your Amtelco system as follows (attach more sheets if necessary):

Circuit or Phone# Port Vendor Vendor#

2. What is your diagnostic phone number (or IP address) for your Eve or Infinity?

3. What is your diagnostic phone number (or IP address) for your MDR?

4. What is your diagnostic phone number (or IP address) for your Fax Server?

5. Emergency number at your office if your equipment is down?

6. If applicable, what is your automated checkin number?

7. Does you use T1, E1, or PRI service? If so, go to Supervisor/Ports, and display the screen where you program the PRI parameters. Display port 24. We want a copy of this screen for each of your digital circuits. Press PRINT SCREEN, and then open PAINT and press EDIT, PASTE. You can then print.

D.Your Emergency Procedures

1. Describe the method to make a backup of your database.

2. How often do you do this?

3. Where are the backups stored?

4. Do you keep a copy off-premises? Where?

5. Have you sent your backup to Amtelco for testing? When?

6. What instructions have you provided to your staff to follow in the event of an equipment failure?

7. Do you have a printed copy of your database (such as Info or IR pages, pager numbers)? If so, where is it?

8. Do you have a disaster plan with your telephone vendor in the event your service is interrupted? If so, describe your plan.

9. Where are the software disks for your Amtelco equipment?

E. Your Spare Equipment

1. List the spare equipment you have that is available within 30 minutes:

2. Do you feel anything is missing from this list? If so, what else might you need?

3. What would happen if your 48 volt power supply broke?

4. What would happen if your Host monitor broke?

5. Have you ever had a service outage due to equipment failure? If so, describe what happened. Tell us how long were you out of service? How did you get it fixed? Did you have the spare parts on hand?

F. Alpha Paging

1. What type of modem may you use for Alpha Paging?

2. For each of the following alpha paging failures, list the most likely cause:

a. Busy:

b. No carrier:

c. No Dial Tone:

d. Modem Queue Full:

e. No Route:

3. (Infinity Only): Your customer is complaining that his pager is not working. You look at the History of a message and see:

Alpha Paged pgr 5551212

What does this tell you? What can you tell your customer?

4. What service string should you use to send an alpha page to a paging company with the following parameters:

Modem phone #: 608-555-1212

Maximum message length: 150

Maximum transmission speed: 1200 baud

Do not mark the message delivered

G. Faxing & Email (put N/A if you do not fax messages)

1. Do you use Ultracom? FMDS? Another Product?

2. List the software version of your Fax server:

3. How many faxes can you send simultaneously?

4. How much disk space is available on your fax server? How often do you check this?

5. If your operator reports that there is a Print Failure, list three things you should check right away:




6. Do you send e-mail messages using your Amtelco equipment?

6a. If yes, how do you connect to the mail server? DEDICATED DIALUP

6b. If yes, what is the name (or IP Address) of your outgoing mail server?

7. How do you program your system to automatically send a fax of undelivered messages only at 8am Monday to Friday, and to mark the messages delivered at that time? Hint: we want the service string and schedule information.

8. If you get several alpha page failures for the same paging company, what is the most likely cause? If you get several page failures for a mixture of paging companies, what is the most likely cause?

H. Your Equipment Room

1. Is your equipment room air conditioned? What is the hottest it gets in the Summer? Is this acceptable?

2. Do you have static electricity protection for your Host equipment?

3. To qualify for the service discount, you must have some form of advanced Power Protection, such as a Standby Power Supply (SPS) or Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). For your system, list the following information:

a. Manufacturer:

b. Model#:

c. Power capacity in Watts or Kva:

4. Do you have a generator? If so, what type of fuel does it use?

5. How long can you operate if you lose commercial power?

6. Circle each of the pieces of equipment connected to your power protection system:

Host Network Switch CSU Diagnostic Modem

Operator Station Emergency Lighting Fax Server

Alpha modems Other

If you have an extended power outage and you wish to conserve your emergency power, what can you safely turn off?

I. Programming, Software, Setups

1. How do you change the Operator Station number?

2. How do you change the Supervisor Station Number?

3. How do you change the MDR station number?

4. For Infinity only: What networking does your Infinity use? Hint: It is either VNB, IPX, or TCP.

4a. If it is IPX: go to an operator station and find out what Framing option your Network is set to. Hint: it is either 802.2, 802.3, or Auto.

4b. If it is TCP: What is the IP address of your host?

5. Explain how to do an account setup that does the following:

Day: Greeting, followed by default operator behavior

Night: Greeting, followed by Voice mail, and then automatically paging a digital

Pager up to 3 times, 10 minutes apart.

Other Information:

Name of Person submitting test: _____________________________________

Title: _____________________________________

Company: _____________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________________

Fax: _____________________________________

E-Mail: _____________________________________

Amtelco service contract #: _____________________________________

Amtelco Service Phone #: _____________________________________

Amtelco non-Service Phone #: _____________________________________

Your Amtelco Sales Rep: _____________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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