Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District / District ...

Nothing But the Truth Intro to Chapter 7Answer Key1. Miss Narwin said that Philip was an intelligent boy, but he lacked ambition. She liked him.2. He said a dog ran away with it and buried it.3. He said there would be major problems in programs and personnel which means that programs and personnel would have to be cut.4. Miss Narwin felt that the students came to "literature reluctantly"; they were independent which she admired, but they also only cared about things that concerned themselves.5. Miss Narwin was Philip's English teacher. He said she was so uptight that she could have been put together with super glue.6. Mr. Lunser talked and made jokes during the announcements and the national anthem.7. Philip was reassigned to Miss Narwin's homeroom.8. Miss Narwin had been teaching twenty-one years.9. Philip went to Harrison High School and was in the 9th grade.10. No, Philip did not take the exam seriously. He received a C-.11. The cost of the seminar was $2,000.00.12. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Does anyone ever say no?13. Phillip received a D in English.14. Answers may vary to include that it is like a religion to her, it was her life, or that without her students and books she would be lost.15. She wanted to attend a two-week summer seminar on new ways to teach literature.16. Philip's dream was to run track in the Olympics.17. Students should stand at respectful, silent attention during the national anthem.18. He wrote to inform them of the upcoming budget and board of education elections, to encourage them to talk to the voters, and to warn them to bring any controversial matters to his attention.Chapter 8-11Answer Key1. Philip hummed while the anthem was being played.2. Kimberly Howard, the band director, received the funds so she could take a summer course in marching band techniques.3. First, he suggested that Philip go talk to Miss Narwin. Secondly, he suggested Philip find out if he could do extra work to bring up the grade.4. Philip was afraid that Dad would be really mad if he told Dad the truth.5. 1. When Dr. Palleni asked what the problem was, Philip said, "I don't know." 2. Philip said Miss Narwin didn't like him. 3. Philip told Dr. Palleni that Miss Narwin wouldn't let him sing the national anthem. 4. Philip indicated that he sang in Mr. Lunser's class. 5. He said, "I always do it."6. He said, "I can handle her."7. Dr. Doane told Miss Narwin that her students scored higher on the standardized tests than other students.8. The D in English made Philip ineligible to even try out for the track team.9. When Dad had a confrontation with his boss, he didn't stand up for himself.10. He asked Coach if he would talk to Miss Narwin for him and get him switched from her class.11. False--Dad said that Philip should stand up for his rights, and they would support him in it.12. He wanted to upset Miss Narwin enough to get transferred out of her classes.13. She felt hurt over being refused the funding because she had never asked for anything in all the years she was there. She felt outraged (angry) because the money was given to a newer teacher who could afford to pay for the band course.14. Philip didn't know about the rule because he never read the student handbook.15. Miss Narwin sent him to Dr. Palleni's, the assistant principal's office.16. The three groups are the community, the administration, and the students.17. He said he was thinking about not trying out.18. He blamed Miss Narwin. He said, "She has it in for me."19. In his journal, Philip admitted that Dad was more upset about Philip not going out for the track team.20. He is the Malloy's neighbor and is running for election to the school board.Chapter 12-14Answer Key1. Dr. Palleni tried to explain that Philip was suspended for disturbing the class. Philip chimed in to say that it was for singing the national anthem. Mrs. Malloy assumed Philip's version was the correct one. Dr. Palleni cut the discussion short before Mrs. Malloy fully understood that it was for creating a disturbance.2. They decided to move him back to Mr. Lunser's homeroom class to start with.3. She thought it would be counterproductive.4. Philip and his father went over to Ted Griffen's house to tell him about Philip being suspended for singing the national anthem.5. She interviewed Phillip for a newspaper story on the issue.6. "She's wrong. No way I'm apoligizing."7. Dr. Palleni wrote memos to Margaret Narwin, Bernard Lunser, and Dr. Doane, the principal.8. Miss Narwin wrote about teaching the whole language approach to literature.9. The whole truth was not told. Philip was not a tenth grader, he did not sing out of a spirit of patriotism, and Miss Narwin did not change the rules.10. Dr. Palleni said that Philip