Code of By-LawsArticle I – NameThe name of this corporation shall be Seymour Area Youth Football League, Inc. The use of this name, likeness or logo without the expressed permission of the Board of Directors of said League is prohibited.Article II – VisionVisionTo become the elite football program of choice among the children of Jackson County, and to attract additional participation by becoming the elite program of Southern Indiana.General Purpose:The purpose of the Seymour Youth Football League, Inc. shall be:Develop and maintain a properly supervised contact football league for youth from the 3rd grade through the 6th gradeEncourage participation and development toward becoming a Seymour Owls Middle School playerEncourage physical and mental growth through keen competitionEmphasize good citizenship and scholastic achievementNurture good sportsmanship and a sense of fair playIntroducing the basic fundamentals of the game of footballTo reacquaint our children to the tradition of being a Seymour Owl Football playerArticle III – MembershipSection 1 – Qualifications for Fall League ParticipationAge – any child is eligible to be a participant if in, or entering for that school year, the third through sixth grade.Section 2 – Membership FeeAll participants shall be requested to pay a registration fee. The registration fee should be paid prior to participation in the program. The board, in the case of financially hardship cases, may provide scholarships for registration fees. Such cases will be approved by the Board of the league.Rental equipment may be available from the Seymour Youth Football LeagueThe board shall establish the registration and equipment rental fee annually.The board reserves the right to post a late feeArticle IV – DirectorsSection 1 – The Board of DirectorsIt is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to govern the functions of the corporation. The governing body of the corporation shall consist of a minimum of five (5) persons and shall be known as the Board of Directors. Specific duties of each position are outlined in the following Section 2. The board may adjust the number of board members as deemed necessary with the growth or decline of the league.Section 2 – Officers of the CorporationPresidentShall preside at all official meetings held by the corporation.Shall act as chairperson of the Board of Directors.Shall be the official spokesperson for the corporation.Shall supervise the work of all other officers and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.Shall have the authority to sign checks issued by the corporation along with the Treasurer and Vice President.Shall have the authority to appoint special committees.Shall represent, or assign someone to represent the corporation’s interest at local community meetings or events that have a bearing on the leagueShall oversee the annual review of by-laws, rules of play and coaches handbook.Shall lead annual business planning efforts to establish annual business objectives and budgetsShall appoint a director if a position is needed or a vacancy occurs.Shall be present to administer the drafting of players along with the Vice President and coaches.Vice PresidentShall preside at all Seymour Youth Football League functions if the President is absentIn conjunction with the President, shall supervise the work of all other officers. The Vice President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.Shall have the authority to sign checks issued by the corporation along with the Treasurer and or PresidentShall be in charge of assigning the Officer of the Day, announcers and timekeepers for each game as well as opening and closing of the fieldsShall hire, appoint and pay all officialsShall be responsible for overseeing the operation of the announcer’s boothShall serve on the By-Laws and Rules of Play CommitteeShall be present to administer the drafting of players along with the Vice President and coaches.Administrative CoordinatorShall notify all board members of scheduled meetingsShall keep accurate minutes of all official meetings of the corporationShall be responsible for all correspondence of the corporationShall keep and file all committee members and their contact informationShall oversee all team parents and file contact informationShall maintain a complete record of all league participationShall maintain the league database for players’ informationShall maintain and distribute year-end surveys when necessaryTreasurerShall handle all of the corporation finances.Shall keep a record of all the corporation’s income and expenditures.Shall prepare a written monthly financial report for the Board of Directors.Shall have the authority to sign checks issued by the corporation along with the President’s and/or Vice President’s signature.Shall keep the corporations book and file all necessary reports to the Secretary of StateShall ask for receipts for all bills owed by the corporation.Shall assist in the preparation of all tax and financial reports.Shall assist with the registration of players.Shall be responsible for