

Jeffrey R. Lucas

Department of Biological Sciences

Purdue University

West Lafayette, Indiana


1983: Ph.D., University of Florida, Zoology.

Dissertation: "Optimality, constraints and hierarchies in the analysis of foraging strategies." Advisor: H.J. Brockmann

1978: M.S., University of Florida, Zoology.

Thesis: "Feeding selectivity and competition between the silversides Menidia peninsulae and Menidia beryllina at Crystal River, Florida." Advisor: Carter R. Gilbert

1975: B.S., Florida Institute of Technology, high honors in Biology.


2010-present: Assoc Head, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

2002-present: Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

1994-2002: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

1987-1994: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University

1986-1987: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Redlands.

1984-1986: Visiting Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary.

1983-1984: NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Zoology, Oxford University (advisor: JR Krebs).

1975-1983: Research and Teaching Assistant, Zoology, University of Florida.


Animal communication; use of optimization techniques in the study of behavioral ecology; ecological implications of energy regulation and storage.


1988: Purdue PRF International Travel Grant

1990: NSF, Animal Behavior Panel. "Dynamic aspects of foraging decisions: short term caching strategies".

1991: Indiana Academy of Science Grant, (co-PI with Denise Zielinski): "Differences in fat versus food storage among grey squirrels: is there a fitness tradeoff?"

1991: Purdue Research Foundation Research Grant: "Causes and consequences of individual variation in food storing behavior". (for Denise Zielinski)

1991: NSF, Animal Behavior Panel, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement: "Dynamic aspects of foraging decisions: short term caching strategies".

1992: Purdue Research Foundation Research Grant: "Spatial structure and population persistence in banner-tailed kangaroo rats". (for Priyanga Amarasekare)

1993: NSF, Animal Behavior Panel. "Regulation of Body Mass and Stored Food: Responses to variable environments and differential costs of energy storage".

1993: Indiana Academy of Science (co-PI with Yohan Lee). "Temperature dependent sex determination and the red queen hypothesis: a study of sexual morphology in the hermaphroditic terrestrial slug, Deroceras laeve".

1993: Indiana Academy of Science (co-PI with Denise Zielinski). "Annual variation in fat and food storage patterns among grey squirrels".

1994: Indiana Academy of Science (co-PI with Laura Hilden). “The effects of heterozygosity on the fitness of medaka (Oryzias latipus) subjected to a thermally variable environment”.

1994: NSF, Animal Behavior Panel, Research Experiences for Undergraduates Supplement. “Regulation of body mass and stored food: responses to variable environments and social conditions”.

1995: Indiana Academy of Science (co-PI with Curtis Jackson). “Communication and its relationship to physical state in the Carolina chickadee”.

1997: NSF, Postdoctoral Fellowship (for Vladimir Pravosudov).

1997: Indiana Academy of Science (co-PI with James Kellam). “Pair bond maintenance in downy woodpeckers”.

1998: Purdue Research Foundation Research Grant. “Hormonal facilitation of the avian pair bond and constraints on its maintenance during the nonbreeding season” (for James Kellam).

2001: NIMH: “Integrating energy storage, hippocampus and hormones” (PI; with two collaborators: NS Clayton and H Schwabl)

2001: Purdue Reaserch Foundation Research Grant. “Sexual selection and the evolution of novel warning coloration: a comparison between pupal mating and non-pupal mating Heliconius butterflies”.(for Adam Boyko)

2003: NSF: “DISSERTATION RESEARCH:  The evolutionary puzzle of warning coloration” (for Adam Boyko)

2003: US Dept of Education GAANN Program: “Fellowship Program in Multidisciplinary Ecology.” Project Director: Dr. Robert Swihart, Key Personnel: Dr. Morris Levy, Dr. Jeffrey Lucas, Dr. E. O. Rhodes, Jr.

