Exhibit 1a



Independence Board of Education

President Narduzzi called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.

Responding to Roll Call: Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi

Also present: Superintendent Marlow and Treasurer Koehler

M15-39 Mrs. Laski made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:30 a.m., for the appointment, employment, dismissal discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or official; seconded by Mr. Synek.

Mr. Tim Skoczen was invited into executive session at 7:30 and excused approximately 7:50.

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Executive Session, approved

M15-40 Mr. Synek made a motion to Adjourn at 8:23 a.m.; seconded by Mr. Narduzzi.

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Fortlage,

Voting Nay: None

Adjournment, approved

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 a.m.

President – Jerry Narduzzi

Treasurer – Eric Koehler

(Approved: June 23, 2015 – Regular Meeting)

Exhibit 1b



Independence Board of Education

Mr. Narduzzi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Responding to Roll Call: Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi

Also present: Superintendent Marlow and Treasurer Koehler

M15-41 Mr. Narduzzi made a motion to go into Executive Session at 6:10 p.m., for the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of an employee or official; seconded by Mr. Synek.

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Narduzzi, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski,

Voting Nay: None

Executive Session, approved

Reconvened to Regular Session at 7:14 p.m

Preliminary Procedure

Pledge of Allegiance: Independence Primary School – May 2015 Students of the Month:

Kindergarten – Bradley Kalal Grade 2 – Sasha Patterson Grade 4 – Ashley Exl

Grade 1 – Anna Jirmasek Grade 3 – Wyatt Snyder

Presentation – Ms. Nancy Bydash – Retirement Proclamation

Approval of the recording of the previous meeting(s):

a. April 21, 2015 – Regular Meeting Ex. 1a

M15-42 Mr. Synek made a motion to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2015, Regular Meeting; seconded by Mrs. Laski (Exhibit 1a)

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Mr. Fortlage

April 21, 2015 Regular Meeting, approved


Financial Statements – April 2015 – for approval Ex. 2

Investment Report – April 2015 – for approval Ex. 3

M15-43 Mr. Fortlage made a motion to approve the Financial Statement – April 2015 (Exhibit 2); seconded by Mr. Synek.

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Financial Statement –April 2015, approved

M15-44 Mrs. Laski made a motion to approve the Investment Report – April 2015 (Exhibit 3); seconded by Mr. Synek.

Investments (April 2015)

EX. 3


| | | |Rate | |INTEREST | |

|Pool |STAR Ohio | $753,440.76 | .04 |Cont. | $37.12 | $137.99 |

|Money Market |Independence | $377,417.71 | .20 |N/A | $56.56 | $245.34 |

| |STAR Plus | $9,175,178.21 | .20 | | $1,506.62 | $5,086.34 |

|CD Mat. | | $2,000,000.00 | | | $1,875.00 | $1,875.00 |

| |Total Investments |$12,306,036.68 | | | $3,475.30 | $7,344.67 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Mr. Fortlage

Investment Report –April 2015, approved


Buildings & Grounds Committee:

Mr. Fortlage requested Mr. Marlow to schedule the next building and facility review.

Business-to-School Partnership – Mr. Narduzzi reported that on April 30, the committee held its last meeting of the school year at the Community Room of the Field House.  There were more than 10 business leaders represented.  Superintendent Marlow provided an update on district happenings. Jeremy Rowan from the city gave an economic development update. Bill Furman discussed the many events that the field house has hosted since the fall. Curriculum Director Roger Howard gave a thorough presentation on the testing that has occurred in our district this school year, which was appreciated by the business leaders, many of them not realizing what has been involved with these new state assessments. Treasurer Eric Koehler also updated the group on the financial status of the district. Two juniors from the high school spoke about their experiences during Junior Shadow Day. The 2nd Semester Guiding Star Awards were presented to Joe Hribar from Independence Middle School and Dave Mantz from Independence Primary School. 

Public Participation at Board Meeting

A board policy adopted May 17, 2011, delineates the procedure for public participation at board meetings. A copy of this board policy is available at the tables as you enter the Board Conference Room.


