Stepek AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography Unit 2a: Population Guided Reading/Study Guide Mr. Stepek

Rubenstein p 44 – 46 (Introduction)

1. What is an MDC? _________________________________What is an LDC? _____________________________

2. How does the number of people per household compare between MDCs and LDCs? _____________________



3. What is demography? _______________________________________________________________________

4. [From the Case Study: Population Growth in India] How do many people in rural India view their children?



What other factor encourages the high birth rate in India? __________________________________________


How does this high birth rate hamper India’s economic development? ________________________________



5. The study of population is critical because

a. The world’s population is approaching (outdated) ________________________________.

b. The world’s population grew at the fastest rate in history during ________________________________.

c. Almost all the population growth is clustered in _________, What % (see page 54) _________________.

6. What is overpopulation? _______________________________________________________________________


Rubenstein p 46 – 53 (Key Issue 1: Where is the World’s Population Distributed?). Also read de Blij p 38 – 40.

7. Rubenstein states that 2/3rds of the world’s population is clustered in what four regions? A. ________________ B. _______________________________ C. ______________________________ D.________________________

8. According to your Rubenstein, where are two OTHER important population clusters?

___________________________________________ and ____________________________________________

9. How does the de Blij (p. 41) text differ from the Rubenstein in its description of major population clusters?



10. What is the ecumene? ________________________________________________________________________

11. What has happened to the ecumene over time? ____________________________________________________

12. What four areas are generally viewed as undesirable human habitats and therefore excluded from the ecumene?

______________________, _______________________, _______________________, ____________________

13. Use both texts to complete the chart. Understanding what high and low measures imply is important!

|Density Measure |Definition |Implication (what does it tell you about an area?) |

|Arithmetic (or population) |Total number of objects (people) within an |Ltd. implication, good for comparing urban, suburban, rural and other population |

|density |area |concepts. |

|Physiological density | | |

| | | |

| | |Carrying capacity (from lecture) |

|Agricultural density | | |

14. Rubenstein p 53 – 66 (Key Issue 2: Where has the World’s Population Increased?). Read this section (along with de Blij p 55 – 61) carefully and be sure to complete the chart below. We will be reviewing the Demographic Transition in class with a separate graphic organizer. This skips around a bit, so keep returning to this chart as you read?

|Demographic statistic |How is this statistic calculated? |

|Crude Birth Rate (CBR) | |

|Crude Death Rate (CDR) | |

|Natural Increase Rate (NIR) or | |

|Natural Rate of Increase (NRI) | |

|Total Fertility Rate (TFR) | |

| |What is the replacement rate? What TFR # does it correspond to (de Blij p 49)? |

| | |

|Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) | |

|Child Mortality Rate (de Blij p 65) | |

|Life Expectancy | |

|Zero Population Growth (ZPG) | |

|Stationary Population Level (SPL) (de Blij p | |

|59) | |

|Dependency Ratio | |

|Sex Ratio | |

15. What was the worldwide NIR during the early 21st century? _______ In what year and at what rate was NIR at its peak? ______________________________________ How has the world’s current population growth changed since the 1990s? _____________________________________________________________________________

16. What is doubling time? ________________________________________________________________________

a. (lecture) What is the relationship between NIR and doubling time (as NIR does what the doubling time does what)? __________________________________________________________________________________

i. Therefore, this relationship can be described as _______________________________________.

17. What is a population pyramid (de Blij p 60)? _______________________________________________________

_____________________________________ How is it structured? ____________________________________




18. What statistics is the primary determinant of the shape of a population pyramid? _________________________

19. What current and future problems arise from a dependency ratio that is skewed toward young dependents?



20. What problems arise from a dependency ratio that is skewed toward elderly dependents? _________________



21. What two changes (in demographic statistics) represent breaks with the past that move nations along the demographic transition (you are still in Rubenstein but this can be found on p 64)?

a. _____________________________________________________________________________________


b. _____________________________________________________________________________________


de Blij p 48 – 55 (Population Growth at World, Regional, National, and Local Scales)

22. What two pop. factors does the NIR NOT take into account? __________________________________________

23. In the chart below summarize the trend in population growth for various regions/countries that are mentioned?

|Country/Region |Summarize trends in population growth or decline (Why? or what it means for country/region, efforts to increase/decrease population |

| |growth, other factors influencing population growth.) |

|India | |

| | |

| |Where in India is rapid growth still occurring? |

| |What policies has India instituted in response to these high growth rates? Have they been successful (p. 53)? |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |What sort of programs is the govt. using now to encourage low birth rates? |

| |Where is the growth rate lowest? Why? |

|Sub-Saharan Africa | |

|Muslim countries of North | |

|Africa and the Middle East |Explain the correlation between high natural growth rates and the status of women within country or region. |

|(MENA) | |

| | |

| | |

| |Identify exceptions to this regional trend of high growth rates. |

|Other South Asia (note India | |

|above) | |

|China | |

|Japan | |

| |What is Japan’s pop. now? What is expected to be by 2050? |

| |How the Japanese feel about immigration into their country? |

| | |

| | |

| |(lecture) What strategy are the Japanese following regarding their falling population? |

| | |

|Southeast Asia | |

|South America | |

|Wealthy Countries | |

|Russia | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

24. What is the aging index? _______________________________________________________________________

a. What issues does a nation face as its population ages? ________________________________________





b. What is one way to change the age distribution? _____________________________________________

