The American West

TheAmericanWest ProjectMr. TerBossSocial Studies 8The main topics are in bold, which is what your paper will be about. That is followed by other related topics that can be used to help find more information. They can/should be included in your paper. You are not limited to just those topics.General Time Frame:Most of the topics should fall in the timeframe of the 1860s-1890s. If you are researching info before or after this time period, ask me if you are still on the right track. There are some exceptions to this. The American WestProject Topic ListOne Student per Topic per ClassTransportation & TechnologyRailroads: The “Iron Horse,” importance to western settlement, Transcontinental RR (Union Pacific, Central Pacific), Credit Mobilier ScandalCommunication: Pony Express, Overland Mail (Butterfield Trail), Stagecoaches, Wells-Fargo, TelegraphTraveling West: Wagon Trains, Conestoga Wagon, Prairie Schooner, Hardships, Donner Party, etc.New Technology: steel plow, barbed wire, telegraph, new inventions that benefited the WestNative American Life/PeoplePlains Indians: way of life, customs, traditions, tribes (Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow, etc.)Buffalo: importance to Native Amers, buffalo hunters (Buffalo Bill), disappearance of & affect on Nat AmersSioux Tribe: Sitting Bull, Crazy HorseNez Perce Tribe: Chief Joseph - “I will fight no more forever.”Apache Tribe: Geronimo, CochiseGreat Chiefs (other than those already mentioned in 7-9): Red Cloud, Black Kettle, Big Foot, Gall, etc.The “Indian Wars”Indian Massacres: Sand Creek (Chivington), Washita River, Fetterman, etc.Broken Promises: Treaties, Reservations, Dawes Act, Fort LaramieBattle of Little Bighorn: Custer’s Massacre, Custer’s Last StandWounded Knee: Ghost Dance, Wovoka, Sitting BullLife in the U.S. Cavalry: Western soldiers after the Civil War, frontier fortsFamous “Indian Fighters”: Custer, Chivington, Fetterman, Crook, Miles, Sheridan, Sherman, etc.Cowboys and SettlersCowboys/Cattle Kingdom: equipment, jobs, branding, cow towns, long drives, open range, myth vs. realityPioneers/Prairie Life: Homesteaders/Sodbusters, Homestead Act, farming in the West, Laura Ingalls Wilder & Willa Cather (authors), sod housesAfrican Americans in West: Buffalo Soldiers, Exodusters (Ben Singleton), Cowboys (Bill Pickett, Nat Love)Women in the West: average (pioneer women) vs. famous (Annie Oakley, Belle Starr, Calamity Jane)Populist Party/The Grange (farmers): William Jennings Bryan, Wizard of OzReligion: Mormon migration to Utah (Joseph Smith, Brigham Young), White vs. Native American, missionariesThe “Wild West”Mining in the West: California Gold Rush (Marshall, Sutter, 49ers, Levi Strauss), Comstock Lode, Black Hills, boomtowns, ghost towns, silver rushesFamous Lawmen: myth vs. reality (Earp Bros., Bat Masterson, Bill Hickock, Pat Garrett), Texas RangersOutlaws/Gunfighters: myth vs. reality (Billy th Kid, Jesse James, Butch Cassidy, Hardin, Younger, Clanton)Mountain Men/Trappers/Fur Trade: Jim Bridger, Jim Beckwourth, Jedidiah Strong Smith, Joe Meek& Frontiersmen/ Explorers: John Fremont, Kit CarsonOklahoma Land Rush: boomers, sooners, Far and AwayWild West Shows: William Cody (Buffalo Bill), Annie Oakley, Sitting Bull, Will Rogers, Tom Mix, etc.If you are interested in a relevant topic that is not mentioned above, see me as soon as possible for approval.The American WestChapter 19 Project AssignmentThis is the biggest project assignment of the year. The grade will make up over 1/3 of your first marking period average. Included will be a written report, an oral presentation to the class (which will include a visual), and a works cited. If you follow the directions and use my suggestions, your life will be made much easier. This packet is designed to help you with each part of the project. I suggest you begin working immediately. It is important for you to work on it daily, both at school and at home. If you wait, you will be overwhelmed! Your assignment is to complete the following: Choose a topic from the list on the back of the front cover (one student per topic per class). Rank your top 5 tonight.Research your topic using a minimum of five sources. You must use at least two Internet sources and at least two books that are about or include your topic. The 5th source and beyond are your choice.We will spend six class periods in the computer lab and/or the library. The