obtaining insurance coverage on all league property and liability, and Dishonesty Bond.Shall provide the league with an annual and equipment budget at the beginning of the year.Trustee – Director of EquipmentShall maintain a written inventory of the entire corporation’s equipment.Shall oversee the return of all equipment owned by the corporation.Shall oversee the issuance of all uniforms, mouth guards and t-shirts to participants.Shall pack and store equipment during the off-season.Shall oversee inspection and reconditioning, as required, of all SAYFL equipment at the end of the season.Shall maintain the listing of all needed equipment for submittal for Board of Directors approval.Shall be responsible for brainstorming and organizing equipment purchase opportunities for players through vendors.Trustee – Director of Concessions OperationsOversee complete and total operation of concessions.Shall coordinate collections of daily receipts and submit to the treasurer on a timely basisShall organize a concession workers list, including dates, names and contact information and submit it to the Director of AdministrationShall work with the Seymour High School and Seymour Middle School Athletic Departments on usage of concession facilities.Trustee – Director of FundraisingShall brainstorm, organize, advertise and oversee all fundraising activities and events.Shall work directly with the Treasurer on financial issues resulting from fundraising effortsShall coordinate collections of receipts and submit to the treasurer on a timely basis. Trustee – Director of New Business DevelopmentShall create sponsorship packagesShall solicit/propose new sponsors/donorsShall negotiate, create, maintain and renew contracts with sponsorsShall provide sponsors with invoices and collect sponsorship monies in adherence to the contractShall collect information to advertise sponsor (Ex: logo, slogan, website, contact name)Shall deliver annual recognition award to each sponsor and create appreciation announcement at the conclusion of the seasonDirector of League DivisionShall coordinate all functions of the divisionSelect coachesPlace players on teamsShall work to assign any player who registers after the draft of teams.Develop and monitor the flag football rules of playOversee the flag football skills session and game playShall work to transfer any player from one team to another with mutual consent between coaches and parent/guardianSection 3 – Non-voting Director positions within the corporationDirector of CoachesWill be the Head High School Football coach at Seymour Community SchoolsShall organize and run required coaches learning clinicsShall recommend to the Board of Directors for their approval, a list of coaches for each team in the corporationShall develop a coaches evaluation tool to be given to all coaches before the seasonShall conduct post-season coaches evaluationsShall train coaches on draft rules and procedures Director of SAYFL Travel TeamShall oversee the travel program and submit a budget for approval by the Board of DirectorsShall recommend to the Board of Directors for their approval, a list of coaches and assistant coaches for the travel teamPlayer Safety CoachEnsure all coaches within the organization have completed the USA Football Level 1 Coach Certification course no later than Aug. 15 (any new coaches added after Aug. 15 should complete the certification within 2 weeks)Conduct a Heads Up Coaches Clinic for all head coaches to educate each on the core elements of Heads Up Football (concussion recognition and response, equipment fitting, heat preparedness and hydration, sudden cardiac, and Heads Up Tackling and Blocking)Conduct a Heads Up Parent Safety Meeting to educate adults on the core elements of Heads Up FootballCheck that coaches are using practice plans, properly teaching Heads Up Tackling and using the Levels of Contact approach to reduce the opportunity for helmet contact in practicesAttend games. Serve as an on-field expert, spot-checker and parent liaison to advance Heads Up Football and player safetyCommunicate organization's concerns, questions and successes to your commissioner and USA FootballPlayer Safety Coach RequirementsAnnually complete USA Football’s online, Annually complete USA Football's online, Level 1 Certification or Recertification coaching courseRegister for and attend a one-day, in-person USA Football Player Safety Coach training clinic annuallyProfileAn experienced, credible coach or official that has earned the respect of coaches and parents and is committed to a better, safer game. Strong reputation as a role model for players and responsive to parent questions and concerns.Leadership qualities, specifically related to teaching and interacting with coaches, parents, and players.Shows willingness and a commitment to learn best practices and teach them in our organization.Section 4 – AttendanceAny board member who cannot attend a schedule board meeting shall notify the presiding officer as to the reason for their absence. The board may remove any members who have missed three (3) unexcused board meetings without a legitimate excuse by majority vote of the board.Section 5 – VacanciesAny directorship vacated by resignation or otherwise, will be filled by a majority vote of the Board.Section 6 – SAYFL Travel TeamThe Seymour Area Youth Football League will provide a travel opportunity for players twelve (12) years of age and under by August 1st of that year participate in the SAYFL Regular Season league and/or their respective school team.The travel team will consist of an open tryout on a date decided by the Board. The travel will consist of no more than twenty-six (26) players, unless otherwise approved by the Board.The Head Coach and Assistant Coaches of the travel team will be recommended for the Board of Directors approval by the Director of the travel team.Any 7th grade player that meets the age requirement of various travel tournaments will be allowed to try out for the travel team.There will be no participation in Travel Football until after the first Regular season game is played in the SAYFL.If a player is not able to play in a SAYFL game, they will not be eligible for the following travel team.Additional fees for equipment, travel, games, and/or tournament entry, may be applied to players who make the Travel Team.At the end of the year, the travel team Head Coach will meet with the President and Director of the Travel Team to review the responsibilities of being the Head Coach.Article VI – CommitteesSection 1 – Standing Committees (if no committee is defined, it will become a responsibility of the Board)Registration CommitteeThis committee shall have as its Chairperson the Director of Administration. It shall be the duty of this committee to:Oversee and conduct the registration of all players into the corporationMaintain and file current applications of all players in the corporationRules of Play and By-Laws CommitteeIt shall be the duty of this committee to:Create the rules of play for all levels of the corporation.Create a Code of Conduct which all players and parents will be expected to abide by.Budget/Finance CommitteeThis committee shall have as its Co-Chairpersons the President, Vice President and Treasurer. It shall be the duty of this committee to:Prepare the annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors.Recommend expenditures on behalf of the league.Provide budget reports to the Board of DirectorsCoaches CommitteeThis committee shall have as its League Directors. It shall be the duty of this committee to:Receive all coaching applications for recommendation to the Board of Directors.Collect background checks of interested coaching candidates.Concession CommitteeThis committee shall be responsible for all business connected with the concession stand. The Director of Concessions shall chair this committee. Other committee members will also include the President and Treasurer of the League.Article VII – Meetings/VotingSection 1 – Regular MeetingsThe Board of Directors shall hold a regular monthly business meeting, the time and place to be approved at each previous meeting.Section 2 – Special MeetingsThe President can call special business meetings. Only pre-designated items of business may be discussed at such meetings.Section 3 –ProceduresA quorum, which consists of 2/3rd of the total Board of Directors, must be present to conduct any business at all Board of Director meetings. Unless expressly stated elsewhere in the By-laws, the Board of Directors may only take action on a motion by a majority vote of the board membership.Require a minimum 2/3 board member vote to pass any changesSection 4 - Electronic VotesElectronic votes can apply when deemed necessary by the President.Section 5 – Fiduciary VoteAny expenditure outside of the approved budget shall be voted upon by every voting member of the Board of Directors, and require 2/3 approving votes.Article VIII – DraftsSection 1 – Evaluation/Ranking PlayersPlayers will be evaluated at a “combine” date at sign-ups.Players will be evaluated on a series of basic drills based on their position.Players will be ranked and approved by all coaches in that division prior to the draft.Players will then be separated into two categories: skill players and linemen. All players will be ranked in one of the two categories.Players will be given a 1, 2, or 3 ranking, 1 being the most skilled/talented and 3 being the least skilled/talented.Section 2 – Predetermined Draft SelectionsCoach’s ChildrenCoach’s own children will be slotted to the appropriate round as determined by the rankings.The coach will not have an additional selection during the round that their child is slotted.The coach’s child(ren) will automatically be put on their respective team when the draft has ended. Coach’s child(ren) will not be additional players, they will be within the maximum number of players on a team.Other Predetermined PlayersDefined as other players that may require them to play on the same team (i.e. brothers, cousins, special circumstances).All players included in this category must be determined prior to the draft and made known to