DPS-Modern Indian School, Doha-Qatar

263080515303500DPS- MODERN INDIAN SCHOOL, ALWAKRAH, QATAR ACADEMIC YEAR (2016-2017) REVISION FOR SA2-CLASS- 5 SUBJECT: GENERAL SCIENCE REVISION PAPER-1CHAPTER 4: BONES AND MUSCLESAnswer the following: 1] a. Define skeleton (1 mark) b. State the functions of the skeleton. (2 marks)2] a. Define bone marrow. (1 mark) b. Are bones living or non-living. Justify? (2 marks)3] a. From the picture above identify and name the part of the skeleton. (1 mark) b. How many bones are present here? (1 mark) c. Which is the only movable part? (1 mark) c. What are its functions? (2 marks) 4] a ) What is rib cage? (1 mark) b) What is the function of the rib cage? (1 mark) c) How are floating ribs different from the other ribs? (1 mark)5] a. Identify and name the part of the skeleton.(1 mark)b. How many bones are present in this part?(1 mark)c. What are the bones called as?(1 mark)d. What are its functions ?( 2 marks)6] a. Name two bones which help the arm to join with the spine.(1 mark) b. Name the longer bone found in the upper arm.(0.5 mark) c. Name the two long bones found in the lower arm.(1 mark) d. How many bones are found in the hand wrist. (0.5 mark)7] a. Name the single long bone found in the upper leg. (0.5 mark) b. Name the two bones found in the lower leg. (1 mark) c. How many bones are found in the ankle and feet? (0.5 mark)8] a. Define joint. (1 mark) b. Differentiate between movable and immovable joint. (2 marks)9] a. Name the elastic tissue which holds bones together at joints. (1 mark) b. Name the type of joint found in the skull (1 mark) c. Fill in the table (3 marks)KIND OF JOINTSLOCATIONTYPE OF MOVEMENT Hinge joint Ball and socket joint Pivot joint Gliding joint 10] a) Name the muscles A and B? (1 mark) b) Explain how these muscles work. (3 marks) c) How are ligaments different from tendons? (1 mark)11] Identify the muscles below: (5 marks)PictureKind of muscleLocationWhy are they called so?II] MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: (One mark each)1. Which among the following is the longest bone in the body? A. Humerus B. tibiaC. ulnaD. Femur.2. The number of bones that make the spine is A.20 B.33C. 42 D.32.3. Soft, elastic, tissues present between the bones at joints. A. Cartilage B. ligamentsC. tendonsD. none of the above. 4. Bone of upper arm is calledUlnab. radiusc. femurd. humerus. 5. ________________ joint is found in the neck. A. Gliding B. Pivot C. Hinge D. Ball and socket 6. The bone in the upper leg is called A. Humerus B. femur C. Radius D. ulna 7. Our Skull is made up of ___________ bones. A. 27 B. 22 C. 33 D. 26 8. Small bones that make up the spine is called as A.Spinal cord B. cartilageC. vertebrae D. ligaments 9. Ankles and wrists have __________ joint. A. hinge joint B. gliding joint C. ball and socket D. pivot 10. _______________ hold two bones together at joints. A. tendons B. ligaments c. muscles D. cartilage 11. Number of bones found in the picture below are A. 33 B. 12 pairs C. 22 pairs D. 2612. The type of joint found in the elbow is A. Gliding joint B. Ball and socket joint C. pivot joint D. hinge joint 13. The spinal cord is protected by the A. backbone B. skull C. ribcage D. None of these 14. A ball and socket joint allows movement in A. all directions B. back and forth C. slide past each other D. up and down15. Smooth muscles are present in A. hands B. heart c. stomach d. all the aboveIII] 1.Label the following: i) ii) iii) 2. Identify the types of joints: 1. ______________ 2. ___________________ 3. _____________ 4. ____________________ SA-2-REVISION PAPER-2- 2016-17 LESSON- ‘ROCKS AND MINERALS’[I] Define: (1mark each)1. Weathering 2. Soil erosion3. Deforestation4. Soil Conservation5. Afforestation6. Terrace farming[II] Very short questions: (1mark each)Q1. What are renewable sources of energy?Q2. Why should we use coal and petroleum judiciously?Q3. Why petroleum is called black gold?Q4. Which fossil fuel is obtained from the dead remains of sea animals?[III] Short questions: (2marks)Q1. Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.Q2. Distinguish between afforestation and deforestation.Q3. What is terrace farming?Q4. Why is conservation of soil important?Q5. How is soil formed?Q6. How does overgrazing cause soil erosion?[IV] Answer briefly : (3marks)Q1. Explain how coal is formed.Q2. Explain how petroleum is formed.Q3. Explain how deforestation causes soil erosion.Q4. List the ways in which soil can be conserved.Q5. Write the uses of coal.Q6. Write the uses of petroleum.[V] Give reasons : (2marks)1. Coal and petroleum are called fossil fuels.2. Embankments are constructed along the banks of the rivers.3. Conservation of soil is very important.4. Soil is a valuable natural resource.[VI] Multiple choice questions: (1mark)Renewable sources of energy are ____________. a) unlimited b) non-polluting c) available freely d) all of the aboveSoil can be eroded by___________.a)making embankmentsb) Terrace farmingc) Overgrazingd) Afforestation SA-2-REVISION PAPER-3- 2016-17LESSON: OUR ENVIRONMENTI. Short answer questions: (one mark each) Define EnvironmentEcosystemc. Pollutiond. Pollutant e. Polluterf. Compostingg. Incineration 2. Why has the Supreme Court of India set up green benches? 3. Name the three R’s of waste disposal. II. Answer the following: (two marks each) Mention the causes and effects of :- Air PollutionWater PollutionSoil PollutionNoise PollutionWhat is meant by environmental conservation? Mention two to conserve the environment.Differentiate between biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.What are the benefits of composting?Explain vermicomposting and its benefits.What are Landfills? How are they useful?Blowing horns around hospitals and schools are banned. Why?Rahul and his sister Rohini were on a tour. After drinking water from a plastic bottle, Rohini threw it on the ground. Rahul asked her to pick it up and throw it in a dustbin a few meters away. What value does Rahul exhibit? Why should we not drop plastic bottles on the ground?Explain the three R’s and their advantages.III. Multiple choice questions : (one mark each) 1. One of the best solutions to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is _____1.burning2.dumping3.burying4.recycling2.?Animal dung is _________________ waste.1.biodegradable2.non-biodegradable3. Toxic4.Hazardous 3. Which of the following is biodegradable?1.iron nails2.plastic mugs3.leather belts4.silver foil4. Which of the following is non-biodegradable?1.animal bones2.nylon3.tea leaves4.wool5. Which of the following results from overgrazing?1. Desertification2. Water retention3. Pollution4. None of the above6. Black patches on the body is caused by___________1. Mercury2. Lead3. Arsenic4. Aluminum7. The method of waste disposal that cause air pollution is_______________1. Composting2. Landfills3. Incineration4. None of the above8. Earth summit held at Rio de Janeiro in _____________1. 1892 june2. 1992 june3. 1982 march4. 1978 JulySA-2-REVISION PAPER-4- 2016-17 LS- LIGHT AND SHADOWI.DEFINE: (1 mark each)TRANSPARENT OBJECTSTRANSLUSCENT OBJECTSOPAQUE OBJECTSSHADOWTIDESLUNAR ECLIPSESOLAR ECLIPSEARTIFICIAL SATELLITESCRATERSRECTILINEAR PROPAGATION OF LIGHT.II.MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: (1mark each)Which of the following is a translucent object?Candle b) plastic bottle c)book d)clear waterDark shadows are formed from these objectsTransparent objects b) translucent objects c)opaque objects d)none of theseGravity of moon is ____________ of the earth’s gravity.1/8th b) 1/4th c)1/12th d)1/6th Which of the following is the image of a waning crescent moon?a) b) c) d) 5. Shadow of objects are __________ at noon time.longest b) largest c)shortest d)nearest 6. Occurrence of ocean tides are caused due to _______________ a) gravitational pull of moon b) gravitational pull of sun c) gravitational pull of earth itself d) none of these 7. Deep pits on the surface of moon are called _________________. a) holes b) mountains c)craters d)volcanoes 8. Lunar eclipse occurs when ___________ comes between ___________ and ______ all three of them are in a straight line.Sun, moon, earth b) moon, sun , earth c) Sun, earth , moon d)none of these 9. Solar eclipse occurs on ________________ . a) no moon night b) no moon day c) full moon day d) full moon night 10. First artificial satellite sent to space in 1957 is ________________________. a)Sputnik -1 b) Aryabhatta c) GSAT-16 d) Cartosat-3 11. Since 24th September, 2014 the satellite orbiting mars launched by India is_______ a) INSAT- 1 b) Aryabhatta c) Chandrayaan d) Mangalyaan 12. Chandrayaan-1 was launched in the year______________________ a)2007 b) 2008 c) 2009 d) 2010 III. GIVE REASONS: (1 mark) 1. Shadows are longer in morning and evening, while shortest at noon time 2. Shapes of moon changes every night. 