Bernie Calvey – Mr. Calvey thanked the school system for the excellent education that his son received. He also, addressed the Board of Education in regard to his support for Mr. Wotoweic to remain as the head football coach and for Mr. Skoczen to remain as Athletic Director for the Independence schools. He believes that both men represent the school district in a positive manner and sees their dedication/loyalty to Independence.

Pam Polman – A twenty year resident of Independence addressed the Board of Education regarding Mr. Skoczen’s contract renewal. Mrs. Polman expressed her support for Mr. Skoczen and feels that he is of the upmost character and integrity. She spoke on Mr. Skoczen’s ability to run a multi-sport athletic system which has had success throughout his guidance. She indicated that Mr. Skoczen has built numerous relationships with other school districts and deserves to continue as the Athletic Director for Independence Schools.

George Cuserio – Mr. Cuserio addressed the Board of Education in regards to the Independence High School football program and the retention of Mr. Wotoweic as Head football coach. He indicated that Mr. Wotoweic’s presence is judged by more than wins or losses but his ability to influence and lead the young men, in the football program, in a positive way. Mr. Cuserio indicated that he would like the Board of Education to continue with the original transition plan of head coaches.

Jim Wotoweic – Mr. Wotoweic addressed the board as to the importance of following processes and rules and that communities can be destroyed in the breakdown of the process. He encouraged the board to follow procedures in society when making decisions. He expressed that he was a coach of young men and minds, in which he has seen growth and dedication over the past season while working with them.

Bonnie Loconte – A 37 year resident who’s children have graduated from Independence and who was a former Board of Education member for the Independence Local Schools addressed the Board of Education regarding Mr. Skoczen’s contract renewal. She indicted her support for Mr. Skoczen to remain as Athletic Director for the Independence Schools and felt that Mr. Skoczen was one of the most dedicated and honorable individuals she has known. She also indicated that the Board of Education’s responsibility is to set policy and that administration manages the district. She expressed that since Mr. Marlow has recommended Mr. Skoczen for renewal, the board needs to be specific and provide reason as to why they would not approve to renewal Mr. Skoczen.

Brian Hawkins – A 16 year resident spoke in regards to the Independence High School football program and the support for Mr. Wotoweic to remain as the head coach. He indicated that he has never seen as much involvement and support for the football program. Mr. Hawkins felt that Mr. Wotoweic coaching is not always about wins or losses but about the leadership and positive influence he provides to the student athletes.

Jim Reilly – Mr. Reilly describe the excitement surrounding the new field and stadium renovation. He spoke on his sons experiences and how it was the best team to play on regardless of the record. He described Mr. Wotoweic’s dedication to the students and how he involved all students. He expressed the positivity that was generated when Mr. Wotoweic brought on a special needs student as manager of the team. Mr. Reilly voiced his opinion that Mr. Wotoweic was a great teacher and builder of character for students. Mr. Reilly asked the Board of Education to make the transition of coach work and asked Mr. Wotoweic to rethink staying on and helping with the transition. He requested that all involved come together and do what is right for the team and students.

Cynthia Lusk – A coach and resident of Independence offered her support for Mr. Skoczen to remain as the Independence Athletic Director. Mrs. Lusk indicated that she has worked with numerous other athletic directors, in other districts, and that none of them compare to Mr. Skoczen in effort and professionalism. She also gave support for Mr. Wotoweic and indicated that he has helped to install respect and character in the students and athletes. In her opinion, both Mr. Skoczen and Mr. Wotoweic are pillars in the community.

Jon Wygonski - Mr. Wygonski offered the Board of Education a prospective from a student. He indicated that he has worked with several administers in the past and felt that Mr. Skoczen was great to work with and it would be a shame to let him go. Mr. Wygonski pointed out the Mr. Wotoweic helped him feel as part of the team and gave him confidence in his abilities as a student athlete. He also feels it would be awful for the board to let him go.