2010: Purdue Research Foundation Research Grant: “The potential for eavesdropping: physiological and behavioral responses of brown-headed cowbirds to host vocalizations and acoustic degradation” (for Megan Gall)

2011: NSF: “DISSERTATION RESEARCH:  Physiological mechanisms regulating plasticity in the peripheral auditory system: implications for communication” (for Megan Gall)

2011: NSF, Animal Behavior Panel. “Comparative study of seasonality in auditory performance”.


American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Society of Naturalists

Animal Behavior Society

International Society for Behavioral Ecology

Phi Beta Kappa (elected 1983)

Sigma Xi Research Society


Top Ten Outstanding Teachers in the College of Science for 2005.

Elected Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society: 2009

PostDoctoral Students:


Megan Gall


Todd Freeberg (to U. Tennessee as Asst Prof)

Vladimir Pravosudov (to U.C. Davis as NIH postdoc)



Julie Mauser (M.S), Biol. Sci. ‘The effects of physiological state on communication in the Carolina chickadee (Parus carolinensis)’ (to Indiana Dept Environ. Management)

Lauren Brierley (MS), Biol Sci. (2011), “Vocalizations match auditory processing in the American tree sparrow (Spizella arborea), dark-eyed junco (Junco hyelmalis), and house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus)”

Denise Zielinski (Ph.D.), Biol. Sci. 'Reproductive and environmental influences on energy regulation' (graduated 1996, lecturer at Purdue University)

James Kellam (PhD), Biol. Sci. (graduated 2003 – Umbarger Award Winner for best graduate thesis in Biol. Sci. – teaching at St. Vincent College, LaTrobe PA) ‘Downy woodpecker pair bond maintenance in winter: proximate and ultimate mechanisms’

Adam Boyko (PhD), Biol. Sci. (graduated 2005 – Umbarger Award Winner for best graduate thesis in Biol. Sci. – postdoc at Cornell University) ‘The evolution of warning coloration in Heliconius butterflies’

Kerry Fanson (PhD), Biol. Sci. (graduated 2009; research position with Taronga Conservation Society, Australia). “Stress and reproductive physiology in Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis): implications for in-situ and ex-situ conservation”

Ken Henry (PhD 2010; postdoc at Purdue University in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences Dept), Biol. Sci: awarded H.E. Umbarger Outstanding Graduate Student in Research (2009), plus (2009): Purdue University Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching and (2008): Dept Biological Sciences Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant. “The functional significance of auditory variation in songbirds”

Mark Nolen (PhD), Biol Sci. (graduated 2010) : “Multi-species mobbing assemblages: behavioral asymmetries, vocal facilitation of social behavior, and the link of acoustic structure to function”

Megan Gall (PhD), Biol Sci. (graduated 2012): “Effects of species, sex and season on auditory processing in songbirds”

Ben Fanson (non-thesis M.S.), Biol Sci (graduated 2006, PhD at Macquarie University)

Wendy Binder (non-thesis M.S.), Biol. Sci. (graduated 1993, Ph.D. at UCLA)

Steven Walter (non-thesis M.S.), Biol. Sci. (graduated 1994)

Yohan Lee (non-thesis M.S.), Biol. Sci. (graduated 1995, Ph.D. at U. Michigan in Education)

Kellie Herbst (non-thesis M.S.), Biol Sci. (graduated 1995, teach high school in Ohio)

Joy Whitsel (non-thesis M.S.), Biol Sci. (graduated 2000, enter school of education at Purdue)


Nathan Robinson (PhD)

Kelly Ronald (PhD)

UNDERGRADUATE Honors Students:

Raquel Boudinier (graduated 1991): Honor's thesis title: "Long-term aspects of caching decisions in the Carolina chickadee"

Vinita Mehta (graduated 1994): Honor's thesis title: "Energy Regulation Tactics in Carolina Chickadees"

Nicole Checker (graduated 1994): Honor's thesis title: "Seasonal patterns in energy regulation in the grey squirrel"

Jennifer Echlin (graduated 1995, Singleton Award Winner [best honor’s thesis for 1995 in Biol. Sci.]): Honor’s thesis title: “Seasonal changes in behavior patterns of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)”

