Visions of Freedom

Name: _________________ AP UNITED STATES HISTORY SUMMER READING & ASSIGNMENTS-Mr. BarnshawStudents enrolled in AP U.S. History I will need to complete summer reading to be successful in the course when it begins in the Fall. Please understand that the course is taught very similarly to a Freshman/Sophomore level college survey course. The reading, writing, and analytical demands placed on the students in this course are substantial. We will move through content fairly quickly during the school year, therefore it is crucial that you are properly prepared before class begins. Students will be expected to have a foundational knowledge of Pre and Post-Columbian North America before the class begins in the Fall. This corresponds to Chapter One of the textbook, but in order to get ahead you are encouraged to read the first two chapters prior to the first day of class.PART ONEStudents must read Chapter One and complete all assignments by the beginning of school. There will be a quiz on Chapter One on the second day of class .Students should be familiar with the following information from the Summer Reading assignment. Please note, you are NOT required to take notes on these questions, they are simply provided to guide your reading. These questions can help you complete Part Two of the Summer Assignment though.Chapter One:1. Describe why the “discovery” of American was one of the “most important events recorded in the history of mankind,” according to Adam Smith.2. Using what you read in this chapter about the movement of peoples, explain how North America became the location where East and West came together.3. One of the most striking features of the Native American society at the time of European discovery was its sheer diversity. Support this statement.4. Compare and contrast European values and ways of life to that of the Indians; consider religion, views on property ownership, gender relations, and views of freedom.5. What were the main factors fueling the European age of expansion?6. Describe the political, religious, and economic motivations for Spanish conquest.7. Compare the political, economic, and religious motivations behind the French and Dutch empires with those of New Spain.8. Describe how the attitudes and actions of the French and Dutch differed from those of Spain.9. How would European settlers explain their superiority to Native Americans and justify both the conquest of Native lands and terminating their freedom?PART TWOStudents will need to turn in the following five documents (all included with this packet) on the second day of class (students should use their textbook and the article “The Kaleidoscope of Early America”, included in this packet, to complete ALL activities):1. the Venn Diagram “Comparing and Contrasting European and American Indian Culture”2. the “Content Frame on Causes and Consequences of Exploration”3. the “Map of North America”, labeled with the following information:a. immigration routes of the First Americansb. location of major tribes (e.g., Wampanoag, Mohican, Pequot, Iroquois, Shawnee, Potawatomi, Ottawa, Chippewa, Menominee, Apache,Cherokee, Creek, Comanche, Huron, Algonquian, Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Nez Perce, Caddo, Ute, Hopi, and Inuit)c. ways of life for the major tribesd. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, Ohio River4. the “Visions of Freedom” section included.5. Article Review of the article “The Kaleidoscope of Early America” along with the annotated article.AP U.S. History - 1 - Summer AssignmentCountryCauses of ColonizationCharacteristics of ColonizationConsequences of ColonizationCountryCauses of ColonizationCharacteristics of ColonizationConsequences of ColonizationCountryCauses of ColonizationCharacteristics of ColonizationConsequences of Colonization06110061100611006110Compare and contrast European and American Indian Culture Compare and contrast European and American Indian Culture Visions of Freedom IN what ways does the painting suggest that Indians freely accepted Catholicism and French rule? How do the houses, ship, and dress of the Indians reinforce the painting’s message? __________________ Name & Period: Points: _____ Title of Article: ________________________________________________________________________ Author of Article: ________________________________________________________________________ Connections to the Textbook (6 points): (On which points/ideas do they overlap?) 1. 2. 3. Summary of the Article (15 points): Things I Learned from the Article (5 points): 1. 2. Questions I Have from the Article and / or Wish to Pose During the Seminar (9 points): 1. 2. 3. ................

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