H. Board Policies – (Second Reading)

The Independence Board of Education approves the following Policies:

▪ Policy 1530 – Evaluation of Principals and Other Administrators (Revised)

▪ Policy 2114 – Meeting State Performance Indicators (New)

▪ Policy 2413 – Career Advising (New)

▪ Policy 3220 – Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation (Revised)

▪ Policy 5114 – Nonimmigrant Students and Foreign-Exchange Students (Revised)

▪ Policy 5340 – Student Accidents (Revised)

▪ Policy 5350 – Student Suicide (Revised)

▪ Policy 5460 – Graduation Requirements (Revised)

▪ Policy 6108 – Authorization to Make Electronic Fund Transfers (Revised)

▪ Policy 8390 – Animals on District Property (Revised)

▪ Policy 8400 – School Safety (Revised)

Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mr. Fortlage

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

New Business

Resolution 2015 – 50 – Five-Year Forecast & Assumptions Ex. 4

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the Five-Year Forecast Assumptions, and authorizes the Treasurer to submit it to the Ohio Department of Education in compliance with the May 31, 2015, deadline.

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Five-Year Forecast & Assumptions, approved

Resolution 2015 – 51 – Resolution Accepting the Amounts & Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission & Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies & Certifying Them to the County Fiscal Officer Ex. 5

Whereas, this Board of Education in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2016; and

Whereas, the Budget Commission of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, has certified its action thereon to this Board together with an estimate by the County Fiscal Officer of the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without, and what part within, the ten mill tax limitation;

Therefore Be It Resolved, by the Board of Education of the Independence Local School District – Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that the amounts and rates, as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted; and

Be It Further Resolved, that there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said School District the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as listed on Exhibit 5 – Schedule A & B; and

Be It Further Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the County Fiscal Officer of said County.

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Resolution Accepting the Amounts & Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission & Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies & Certifying Them to the County Fiscal Officer , approved

Resolution 2015 –52 – Resolution to Transfer Funds from the General Fund (001) to the Building Fund (004)

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following transfer of funds:

Transfer From Transfer To Amount Description

001 (General) 004 (Building) $ 3,470.00 Interest on Internal Note

001 (General) 004 (Building) $347,000.00 Principal Payment on Note

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Resolution to Transfer Funds from the General Fund (001) to the Building Fund (004), approved

Resolution 2015 – 53 – Acceptance of ‘Then and Now’ Purchase Order

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following ‘Then and Now’ purchase order:

P.O. # Vendor Amount Purpose

152255 Huntington National Bank $89,996.25 Bond Interest Payment

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Acceptance of ‘Then and Now’ Purchase Order, approved

Resolution 2015 – 54 – An Agreement with Love Insurance Agency for Voluntary Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Program for the 2015-2016 School Year

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves an agreement with Love Insurance Agency to enroll in the Voluntary Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Program for the 2015-2016 school year; underwritten by Guarantee Trust Insurance Company.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

An Agreement with Love Insurance Agency for Voluntary Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Program for the 2015-2016 School Year , approved

Resolution 2015 – 55 – Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Membership 2015-2016

Whereas, the Independence Local School District of Independence – 7733 Stone Road – Independence 44131 – Cuyahoga County, Ohio has satisfied all the requirements for membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association, a voluntary not-for-profit association; and

Whereas, the Independence Board of Education and its Administration desire for the schools with one or more grades at the 7-12 grade level under their jurisdiction to be voluntary members of the OHSAA;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, by the Independence Board of Education, that all schools listed on the reverse side of this card do hereby voluntarily renew their membership in the OHSAA; and that in doing so, the Constitution and Bylaws of the OHSAA are hereby adopted by this Board as and for its own minimum student-athlete eligibility requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board does reserve the right to raise the student-athlete eligibility standards as the Board deems appropriate for the schools and students under its jurisdiction; and

Be It Further Resolved that the schools under this Board’s jurisdiction agree to conduct their athletic programs in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, Regulations, Interpretations and decisions of the OHSAA; and to cooperate fully and timely with the Commissioner’s Office of the OHSAA in all matters related to the interscholastic athletic programs of the schools. Furthermore, the schools under this Board’s jurisdiction shall be the primary enforcers of the OHSAA Constitution, Bylaws and Sports’ Regulations, and the interpretations and rulings rendered by the Commissioner’s Office. The administrative heads of these schools understand that failure to discharge the duty of primary enforcement may result in fines, removal from tournaments, suspension from membership and/or other such penalties as prescribed in Bylaw 11.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Membership 2015-2016, approved