Melina Lorenz (graduated 1997): Honor’s thesis title: “Seasonal changes in the vocal communication of Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis)”

Carolyn Kelsch (graduated 2000): Honor’s thesis title: “Body condition as an indicator of niche quality in a population of non-breeding season Downy woodpeckers”

Barbara Clucas (graduated 2002, Singleton Award Winner [best honor’s thesis for 1995 in Biol. Sci.]): Honor’s thesis title: “The role of ‘syntax’ in a complex vocal signal: the chick-a-dee call of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis)”

Kristin Bledsoe [graduated 2005]: “Communication of physiological state”

Lauren Kapernaros [graduated 2009]: “Personality in Canada lynx”

MARC Students:

Liza Jimenez-Rodriguez (summer 1992): "Energy regulation in grey squirrels"

Sariely Rosado (summer 1996): ”The effect of hunger levels on the structure of the chick-a-dee call in Carolina chickadees”

José Vilches-Moure (summer 2000): ”Avian pair bond maintenance”

Semarhy Quinones-Soto (summer 2001): “How host specific are the Heliconius to the Passiflora? Oviposition choice as an indicator of successfulness of H. charitonia”

SROP (Summer Research Opportunity Program) Students:

Anthea Saez (LSAMP: summer 2007) – “Interspecific communication between white-breasted nuthatches and Carolina chickadees in mixed species flocks”


Animal Behaviour (associate editor): 1997-1998

Animal Behaviour (editor): 1998-2000

Animal Behaviour (executive editor): 2000-2003

Animal Behaviour (statistics editor): 2003-2010

Animal Behaviour (editoral board): 2003-


NSF, Dissertation Improvement Proposals Panel, Directorate of Biological Sciences, May 11-12, 1995

NSF, Dissertation Improvement Proposals Panel, Directorate of Biological Sciences, March 4-5, 1996

NSF, Dissertation Improvement Proposals Panel, Directorate of Biological Sciences, February 10-11, 1997

NSF, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biosciences Related to the Environment Panel, February 23-24 1998

NIMH, Special Initiatives Panel, Division of Extramural Activities, November 24 1998

NSF, Dissertation Improvement Proposals Panel, Directorate of Biological Sciences, February , 2004

NSF, Graduate Research Fellowship Program, February 6-8, 2006

NSF, Animal Behavior Proposal Review Panel, October 18-20, 2006

NSF, Animal Behavior Proposal Review Panel, Oct 28-30, 2009


1 Lucas, J.R. and H.J. Brockmann. 1981. Predatory interactions between ants and antlions (Hymenoptera: Formicidae and Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 54:228-232.

2 Lucas, J.R. and L.A. Stange. 1981. Key and descriptions to Myrmeleon larvae of Florida (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Florida Entomologist 64:207-216.

3 Lucas, J.R. 1982. The biophysics of pit construction by antlion larvae (Myrmeleon, Neuroptera). Animal Behaviour 30:651-664.

4 Lucas, J.R. 1982. Feeding ecology of the gulf silverside, Menidia peninsulae, near Crystal River, with notes on its life history. Estuaries 5:138-144.

5 Lucas, J.R. 1983. The role of foraging time constraints and variable prey encounter in optimal diet choice. American Naturalist 122:191-209.

6 Lucas, J.R. and K.A. Benkert. 1983. Variable foraging and cleaning behavior by juvenile leatherjackets Oligoplites saurus (Carangidae). Estuaries 6:247-250.

7 Stamp, N.E. and J.R. Lucas. 1983. Ecological correlates of explosive seed dispersal. Oecologia 59:272-278.

8 Lucas, J.R. 1985. Metabolic rates and pit-construction costs of two antlion species. Journal of Animal Ecology 54:295-309.

9 Lucas, J.R. 1985. Partial prey consumption by antlion larvae. Animal Behaviour 33:945-958.

10 Lucas, J.R. 1985. Time constraints and diet choice: different predictions from different constraints. American Naturalist 126:680-705.