rest is up to you! Books will not be allowed to be signed out during the project. There are numerous public libraries in the area: George F. Johnson, Vestal, Binghamton.Write a 2-3 page report on your topic. See “Tips for Project” sheet (also in packet) for typing rules & suggestions on how to organize your paper. A title page must be included with your report. No fancy binders! Just 1 staple in the upper left corner.Construct a visual display that will be used as part of your oral presentation. This should be visually stimulating and creative. Examples include power point presentations, collages, models, shoe box dioramas, posters, pictures, maps, charts, graphs, objects, etc. The more you have, the better your grade. You are not limited to just one! Construct a works cited page for your sources. See “Works Cited Pattern Booklet” for the rules and the “tips” sheet for suggestions. This is graded by the librarian, so do it correctly in order to earn maximum credit.Give a 2-3 minute oral presentation to the class explaining your topic and using your visual aid as part of it. See the “tips” sheet for suggestions. Eye Contact/Voice/ Time Limit.Take a matching quiz on the project topics. Study the Topic List in this packet. That is what I used to make the quiz.Your final grade will be determined using the following criteria:Written Report- 50 pointsOral Report- 15 : Eye Contact (5), Volume-Clarity of Voice (5), Time Limit (5)Visual Aid- 25 points (This is to be used in your oral presentation.)Works Cited Page- 10 points (Graded by the librarian.)See grading rubric for more details on written report grade.Important Dates:Parent signature & Choose Topics __________________________________________________Class time for research in library/computer lab ____________________________________________________________Books only: _____________________________ Books &/or Computers: ______________________________ *PROJECT DUE DATE_____________________________________________________to be handed in: written report with title page, visual aid, works cited (name on each)NO EXCEPTIONS, NO EXCUSES (15 points off per day late, not accepted after 3 days)Oral Presentations (3 days)_______________________________________________________be ready to go on the first day!Matching Quiz _______________________________________________This project will count for over 1/3 of your report card average. You cannot afford to take this lightly.You will be expected to complete most of the work (research, writing, visual, etc.) on your own time. Don’t wait until the due dates to get started! Budget your time wisely and don’t waste any! This project is too important for you to procrastinate!I have read this packet and understand what is expected of me. This packet is also available at terboss.aspx Student Signature: _________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________Project Tips & Requirements Tips for Research: 1. Take notes on colored 3 x 5 cards. Each source has its own color. When you change sources, remember to change colors too. Why? When using several sources, it’s easier to organize your paper when you can “shuffle” the cards in the order you want. 2. Limit each card to one thought or idea. Why? Too much information on one card gets confusing and makes it difficult to organize the paper.Also, 1 card can’t be in 2 places. 3. Do NOT copy the information word for word. Instead, get the main point of the author and put it in your own words. Why? If you don’t copy when you take notes, you won’t copy in your report. Changing a word here or there is still copying. 4. Label each card at the top with: a. Topic or subject of the information on the card (upper left corner) b. Page or link that the information can be found (upper right corner) 5. Works cited information for each source should be put on its own card. This should be the 1st card you fill out when you start a new source. Tips for the Paper: 1. Begin the paper with an introductory paragraph. This should introduce your topic to the reader and indicate what the paper will be about. This paragraph should be about 5-7 sentences. Your 1st sentence is your thesis statement. This should summarize the main point. 2. The “body” of your paper includes the information gathered from your research. This will be the majority of your paper. The number of body paragraphs will be determined by the number of card piles (sorted by subject – see 4a). Small paragraphs with similar subjects should be combined; large paragraphs should be sub-divided. The average paper will have 3-8 body paragraphs. 