Mr. Narduzzi moved and Mr. Synek seconded the motion to combine agenda items Seven and Eight as one item:

Motion by: Mr. Narduzzi Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Narduzzi, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski,

Voting Nay: None

Combine agenda items Seven and Eight as one item, approved

Resolution 2015 – 56 – Timothy Skoczen, Coordinator of Student Services & Activities – Two-Year Limited Contract

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a two-year limited contract for Timothy Skoczen, in the position of Coordinator of Student Services & Activities; effective August 1, 2015 through July 31, 2017.

Resolution 2015 – 56 – Timothy Skoczen, Coordinator of Student Services & Activities – Resignation

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the resignation of Timothy Skoczen – Coordinator of Student Services & Activities; effective at the end of the business day – July 31, 2016.

Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mrs. Laski

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi, Mr. Fortlage

Voting Nay: Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski,

Timothy Skoczen, Coordinator of Student Services & Activities – Two-Year Limited Contract, Timothy Skoczen, Coordinator of Student Services & Activities – Resignation, approved

Mr. Avila expressed concerns regarding the quickness of the discussions involving items#7 and#8 and indicated that it should have been postponed for further discussion.

Resolution 2015 – 57 – Gretchen Obrovac – 75% Limited Contract – 2015–2016 School Year

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves an increase of time from 50% to 75% to Gretchen Obrovac – Vocal Music Teacher, for the 2015-2016 school year.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Avila

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Gretchen Obrovac – 75% Limited Contract – 2015–2016 School Year, approved

Resolution 2015 – 58 – Richard Adams – One-Year Limited Contract – 2015–2016 School Year

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a one-year limited teacher contract to Richard Adams – Middle School Social Studies Teacher, for the 2015-2016 school year; terms and conditions per the current bargaining agreement, and all documentation as required by district policies and procedures, as well as state and federal law.

Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mrs. Laski

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Richard Adams – One-Year Limited Contract – 2015–2016 School Year, approved

Resolution 2015 – 59 – Monica Wilcosky – Tutor – Resignation for Retirement

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the resignation for retirement of Monica Wilcosky – Tutor, effective at the end of the business day – June 30, 2015.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Monica Wilcosky – Tutor – Resignation for Retirement, approved

Resolution 2015 – 60 – Nancy Bydash – Teacher – Resignation for Retirement

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education accepts the resignation for retirement of Nancy Bydash – Teacher, effective at the end of the business day – June 30, 2015.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Nancy Bydash – Teacher – Resignation for Retirement, approved

Resolution 2015 – 61 – Alyssa Hoffert – Teacher – Resignation

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the resignation of Alyssa Hoffert – Teacher; effective at the end of the business day – June 30, 2015.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Alyssa Hoffert – Teacher – Resignation, approved

Resolution 2015 – 62 – Julianne Gardner – Teacher – Request for Parental Leave

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the parental leave request of Julianne Gardner – Teacher; effective August 18, 2015 through January 15, 2016.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Julianne Gardner – Teacher – Request for Parental Leave, approved

Resolution 2015 – 63 – Holly Presot – Long-Term Substitute Teacher Contract – First Semester – 2015-2016

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a long-term substitute teacher contract for Holly Presot; effective August 18, 2015 through January 15, 2016.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Avila

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Holly Presot – Long-Term Substitute Teacher Contract – First Semester – 2015-2016, approved

Resolution 2015 – 64 – Lauri Krupa – Substitute Caller – Purchased Services Contract – 2015-2016 School Year

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves a purchased services contract for Lauri Krupa, Substitute Caller, for the 2015-2016 school year; salary $4,000.00.

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mrs. Laski

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Abstain: Mr. Synek

Lauri Krupa – Substitute Caller – Purchased Services Contract – 2015-2016 School Year, approved

Resolution 2015 – 65 – Parent-Student Handbooks – 2015-2016 School Year Ex. 6a – 6b – 6c

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the Parent-Student Handbooks for the Primary, Middle and High Schools; effective with the 2015-2016 school year.