11 Lucas, J.R. and A. Grafen. 1985. Partial prey consumption by ambush predators. Journal of Theoretical Biology 113:455-473.

12 Lucas, J.R. 1986. Ants and antlions: kleptoparasitism of predators by prey. Florida Entomologist 69:702-710.

13 Lucas, J.R. 1987. Foraging time constraints and diet choice. In A.C. Kamil, J.R. Krebs, and H.R. Pulliam (eds.), Foraging Behavior, Plenum, N.Y. pp. 239-269.

14 Lucas, J.R. 1987. The influence of time constraints on the diet of great tits (Parus major). Animal Behaviour 35:1538-1548.

15 Lucas, J.R. and P. Schmid-Hempel. 1988. Diet choice in patches: time-constraint and state-space solutions. Journal of Theoretical Biology 131:307-332.

16 Lucas, J.R. 1989. Differences in habitat use between two pit-building antlion species: causes and consequences. American Midland Naturalist 121:84-98

17 Lucas, J.R. 1989. The structure and function of antlion pits: slope and predator-prey interactions. Animal Behaviour 38:318-330

18 Lucas, J.R. and P.M. Waser. 1989. Defense through exploitation: a Skinner box for tropical rain forests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4:62-63

19 Lucas, J.R. 1990. Time-scale and diet choice decisions. In R.N. Hughes (ed.), Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection. NATO ASI Series, Subseries G: Ecological Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 165-184

20 Jaeger, R.G. and J.R. Lucas. 1990. On evaluation of foraging strategies through estimates of reproductive success. In R.N. Hughes (ed.), Behavioural Mechanisms of Food Selection. NATO ASI Series, Subseries G: Ecological Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 83-94

21 Stamp, N.E. and J.R. Lucas. 1990. Spatial patterns and dispersal distances of explosively-dispersing plants in Florida sandhill vegetation. Journal of Ecology 78:589-600

22 Lucas, J.R and L.R. Walter. 1991. When should chickadees hoard food? Theory and experimental results. Animal Behaviour 41:579-601

23 Lucas, J.R., L. Peterson and R. Boudinier. 1993. The effects of time constraints and changes in body mass and satiation on the simultaneous expression of caching and diet-choice decisions. Animal Behaviour 45:639-658.

24 Lucas, J.R. 1994. Regulation of cache stores and body mass in Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis). Behavioral Ecology 5:171-181

25 Waser, P.M., S.R. Creel and J.R. Lucas. 1994. Death and disappearance: estimating mortality risks associated with philopatry and dispersal. Behavioral Ecology 5:135-141

26 Cresse, A.D, S.H. Hulbert, W.E. Brown, J.R. Lucas and J.L. Bennetzen. 1995. Mu1-related transposable elements of maize preferentially insert into low copy number DNA. Genetics 140:315-324

27 Lucas, J.R. and R.D. Howard. 1995. On alternative reproductive tactics in anurans: dynamic games with density- and frequency-dependence. American Naturalist 146:365-397

28 Lucas, J.R., S.R. Creel and P.M. Waser. 1996. How to measure inclusive fitness, revisited. Animal Behaviour 51:225-228

29 Lucas, J.R., R.D. Howard and J.G. Palmer. 1996. Callers and satellites: chorus behavior in anurans as a stochastic dynamic game. Animal Behaviour 51:501-518

30 Lucas, J.R., S.R. Creel and P.M. Waser. 1997 Dynamic optimization, kin selection and dispersal strategies: an evaluation of future fitness effects. In N. Solomon and J. French (eds.), Cooperative breeding in mammals. Cambridge Univ. Press. Pp 171-198.

31 Lucas, J.R. and D.L. Zielinski. 1998. Seasonal variation in the effect of cache pilferage on cache and body mass regulation in Carolina chickadees: what are the trade-offs? Behavioral Ecology 9:193-200.