would get a two-day suspension.11. He said he had the right to do it, and she couldn't stop him from being patriotic.12. He was using the issue with Philip to further his campaign for school board member.13. She interviewed Superintendent Dr. Seymour, Principal Dr. Doane, Assistant Principal Dr. Palleni, and Margaret Narwin. She never really received the truth because there were a lot of misunderstandings about the situation.14. Dr. Palleni called Philip's mother.15. Jennifer Stewart was a reporter for the Manchester Record. She was interviewing Ted Griffen at his home when Philip and his father stopped by.16. She sent him back to Dr. Palleni's office.17. Ken Barchett though Philip's singing was funny. Allison Doresett said that Miss Narwin was nice and that Philip must have gotten on Miss Narwin's nerves.18. No, Philip only hummed the anthem.19. She said she didn't want to give up on him yet.20. No, it won't change anything because Philip will still be in Miss Narwin's English class, and that's the one he wants out of.Chapter 15Answer Key1. Robert Duval was a writer for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and he wanted to get Miss Narwin's side of the story.2. He worked for WLRB.3. He was sent home for the rest of the day on Friday and missed Monday.4. Dr. Doane interviewed Ken Barchet, Cynthia Gambia, and Allison Doresett.5. Jake Barlow urged the listeners to write to Miss Narwin.6. It said Philip was a 10th grader instead of 9th grader. It said he sang when he actually hummed. Philip didn't sing in the "spirit of patriotism." It mentioned that he was home alone while his parents worked as if that were a horrible situation. It said that Margaret Narwin "brought about the suspension."7. Dr. Paleni wrote the first draft. Dr. Doane and Dr. Seymour each added more to the report.8. Philip didn't really like the publicity because he knew that he didn't sing out of a spirit of patriotism but to make Miss Narwin mad.9. He felt that he must have been right because every one told him he did the right thing, and they supported him.10. Miss Narwin received a phone call from her sister, Anita Wigham, saying it had appeared in her local paper.11. Barlow made fun of Roger and called him a rotten apple.12. Most of the telegrams and mail that came in was in support of Philip and his right to sing the national anthem.13. He wasn't sure what the other kids would say.14. Philip did not sing in a raucous, disrespectful manner. He did not sing because of a problem in the home. Philip was not asked to promise he would show an attitude of respect toward the national anthem.He was only given the option of apologizing to Miss Narwin, not the whole class.15. He wrote that he would talk to Miss Narwin about getting some extra work so he could get back on the track team.16. Dr. Palleni thought it must be something going on at Philip's home.17. Allison Doresett was the most accurate.18. The American Affiliated Press picked the story up and sent it to other papers around the country. Jake Barlow read the article in his paper and did a segment about it on his radio show.Chapter 16-19Answer Key1. She wouldn't let him in the room and told him that he had been transferred.2. The new principal was George Brookover.3. The budget did not pass, but Ted Griffen did get elected to the school board.4. Mr. Lunser called Philip "Uncle Sam."5. Dr. Seymour was talking about Miss Narwin.6. She decided to resign and go visit her sister.7. Coach Jamison told Philip that he wasn't a team player because of what Philip did to Miss Narwin. Coach Jamison said there was no place for someone like that on the track team.8. Allison told Philip that she thought what he did to Miss Narwin was mean.9. Since the matter of the suspension had been resolved, Ted Griffen urged people to vote in favor of the budget election.10. It may mean he is deciding whether or not to fire Miss Narwin. It could also mean he is looking for a way to get her out of sight until this all dies down.11. Washington Academy doesn't have a track team.12. She was unhappy because she knew they were just trying to get her out of the way.13. She felt that the statement didn't support her at all.14. He wanted to interview her for an article that would tell her side of the story.15. They teased him about being patriotic.16. It was old news and never got printed. A new story was thought to be more important.17. Philip's new homeroom teacher was Miss Rooney.18. Philip enrolled in a private school named Washington Academy.19. Philip finally admitted to Ken that the reason he didn't go out for track was because his grade in English made him ineligible.20. He knew that everyone there would be upset with him and blame him for Miss Narwin's resignation. ................

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