the drafting coaches.All predetermined players must be approved by the Director of CoachesPlayers that have been predetermined to play for the same team will be drafted by the highest ranked playerOnce selected, the other player(s) that are associated with the highest ranked player will become selection(s) of that coach. These additional selections will then be slotted to the appropriate round based upon the rankings. These selections will serve as that coach’s selection for that round and no additional selections will be allowed for these rounds.Once drafted teams have been chosen, they will be assigned a number. Coaches will randomly draw one number and that will be their team. Section 3 – Draft OrderCoach’s draft order will be a random draw performed by the Director of Coaches with the coaches present.The draft will be a snake draft where the coach with the last pick of a given round will have the first pick of the subsequent round and so forth.Coach’s children will be taken out of the draft order and placed on the correct teams, using up draft spots for that coach.Section 4 – ProcedureThe President and Vice President will determine the number of teams based upon the number of registered players for that division. The draft board will consist of placing the number “1” on the board, continuing to the right in alphabetical order until all teams are represented with a number and corresponding column. These numbers and columns will be used to conduct the draft slotting of predetermined players, draft position and actual selection process. The draft format shall be as follows:RoundPlayer1Skill2Skill3Skill4Skill5Lineman6Lineman7Lineman8Skill9Skill10LinemanThe draft will be a controlled draft where the selections available to the coach will only be those listed on the draft board.The draft board will consist of the players in three ranking pools (1’s, 2’s and 3’s) and split into two groups (Linemen and Skilled).Coaches will begin the draft by selecting only skilled players with 1 rankingsWhen the last skilled player ranked a 1 is selected, all of the skilled players ranked 2 will become available and coaches will continue the snake draft format with this ranking pool available. This process will continue until all of the skilled players ranked 2 are gone. At this point, all skilled players ranked 3 will be selectedEach draft selection will be subject to a time limit and communicated to the coaches prior to the draft.After the last selection of skilled players is completed, linemen will be added to the draft board.Lineman will be drafted following the same format as the skill players.The coach with the last pick in the first round of the skilled portion of the draft will have the 1st pick of the first round of the Lineman draft, and so forth.If a parent has written in to the Board of Directors requesting that their child not play for a particular coach, that particular coach will be notified of the request prior to the draft and the coach will not be allowed to draft that player.All written requests must be received by parent/guardians prior to the draft and approved by the Board.In the event that there are major discrepancies in the number of players on each team, the Director of Coaches reserves the right to move players ranked 3’s to proper teams.The final review of the draft shall be done by the Director of CoachesArticle IX – AmendmentsSection 1 – ProcessThe Code of By-laws and/or Rules of Play may be altered, repealed or amended, in whole or in part, and a new Code of By-laws and/or Rules of Play may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors or at a special meeting of the Board of Directors. These changes must be voted upon by every voting member of the Board of Directors and require 70% approving votes.Notice of any special meeting shall contain notice of such proposed changes.Article X – Fiscal YearSection 1 – DefinedThe fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of January in each year and end on the last day of December of the same year.Article XI – Weather PolicySection 1 – ProcessWeather - The safety of the participants, officials, and spectators is the primary concern in cases of inclement weather. League Directors, Game Officials or Coaches will have the responsibility to remove the players from the field if the conditions become extreme. If ordered to do so, please find shelter until instructed to return to the playing field or told that the game has been cancelled. Game Cancellations and Rescheduling - If a game is cancelled due to weather or other unforeseeable circumstances, efforts will be made to reschedule that game. However, due to time restraints and/or field usage conflicts, some games may not be made up. It will be the decision of the Board of Directors when and if the games are made up. Special circumstances may be taken into consideration. Game cancellations will be determined by 8:30am on Saturdays. League Directors will contact Head Coaches. Information will also be posted on Facebook. ................

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