32 Lucas, J.R., A. Schraeder and C. Jackson. 1999. Carolina chickadee (Aves, Paridae, Poecile carolinensis) vocalization rates: effects of body mass and food availability under aviary conditions. Ethology 105:503-520.

33 Pravosudov, V.V. & J.R. Lucas. 2000. The effect of social dominance on fattening and food-caching behavior in Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 60:483-493.

34 Pravosudov, V.V. & J.R. Lucas. 2000. The costs of being cool: a dynamic model of nocturnal hypothermia by small food-caching birds in winter. Journal of Avian Biology 31:463-472.

35 Lucas, J.R., V.V. Pravosudov & D.L. Zielinski. 2001. A re-evaluation of the logic of pilferage effects, predation risk and environmental variability on avian energy regulation: the critical role of time budgets. Behavioral Ecology 12:246-260.

36 Pravosudov,V.V. & J.R. Lucas. 2001. A dynamic model of energy management in small food-caching passerine birds. Behavioral Ecology 12:207-218.

37 Pravosudov,V.V. & J.R. Lucas. 2001. Daily patterns of energy management in food-caching birds and diurnal predation risk: a dynamic model. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 50:239-250.

38 Freeberg, T.M. & J.R. Lucas. 2002. Receivers respond differently to chick-a-dee calls varying in note composition in Carolina Chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Animal Behaviour 63:837-845.



41 Freeberg, T.M., JR. Lucas & B Clucas. 2003. Variation in chick-a-dee calls of a population of Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis: identity and redundancy within note types. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113:2127-2136

42 Boyko, AR, RM Gibson & JR Lucas. 2004. How predation risk affects the temporal dynamics of avian leks: greater sage grouse vs. golden eagles. American Naturalist 163:154-165.

43 Clucas, BA, TM Freeberg & JR Lucas.2004. Chick-a-dee call syntax, social context, and season affect vocal responses of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 57:187-196

44 Kellam, JS, JC Wingfield & JR Lucas. 2004. Annual cycle of testosterone and non-breeding season pairing behavior in male and female downy woodpeckers. Hormones and Behavior 46:703-714

45 Lucas, JR, A Brodin, SR de Kort & NS Clayton. 2004. Does Hippocampal Size Correlate with the Degree of Caching Specialization? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271:2423-2429

46 Balaji, B, K O’Conner, JR Lucas, JM Anderson & LN Csonka. 2005. Timing of induction of osmotically controlled genes in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium determined with quantitative real time RT-PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (12): 8273-8283

47 Garamszegi,LZ & JR Lucas. 2005. Continental variation in relative hippocampal volume in birds: the phylogenetic extent of the effect and the role of wintering temperatures. Biology Letters 1:330-333

48 Kellam JS, JR Lucas & JC Wingfield. 2006. The role of testosterone in male downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) in winter home range use, mate interactions, and female foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour 71:695-707

49 Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, J Egbert & H Schwabl. 2006. Corticosterone, body mass, and caching rates of Carolina chickadees from disturbed and undisturbed sites. Hormones & Behavior 49:634-643

50 Lucas, JR & LW Simmons. 2006. 50 years of Animal Behaviour. In JR Lucas & LW Simmons (eds), Essays on Animal Behaviour: Celebrating 50 years of Animal Behaviour. Elsevier Press. pp 1-3.

51 Freeberg, TM, MC Baker, LL Bloomfield, I Charrier, DE Gammon, JP Hailman, TT Lee, JR Lucas, DJ Mennill, CB Sturdy. 2007. Complexities in vocal communication. In KA Otter (ed), Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees and Titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, pp 235-240.

52 Lucas, JR & TM Freeberg. 2007. “Information” and the chick-a-dee call: communicating with a complex vocal system. In KA Otter (ed), Ecology and Behaviour of Chickadees and Titmice: an integrated approach. Oxford Univ. Press, pp 199-213.