25. What is the relationship between “urbanization” and population growth (p. 53)? _________________________



26. How does religion often affect population growth rates? _____________________________________________


a. Besides Muslim countries, where else do we see the impact of religion on growth rates? ____________


Rubenstein p 66 – 70 (Key Issue #4: Why Might the World Face an Overpopulation Problem?) Also read de Blij p 45 - 47

27. What argument did Thomas Malthus make in An Essay on the Principle of Population published in 1798? ______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

a. What mathematical terms did Malthus use to describe how the growth in population and food supplies differed? _____________________________________________________________________________


b. In what two ways did Malthus see this situation resolving itself?

i. ______________________________________________________________________________


ii. ______________________________________________________________________________


28. How have Neo-Malthusians updated Malthus’ original theory? a. _____________________________________






29. Criticisms of Malthus’ theory? (lecture: What are Malthus’ critics called? _______________________________)

|Population growth |Resource depletion |

|(Esther Boserup and Simon Kuznets) |(in general) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|(Julian Simon) | |

| | |

| | |

| |(Marxists) |

|(some African political leaders) | |

|What has happened in reality since Malthus? |

| | |

| | |

30. What two strategies have been successful in reducing crude birth rate (summarize)?

a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



b. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

i. What are some reasons for resistance to family planning methods?

1. Women in LDCs __________________________________________________________

2. Men in LDCs _____________________________________________________________

3. Religion _________________________________________________________________


(lecture) ________________________________________________________________

de Blij p 66 – 70 (How does the Geography of Health Influence Population Dynamics?)

31. Summarize the information on the categorization of diseases in the chart below.

|Category |AKA |% |Definition: |Examples |

|Infectious | | | |Vectored: |

| | | | | |

|Genetic | | | |Why are genetic diseases especially interesting to geographers? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Rubenstein p 71 – 73 (World Health Threats)

32. What is epidemiology? ________________________________________________________________________


EPIDEMIOLOGICAL TRANSITION. Outline the major causes of death in each stage of the DTM.

|Stage |ALSO CALLED? Characteristic causes of death/why? Read and SUMMARIZE grabbing main ideas |

|Stage 1 | |

| | |

| |What is a pandemic? |

| |(de Blij p. 67) What is endemic? |

| |What is epidemic? |

|Stage 2 | |

| |What historical change led to a decrease in stage 1 death rates? |

|Stage 3 | |

|Stage 4 | |

|Stage 5 (???) | |

| |What are the three reasons we may see a reemergence of infectious and parasitic diseases? |

| |1. |

| |2. |

| |3. |

de Blij p 70 – 71, Rubenstein p 73 (AIDS)

33. What disease has cause a dramatic decrease in life expectancies in some parts of the world? ________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

34. How many people are estimated to be living with HIV worldwide (2007)? ________________________________

35. What region of the world has been the most affected by AIDS? ________________________________________

What percentage of HIV cases are found in this region? ______________________________________________

36. What is AIDS and how is it transmitted? ___________________________________________________________




37. How has this affected the life expectancy in the region? Cite examples? ________________________________



38. How does AIDS affect the population pyramid in countries with high rates of infection? ____________________


39. What groups are most affected by AIDs? Why? ____________________________________________________




40. What are some positive developments in the fight against AIDS? ______________________________________




de Blij p 72 – 76 (How do Governments Affect Population Change?)

41. What are “expansive” population policies? ________________________________________________________


a. Another term for this is? (lecture) _________________________________________________________

b. What country has been aggressive in giving incentives to its people to have more children?___________

42. What are “eugenic” population policies? __________________________________________________________


a. What countries have or have been accused of engaging in eugenics? _____________________________


43. What are “restrictive” population policies? ________________________________________________________


a. Another term for this is? (lecture) _________________________________________________________

b. The world’s most famous restrictive population policy is? Where? _______________________________

i. What affect did this policy have? ___________________________________________________




ii. What were some of the unintended consequences of this policy? ________________________




iii. (lecture) Why do think girls were the main targets of these unintended consequences? ______ ______________________________________________________________________________


iv. How has this country loosened this policy? ___________________________________________



v. (lecture) How did China modify the policy officially in 2015? _____________________________




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