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Parent-Student Handbooks – 2015-2016 School Year, approved

Resolution 2015 – 66 – Educational Fee Structure – 2015-2016 School Year

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following Educational Fee Structure for the 2015-2016 school year:

A. Grade Level Fees

Grades K-8 $80.00

Grades 9-12 $35.00

B. Course/Subject Area Fees

Art Education:

Art I $25.00

Advanced Art $25.00

Art Exploration $25.00

2-D Art Foundations $25.00

3-D Art Foundations $25.00

Jewelry & Enameling $30.00

Business Education:

Accounting I & II $25.00

International Business $15.00

Marketing & Advertising $15.00

English Department:

AP Language & Composition $11.00

Creative Writing $25.00

Honors & English I Vocabulary Workbook $11.00

English III Upfront Magazine/Vocabulary Workbook $25.00

Family & Consumer Science Department:

Foods 101 $30.00

Iron Chef America $30.00

Top Chef Desserts $30.00

Foreign Language Department:

Spanish I Workbook for Middle School & High School $16.10

Industrial Technology Department:

Industrial Technology – Design Squad $15.00

Industrial Technology – Exploring Technology $15.00

Industrial Technology – Home Maintenance $15.00

Industrial Technology – Computer Aided Design I, II & III (CAD) $15.00

Industrial Technology – Wood Processing & Construction I, II & III $30.00

Science Department:

AP Biology $25.00

AP Environmental Science $25.00

Biology 5 (Lab Fees) $25.00

Biology 7 (Lab Fees) $25.00

Biology Special Research $25.00

Chemistry in the Community (Lab Fees) $25.00

Chemistry (Lab Fees) $25.00

Honors Biology (Lab Fees) $25.00

Honors Biology Research (Lab Fees) $25.00

Honors Chemistry (Lab Fees) $25.00

Honors Physics Lab $25.00

Human Anatomy & Physiology (Semester) $12.50

C. Classroom Fees

Magazine Fee – Kindergarten $5.25

Magazine Fee – First Grade $6.25

Magazine Fee – Second Grade $4.95

Magazine Fee – Third Grade $6.25

Magazine Fee – Fourth Grade $11.20

Third Grade Recorder Fee $5.00

Fourth Grade Battery Fee $5.00

D. Pay-to-Participate Activities/Intramural Fees

Art Club – Primary School (Per Session) $50.00

Primary School Intramurals $15.00

Middle School Activity Fee $65.00

Band Fee $65.00

E. High School and Middle School Sport(s) Fees

Individual $65.00

Individual Maximum $105.00

Family Maximum $165.00

F. High School Parking Fee $40.00

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Educational Fee Structure – 2015-2016 School Year , approved

Resolution 2015 – 67 – Cafeteria Lunch Prices for FY-2016, FY-2017 and FY2018

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following three-year lunch price increases; effective 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

Lunch Prices (Type A) FY-2016 FY-2017 FY-2018

Primary School $3.00 $3.25 $3.50

Middle School $3.25 $3.50 $3.75

High School $3.25 $3.50 $3.75

Adult $4.00 $4.25 $4.50

Motion by: Mr. Synek Second by: Mrs. Laski

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski

Cafeteria Lunch Prices for FY-2016, FY-2017 and FY2018, approved

Resolution 2015 – 68 – 2015 Summer Workers

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following 2015 Summer Workers; on an as needed basis; hourly rate per the Board approved salary schedule; effective June 8, 2015 – August 19, 2015:

Name Position Site

Alex Krasnoschlik College Student* High School

Robert Roddy Student Worker High School

Nick Pietrow Student Worker High School

John Roddy Student Worker High School

Theodore Waddell College Student* Middle School

Ryan Wancata Student Worker Middle School

Nick Krasnoschlik Student Worker Middle School

Jake Aguiar Student Worker Middle School

Nick Shirilla College Student* Primary School

Dustin Ernst Student Worker Primary School

Robert Kucera Student Worker Primary School

Jake Watroba Student Worker Bus Garage

Ethan Blaze Student Worker Bus Garage

Dan Guinto College Student* Land Lab

Tanner Hadick Student Worker Land Lab

Drew Benos Student Worker Land Lab

Ben Artrip Student Worker Land Lab

Nick Swisher Student Worker Alternate

Brooke Nelson Student Worker Alternate

Ryan Dworznik Student Worker Alternate

Evan Ramm Student Worker Alternate

*All college students are paid $11.00 per hour. All student workers are paid $8.10 per hour.