3. End the paper with a concluding paragraph. This will wrap everything up and give the paper a sense of finality (closure). Hint: What was your main point? Summarize the main ideas of the paper. This paragraph should also be 5-7 sentences (like the intro). 4. Double space, 11 pt Calibri font, 1” margins on all sides, start on line 1 of every page, no headings, no page numbering 5. When you are done writing, read/edit your own paper. Then have someone else (parent) read/edit it for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Did you use all of your sources? Also, don’t forget your title page! An example will be provided before the project is due. Tips for the Oral Presentation: 1. Do NOT read a speech from a piece of paper. If you need to use 3 x 5 cards with key pieces of information, use only occasionally. I want you to talk to the class. Teach us!!! Don’t just read a speech. 2. Make eye contact with your audience (not just me, either). Look at us when you talk. 3. Project your voice (loud and clear). You’re the expert! Show us what you know. 4. Use your visual aid as part of your presentation. Explain what you did and how it relates to your topic. This will also be graded (effort!). 5. Stick to the main points and ideas of your topic. We don’t need to know every single detail. You will lose our interest if we are bored. 6. PRACTICE your oral report at home and time yourself. Tips for the Works Cited: 1. Use the “Works Cited Pattern Booklet” as a guide. Write your entries exactly as shown (in proper order, with proper punctuation, capitalization, underlining, etc.) 2. Entries must be in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the entry. 3. The first line is all the way to the left. All other lines in that entry are indented 5 spaces. Start under the 6th letter. Example: _________________________________ line 1 ______________________________ line 2 ______________________________ line 3 4. Entries are double spaced (just like the paper). 5. Don’t label your entries with numbers or letters. American West Project: Final Checklist 1. Do you have a title page? _______ a. Title centered with name, period, due date and my name in lower right corner b. Photos, graphics, borders, etc. are acceptable c. One staple in upper left corner, no covers/protectors 2. Is your paper at least two full pages, going onto a third? _______ a. Calibri 11 point font, 1” margins on all sides, double-spaced b. No extra lines between paragraphs or at top, no page numbering or headings 3. Is the paper in your own words? _______ a. Are you using vocabulary that’s suitable for your age? Do you understand everything in your paper? Does your paper “flow?” 4. Have you read and edited your paper? Has someone else? ______ a. If it doesn’t make sense to you, it won’t make sense to me either. b. Have Mom &/or Dad read it. Value their feedback! 5. Have you practiced your oral presentation at least 3 times? _____ a. make eye contact with audience, project voice, 2-3 minutes long b. Don’t read speech, teach us (you’re the expert!), lose gum, stand up straight 6. Does your visual show a lot of hard work & effort? ________ a. This is worth 25 pts, graded solely on effort. Is your name/per somewhere on it? b. How much time and energy did you put into it? Does it show? 7. Will you get full credit for your Works Cited? _______ a. Is the info for each entry in the correct order? Is the punctuation correct? b. Are the entries in alphabetical order? Are there labels? (shouldn’t be!) c. Are entries double-spaced, 11 pt. Calibri font? d. Is first line of each flush left with additional lines indented 5 spaces? e. Are there at least 5 sources listed? Is your name/per on it? f. Is the page labeled Works Cited? 8. Have you gone over the “Tips Sheet” one last time? ________ a. That information is advice to help you get the highest grade you can! 9. Have you gone over your grading rubric? What grade would you give yourself? Be honest about it! _______ (see back of this page) a. If you didn’t give yourself a high grade, do you think I’m going to? b. Fix what needs to be fixed! 10. Staple a $20 bill to the written report for a better grade …. kidding! ................

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