Chapter 15 Section 3-Indian Self-Rule

Chapter 15 Section 3-Indian Self-Rule

India Seeks Self-Rule

• Tensions in India were high in early 1900’s. Escalated Post WWI

• Protests were occurring(against British rule

– Some British families were attacked

– British General Reginald Dyer-banned public meetings.

Steps Towards Independence

• 1919-Govt. of India Act(allowed for small percentage of wealthy to vote and introduced national parliament with two houses.

• Stated commission would be held in 1929 to see if India was ready for more concessions/reforms.

• British maintained control of all central govt. and in the provisional govt. the British maintained control of all key posts of tax and law and order.

– Many British were against India’s self-rule

• 1. If you give them some form of self-rule where will it end?

• 2. Would this start the break-up of the British Empire?

Amritsar Massacre

• Reforms done slowly and riots broke out over Britain’s supremacy over India

• Violence erupts-April 13, 1919(People gathered in Jallianwala Bagh-garden

– There to conduct peaceful meeting in protest of the arrest of two leaders of Indian National Congress.

• Dyer & 50 soldiers fired on innocent men, women, & kids 379 killed, + 1,100 wounded.

• Result(Indians see “evil” of Indian rule and start quest for self-rule.

• Rush for Indians to join the Indian National Conference

Frustration Continues to Build

• WWI-+ 1 million Indian casualties(Britain promised reforms leading to more self-govt.

• After the war-Britain doesn’t honor this(Indians-furious at lack of freedom.

• Some nationalist groups switch( complete independence as opposed to only self-govt.

– Indian Congress Party(members were mostly middle-class and were educated in west. Didn’t gain support of peasants.

– 1920’s Gandhi will unite all Indians in cause for independence.

Mohandas Gandhi(Raised in middle class Hindi family, Studied law in England at 19.

• Went to S.A. for 20 years & fought laws that discriminated against Indians there.

• Adopted non-violent resistance called satyagraha (soul force),

• Inspired Indians to resist British rule. 1914-returned to India and became leader of Congress Party

• Embraced Hindu traditions and Preached “ahisma”-nonviolence towards all life.

• People could use love to convert wrongdoers into taking right course of action.

• His philosophy reflected India influences, Christian teachings, civil disobedience, democracy, and nationalism.

• Rejected Caste system and fought for equality for ALL. (inc, women)

• Dressed in dhoti style(Urged country men to wear only cotton grown in India

• Spinning wheel became symbol of nationalist movement

• Launched series of nonviolent actions against British imperialists & urged Indians to “get rid of our own helplessness.”

SALT March(1930-Gandhi mobilized mass support to end British salt monopoly.

– British claimed only right to produce and sell salt.

– British taxed salt(stabilized their govt. in India

– Gandhi saw it as symbol of British oppression and all Indians needed salt.

• Gandhi wrote to British govt. to explain his goals in breaking their laws.

• March 12(Gandhi and 78 followers left India for 240 mile march to the sea.

– Along march he spoke to villagers, people joined in, thousands marched.

• April 6(Gandhi arrived at the sea and picked up sea salt!

– Young woman happily called “Hail, law breaker!”

• Gandhi encouraged others to join him in collecting salt.

• He was quickly put in jail, Tens of thousands of marchers were imprisoned.

• Stories spread throughout world about the harsh British treatment

– Beating, clubbing, and jailing innocent marchers

• Britain’s embarrassed by actions(Gandhi’s campaign of non-violence and self-sacrifice forced Britain to hand over some power to Indians.

Self-Rule When? (Govt of India Act 1919-stated in 10 years a commission would be established to see if India could have self-rule

• 1928-Simon Commission meets-1930-proposed self-govt. for provinces but nothing else.

• INC(found unacceptable-especially since no Indians were part of Commission.

– During the time Commission met-Gandhi started 2nd civil disobedience campaign-SALT March

– Lord Irwin-new Viceroy thought India should have dominion status and held two round table ccnferences-1930 and 1931.

– 1st one failed-no INC members present, most were in prison.

– Gandhi released from prison & travels to Britain for 2nd round table(broke over religion issue(What rep. would Muslims have in an Ind. Indian Parliament?

– 1935-Govt. Of India Act-introduced elected Indian assembly to have say in everything in India except Defense and Foreign Affairs.

– 11 provincial assemblies to have effective full control over local affairs.

– Nationalists still unhappy as it didn’t introduce dominion status which would allow for control of defense and foreign policies.

– Problems-Indian princes wouldn’t listen to assemblies and allow for their control and religious rivalry(About 2/3rds of India=Hindu 1/3rd =Muslim

• 1937-Hindus under Nehru win 8 of 11 provinces

• Muslims under Jinnah demand separate state-Pakistan

• Gandhi and Congress Party-determined to preserve Indian Unity.

• WWII-puts issue on hold and Britain promises dominion status for India once war ended.

• Britain1945-wants to draw constitution that would make both Hindus & Muslims happy.

• Plan(allow provincial govt. extensive powers & Central Govt. limited powers.

– Thought if this worked-Muslims dominated two provinces-there wouldn’t be need for separate Muslim state.

• Gov. General of India-Lord Wavell invited Nehru to form interim govt. Aug 1946

• Nehru included two Muslims in interim govt.(this did not stop violence

• Jinnah was convinced that Nehru couldn’t be trusted and called on Muslims to take direct action to get an independent Muslim state.

• Violence spread, over 5000 people killed in Calcutta & India descended into Civil War.

• 1947-Prime Minister of Britain-Clement Atlee announced Britain would leave India no later than in 1948.

• New Viceroy-Lord Mountbatten said peace could only be achieved if partition was introduced and delays would increase violence.

Indian Independence(Pushed forward date for British leaving India to Aug. 1947(Indian Independence Act was signed.

• Separated the Muslim majority areas (In the N-W and N-E regions of India) from India to create the independent state of Pakistan.

• Act-not easy to put in action and violence erupted as people moved to new provinces.

• By end of 1947-violence seemed to subside.

• 1948-Gandhi-was assassinated(Ironically-this ushered in period of stability in India


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