Motion by: Mr. Fortlage Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

2015 Summer Workers, approved

Resolution 2015 – 69 – Consent Agenda

Be It Resolved, that the Independence Board of Education approves the following Consent Agenda Items:

A. Personnel Action:

The Independence Board of Education approves the following personnel action pending (when applicable) satisfactory BCI&I and FBI Background Checks, as well as receipt of Student Activity Supervisor Permit, and all documentation as required by district policies and procedures, as well as State and Federal Law:

1. Supplemental Contracts – 2015-2016 School Year

The Independence Board of Education approves the following 2015-2016 supplemental contracts:


Matt Schatt – Marching Band

Matt Schatt – Concert Band

Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Music

Meghan Schatt – Primary School Music

Gretchen Obrovac – High School Choir


Matt Schatt – Marching Band

Matt Schatt – Technical Director, Marching Band


Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Drama Club


Meghan Schatt – Director

Rebecca Justice – Primary School Choreographer - Winter Concert

Rebecca Justice – Primary School Choreographer - Spring Concert

Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Show Choir


Eric Wells – Key Club

Scott Maretka – Biology Society

Dana Wolf – Middle School Builder's Club

School Day Activities

Rick Fierer – Mock Trial – Middle School

Nicki Lee – Primary School Student Council (K - 2)

Amy Montague – Primary School Student Council (3-4)

Joe Hribar – Middle School Video Announcement Coordinator

Eric Wells – Academic Challenge Advisor

Jill Wagner – Power of the Pen

Joe Durny – Middle School Recycling

Gretchen Obrovac – Middle School Talent Show

Recreational Activities

Joe Durny – Bowling Club

Joe Durny – Golf Club

Dan Czikray – Primary School Intramurals – Football & Basketball

Overnight Trips

Josie Vecchio – Washington DC Trip Coordinator – Middle School

Dana Yaro-Linderman – Chicago Trip Coordinator – Middle School

Ad-Hoc Positions

Deb Klag – Primary School Building – 50%

Donna McFarland – Primary School Building – 50%

High School Faculty Manager

Mike Gruber


Richard Adams – Assistant Coach

Boys’ Basketball

Hugh McMahon – Head Coach

Girls’ Basketball

Mike Marcinko – Head Coach


Ken DeAngelis – Head Coach

Girls’ & Boys’ Swimming

Cindy Lusk – Head Coach

Boys’ Soccer

Ryan MacRaild – Head Coach

Gino Manocchio – Assistant Coach

Girls’ Soccer

Bryan Less – Head Coach

Theresa Sanker – Assistant Coach


Megan Osysko – Head Coach

Nicole Kalisewski – Assistant Coach

Tony Messina – Assistant Coach


Mike Gruber – Head Coach

Girls’ & Boys’ Cross Country

Craig Polman – Head Coach

Boys’ Golf

Mark Echstenkamper – Head Coach

Girls’ Golf

Karl Schuld – Head Coach

Steve Ambrose – Assistant Coach

Extended Time – FY 2015

Connie Aquilano – hs 5 days

Mike Pennington 10 days

Extended Time – FY 2016

Connie Aquilano – hs 10 days

Mary Dolejs – hs 10 days

Lisa McClain – ms 5 days

Donna Lanich – ps 3 days

2. Supplemental Contract Resignation – 2014-2015 School Year

The Independence Board of Education approves the following 2014-2015 supplemental contract resignation:

a. Gary Mann – Concession Manager

Motion by: Mrs. Laski Second by: Mr. Synek

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mrs. Laski, Mr. Synek, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Consent Agenda, approved