3. No life exists on the moon. 4. There will be no life on earth without sunlight. 5. Solar eclipse does not occur on every new moon day. IV. SHORT QUESTION/ANSWERS: (2 marks) 1. How does light enable us to see objects? 2. Write few lines about the surface of the moon. 3. What are the things required for shadow formation? 4. Explain the property of rectilinear propagation of light. V. Long QUESTION/ANSWERS: (3/5 marks) 1. Differentiate between three types of objects with example. 2. With help of a diagram explain the formation of ocean tides. 3. See the image given below and answer the following questions: Which eclipse is shown in the above picture?When does this eclipse occur?Explain how this eclipse occurs. 4. See the image given below and answer the following questions: Which eclipse is shown in the above picture?When does this eclipse occur?Explain how this eclipse occurs.What do you mean by the term artificial satellite? Explain its uses.SA-2-REVISION PAPER-5- 2016-17LESSON-FOOD AND HEALTHQI) Answer the following questions I. Define (1mark each)1.Nutrientsroughage,balanced diet,vaccines, deficiency diseases,allergyII) Complete the table (0.5 mark each)Sr NoNUTRIENTSFUNCTION FOOD ITEMS 1Proteins2Carbohydrates3Fats4Vitamins5Minerals III. Answer the Following Questions;-1) List the importance of the following. (1*3 ) a) water b) roughage c) exercise and rest2) What do you mean by diseases and what is the difference between Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases? (3)3) What are microbes? Identify the following microbes .Give two examples for disease cause by them. (4*2)1)2)1)2)1)2)1)2)4) How do diseases spread through air? (2 mark each)5) How do diseases spread through contact?6) How do diseases spread through insects? 7) Liza is fond of eating out side food. Very often she complains about stomach ache and diarrhoea. a) What could be the reason for her stomach aches and diarrhoea? b) What will be the reasons for food contamination? 8) Give four ways to prevent the spread of germs.9) Give four ways to stop breeding and growth of germs.10) Complete the following tableDiseaseDeficiencySymptomsPreventive FoodNight blindnessBeri beriVitamin CIronRicketsIodineCalcium and phosphorus MarasmusKwashiorkor SA-2- REVISION PAPER-6- 2016-17Ls -No-5 OUR Nervous systemI. Fill in Blanks a) The nervous system comprises of _________, ____________ and _______________.b) The brain lies in a hard bony covering known as ____________.c) The Brain has three parts -1______________,2___________3__________d) Each nerve is made up of a number of ___________ or ___________.e) All ____________ actions are spontaneous and involuntary.f) _____________ are the windows to the outside world.g) ____________ is the outer transparent layer of an eye.h) ___________ is the white part of the eye.i) ___________ nerve helps us to hear.j) ___________ nerve helps us to smell.II. Answer the Following Questions1) Draw a label diagram of neuron and describe its structure.2) Describe three kinds of nerves. 3) Explain the three parts of a brain. State the functions of each.4) How do eyes help us to see?5) Tia never reads in dim light as once her father says we should take care of our eyes .These are most beautiful gift from God. What are the other ways to take care of our eyes?6) How does skin help in cleaning our body?7) Label the parts of an eye and mention its functions.8) While playing Mohit suddenly jump as a pin pricks his feet.a) What is this reaction known as?b) Explain how it works. ................

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