53 Lucas JR, TM Freeberg, GR Long, & A Krishnan. 2007. Seasonal variation in avian auditory evoked responses to tones: a comparative analysis of Carolina chickadees, tufted titmice, and white-breasted nuthatches. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 193:201-215

54. Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2008. Coevolution of auditory sensitivity and temporal resolution with acoustic signal space in three songbirds. Animal Behaviour 76:1659-1671

55 Jannot JE, SA Wissinger, JR Lucas. 2008. Diet and pond-drying alter life history trade-offs and resource allocation patterns in a caddisfly (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae). Biol. J. Linnean Society 95: 495-504    

56 Lucas, JR & RD Howard. 2008. Modeling alternative mating tactics as dynamic games. In RF Oliveira, M Taborsky & HJ Brockmann (eds), Alternative Reproductive Tactics. Cambridge University Press, pp 63-82

57 Fanson, KV, NC Wielebnowski, & JR Lucas. 2009. Reproductive physiology of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). In: Iberian Lynx Ex-situ Conservation: An interdisciplinary approach. Eds. A. Vargas, U. Breitenmoser, and C. Breitenmoser. Fundación Biodiversidad, Madrid, Spain, pp. 393-398.

58 Freeberg, TM & JR Lucas. 2009. Pseudoreplication is (still) a problem. Journal of Comparative Psychology 123: 450–451

59 Gaskill, BN, SA Rohr, EA Pajor, JR Lucas, JP Garner. 2009. Some like it hot: mouse temperature preferences in laboratory housing. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 116: 279–285


61 Nolen, MT & JR Lucas. 2009. Asymmetries in mobbing behaviour and correlated intensity during predator mobbing by nuthatches, chickadees, and titmice. Animal Behaviour 77:1137-1146

62 Fanson KV, NC Wielebnowski , TM Shenk, JH Vashon, JR Squires & JR Lucas. 2010. Patterns of ovarian and luteal activity in captive and wild Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 169:217-224

63 Fanson KV, NC Wielebnowski , TM Shenk, WJ Jakubas, JR Squires & JR Lucas. 2010. Patterns of testicular activity in captive and wild Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 169:210-216

64 Gall, MD & JR Lucas. 2010. Sex differences in auditory filters of brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 196:559-567

65 Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2010. Habitat-related differences in the frequency selectivity of auditory filters in songbirds. Functional Ecology 24:614-624

66 Henry, KS & JR Lucas. 2010. Auditory sensitivity and the frequency selectivity of auditory filters in the Carolina chickadee, Poecile carolinensis. Animal Behaviour 80:497-507

67 Lucas, J.R. & T. M. Freeberg. 2010. Overview of Animal Communication.. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Eds-in-chief: M. Breed & J. Moore. Animal Communication Section Editor: J.R. Lucas.

68 Gaskill, BN, JR Lucas, EA Pajor & JP Garner. 2011. Little and often? Maintaining continued performance in an automated T-maze for mice. Behavioral Processes 86:272-278

69 Gaskill, BN, Rohr, SA, Pajor, EA, Lucas, JR, Garner, JP. 2011. Working with what you’ve got: Changes in thermal preference and behavior in mice with or without nesting material. Journal of Thermal Biology[pic] 36:193-199

70 Gall, MD, LE Brierley & JR Lucas. 2011. Species and sex effects on auditory processing in brown-headed cowbirds and red-winged blackbirds. Animal Behaviour 81:973-982

71 Gall, MD, KS Henry & JR Lucas. 2011. Two measures of temporal resolution in brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Journal of Comparative Physiology A

72 Henry KS, MD Gall, G Bidelman & JR Lucas. 2011. Songbirds trade off auditory frequency resolution and temporal resolution. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197: 351-359

73 Freeberg, TM & JR Lucas. 2011. Information theoretical approaches to chick-a-dee calls of Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). Journal of Comparative Psychology


Krams, I., T. Krama, T.M. Freeberg, C. Kullberg, & J.R. Lucas. Social complexity and vocal complexity: a Parid perspective. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B

Gaskill, BN, CJ Gordon, EA Pajor, JR Lucas, JP Garner. Heat or insulation: Behavioral titration of mouse preference for warmth or access to a nest. PLoS ONE


Lucas JR & LW Simmons (eds). 2006. Essays on Animal Behaviour: Celebrating 50 years of Animal Behaviour. Academic Press, Burlington MA.