Mrs. Ipsaro reported that on April 21st, Caitlin Sluka coordinated an Earth Day assembly on recycling. Graphic Packaging International conducted a presentation and planting activity for our Kindergarten-2nd graders. On April 29th the Primary School hosted over 425 guests for Grandparents' Day. A Bus Driver Appreciation lunch was held on May 4th. In which the bus drivers were treated to lunch and cupcakes as they dined with the students that ride their buses. May 11th, the Primary School along with Independence fire and police departments, presented ALICE Training assemblies and a lockdown/evacuation simulation. Donna McFarland held our second annual Spelling Bee on May 14th. Fourth grader, Naomi Klonowski was our first place winner.


Mr. McGuiness congratulated all of our honorees at the Academic Top Ten dinner and offered congratulations to the “All Star” cast of teachers that were invited: Mr. Magyari, Mr. Walchanowicz, Mrs. Fowler, Mr. Wells, Mrs. Paulus, Mrs. Krusinski, Mr. Maretka, Mrs. Satola, Mr. Piscura, and Miss Hoffert. The Senior Awards program will take place at 9 a.m. in the I.H.S. auditorium on Thursday, May 28th. I.H.S. will have an ALICE school safety assembly and practice drill on this Friday Morning at 7:45 a.m. Sgt. Borowy will go over the basics of the ALICE concept with our students. Final exams start on Monday, June 1st and will conclude on Wednesday, June 2nd.


Mr. Hegedish Congratulated Joe Hribar for our Spring "Guiding Star" award recipient. The Middle School completed its end of year PARCC testing. The 4th graders visited IMS and they conducted an Incoming 5th Grade Parent Meeting. The Middle School also conducted a school-wide safety (ALICE) drill.


Mrs. McCullough thanked all of the special education staff for their hard work, support and flexibility during testing.  She indicated that they worked very hard to meet the needs of students who require accommodations and modifications. The Autism Society hosted The Chili Cook Off in April.  Many of the district’s special education staff either volunteered or attended. The Autism Society also hosted a semi-formal dance for students with disabilities.  There was wonderful representation from Independence School staff and students. Parent Mentor, Eileen Hawkins provided support and worked with a number of families this year to help answer their questions and resolve their concerns.


Mr. Howard reported that the Office of Curriculum & Instruction has almost completed Standardized Testing for the 2014-2015 School Year. The only assessments remaining are the ODE Diagnostic Writing Assessments at the Primary School (Grades 1-3). All PARCC and AIR End of Year Assessments have been shipped and/or submitted electronically. Mr. Howard provided a hard copy of a comprehensive report, in which he prepared for the Business Partnership Committee and the Spring Edition of the Independence Quarterly. The report breaks down the various required assessments, the number of testing sessions, and the students involved (on Pages 3 & 4). There was a total of approximately 6,792 testing sessions in the district this year. Page one of the report illustrates four reasons for the proliferation in testing this year, Page two addresses some of the resulting political issues. The final page outlines the various testing changes contained in a recent bill (HB 74). He felt some of the changes were drastic. Both the Governor's Office and a Special Senate Committee have also made recommendations for reduced standardized testing next year. In addition to testing, he has been assisting teachers with online license renewals through our LPDC Committee processes and the ODE Ohio CORE Program.

Superintendent’s Report


Memorial Day – Monday, May 25th – No School

Commencement – Sunday, May 31st – 1:00 pm – High School Auditorium

Last Day for Students – Wednesday, June 3rd

Last Day for Teachers – Thursday, June 4th

Next Regular Board of Education Meeting – Tuesday, June 23rd

M15-45 Mr. Synek made a motion to Adjourn at 8:30 p.m.; seconded by Mrs. Laski.

Roll Call: Voting Aye: Mr. Synek, Mrs. Laski, Mr. Avila, Mr. Fortlage, Mr. Narduzzi

Voting Nay: None

Adjournment, approved

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

President – Jerry Narduzzi

Treasurer – Eric Koehler

(Approved: June 23, 2015 – Regular Meeting)


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