Other Business - Workforce Council

South Central Workforce CouncilMay 11, 2016706 N. Victory DriveMankato, MN The meeting was called to order by Chair Deb Barnes at 3:00 p.m. Roll CallMembers Present: Bill Aufderheide, Deb Barnes, Candace Fenske, Bill FitzSimmons, Amanda Mackie, Grant Moody, Jon Nowak, Linsey Preuss, Dennis Siemer, Joan Tesdahl, Tim Wenzel and Karen Wolters Members Excused: Jim Abraham, Christine Bauman, Duane Lambrecht, Shane Meier, John Schons, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Larry Treptow and Reggie WorldsMembers Absent: Jon NowakGuests Present: Nancy Haag, MVACStaff Present: Diane Halvorson, Heather Gleason and Carrie SchefflerII.Approval of the AgendaChair Deb Barnes called for approval of the agenda. A motion was made by Bill FitzSimmons and seconded by Linsey Preuss to approve the agenda. The motion carried.III.Approval of MinutesChair Deb Barnes called for approval of the March meeting minutes. A motion was made by Bill FitzSimmons and seconded by Amanda Mackie to approve the minutes. The motion carried.IV.South Central Service Cooperative Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Plan Glenn Morris from the South Central Service Cooperative presented on the Carl Perkins Plan, which is federal funding for K-12 and post-secondary education to work jointly to meet the needs of students. It is designed to offer a sequence of opportunities for students and career pathways that lead to employment. In the past, it has supported programming in districts such as updated equipment. This year there is interest in more substantial impact in the region.Some of the goals of the Perkins Plan include:Career pathwaysOpportunities for 9th graders to explore technical careersIntegrate career guidance with students and familiesCareer exposure through career expos, fairs, camps and industry toursCareer academies in healthcare, manufacturing and ITProfessional development for teachers and counselors including MVAC youth counselorsServices to students with disabilitiesV.South Central/Southwest Regional and Local PlanDiane Halvorson presented on the South Central Regional and Local Plan. The regional portion of the plan included the leadership team, responsibilities and areas of system alignment. The plan identified the strengths of the 23 county region and the opportunities. The goals of the region include:Address the shortage of skilled workers through sector-based career pathway approaches.Increase service levels and outcomes for individuals experiencing employment disparities, focusing on racial disparities, but also including individuals with disabilities, low-income populations, offenders, older workers, veterans and youth.Expand the partnership with local school districts to increase career awareness and career counseling opportunities for students and parents.Increase employer engagement through sector based career pathways, career awareness opportunities and work-based learning plete asset-map and gap analysis of career and workforce development services in the region on services available and to align/target resources to fill gaps. The plan outlined key industries in the area and the sector based career pathways in Health Care, Manufacturing, and Transportation. The local portion of the plan included the designation of WorkForce Centers, maximizing access to services, and WorkForce Center services (basic career services, individualized career services, training services, support services and employer engagement.A motion to approve the regional and local plan was made by Bill FitzSimmons and seconded by Tim Wenzel. The motion carried.mittee ReportsBusiness ServicesRandy Long distributed and reviewed the Business Services update. The unemployment rate for the region is 4.7%. Indeed has 5,130 jobs listed in a 50 mile radius of Mankato. Minnesota has the highest labor participation rate in the country at 71.2%.Executive CommitteeDeb Barnes reported that the Executive Committee reviewed regional and local plan. They also reviewed and revised a couple of line items in the budget. Deb Barnes reported that the regional meeting went very well and we will all benefit from the regional ernors Workforce Development CommitteeDennis Siemer reported that he participates on a subcommittee of the Governor’s Workforce Development Committee. An item of discussion has been the cost of bricks and mortar to provide Unemployment Insurance services and they are looking at ways to reduce that. Diane added that the same structures of a WorkForce Center are how customers access services and that there is a population that needs face to face services. Operations CommitteeDiane Halvorson reported that the data management system will add an electronic storage component. The committee reviewed the local plan and the cost allocation plan. The Fairmont WorkForce Center received a significant monthly reduction in internet service by switching providers.Youth CouncilHeather Gleason reported that since our last meeting, we received notification of the WIOA Youth allocation. South Central received $297,381, which was a 17.5% reduction from last year. The DEED Office of Youth Development released a report that compared youth allocations from 2010-2016. The allocation for South Central decreased by 53.7% during that time period. In addition there are a number of youth career events scheduled including:Scrubs Camp – June 13 to 15Tour of Manufacturing – October 6Construct Tomorrow – October 26Rural Career Counseling CoordinatorCarrie Scheffler, Rural Career Counseling Coordinator for South Central and Southwest Minnesota, distributed and reviewed a summary of her activities including meeting with staff and key stakeholders, participated in career exploration events and planning, organized a focus group in Worthington for the National Governors Association Talent Pipeline Policy Academy. She will be conducting an asset map and gap analysis to identify and share best practices across the 23 county region. Other BusinessLinsey Preuss reported that the City of Fairmont received a small city development grant for housing.Tim Wenzel reported that manufacturing is steady.Dennis Siemer reported that manufacturing is on pace for what they were expecting. They have some new products under development.Jon Nowak reported that there are over 1,000 apprentices enrolled. They have been talking to area high schools about incorporating shop math.Grant Moody reported that recruitment for manufacturing positions has been relatively easy. They hosted the Leadership cast in April. Bill Aufderheide reported that they only had 4 positions open but they struggled to fill them. The labor pool has no experience and no training. He also participated in the Career Fair in New Ulm in April. There were 150 sophomores and 50 employers.Candace Fenske reported that need physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to fill retirements of physicians. Gaylord, MN is a proposed location for an osteopathic medical school.Bill FitzSimmons reports that tax season slowed down but not over. Joan Tesdahl reported that Nicollet County staff had an employer panel.Karen Wolters reported that GED testing is free right now. There has been an increase in testers, an increase in no-shows and a decrease in passing rates. The CDL class started. Eight individuals started and 2 continued. There are ESL students interested in taking it but can’t pass the cut scores. ABE is recruiting for healthcare and manufacturing this summer leading into fall enrollments at SCC. Next MeetingThe next meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, 2016. The meeting adjourned.Signed by:___________________________________ Deb Barnes, Chair ................

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