Breed, M & J Moore (editors-in-chied). 2010. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Elsevier Press. JR Lucas (section editor): Animal Communication.

PAPERS PRESENTED (past 5 years):

2006 Winter Animal Behavior Conference, 14-21 January, Steamboat Springs, CO, "The chick-a-dee language"

2006 Indiana University Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior Symposium, 17 April. “Seasonality in avian auditory processing”

2006 Animal Behavior Conference, 12-16 August, Park City, Utah. Presented talk entitled “Seasonality in avian auditory processing”. Co-authored by T. Freeberg, R. Krishnan and G. Long

2007 Animal Behavior Conference, 21-25 July, Burlington, VT. Presented talk entitled “A comparative analysis of avian auditory responses to complex stimuli”. Co-authored by K.S. Henry. Also: “A comparative study of avian hearing based on auditory evoked potentials: audiograms and temporal resolution.” Presented by Kenneth S. Henry (Jeffrey R. Lucas – co-author)

2007 Purdue University, Dept of Biological Sciences retreat, 9-11 November.  The Swan Lake Resort in Plymouth IN. “Can we use auditory evoked potentials to reverse engineer animal communication?”

2008. Animal Behavior Conference, 17-20 Aug., Snowbird UT. Presented talk entitled: “Using auditory evoked potentials to reverse engineer avian vocal signals.” (co-author: K Henry). Also co-authored talk given by MT Nolen entitled: “Multi-species mobbing behavior: directionality of potential vocal information flow.”

2009. 16th Annual Animal Behavior Conference, Indiana University, Apr 10.. Co-authored talks: “Avian pitch processing in open and closed habitats”. By K.S. Henry and J.R. Lucas, “Avian brain size and success in fragmented habitats”. M.D. Gall and J. Lucas; co-authored poster: “Impacts of habitat fragmentation from forest management on social behavior, vocal communication, and physiological stress in Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). By L. Brierley and J. Lucas

2010. Animal Behavior Conference, 25-29 July. “The acoustic structure-function hypothesis: the receiver perspective”. Presented by MD Gall; co-authors: KS Henry, JR Lucas. “Species and individual variability in auditory processing in four passerines” presented by JR Lucas; co-author: KS Henry. “Effects of anthropogenic noise on red-winged blackbird vocalizations”. Presented by LE Brierley; co-author: JR Lucas.

2011. Symposium on Animal Cognition: Perception, Sensation, information, and ecology: taking the animal’s point of view, 9 April. “The hearing side of cognition: auditory evoked potentials in birds” Presented by JR Lucas; co-authors: KS Henry and MD Gall.

2011. Animal Behavior Conference. 26 July. “Information theory and the chickadee call”. Presented by JR Lucas; co-author: T Freeberg. “The sender-receiver matching hypothesis in two songbirds: implications for active listening space.” Presented by MD Gall; co-authors L Brierley, JR Lucas


2005. Invited workshop on Parid Evolution and Behavior: Chickadees and Titmice, 11-12 Aug, Park City, Utah: Presented invited talk entitled “‘Information’ and the chick-a-dee call: communicating with a complex vocal system.” Co-authored by Todd M. Freeberg

2005. Dept of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, “Seasonal Variation in Avian Communication: “language” and the auditory system”

2007. Dept of Biology, Indiana Univesity, Bloomington, “Avian auditory evoked responses”

2007. Dept of Psychology, Cornell University, NY, Distinguished Speakers in Behavioral and Brain Sciences Seminar Series, “Comparative Analyses of Avian Auditory Performance using Auditory Evoked Responses” and “The “Chick-a-dee” Language“

2008. Dept of Biology, Manchester College, IN. “Species differences in avian auditory processing: say what?”

2008. Dept of Biology, Hope College, MI. “Species differences in avian auditory processing: say what?”

2008. Keynote speaker: Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Illinois State University, Normal, IL “Dynamic optimization and animal behavior”.

2009. HASTI(Hoosier assoc. of science teachers) annual convention; talk sponsored by IABT(Indiana assoc. of Biology teachers). “The Chick-a-dee 'Language'”

2009. Dept. of Biology, Indiana State University. “Auditory processing of sound in birds: say what?”

2010. Dept of Speech, Hearing, and Language Sciences, Purdue Univ, IN. “Auditory processing in birds”

2010. Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington IN. “Dynamic game theory”

2011. Dept of Biology, Virginia Tech. “Auditory processing in birds: say what?”

2011. Dept of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. “Auditory processing in birds: say what?”

2011. Centre College, Danville, KY. “What birds hear and what this tells us about their vocal communication”

2011. Centre College, Danville, KY. “The chick-a-dee language” (lecture for Animal Behavior Class – Stephanie Fabritius class)

2011. Dept of Biology, University of Florida. “From antlions to hearing” (research symposium for H. Jane Brockmann’s retirement)

2011. Wildlife Society, Ball State University, IN. “Hearing in birds: what it tells us about communication”


Laboratories Instructed

University of Florida

Invertebrate Zoology - 3 terms

Cell Biology - 1 term

General Biology - 4 terms

General Zoology - 2 terms

Animal Behavior - 2 terms

Integrated Marine Biology - 1 term

Evolution - 1 term

Ecology - 1 term

College of William and Mary

Ecology - 2 terms

University of Redlands

Ecology - 1 term

Evolution of Behavior - 1 term

Field Biology (freshman biology) - 1 term

Purdue University

Introduction to Ecology - 10 terms

Lecture Courses

University of Florida

Animal Behavior - 1 term

College of William and Mary

Ecology - 2 terms

Biomechanics - 1 term

Predator-Prey Relationships - 1 term

University of Redlands

Ecology - 1 term

Environmental Biology - 1 term

Animal Behavior - 1 term

Field Biology (freshman biology) - 1 term

Purdue University

Animal Behavior - 6 terms

Animal Communication – 5 terms

Biology Resource Seminar - 1 term

Introduction to Ecology - 13 terms

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution – 2 terms

Theoretical Population Ecology - 5 terms

Sensory Ecology – 2 terms

Seminar Courses

Purdue University

Advanced Ecology Discussion – 8 terms

Advanced Evolution Discussion – 5 terms

Seminar in Ecology and Population Biology: Evolutionary mechanisms of individual variation - 1 term

Seminar in Ecology and Population Biology: Statistical methods in ecology and behavior (Biol 696G) - fall 1997

Seminar in Ecology and Population Biology: Animal Communication (Biol 696F) - fall 1998 (with R Howard and T Freeberg)

Seminar in Ecology and Population Biology: Modeling in ecology and behavior: dynamic optimization (Biol 696 G) – fall 2003

Seminar in Ecology and Population Biology: Modeling in ecology and behavior: dynamic optimization (Biol 69600) – fall 2008

Tutorials and Reading Courses

Purdue University

Invertebrate Taxonomy

Readings in Predatory/Prey Ecology

Biological Simulation with C

Readings in Caching Behavior

Diet choice in birds

Dynamic game models of mating behavior

Social Behavior

Predator Prey Dynamics

Social communication of predation risk

Social Communication

Hermaphroditism as a Prisoner's Dilemma Game

Experimental Design

Geographical Variation in Sticklebacks

State-dependent Mating Decisions

Evolution of Parthenogenesis

Topics in Sexual Selection

Evolutionary Genetics

Heterozygosity and Fitness

Vocal communication in passerines

Evolution of mating strategies

Scientific writing

Avian communication

Avian audiology


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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